
恋爱假期:You were that happy.
发布于: 0:00:14
BGM: & 影片介绍: 英国女子爱丽斯(凯特温斯莱特饰)和美国女子阿曼达(卡梅伦迪亚兹饰)都刚刚经历了一段失败的恋情,同时也都经历了男朋友的背叛,因此决定在圣诞节到来之际离开这块伤心之处,到一个全新的地方过一个平静的假期,以平复自己的沮丧心情。一次偶然的机会,这两个有着相同遭遇的女子在互联网上碰面了,两个人的想法不谋而合,她们为自己的假期做了一个大胆又令人兴奋的决定,那就是互相交换自己的住所供对方度假。因此爱丽斯踏上了去美国的班机,而阿曼达也来到了英国爱丽斯所居住的具有浓浓英伦情调的小屋…… & 今日一句: How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy? 最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。 & 经典片段:
I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible,      and how it can actually ache in places that you didn't know you had inside you,
and it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get& or gyms you join or how many glasses of&& chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends, you still go to bed every night going over every detail,     and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy? And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new,and you'll meet people
and you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again, and little pieces of your soul will finally come back.& And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted,&
我了解那种渺小又微不足道的感受 就算遍体鳞伤也要故作坚强 不管换了几个新发型或是去健身或是和姊妹淘喝白酒 日日夜夜都仍在回想着每个细节 纳闷自己到底哪里错了 哪里误解了 最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉 错当成永久的快乐 有时候会说服自己 他会想清楚回来的经历过这一切后 人还是会重新开始 再遇到值得付出的人 然后一点一点地重拾自信 而那些模糊的回忆
那么多年浪费掉的人生 终究会开始消逝
& 经典片段:
& 锋哥陪你唠电影&:
& 节目奖励: & 抄写名言150HY
提交录音150HY & 1、凯特·温丝莱特曾经出演了什么电影?大头儿子与小头爸爸葫芦兄弟泰坦尼克号套马的汉子你威武雄壮 & & 上期节目回顾: 下期节目:To&be&continued
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:哈哈哈
希望节目越来越好 加油
快走 我知道楼主肯定不会举报我的对吗 【又没节操了
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy? 最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible,      and how it can actually ache in places that you didn't know you had inside you,and it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get
or gyms you join or how many glasses of
chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends, you still go to bed every night going over every detail,     and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy? And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new,and you'll meet peopleand you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again, and little pieces of your soul will finally come back.
And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted
(Love adventure)
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(Leave Me Alone)
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
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you still go to bed every night going over every detail,     and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?
How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:套马的汉子你威武雄壮,哈哈哈
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(不经风雨 怎见彩虹)
How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?答题用时:[01:20]
(不经风雨 怎见彩虹)
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible,      and how it can actually ache in places that you didn't know you had inside you,and it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get
or gyms you join or how many glasses of
chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends, you still go to bed every night going over every detail,     and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy? And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new,and you'll meet peopleand you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again, and little pieces of your soul will finally come back.
And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted,     我了解那种渺小又微不足道的感受就算遍体鳞伤也要故作坚强不管换了几个新发型或是去健身或是和姊妹淘喝白酒 日日夜夜都仍在回想着每个细节 纳闷自己到底哪里错了 哪里误解了最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉 错当成永久的快乐 有时候会说服自己 他会想清楚回来的经历过这一切后 人还是会重新开始再遇到值得付出的人 然后一点一点地重拾自信而那些模糊的回忆那么多年浪费掉的人生终究会开始消逝
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:这个题目的选项我很喜欢those years of your life that you wasted,
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:很轻松愉快的电影!
How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?
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嘿嘿 谢谢 ~~~ 喜欢就好~~
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:我还以为峰哥是个男生。。
How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。
棒棒的 ~下次试着带着感情去读读~~
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共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?最后自问怎么会把短暂的欢愉,错当成永久的快乐。
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% 体会:How in the hell, for that brief moment, you could think that you were that happy?
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:
共答对了1道题,正确率为:100% -----------------------仅楼主可见内容-----------------------体会:套马的汉子你威武雄壮,哈哈
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(Day Day Up!)
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