
  简单对比看,美国的CMA因为偏向于管理会计,同ACCA并没有太大的可比性,但有一个好处是CMA可以免考ACCA Level 1的七门课。如果你并没有太多免考,又想考ACCA,倒是可以采取这么一个迂回路线。因为现在CMA只有两门课,而且也相对简单,如果你连CMA都过不了,也不要去考ACCA了,因为ACCA整体上要更难。
  4)同时考US GAAP和IFRS;考完以后你就无敌了;
楼主发言:1次 发图:72张 | 更多
  楼上误解了,我的本意是这些证书都没什么牛的,特别是在你考过以后,重要的还是看工作经验和工作能力,特别是沟通方面的能力。    我曾经以为现在国内的美国CPA应该不超过500个,我考完美国CPA,再找工作,职位上应该向总监和CFO靠近,没想到还不行。所以找工作主要是工作经验。    但是楼上的楼上所说的美国CPA受人尊敬这一说我有切身体会,这一点上要比中国CPA的信誉度高很多。这一切究竟是怎么造成的,我也说不清。    其实美国CPA有三十多万人,比中国CPA人数要多,为什么他们那个群体给人的感觉和中国CPA这个群体给人的感觉会有那么大的差异。我自己也经常不屑我身边的一些中国CPA,他们确实没有给人非常专业的那种感觉,甚至有些人你会感觉他仅仅是会考试而已,论技术,论能力,论沟通,没有什么地方会强过其他的同事。    我很困惑中国的CPA怎样才能建立起自己的声誉,特别是这种credibility如何能够被世界所认可。
  楼主 我现在在考CPA 当时只是为了寻条出路 现在才发现 CPA没有我们想的那么神圣 也没有我们想的那么好 不管怎样 这个社会 证书仅仅只是一块敲门砖 最重要的还是靠自己
  回楼上,我的工作年头比你多三年而已,我的建议未必是好的,但我个人感觉男生在会计方面有优势,而女生则可以根据你的想法权衡是否需要迎难而上(相对于男生的优势),我也接触过的一些女士总监,CFO之类的,往往都是性格很强势的那种。    所以如果说我个人的建议的话,我建议你专业上仍然以会计为主要方向,而非资金,成本,业务计划控制等这些方向,他们往往更加注重人际交往能力,能力方面以英文口语沟通能力为突破方向,还是向欧美大公司方向发展,通常他们的环境比较轻松,在前几年可以通过锻炼提高沟通能力逐步获得提升至会计经理或财务经理的岗位,在这个位置上可以多待些年份,找个好点的公司,不用太多跳槽,上面有总监或CFO帮你撑着,下边有accountant帮你做事,性价比上并不一定会比CFO差。    但是我们男生就不行了,养家糊口必须的再往上奔了。暂时没能力创业的情况下,只能向CFO努力了。    不知道是否合适,仅供参考了。
  回:陌颜SKY  正如我一开始讲的,在准备考每个证书之前,都觉得它是很美好的,但考完了以后,也就这么回事,但这个不应该成为我们前进的阻碍或者是放弃的借口,我依然觉得所有的证书本身的学习过程是有意义的,而最后拿到的这个证书本身也是有意义的,只是我们不能把它过于神圣化。    我个人认为花在学习方面的成本(金钱和时间)最终是可以轻松的获得回报的(精神上和金钱上).
  感谢,感谢!!  会计的终极梦想呀  一个初涉世事的大学生来访了……
  我也是属于迷茫期,不知道该考什么证来提升自己  看了lz的文章,给自己提供多几条思路吧
  回:zyxx207374  说AICPA是会计的终极梦想有点过,我个人觉得做会计的终极梦想是脱离会计,进入到真正的Business运营。但是AICPA的确有不少好处,有了它,基本上不需要再考别的证书了,很多国外的证书都可以拿AICPA去换证(一般是交钱+考当地法规)。
  回楼上,考证是个漫长的历程,当然也可以选择不考,不过很多发誓不考的人,到后来心里还是痒痒的,不知道为什么会有这么一个怪现象。    我个人推荐美国的证,CPA也好,CMA也好,比较实用,企业认可度也高,而且毕竟美国的企业比欧洲的多很多,想想看,知名的品牌说10个美国的,说10个欧洲的,哪个更容易说的出?    证书对就业总是有潜在的帮助的,当然不是决定因素,不如“我爸是李刚”来的见效,但是就学习过程来说,如果认真对待的话,收获会很多。特别是如果可以遇到一个负责任一点的老师,就很好。我学美国CPA的时候遇到李星亮老师(前分众传媒CFO),他就很负责任,除了考证之外学到很多东西。
  回:迷糊路痴   刚毕业那会很羡慕事务所的工作,做过一年不到,感觉同我的兴趣不太相符,后来一直在企业做,感觉面比较宽,后面找工作还是更倾向于企业。    CPA的确主要是为审计准备的,我个人觉得CMA在企业里面用处更大一点,尽管企业用人单位还是首先会看你有没有CPA,只能说从一般的HR招聘角度考虑,CPA比CMA更能有效的识别谁更像HR的想要的客户。
  推荐一个商业博客,尽管有广告内容,但是涉及很多美国CPA考试方面的信息,特别是一些正在考试的考生的经验分享,很值得一读。    .cn/s/articlelist__0_1.html    .
  晕菜,CMA考试能优惠这么多,755美元,我考试那会儿怎么没?    /cma_offerslist.php?MenuID=005003&ID=1387    .
  晕菜,CMA考试能优惠这么多,755美元? 我考试那会儿怎么没?    /cma_offerslist.php?MenuID=005003&ID=1387    .
  回:大爱萎缩,  考美国CPA,英语固然是个重要的条件,但是我个人认为四级应该可以了,当然你有六级,托福,GRE,专业六级,八级更好。但是对考试帮助最大的应该是专业英语方面,比如我本人,仅有四级而已,但是因为工作的关系,英语的运用还算可以,所以语言方面尽管也遇到一些问题,但是都可以克服的。
  纽约州CPA执照的申请要求:  .cn/s/blog_652f232b0100mmu5.html    纽约州CPA考试的相关要求:  .cn/s/blog_652f232b0100mmtp.html
  楼上,如果报培训班的话,通常已经包括了书费,比如自成咨询、中华会计网校和美国Becker联合举办的培训班,包括Becker全套的课程资料,培训费3万元,应该会有一定优惠。考试费方面(包括学费评估等全套流程)大概要1200美金左右,人民币接近8千元吧。差旅费要看你飞几次,我自己是飞两次,一次关岛,一次纽约,总费用大概2万不到,当然有些费用可能不太应该计算到考试里,因为在纽约多待的几天时间纯粹是玩的。    这样看下来,总费用应该不超过6万,如果你能飞一次搞定的话,应该5万元也够了。    ACCA和美国CPA的问题,我不好说,ACCA牌子挺响的,但实际上在国际上专业地位还比较低。从专业方面我推荐楼上看一篇帖子,只是反映了美国CPA的某一个方面的优势,或许有助于你扩宽思路,来对比ACCA考试和美国CPA考试。    /viewthread.php?tid=5603    .
  刚好在关注这个,多谢楼主。  考试用到的英文难不难?
  楼主,我也是刚毕业的,现在在一家不错的国企做,是上市公司,但在很偏僻的地方,以后我估计还是想往发达的一些地方的外企做,我的努力方向该如何呢?  PS:毕业后的两个月本来是在上海的一家外企,可是发现是做财务咨询,学到的东西对未来的预想发展有差距,所以就回来了。
  楼主,我也是刚毕业的,现在在一家不错的国企做,是上市公司,但在很偏僻的地方,以后我估计还是想往发达的一些地方的外企做,我的努力方向该如何呢?    PS:毕业后的两个月本来是在上海的一家外企,可是发现是做财务咨询,学到的东西对未来的预想发展有差距,所以就回来了。    恩,如果你没有任何经验就去做什么财务咨询,显然是不合适的,但是咨询业还是非常有前途的,你可以接触各式各样的案例,学到的东西会比较多。
  中华会计网校上有这个辅导的,你去那上面看看吧.    是的,目前美国Becker公司和中华会计网校以及上海的自成咨询合作开展美国CPA培训,产品和服务都很不错。详情可以看一下他们的网站。
我现在是大四的会计学本科生,大二时候考了CPA的一门会计没及格,感觉CPA其实也就那么回事,没有了考下去的动力于是放弃了。    前阵子刚从事务所辞职,是在中石油总部实习。事务所不适合我,也发誓一辈子不进事务所了。我现在正在考虑是否转行向其他行业发展,我不怕所谓的从头开始。    不过看过楼主的话,又让我重新对会计这行业找回一点希望(楼主的年薪实在诱人)。现在想请教楼主几个问题:    1.楼主在拥有了这些证书之后,有过因为薪水问题而考虑过向其他行业发展的想法吗?(虽然你现在说你不看重薪水了)  2.进外企做财务的话,以楼主的阅历能否帮忙列举几个适合本科毕业生的财务方面的工作岗位?(只为混口饭)  3.想不到有什么可问的了..暂时就这些吧。 谢谢
  回:kittan    1.楼主在拥有了这些证书之后,有过因为薪水问题而考虑过向其他行业发展的想法吗?(虽然你现在说你不看重薪水了)  答:怎么会不看重薪水呢,在上海生活,成本很高的。不过我想往财务总监和CFO晋级,不能太看重薪水,否则机会就更少了。有过想法去别的行业,但都没能成行,其中比较接近的一次是跨到供应链管理方向,不过最后的面试还是被PK下来了,经验还是比较欠缺的,所以以后的方向还是以财务为主吧。      2.进外企做财务的话,以楼主的阅历能否帮忙列举几个适合本科毕业生的财务方面的工作岗位?(只为混口饭)  答:本科生刚入职只能从基础的岗位做起,不过基础的岗位也是分方向的,你可以考虑以下几个方向,哪个更适合你。资金管理方向、成本管理和控制方向、预算管理和控制方向、财务和业务分析方向、会计和报表方向、IT信息系统方向。性格外向的多考虑前面四个方向。      3.想不到有什么可问的了..暂时就这些吧。  答:应该要有一个大致的目标,但是因为年轻,不必太拘泥于这个方向,有时候不能一步到位,慢慢来,任何工作经验的积累都是有意义的,哪怕做些琐碎的凭证整理和装订工作.....    事务所或企业都是不错的选择,事务所的经历会给你以后的工作带来很深远的影响,当然并不是每一个人都适合呆在事务所。
  你目前的工作也不差,看似性价比应该还可以,可以趁着时间比较空多学习一点东西,实务的也好,理论的也好,考个证也好,别把日子浪费掉就行。  但是方向的话也个人去定,如果你已经有了几年工作经验的话,应该要把握好方向问题了,不能东一块西一块了。    如我前述讲的几个方向:资金管理方向、成本管理和控制方向、预算管理和控制方向、财务和业务分析方向、会计和报表方向、IT信息系统方向,你可以找一个适合自己的,尽量学习或工作都往这方面靠拢。
  LZ您好,  我是已经工作几年了,但是一直在一个民营商业企业做,很想进入工业企业或者制造业企业去试试,但是好像别人都会要求有相关经验的,如果从头做起的话,又有点不心甘。想问问:  1、如果换做是您的话,你会如何规划自己的未来?  2、如果想进入外企的话,需要做些什么准备呢?  谢谢!
原来是学了会计的 本来都放弃了 今年又想考中级了 还打算靠CPA
看这这个帖子很激励呀,虽然我跟楼主的档次差很多 希望楼主给点建议
  谢楼主回复先    其实我不想做财务的原因很简单:薪水低、工作变化不大、见识面有限。 但奈何本科四年读的会计,找第一份正经工作只有这一个专业优势了。    事务所就那样了。给想去事务所工作的人一些小建议吧:要诚实,忠诚,细心,沟通要及时、效率高,能帮人时多帮人,跟合伙人交朋友。    我本是打算做销售的。公关、咨询什么的都应该适合我。但我现在还是在等,不想随便就下水。未来发展方向很重要,薪水也很重要。我很浮躁呀! :)    很好奇财务总监和CFO天天都干什么工作。楼主高就以后可以开个帖来八一八那些生活,哈哈!
  回:大海上的蓝天     1、如果换做是您的话,你会如何规划自己的未来?  答:我曾经在工作六年左右的时候,短暂的脱离会计行业一小段时间,以为转行会好一点,但是效果不好,所以又回来了,所以从过来人的角度看,我不会再做这样的选择。  但是每个人情况都不一样,何况你只是在会计行业内做了一些转向而已,我认为在机会均等的条件下未尝不可。      2、如果想进入外企的话,需要做些什么准备呢?  答:外企和其他企业一样,对能力是看中的,相对来说比较突出的或者说门槛是对英文的要求还是比较高的,但是也不必太紧张,并不是每个外企都会用英文来面试,只要自信一点就可以了。当然如果你针对面试要做一些准备的话会更好,比如练习口语,练习专业英语,考一张英文的证书以显示自己的英语实力等等。    
  很钦佩你能够有更多的想法,其实除了财务之外,学会计的的确可以做很多事情,我有不少同学都在不同的业务方面发展的不错,也有你提到的咨询类和销售类的工作,当然也有一些是政府机关的工作。事业顺利与否主要在于做事的能力和做人的态度。    谢谢你的关心,我的工作其实已经确定并上班了,其实考完美国CPA以后给我的选择机会还是很多的,不过我的经验还并不十分的丰富,所以目前只是Controller,工作内容还算简单,更多的是公司/集团范围内的协调工作,这个同过去十年的工作性质接近,有一些挑战,但是可以应付。我看重的是目前开始筹划的上市项目,所以薪水方面我就考虑的少了,让我倒付钱参与进来我都乐意。这绝对是未来一个很好的工作方向。有兴趣的朋友应该在这方面早作准备,机会多多。
  楼主 我现在30岁 正在考CMA 计划两年考出来 希望考出后能进入美资企业工作,之前的工作经验都是国内企业财务会计的(三年左右),但我不是太喜欢,我觉得太程序化,能发挥的余地也很少,需要思考的太少了。  您觉得我有希望吗?
  回:紫木飞   也不要把外企想的太好,很多外企也是条块分割严重,流程死板,甚至是政治斗争。当然总体来说会比国企要自由许多。    CMA一年就足够了,怎么可能要学两年啊,我觉得你安排学两年的结果就是学不出来或者半途而废。CMA毕竟只有两门课啊,就算AICPA也多数只需要学习一年左右的时间。  
  楼主,其实我也没把外企想象得十全十美,只不过通过这么多年的了解,觉得各方面都更会是我想要的。政治斗争哪里没有啊?有人的地方就有江湖。  你要是在我现在这个公司呆过你就知道政治斗争不算什么。  至于我说要两年,那是因为我考这个证不光为了拿证,还希望能借此机会把英语学好一点,把这些知识学得更牢固一点,希望以后的工作真的能用上。  还有平常工作也不轻松,业余的时间也不多,而且我也不参加培训班,并且明年还有生子的计划。我觉得我的两年计划是客观而实际的,至于你说的学不出来或者半途而废,别的人会不会这样我不知道,但我肯定不会。  其实我现在最纠结的问题是,我听说欧美企业招人除了应届毕业生,一般都要求有外企工作经验的,因为他们认为只有这样才能融入他们的文化,这一条我现在没办法跨越。关于这一点,楼主大人您有什么看法吗?
  回:紫木飞   呵呵,的确,外企在招聘的时候往往非常注重申请人之前工作过的企业,如果同样是比较知名的企业,他们往往会觉得比较放心。    刚刚接触的例子,朋友的朋友,刚刚离开GUCCI,又去了爱马仕,很奇怪为什么好的公司随便他们跳呢?    但是不要紧了,我本人也是内资-合资-独资这么过来的,第一步往往比较难一点,我甚至在合资往独资跳的时候,HR还直言不讳的说我担心你之前合资公司的工作环境和我们会有比较大的不同,等等。所以去之前,最好有充足的准备。
  ACCA会计本科毕业有学位的话 就可以免5门了F1--F5  CICPA免ACCA F1--F4和F6(好像是的 记不清楚了)  CMA 一共2门 每门前半选择 后半简答 选择不过 没有资格简答 过了的话可以免ACCA F1--F7  ACCA 过了 加考一门澳洲法律就是澳洲CPA  ACCA 过了不知道再加考几门 还可以转CGA  AICPA 4门 要去美国本土考 一般是关岛或者夏威夷考  ACCA到底有没有签字权 有争议  AIA和ACCA差不多的证书 没有签字权 有争议  英国的CA考出来肯定有签字权的  CICPA考出来考CIMA 有快速通道   CIMA和ACCA有互免    基本上比较热门的证书 都在上面了  大家自己看    
  sonex讲的很清楚。ACCA基本上也是没有签字权了。要取得签字权还得去考英国的审计和法规,除非你当初考试的时候考的就是英国的而不是国际的。    ACA比ACCA好很多。。。。    AICPA如果能取得签字权则五年后可以换ACA执照,单方的,ACA换不了AICPA,美国人够牛。    AICPA还可以换不少证书,加拿大的CA,澳洲的CPA,日本的CPA等等。
  楼上的在说IFM吧? 还有国产的CFA CFP 哎 都是山寨 说到底都是为了捞钱自己成立个协会!!
  受益匪浅!感谢楼主。  另外请教下:  1、本人女,本科数学,现在27了想从零开始学会计,目前工作轻松时间大把,(当然钱也少),今后5-10年可能移民美国,这种情况参照你的经验,先准备考CMA,以后有可能再考AICPA合适吗?  2、没有任何会计基础和实际经验,有亲戚是老会计,建议我先考个会计从业证,边找点兼职会计做着积累经验,边考CMA,这样合适吗?  3、CMA报班学还是自学,有一定英语基础,lz可以给点信息或网站让俺多了解点CMA的相关情况吗    非常感谢!
  真火热,MARK一下~  楼主我是今年刚毕业的大学生,看到此贴顿觉视野变宽变的美丽,原来ACCOUNTING也可以这样潇洒~  不过我现在从事的是成本费用会计,感觉甚是枯燥,暂时看不到什么发展空间,可能也是刚参加工作半年~现着手考注税与CPA,不过再我这个企业,估计这东西也没啥用~  时而小迷茫,时而小激昂,请问楼主对刚毕业的大学生参加工作有何好的建议?  呵呵其实也没啥大问题,就是对楼主的选择与成绩表示尊敬与羡慕!
  我学会计的 同学中很多开始考证了 ACCA CGA CPA 都有 但是我自己吧 想考研 主要是以后不想进会计事务所 觉得不进事务所 考证貌似没多大用处 而且自己现在什么工作经验都没有 怕学了太难 再说 读研以后考证也不迟 想问下 如果以后不进事务所 有必要考证吗 我爸单位请立信的人做业务 看了那些姐姐 飞来飞去忙的屁颠屁颠的 将近30 都没时间谈恋爱 实在不是我想要的生活 犹豫中
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The Student Affairs Spectacular
By The Student Affairs Collective
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Welcome to The Student Affairs Spectacular! The weekly podcast giving you a front row seat to the greatest student affairs show on earth! On the show, hosts Tom Krieglstein and Dustin Ramsdell interview noteworthy individuals to talk about the top issues in student affairs and higher education. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the fun!
CleanEpisode #140: Season 3 Finale
Tom bids farewell to Dustin as well as wraps up season 3 of the podcast with this episode of reflections and memories.
Relive all the best moments of the podcast with the entire library right here.
Find the full show notes for this...
CleanBONUS Episode #139: Brian LeDuc on Coding Academies
Dustin records his last formal interview with Brian LeDuc for this extra episode of the podcast. They talk about the recent phenomenon of coding academies and how they fit into the traditional higher education space.
We appreciate Brian making...
CleanEpisode #138: Paige Robnett on College Women and Student Leadership
We're thrilled to welcome Paige Robnett to her first ever podcast to talk with Dustin about her work supporting college women become empowered student leaders on campus. She shares her story and how others can help support everyone to feel welcome to...
CleanBONUS Episode #137: An Important Announcement
An important announcement from Dustin about the future of the podcast.
CleanEpisode #136: Richard Okello on Revisiting Allyship
This week we're very pleased to welcome Richard Okello to the podcast! He speaks with Dustin about how to be an ally to social justice causes and how to work with students who are struggling to handle encounters with diversity on campus.
CleanEpisode #135: Alicia Rea on Alumni Relations
We're very happy to welcome Alicia Rea to the show this week! She speaks with Dustin about her work in alumni relations, current events, and some great tips for both those in and out of alumni relations offices.
We appreciate Alicia making time...
CleanEpisode #134: Jenni Kraft-Batchelder on SA First Years
This week's guest is Jenni Kraft-Batchelder from the SA First Years Blog. She speaks with Dustin about the history of the site, and lessons learned.
We appreciate Jenni making time for the show!
Find the full show notes
CleanEpisode #133: Grant Schroll on Design Thinking and Environments, Part 2
This week's guest is Grant Schroll from the Education Advisory Board. He speaks with Dustin about design thinking, furthering the discussion from
last week's episode.
We appreciate Grant making time for the show!
Find the full show...
CleanEpisode #132: Kathleen deLaski on Design Thinking and Environments, Part 1
We're very excited to welcome Kathleen deLaski to the podcast this week! She sit downs with Dustin to talk about her diverse background and how she brings it to higher education to help institutions do work better through design thinking.
CleanEpisode #131: Kyle James on Student Leadership Careers
This week's guest is Kyle James who speaks to Dustin about his life after college as a recent graduate. Specifically moving on from being a campus leader and what he learned from his experience of being involved.
We appreciate Kyle for making...
CleanEpisode #130: Sue Caulfield on The Committed Project and The Imposters
We're very happy to welcome back Sue Caulfield to the show this week! She speaks with Dustin about what's been going on with her since she was last on, her work with The Committed Project, and The Imposters Podcast.
Many thanks to Sue for...
CleanEpisode #129: Nicole Bernabe & Joseph Sammut on Lessons from Podcasting
This episode is all about podcasting! Dustin talks with Nicole Bernabe and Joseph Sammut to discuss their own podcast and how they got into the medium.
We're grateful to both Nico and Joey for making time for the show!
Find the full show...
CleanEpisode #128: Max Quinn on Living-Learning Communities
We have the pleasure of welcoming Max Quinn to the podcast this week. He speaks with Dustin about his work with living-learning communities. Max explores what they are, what makes them so valuable, and how to maximize their impact.
Many thanks...
CleanEpisode #127: Jake Goldblum on Feminism and Masculinity
We welcome Jake Goldblum to the podcast this week! He talks with Dustin about his experience working with college men on challenging their views on masculinity using a feminist lens.
Many thanks to Jake for making time for the show!
CleanEpisode #126: Jennifer McMahon on Entering College Students
This week's wonderful guest is Jennifer McMahon. Jenn talks to Dustin about her work preparing her high school students for life, whether that means going to college or not and how she helps students choose the right college. They also discuss tips...
CleanEpisodes #125: Dr. Sara Goldrick-Rab on College Affordability
We are very pleased to welcome nationally renowned higher education policy advocate Dr. Sara Goldrick-Rab to the show this week! She speaks with Dustin about c how we got here, what it means for students, and what we can do about...
CleanEpisode #124: Becca Fick on Being a Work in Progress
We have the pleasure of welcoming Becca Fick back to the show this week! Becca chats with Dustin about what's been happening for her in the past two years and her various creative endeavors.
Many thanks to Becca for making time for the show!...
CleanEpisode #122: Valerie Heruska on Management in Student Affairs
We're proud to welcome Valerie Heruska back to the show this week! She speaks with Dustin about management in our field as well as her own journey growing as a manager, supervisor, and leader.
Many thanks to Valerie for hanging out with us!...
CleanEpisode #121: Dr. Audrey Yamagata-Noji on Asian Pacific Islanders in Higher Education
This week's guest is Dr. Audrey Yamagata-Noji, who speaks with Dustin about her long career in higher education helping support the inclusion and leadership development of Asian-Pacific Islanders working at colleges and universities across the...
CleanEpisode #120: Craig Bidiman on Art Therapy
We're psyched to welcome the one and only Craig Bidiman back to the show this week. He chats with Dustin about his lifelong experience with art and the creative process as a way to cope with most recently a long, difficult job search and the loss of...
CleanEpisode #119: Jennielle Strother & Chris Miller on the Current State of Admissions
This week we have the pleasure of welcoming two(!) new guests to the podcast! Jennielle Strother and Chris Miller talk with Dustin about their diverse experiences in admissions work as well as other areas of higher education and speak about their...
CleanEpisode #118: Dr. Patrick Love on Successful Recruiting
We have the pleasure of welcoming back Dr. Patrick Love to the podcast this week! He speaks with Dustin about hiring and recruitin what works, what doesn't, and what we can do to make it work better for everyone.
CleanEpisode #117: Kevin Forch on Strengths and Professionals
This week's awesome guest is Kevin Forch, who jumps onto the podcast to chat with Dustin about his professional journey and how Strengths Finder has influenced his life.
Many thanks to Kevin for taking time out for the show!
Find the...
CleanEpisode #116: Joseph Wuest on Strengths and College Students
We welcome Joe Wuest to the podcast this week! He speaks with Dustin about his experience with Strengths Finder as both a student himself, and working with college students to find out who they are and what they're good at.
Many thanks to Joe...
CleanEpisode #115: Dr. Ed Cabellon on the Doctoral Process
Dr. Ed Cabellon makes his triumphant return to the podcast this week! He speaks with Dustin about his doctoral process from start to finish and all the lessons he has learned. He gives advice for those thinking about or soon to start their doctoral...
CleanEpisode #114: Tom & Dustin on Accountability and Goals
We settle in this week for another episode with our hosts, Tom and Dustin. They catch up and talk about 2016 (so far), accountability, goals, and getting things done. Check out all the stuff they talked about the in show notes!
Find the full...
CleanEpisode #113: Jacob Patrick and #SAGrad Scholarship Reflections
This week's guest is Jacob Patrick, who spoke with Dustin about his story as well as his conference experience as a recipient of the inaugural graduate student scholarship we gave out recently.
Many thanks to Jacob for taking time for the...
CleanEpisode #112: Jamie Piperato on Supporting LGBTQ Students
We welcome Jamie Piperato to the show this week. She speaks with Dustin about her efforts helping to build inclusive campus communities nationwide as a speaker, consultant, and social justice advocate. Jamie shares great thoughts, tips, and resources...
CleanEpisode #111: Lynne Meyer and Spirituality on Campus
This week's guest is the amazing Lynne Meyer! She speaks with Dustin about her career working on campus in spiritual life, what spirituality means to her, and how we can do better to support each other, no matter our beliefs.
We greatly...
CleanEpisode #110: Alex Fields on Workplace Engagement
We have the pleasure of welcoming Alex Fields to the podcast this week! She speaks with Dustin about her story about
the good, the bad, and the ugly as well as how to foster more engagement, and prevent disengagement. They also...
CleanEpisode #109: Janelle Aimi and Stories from a New Professional
It's our pleasure to welcome Janelle Aimi to the podcast this week! She speaks with Dustin about her story so far of being a new professional in the field of student affairs. She has had a unique journey and has learned some valuable lessons along the...
CleanEpisode #108: Sabrina Spadafino on Being a Parent in Student Affairs
This week's guest is Sabrina Spadafino. She speaks with Dustin about her work/life balance being a parent while working in student affairs. Sabrina shares the lessons she has learned, and how being a parent helps her work.
Many thanks to...
CleanEpisode #107: Rick James and Stories from a Student Club Advisor
We have the pleasure of welcoming Rick James from Tidewater Community College to the show this week. He speaks with Tom about his experience as a faculty member, an enthusiastic student club advisor, and what tips he has learned from his time working...
CleanEpisode #106: Melissa Ruiz on Moving In and Out of Higher Ed
This week's guest is our good friend, Melissa Ruiz! She speaks
with Dustin about
her story, why she decided to move in, out, and back into higher
education, and what she has learned from her journey so far.
Many thanks to Melissa for taking...
CleanEpisode #105: Matt Cummings on Spirituality, Service, and Assessment
We have the pleasure of welcoming Matt Cummings to the show
this week. He talks with Dustin about his work
getting students involved with service, exploring their
spirituality, and he also shares tips for assessment.
We appreciate Matt for...
CleanEpisode #104: Kevin Wright on Adjusting to Different Institutions
This week's guest is Kevin Wright who spoke with Dustin about their experiences adjusting to different institutions, both in size, scope, and location.
Many thanks to Kevin for taking time out for the show!
Find the full...
CleanEpisode #103: Kat Burns on Shine Theory
We have the pleasure of having Kathleen (Kat) Burns on the show this week! Dustin speaks her about shine theory and how it applies it life and work in the student affairs world.
Many thanks to Kat for taking time out for the...
CleanEpisode #102: Sarah Brunke on Student Creative Services
We're delighted to welcome Sarah Brunke to the show this week! She hangs out with Dustin to talk about her unique work as a graduate assistant at University of Central Florida supporting their Office of Student Involvement's creative services that...
CleanEpisode #101: Lessons on Self-Publishing with Tom & Dustin
This week is another episode with Tom and Dustin catching up with each other's lives as well as talking about the upcoming book from Swift Kick, &First-Year Student to First-Year Success&. They discuss the struggles that come with publishing your own...
CleanEpisode #100: Super Special Milestone Retrospective!
To celebrate our super special milestone, we're flipping the script this week by having Dustin's partner (and now fiancé), Jenn, interview him about the past two years and all our previous episodes. It is a fun behind the scenes look at the...
CleanEpisode #99: Matt Deeg on Fraternity and Sorority Life
Our guest this week is fellow podcaster Matt Deeg, who geeks out with Dustin about fraternity and sorority life on college campuses. They talk about the past, present, and future, as well as how to address some common problems for these student...
CleanEpisode #98: Stacy Oliver-Sikorski on Workplace Bullying in Student Affairs
This week we're happy to welcome Stacy Oliver-Sikorski back to the show. She speaks with Dustin about the timely issue of workplace bullyin how it takes shape, why it happens, and what we can do to work against it.
CleanEpisode #97: Kimberly White on Leadership Theories
We're super excited to welcome Kimberly White back to the podcast this week! Kim talks with Dustin about her work exploring leadership theories, mindfulness, and connecting those to the work she does every day. Kim is really great and has some awesome...
CleanEpisode #96: Joe Sabado on Using Technology to Support Students
This week's guest is Joe Sabado, who speaks with Dustin about his long career utilizing technology to help support his students. They have a really great, broad, and deep discussion about how we can augment our high touch student affairs world with...
CleanEpisode #95: Dr. Colleen Georges on Positive Psychology & Student Affairs
We have the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Colleen Georges to the podcast this week. She speaks with Dustin about her journey towards working full time in being a life coach, and her unique perspective on positive psychology as it relates to college...
CleanEpisode #94: Lougan Bishop on Working with Student Marketing Teams
We welcome Lougan Bishop to the podcast this week! He chats with Dustin about his story, his experience growing the marketing efforts at Belmont University, and how he built an effective student marketing team.
Many thanks to Lougan for...
CleanEpisode #93: Tom and Dustin on Holidays, Hiking, and Habits
This week's episode features Tom and Dustin reconnecting for the first time in 2016! They chat about their holidays, Tom's international vacation, and the science of habits. There are a lot of great resources for this episode, so make sure to take a...
CleanEpisode #92: Carey Loch on Maximizing the Potential of Student Activities
We have the distinct pleasure of welcoming Carey Loch to the podcast this week! She speaks with Dustin about her many years of student affairs work putting on diverse events and programs for college students, ranging from Homecoming, Geek Week, and...
CleanEpisode #91: Amma Marfo on Comedy, Creativity, and Writing
Happy 2016! The podcast is back for Season 3 and we kick off the year with the return of one of Amma Marfo! She speaks with Dustin about her recent departure from her previous job to become a &higher ed free agent& working to help...
CleanEpisode #90: 2015 Year in Review & Season 2 Finale with Sabina De Matteo
We look back on the year that was in this episode to end season two of the podcast. Dustin and Sabina chat about their lives over the course 2015, what went well with the Student Affairs Collective, what was trending in the community, and what could...
CleanEpisode #89: Jennifer Keegin on Mid-Life Career Choices
It's our pleasure to welcome Jennifer Keegin to the podcast this week! She speaks with Dustin about her story and what goes into &mid-life& crises, our career and life choices, and how to best explore ourselves in order to make the best decisions for...
CleanEpisode #88: Dr. Claire Robbins on Student Development Theories, Part II
Our guest this week is Dr. Claire Robbins who spoke with Dustin to continue our conversation on student development theories.
Claire brings her perspective as a higher education faculty member to add a different angle to this dialogue. Check out...
CleanEpisode #87: Tyler Miller on Student Development Theories, Part I
We welcome Tyler Miller to the podcast this week. He speaks with Dustin about college student development theories from his perspective as a practitioner. It's a great conversation that is a comprehensive look at where we have come and where we need...
CleanEpisode #86: DT Henry on Academic Advising First-Year Student Athletes
Our guest this week is Dariel &DT& Henry, who spoke with Tom about supporting first-year student athletes in their academic success. DT works with first-year football players at Dean College and is passionate about transforming the lives of his...
CleanEpisode #85: Dr. Brian Bourke on Reframing &Nontraditional& Students
Our guest this week is Dr. Brian Bourke, who speaks with Dustin about the troublesome persistence of the term &nontraditional& students. They discuss where it comes from, why it persists, and what we can do to move towards a more positive word choice...
CleanEpisode #84: Reuben Pressman on Check I'm Here, Ed Tech, and Student Engagement
We welcome Reuben Pressman to the podcast this week! Reuben is the Founder & CEO of Check I'm Here, a higher education technology company that helps increase student engagement on campuses all over the country. He spoke with Dustin about the work...
CleanEpisode #83: Tom & Dustin on Dentists, The Future, and Effective Conference Presentations
This week we have another fun episode with our two wonderful hosts, Tom and Dustin! They chat about a wide array of topics, including why they hate going to the dentist, what technology they think is missing from &the future&, and how to really engage...
CleanEpisode #82: Shigeo Iwamiya on &Other Duties as Assigned&
This week's guest is Shigeo James Iwamiya! He speaks with Dustin about the simple yet also complex phrase that's found in job des &other duties as assigned.& They break that concept down into what it really means and talk about...
CleanEpisode #81: Wimer Alberto on Housing Operations
We're happy to welcome Wimer Alberto to the podcast this week! He speaks with Dustin about ACUHO-I, his work at Arizona State University, and the things he has learned about housing operations from his time at ASU. Wimer shares some fantastic insights...
CleanEpisode #80: Kathryne Auerback on Values Based Leadership and The Social Change Model
We welcome Kathryne Auerback to the podcast this week! She's the Director at the National Center for Student Life, and she spoke with Tom recently about her work with this organization, their upcoming conference, and the mindset she uses to bring the...
CleanEpisode #79: James Robilotta on Leading Imperfectly
This week's awesome guest is James Robilotta who chats with Dustin about his speaking career, authenticity, and the process he went through to write his new book, Leading Imperfectly.
Many thanks to James for taking time out for the show!...
CleanEpisode #78: Kristin Skarie on Sustainability in Higher Ed
We welcome Kristin Skarie to the podcast this week! She speaks with Dustin about sustainability and how campuses work to live out their values, saving energy, reducing consumption, and being more green overall. Kristin shares a bunch of great...
CleanEpisode #77: Courtney O'Connell on Innovating Staff Training
This week's awesome guest is Courtney O'Connell, who speaks with Dustin about creating engaging, relevant, and fun training for students and staff alike. She brings a deep interest and passion for training with her and a wealth of student affairs...
CleanEpisode #76: Jason Meriwether & Joe Glover on the Value of College Student Athletics
Another week of two amazing guests on the podcast! Jason Meriwether and Joe Glover talk to Dustin about supporting student athletes, the value of playing a sport while in college, and some solutions to common problems with this student...
CleanBONUS Episode #75: Gavin Henning on Life and ACPA
This super special BONUS episode of the podcast is with current President of ACPA, Dr. Gavin Henning. He speaks with Dustin about what's on his mind with the student affairs world, what's he's looking forward to with the organization, and what he does...
CleanEpisode #74: Keith Edwards & Jody Jessup-Anger on Sexual Violence, Title IX, and Prevention
We have the pleasure of welcoming two great guests to the podcast this week, Keith Edwards and Jody Jessup-Anger! Dustin speaks with both of them about the recently released resource from ACPA on sexual assault prevention, which has a lot of great...
CleanEpisode #73: Niki Messmore on Social Justice, Advocacy, and Allies
Our guest this week is the incomparable Niki Messmore! Dustin speaks with Niki about her story, social justice, how to be an ally, and Niki also gives a lot of great resources (compiled in the document in the show notes) so make sure to check it all...
CleanEpisode #72: Brian Proffer on His Story & Thoughts on Current Events
We're pleased to welcome Brian Proffer to the show this week. He speaks with Dustin about his story, and they share a casual conversation about some various things in the student affairs world like conferences, job searching, and how the year has been...
CleanEpisode #71: Joed Lopez on Panvisio & the Q2 Podcast
This week's guest is Joed Lopez, who spoke with Dustin about his work consulting non-profits, creating a podcast, and how to build something from the ground up. Joed shared a lot of great tips and resources, so be sure to check all of that out and...
CleanEpisode #70: Emily Yates on Global Higher Education Initiatives
We're happy to welcome Emily Yates to the show this week. She speaks with Dustin about the growing sector of global higher education, and how institutions in the United States are adapting as well as tapping into this potential to grow their...
CleanEpisode #69: Sean Eddington on Failing Forward
Our guest this week is the one and only Sean Eddington, who talks with Dustin about vulnerability, resiliency, and the power of failing forward. It's an excellent conversation and one that is always thought-provoking, engaging, and...
CleanEpisode #68: Alison Scheide on Study Abroad Programs
We welcome Alison Scheide to the podcast this week! She speaks with Dustin about her story, her day to day work with study abroad programs, and why traveling internationally is so valuable to college students.
Many thanks to Alison for taking...
CleanEpisode #66: Ben Cecil on International Student Support
Our guest this week is Ben Cecil, who speaks with Dustin about supporting international students on campus and how to engage all students in cross-cultural competency. As our world becomes smaller, this is an increasingly important skills for all...
CleanEpisode #65: John Moist on AmeriCorps & Student Affairs
We're happy to welcome John Moist to the show this week. He talks with Dustin about his experience moving up to Maine to work as a AmeriCorps VISTA at University of Maine at Presque Isle, miles away from his life back in...
CleanEpisode #63: Gamification in Higher Ed & Student Affairs with Stacy Jacob & Dave Eng
We have the pleasure of welcoming two awesome guests to the podcast this week! Stacy Jacob and Dave Eng both come onto the show to talk with Dustin about incorporating the concept of gamification into student affairs...
CleanEpisode #62: Jackie Vetrano on Life, Blogging, Fitness, & Higher Ed Social
Our guest this week is Jackie Vetrano, who speaks with Dustin about her diverse array of involvements and what they all bring into her life. They cover everything from blogging, life as a twentysomething, fitness, podcasts, and...
CleanEpisode #61: Faran Saeed on Supporting Muslim Students
We welcome Faran Saeed to the show this week. He speaks with Dustin about how to best support Muslim students on campus, gives some historical context to current events, and provides a lot of great resources to check out in the...
CleanEpisode #60: Allison Avolio & John Rawlins on the Baltimore Protests & Crisis Management
Our fearless leader Tom speaks with Allison Avolio & John Rawlins for this week's episode about the Baltimore protests, how it impacted the John Hopkins campus, and what other student affairs professionals can learn from this recent...
CleanEpisode #59: Angus Johnston on Student Activism
Our guest this week is Angus Johnston who speaks with Tom about college student activism. They discuss the history of student organizing and protests, where we are now, and how we can help students let their voices be...
CleanEpisode #58: Laura Pasquini on Online Student Services
This week's awesome guest is Laura Pasquini. She chats with Dustin about the basics of online education currently and how to best support these students. They also go over how this all translates to student affairs work, and Laura also...
CleanEpisode #56: Melissa Boles on Academic Advising in a Community College Setting
Our guest this week is Melissa Boles who talks with Dustin about academic advising in the unique environment of a community college. Melissa works as an academic advisor at Clark College in Vancouver and has a lot of knowledge from her experience as...
CleanEpisode #55: Dr. Elizabeth Allan on College Hazing Prevention
Dustin has the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Elizabeth Allan this week as they explore the nuances of hazing on college campuses, and more importantly, how to prevent it. Dr. Allan shares her abundance of wisdom and research in the area...
CleanEpisode #54: Sinclair Ceasar on Successful Supervision
This week's guest is the always delightful Sinclair Ceasar. He chats with Dustin about what it takes to be a successful supervisor. Sinclair shares some great stories and was a lot of fun to have on the show. Connect with him and all...
CleanEpisode #52: Anne Scheideler Sweet on Academic Advising
This week's episode is with Anne Scheideler Sweet who jumps on to chat with Dustin about academic advising. They go over the ins and outs of this often ostracized functional area within the realm of student affairs, and why it is a...
CleanEpisode #51: Liz Gross on Social Media Success in Higher Education
We have the pleasure of welcoming Liz Gross to the podcast this week! Dustin and Liz discuss some tips and tricks for social media success as well as some excellent examples of institutions doing social well for inspiration. There...
CleanEpisode #50: Dr. Monica Fochtman on MBTI & Conferences
Dustin talks with Dr. Monica Fochtman this week about how different MBTI types and the layout of conferences mesh together and what sort of biases might exist that prevent professionals from fully engaging in the experience. There are...
CleanEpisode #49: ACPA 2015 with Juhi Bhatt
This week's episode comes to you fresh from Tampa, FL at ACPA 2015. Dustin sat down with Juhi Bhatt to reflect on the convention, what was awesome, what they wish could have been better, and some tips for going to a big...
CleanEpisode #48: Kimberly White on Experiential Learning
We welcome Kimberly White to the show this week. Dustin talks with her about the value of experiential learning opportunities for students, and how we as professionals can best facilitate them. Kim gives a lot of great resources,...
CleanEpisode #47: Marci Walton & The Story of ResLife Puppy
This week's guest is Marci Walton, the wonderful woman behind the awesome (and #SAChat Award winning) ResLife Puppy (or RLP) social media channels. Dustin and Marci talk about how this all came to be, what has come from it...
CleanEpisode #46: Maryann Krieglstein on Social Justice & White Privilege
This week is a very special episode as Tom welcomes his mother, Maryann, to the podcast to talk social justice. Maryann has a Masters and Doctorate in Social Work and has been working for decades to make a difference in the world...
CleanEpisode #45: Kristen Abell on Her Unconventional Path
We welcome Kristen Abell back to the podcast this week. Dustin and Kristen chat about unconventional paths, women in tech, and tips for website design. It's a episode stuffed full of awesome stuff so plug in and check out the show...
CleanEpisode #44: Craig Bidiman on Supporting #SAGrad Success
Craig Bidiman stops by the show this week to talk about his student affairs graduate student experience as well as what he's learned from connecting with other students from across the country. Dustin reflects on his recent grad program...
CleanEpisode #43: Chelsea O'Brien on Serving Veteran Students
This week's guest is Chelsea O'Brien who works at Rochester Institute of Technology. Dustin and Chelsea talked about serving veteran students, of which Chelsea has a personal, vested interest in since her husband is a veteran...
CleanEpisode #42: Brittany Duron on Geeks & Nerds on Campus
We welcome Brittany Duron to the podcast this week to talk to our very own Higher Ed Geek, Dustin, about geeks and nerds on campus. This unique community and identity has it's own needs and desires, which can present student...
CleanEpisode #41: Cindy Kane on the #SAdoc
The season two premiere episode of the podcast welcomes Dr. Cindy Kane on to chat with Dustin about her journey recently acquiring her Ph.D in Educational Leadership from the University of Nebraska. She currently also works at Bridgewater...
CleanEpisode #40: Year in Review!
This week's episode is the finale for season one of the podcast! Tom, Dustin, and Sabina all jump on to reflect on the first year of the show, their favorite episodes, and what they've all learned from creating the podcast back in March. The show will...
CleanEpisode #39: Stacy Oliver-Sikorski on Professional Development
We welcome Stacy Oliver-Sikorski to the podcast this week! Dustin and Stacy chat about all the different paths professionals can utilize to take charge of their professional development. Stacy offers some great ideas and examples of things student...
CleanEpisode #38: Paul Gordon Brown on Blogging in Student Affairs
Our guest this week is Paul Gordon Brown who chats with Dustin about blogging in student affairs. He shares his story behind starting to blog and how he has had some amazing things come from the experience, such as his budding romance with JetBlue as...
CleanEpisode #37: Dan Tillapaugh on Men & Masculinity
In honor of our November series, we happily welcome Dr. Daniel Tillapaugh to the show this week. Dustin sat down with Dan to speak about the current status of the masculinity conversation, how Dan discovered it as a point of interest, and where folks...
CleanEpisode #36: Kevin O'Connell on The Niche Movement
We welcome Kevin O'Connell to the podcast this week. He is a digital storyteller as well as founder of The Niche Movement, which helps inspire people to follow their passions, find their niche, and ultimately achieve happiness in their work. Kevin...
CleanEpisode #34: Tony Doody on Unconventional Leadership
This week's guest is the always insightful Tony Doody! Tony talked with Dustin about his workshop, Unconventional Leadership, that he has presented nationally for the past three years alongside Patrick Love (check out his podcast episode too!). Tony...
CleanEpisode #33: Lisa Endersby on Cultivating Conditions for Student Success Through Assessment
The show goes international as we welcome Lisa Endersby to the podcast! Lisa talked with Dustin about assessment in student affairs and how we work to create conditions for success for our students. She has a lot of passion and stories to tell so make...
CleanEpisode #32: TJ Logan on Public-Private Partnerships
This week's guest is TJ Logan, Associate Director of Housing at the University of Florida. Dustin spoke with TJ about his experience creating a unique living-learning community from the ground up as a public-private partnership (P3) and what typically...
CleanEpisode #31: Clare Cady on College Students Experiencing Food Insecurity & Homelessness
Dustin had the pleasure to sit down with (#SAChat Award Winning) Clare Cady for this week's episode. Clare is the Human Services Resource Center Coordinator at Oregon State University and works daily to help students experiencing food insecurity and...
CleanEpisode #30: Marsha Herman-Betzen on Lessons Learned from a Life in Student Affairs
This week's episode is with the magnificent Marsha Herman-Betzen, Executive Director of ACUI (Association of College Unions International)! Tom spoke with Marsha about her long career in student affairs and what morsels of wisdom she has gleamed from...
CleanEpisode #28: Adam Lambert on Title IX and The Clery Act
This week's guest is Adam Lambert, an attorney and expert on legal issues for college campuses. He's spoken all over the country and given advice about how student affairs folks can better serve their students and institutions in their efforts to...
CleanEpisode #27: Patrick Love & Strategic Planning
We welcome Patrick Love, Vice President for Student Affairs at New York Institute of Technology, to the podcast this week to talk about strategic planning. Patrick talked to Tom about leadership in general and how we must look to the future to plan...
CleanEpisode #26: Josie & Lloyd Ahlquist on YouTube & College Students
This week on the show, we have two(!) awesome guests. We welcome back Josie Ahlquist and give a warm student affairs welcome to her husband, Lloyd (otherwise known as Epic LLOYD from Epic Rap Battles of History fame) who is new to the show. They spoke...
CleanEpisode #25: Swift Kicking It with Dustin & Sabina
We have more Swift Kick goodness this week as Dustin & Sabina De Matteo, Community Manager at Swift Kick, sit down to chat. They talk about Sabina's role on the team, what she loves about her work, and some awesome stuff they've both been enjoying...
CleanEpisode #24: Conor McLaughlin on Learning about Balance from over 100 Student Affairs Professionals
This week, we're glad to welcome Conor McLaughlin to the podcast, who is a Ph.D student in Leadership Studies at University of San Diego and the creator and host of the Life/Work Balances podcast. Conor has interviewed over a hundred student affairs...
CleanEpisode #23: Dr. Ann Marie Klotz on Gender & Leadership
On this week's episode, Tom interviews the wonderful and awesome Dr. Ann Marie Klotz, Dean for Campus Life at New York Institute of Technology. Ann Marie has been making major waves in the leadership world lately and we were very excited to get the...
CleanEpisode #22: Eric Lambert on APCA & Effective Student Programming
This week, Tom had the chance to have a quick chat with Executive Director of APCA (Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities) Eric Lambert. Eric has had a long career in successfully programming for college students and shares some wisdom...
CleanEpisode #21: Brian MacDonald on Orientation, Family Programs, & Welcoming New Students
Our guest on the podcast this week is Brian MacDonald, formerly the Director of New Student Orientation & Family Programs at Rutgers University - New Brunswick and soon to be the Director of Residential Education at UCLA. Brian chatted with Dustin...
CleanEpisode #20: Swift Kicking it with Dustin & Tom
Our episode this w it's our first &Swift Kicking it& episode with our two hosts, Tom & Dustin (the name is an homage to the greater umbrella that The Student Affairs Collective is under, Swift Kick). Tom & Dustin catch up...
CleanEpisode #19: Krista Kohlmann, Rutgers Changemakers, & Service Learning
In this week's episode, Dustin spoke with Krista Kohlmann, Assistant Director with the Office of Student Involvement at Rutgers University - New Brunswick with their community service programs. Krista has experience with some great initiatives...
CleanEpisode #18: Paul Pyrz & Effective Leadership Programs
In this week's episode, Dustin spoke with Paul Pyrz who is the President of Leadershape. Paul spoke about a lot of important aspects of what leadership is today and how to engage students in developing their leadership potential. Paul has a long...
CleanEpisode #17: Dean Kenneth Elmore & Student Engagement
In this week's episode, Tom & Dustin spoke with Dean Kenneth Elmore from Boston University. Dean Elmore chatted about his career in student affairs and how he works everyday to engage today's college students. He had some great advice for student...
CleanEpisode #16: Assessment of Student Programming with Kedrick Nicholas
In this week's episode, Tom & Dustin chatted with Kedrick Nicholas, Assistant Dean of Student Services at McNeese State University. They focused on Kedrick's efforts on assessment of how he makes it happen and the outcomes...
CleanEpisode #15: Joe Ginese & Maximizing Student Affairs Conferences
This week, Tom & Dustin spoke with Joe Ginese about the current state of student affairs conferences. Joe is a New & First Year Student Experience Specialist at Borough of Manhattan Community College as well as the recently appointed...
CleanEpisode #14: Fitness, Wellnes, & Student Affairs with Mehtap Donuk
Tom & Dustin sat down with Mehtap Donuk, Director of Student Activities and Leadership Development at New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury, NY. She shares her fitness and wellness journey as well as some great tips for student...
CleanEpisode #13: Kristen Abell & #SACommits
In honor of our ongoing series of community posts for Mental Health Awareness Month, we spoke with Kristen Abell about how this effort got started with the help of Stacy Oliver-Sikorski & Sue Caulfield as well as why we need to keep fighting the...
CleanEpisode #12: Creativity, Authenticity, and Doodles with Sue Caulfield
Tom & Dustin spoke with Sue Caulfield this week, who is the Assistant Director of Student Affairs at Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine. She is known for her unique doodles colloquially called &Suedles& that were represented at ACPA 2014...
CleanEpisode #10: Valerie Heruska & Development Efforts in Student Affairs
Tom & Dustin had an awesome time speaking with Valerie Heruska about the role student affairs professionals play in the development and fundraising process for their institutions.
Find the full show notes here:
CleanEpisode #9: Amma Marfo & Introversion in Student Affairs
Tom and Dustin sit down with the awesome author of the new book, &The I's Have It&: Amma Marfo! They have a discussion about introversion and it's implications for working with students, colleagues, and in the supervisory relationship.
Find the full...
CleanEpisode #8: Becca Obergefell & Women in Student Affairs
The always amazing Becca Obergefell sat down with Tom & Dustin to chat about the topic of women in student affairs and the struggles they face within the profession.
Find the full show notes here:
CleanEpisode #7: Darcey Kemp & Advising Student Organizations
Tom & Dustin spoke with Darcey Kemp from Mercyhurst University recently to chat about how to best advise college s how to help get a organization off the ground, maintain it, and transition it from year to year.
Find the full...
CleanEpisode #6: Chris Conzen & Community Colleges
Tom and Dustin sat down with Chris Conzen to chat about the great work and high value community colleges offer students and why they're an important part of the higher education landscape.
Find the full show notes here:
CleanEpisode #5: Ed Cabellon & #SAFit
Tom and Dustin sat down with Ed Cabellon recently to talk about his #SAFit project which brings together student affairs professionals to create a community of wellness support.
Find the full show notes here:
CleanEpisode #4: Dave Kerpen & Authenticity on Social Media
This week's episode is with the always amazing Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local and Co-founder & Chairman of Likeable Media. He is an established expert on social media marketing and branding so Tom and Dustin were very grateful to have him on...
CleanEpisode #3: Kathleen Kerr & &Passion& in Student Affairs
This week's episode is with Executive Director of Housing and Residence Life at University of Delaware and President of ACPA, Kathleen Kerr. Dustin spoke with Kathleen about her perspective on passion in student affairs, and why it has gotten a bad...
CleanEpisode #2: Josie Ahlquist & Digital Identity Development in College
This week's episode is with Josie Ahlquist, who is currently preparing to do doctoral research on social media and student development in college. Tom and Dustin spoke with her to learn about how campuses can best engage with their students on these...
CleanEpisode #1: Kevin Kruger & Burnout in Student Affairs
This premiere episode of the podcast is with the President of NASPA, Kevin Kruger! He sat down to chat with Tom and Dustin to speak about burnout in the field and what we can do about it as professionals. We appreciate him taking time out to speak...
CleanEpisode #0: Introductions
Welcome to the Student Affairs Spectacular Podcast!
Check out this episode to get an introduction to your co-hosts, Tom & Dustin, learn about the origins of The Student Affairs Collective, and hear what you can expect from this...
Customer Reviews
So Enlightening!!!
Hello guys! I love the podcast and have received so much information. As a new entrant into higher education as an academic advisor, I would love to hear you speak with someone in advising. I work with adult students at a small private Christian institution in the South but eventually would like to be on a traditional private campus. I don't care what area but please interview an advisor. Thanks! Keep up the good work.
Great Professional Development Resource!
This is a great way to get that professional development time in while driving, cooking, or at work. Dustin asks insightful questions to give you a well rounded look at his guests. The shows have been one more testament to the diversity and richness of the Student Affairs field. So good to know there's more to come from the Spectacular Podcast!
A Must for Student Affairs Practitioners
A podcast for SA Pros by SA Pros. This podcast showcases higher ed professionals from various departments sharing insights and inspiration. It's a great way to stay on top of emerging trends and get to know more about some of the leaders in the field. I'd recommend this to anyone currently in the field or thinking of a career in higher ed.
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