未孕女性卵泡期<0.1-0.3 黄体期什么意思1.2-15.9 绝经期<0.…

详细信息求工程求购,祥细看清单,短信报产地,价格,地苗,或袋苗发布时间: 查看次数:403
工程名称:市政绿化清单 第1页 共5页
序号 项目名称 项目特征描述 计量
单位 工程数量 金 额 (元)
1 鸡蛋花 20cm
株 3.00    
2 凤凰木B 25cm
株 8.00    
3 凤凰木 20cm
株 19.00    
4 木棉A 25cm 株 5.00    
5 木棉B 20cm
株 3.00    
6 盆架子 20cm
株 5.00    
7 高山榕 25cm 株 8.00    
8 小叶榄仁 12cm
株 55.00    
9 大花紫薇A 8cm 株 85.00    
10 乌桕 18cm
株 20.00    
11 铁刀木 13cm
株 30.00    
12 尖叶杜英A 22cm
株 54.00    
13 尖叶杜英B 18cm
株 49.00    
14 秋枫 10cm
株 33.00    
15 海南蒲桃 16cm
株 42.00    
17 黄花风铃木A 9cm
株 36.00    
18 黄花风铃木B 7cm
株 58.00    
19 红花风铃木 10cm
株 40.00    
20 红花紫荆A 22cm 株 26.00    
21 红花紫荆B 15cm
株 65.00    
22 红苞木 6cm-7cm
株 40.00    
23 枫香 8cm
株 8.00    
24 宫粉紫荆 8cm-9cm
株 75.00    
25 江蒲桃 15cm
株 66.00    
26 黄槐 10cm
株 89.00    
27 黄花夹竹桃A 1.乔木地茎:8cm-9cm
株 101.00    
28 美丽异木棉 20cm
株 103.00    
29 金蒲桃 5cm 株 84.00    
30 紫薇 1.灌木冠幅:1.2-2m,苗高2.5-3m
株 234.00    
31 琴叶珊瑚 1.灌木冠幅:1.0-1.2m,苗高1.2-1.5m
株 363.00    
32 黄叶榕 1.灌木冠幅:1.0-1.2m,苗高0.8-1.0m
株 204.00    
33 七彩大红花 1.灌木冠幅:0.8-1.0m,苗高0.8-1.0m
株 268.00    
34 红花银桦 1.灌木冠幅:1.2-1.5m,苗高1.5-1.8m
株 156.00    
工程名称: 第3页 共5页
序号 项目名称 项目特征描述 计量
单位 工程数量 金 额 (元)
35 桃花 1.灌木胸径5.0-6.0冠幅:2.0-2.5m,苗高2.0-2.5m
株 105.00    
36 红继木 1.灌木冠幅:0.8-1.2m,苗高0.8-1.2m
株 100.00    
37 澳洲鸭脚木 1.灌木冠幅1.3-1.5m,苗高1.7-2.0m
株 696.00    
38 灰莉 1.灌木冠幅:1.0-1.2m,苗高0.8-1.0m
株 499.00    
39 银叶金合欢 1.灌木冠幅:1.5-1.8m,苗高1.8-2.2m
株 101.00    
40 角茎野牡丹 1.灌木冠幅:1.0-1.2m,苗高0.8-1.0m
株 112.00    
41 紫花勒杜鹃 1.灌木冠幅:0.8-1.2m,苗高1.0-1.2m
株 251.00    
42 银边草 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 647.00    
43 粉花夹竹桃 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 4416.00    
44 大叶龙船花 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 820.00    
45 文殊兰 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 289.00    
46 鸢尾 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 7868.00    
47 红桑 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 87.00    
48 花叶姜 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 1055.00    
49 龟背竹 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 401.00    
50 吊竹梅 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 2217.00    
工程名称: 第4页 共5页
序号 项目名称 项目特征描述 计量
单位 工程数量 金 额 (元)
51 铺种台湾草   m2 27452.00    
52 海芋 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 22154.00    
53 翠芦莉 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 1275.00    
54 毛杜鹃 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 2778.00    
55 巴西野牡丹 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 526.00    
56 亮叶朱蕉 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 818.00    
57 黄叶假连翘 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 279.00    
58 红继木 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 295.00    
59 蜘蛛兰 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 4312.00    
60 银边山菅兰 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 183.00    
61 肾蕨 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 290.00    
62 白蝴蝶 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 2896.00    
63 紫花马缨丹 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 436.00    
64 黄花马缨丹 1.花卉种类、规格:详图纸
m2 235.00    
65 整理地形 1.绿化用地挖填高度在±30cm以内的平整 m2 55000.00    
66 填种植土 1.填土材料品种:种植土
3.运输:20km m3 50000.00    
在线咨询小洁电话咨询87孕酮是1.1参考值卵泡期小于0.1至0.3黄体期是1.2至15.9绝经期是小于0.1至0.2这样能怀孕吗_百度宝宝知道这是个机器人猖狂的时代,请输一下验证码,证明咱是正常人~This tutorial is out of date. See the
for Spring 4.
User input validation for the new car form.
This Validator class will validate a Car: 'WEB-INF/src/springmvc/validator/CarValidator.java'
package springmvc.validator;
import org.springframework.validation.E
import org.springframework.validation.ValidationU
import org.springframework.validation.V
import springmvc.model.C
public class CarValidator implements Validator {
public boolean supports(Class aClass) {
return Car.class.equals(aClass);
public void validate( obj, Errors errors) {
Car car = (Car)
ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, &model&, &field.required&, &Required field&);
ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, &price&, &field.required&, &Required field&);
if ( ! errors.hasFieldErrors(&price&)) {
if (car.getPrice().intValue() == 0)
errors.rejectValue(&price&, &not_zero&, &Can't be free!&);
supports(): declare classes supported by this validator
To add an error these parameters are needed:
Car field name
error message key
default message if no message is not found for the key
Let's update the view 'jsp/carNew.jsp':
&%@ taglib prefix=&c& uri=&/jsp/jstl/core& %&
&%@ taglib prefix=&form& uri=&http://www.springframework.org/tags/form& %&
&title&New Sponsor&/title&
&h1&New Car&/h1&
&form:form method=&post&&
Brand&br /&
&form:select path=&brand&&
&form:options items=&${brandList}& itemLabel=&name& itemValue=&id& /&
&br /&&br /&
Model &form:errors path=&model& cssClass=&error&/&&br /&
&form:input path=&model&/&&br /&&br /&
Price &form:errors path=&price& cssClass=&error&/&&br /&
&form:input path=&price&/&&br /&&br /&
&input type=&submit& value=&Submit&&
We now declare the validator for the URL addCar.html in 'WEB-INF/springmvc-servlet.xml'
&bean name=&/new_car.html& class=&springmvc.web.CarNewController&&
&property name=&commandClass& value=&springmvc.model.Car&/&
&property name=&formView& value=&carNew&/&
&property name=&successView& value=&list_cars.html&/&
&property name=&validator&&
&bean class=&springmvc.validator.CarValidator&/&
Build (ant) and relaunch Tomcat:
We can check it's working by entering empty values:
this is very good way to learn Spring but please can you do this tutorials with Net beans or Eclipse? this will be a great job
You can clearly see from the screen shots in earlier sections of the tutorial that J&r&me is using Eclipse. However I think he is doing a good job of hiding it as tutorials should be generic as possible. Not everybody uses NetBeans or Eclipse.
Could you please describe what supports method do ?
great tutorial...
kudos to u..
thnks 4 the great tutorial!!!
Because of you, I love Spring now!
Thanks for good tutorial.
Why don't use use spring:bind tag?
that was simply superb
Exactly what I was looking for!
No downloads for this one?
This is excellent one ,but no download..
it really good site from spring beginner . but when i am using &form:form&&/form:form& in my jsp. i am getting no such method error. any one can help me
best tutorial for beginning with spring, that i ever seen:)
Good Tutorial..
Excellent Tutorial.
Simple, yet covers most of the spring functionality.
Spring bind tag
is old when compared to the &form:tag&
and the error messages are not displayed after validation when spring tag is used.
Its really superb tutorial for starting spring. Thanks a lot..
Excellent!!! easy and funtional, very good, thanks!!!!
Awsome, simple and clean, thanks very much!!!
Outstanding example for validation that i never ever seen this type of easiest understanding example thanks a lot for the people who introduced this example
thanks a lot for the example... really help ful :D
but i have
a little doubt.. wil this validation work in a ftl?
in my case it didn't :(
excellent tutorial
yeah tutorial to mast hai !!!!
It's simple excellent.The way you have presented the topic is superb.
Thanks again - very handy!
This is most appropriate starters tutorial i have come across on the net for any technology. Thanks a lot Jér?me
Great tutorial. Much appreciated!!!
if somebody types string in the field, you will receive exception (errors tag will display it, because field is declared as int but String was entered). How can you change that? How can you hide/rewrite these exceptions?
Somebody knows how to handle the Exception if you put a String in the Price Field? the exceptions is shown in the &form:errors :(
what happends if I put "rrrr" in price Value?? how can i get a custom message for this error??
Hi, i've solve the problem:
you have to create a messages.properties file with:
typeMismatch=invalid field
typeMismatch.int=This value have to be integer
typeMismatch.java.lang.Integer={0} have to be Integer.
typeMismatch.java.util.Date={0} have to be Date, use format MM/dd/yyyy.
and then map this in your application-context.xml with:
That's all
I find framework in PHP...and fell in love with CodeIgnitor.
I find framework in Java.. and fell in love with Spring.
Thanks dude...
Great Tutorial. Quite Easy to understand and learn Spring. Many Thanks for your help in letting me grasp spring fundamentals in such a short time.
Really fantastic tutorial
Is there a way to remove the added errors from the Errors object
I'm adding all the field validation errors as follows
errors.rejectValue(fieldName, errorCode)
once i add the error based on some logic i want to remove the corresponding error from the 'errors'. How can i remove an added error from the errors object. I searched and not found any remove method on errors to remove the same. Can any one please help on this.
nice tutorial. I liked it very much.
Excellent Tutorial. Thank you
Good stuff!
Nice tutorial
xml is not valid.
tag is not closed.
Is it supposed to contain
Damn filterring.. I was talking about tag: lt property name eq "validator"
Why is it new_car.html when the created page is jsp i.e.,carNew.jsp (http://localhost:8180/springmvc/new_car.html)
Very good material for beginers
very pleased, thanks and keep going
Great simple tutorial for spring that leaves out all the other complex frameworks(eclipse,netbeans,maven,ant) that only confuse when learning. Thanks!
Very Good tutorial! Thanks for sharing.
thanks lot of
This tutorial is awesome. short, strait, concise and covers basic features of spring. thanks a lot for your time, and whatever you are sharing with us.
Good tutorial
But what if the error gets generated? How will spring know to display back the form where the error occurred. Where the form link gets stored?
Please explain this concept
Nice tutorial, thanks.
In the JSP carNew.jsp, I get exception below. However If I
remove the &form:errors and &form:input and change it to &input type=&text& name=&model& value=&& /&, then I don't get the exception.
My guess is some problem with spring tag library.
PS: I've followed the exact steps in the tutorial, using spring-framework-2.5.5.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /jsp/carNew.jsp at line 26
&br /&&br /&
Model &form:errors path=&model& cssClass=&error&/&&br /&
&form:input path=&model&/&&br /&&br /&
Price &form:errors path=&price& cssClass=&error&/&&br /&
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
root cause
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission getClassLoader)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
Was a local problem of tomcat on Ubuntu (issue with TOMCAT6_SECURITY variable explained at /questions/124004/tomcat-6-access-control-exception)
Once I set the TOMCAT6_SECURITY to no from yes, form:input worked fine.
Bien présenté dis donc! Reste qu'il manque le fichier avec les différents messages d'erreur. Tu as précisé les messages d'erreur par défaut, mais faudrait avoir les messages d'erreur par langue :)
Thanks a lot
Very Good tutorial
This is very great job.
Great tutorial!
God bless you!
For ecclipse please import the download content in ecclipse and everything will work or create a new web projects and place contents .
and yes esxcellent tutorial
I owe a lot to this tutorial. I use it as a reference and return to it from time to time. Great job man. Really appreciated.
This is really a nice tutorial for Spring learners.Thank you.
Please show us controller. Thanks.
The JavaServer Faces best than Spring !!!
Really excellent tutorials!!! These are what I was looking for!
Thanks very much.
nice job :)
I would recommend this tutorial series to all my friends...
not working....
This tutorial and examples are too good for a novice who is willing learn spring. I bet the person will surely benefited from this. Thanks buddy. God bless you.
Hi Thanks.. All the best
Very Nice.
Spring becomes simple wit you.:)
very good one!
short and best tutorial .
long and waste comments
One of the finest tutorials .. I have read thank you very much.....
Good tutorial but the error messages are displayed even when the page is loaded for the first time.. Thats very disheartening :-(
Really nice and helpful. Thanks
A wonderful tutorial for beginners who are all interested to learn Spring.
perfect for beginners .
Does anyone succeed in colorating input field when they are in error ? (not adding message)
The simplicity makes this tutorial very effective and interesting. Thanks a LOT. This helped me a LOT and saved my time.
Perfect!! loved it1
Thanks good tuts
Spring na enna ?
Please give an example via eclipse , which would be more useful for freshers in developing field :)
thanks its good
This simple but not good
it is very poor code
its not complete not working
Completely impressive ... thanks !
good source for starters in spring...but no downloads
nice tutotrial. Thank u very much,
can any one provide xml file
Really very good tutorial for beginners.
supports() why would we need it???
Cutting and pasting that does not work in MVC3. To get the extension to work, I had to create a class file:
using System.Collections.G
using System.L
using System.W
using System.Web.M
namespace incMvcSite.Classes {
public static class HtmlPrefixScopeExtensions {
public static IDisposable BeginHtmlFieldPrefixScope(this HtmlHelper html, string htmlFieldPrefix) {
return new HtmlFieldPrefixScope(html.ViewData.TemplateInfo, htmlFieldPrefix);
private class HtmlFieldPrefixScope : IDisposable {
private readonly TemplateInfo templateI
private readonly string previousHtmlFieldP
public HtmlFieldPrefixScope(TemplateInfo templateInfo, string htmlFieldPrefix) {
this.templateInfo = templateI
previousHtmlFieldPrefix = templateInfo.HtmlFieldP
templateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = htmlFieldP
public void Dispose() {
templateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = previousHtmlFieldP
In the Razor (.cshtml) file, I added the following:
@using incMvcSite.Classes
@using(Html.BeginHtmlFieldPrefixScope(&Permission&)) {
// The Html.EditorFor's would go here...
Notice the using to bring me extension class into scope. That allows the second using line to work.
Now the problem is that when posting back, the object is not updated. In my controller, I used a second parameter to specify my prefix:
TryUpdateModel(modelUser.Permission, &Permission&);
This added the prefix to all field in the HTML, and the TryUpdateModel loaded the object with prefixed control names. Now you can properly namespace your controls for embedded edit lists, and for partial views of models with the same property names.
Shawn Zernik
Internetwork Consulting
Please, write more tutorial... You writing style is very much easy to understand for me...Thank you very much...
this tutorial is very easy to understand and very useful.....thank you for your job
very good example
Nice blog. very informative.
very very usefull for starter..
En los metodos supports y validate, pueden colocar un @overrice para que sobreescriba los metodos de la implementación.
The best tutorial to get Started.
Best tutorial
New to Spring.. this really give me a clear picture abt this framework =) thumbs up
I have a question. How to restore the user input values after validation?
I have a dropdown-option A,B. A textbox(required) should appear on selecting B. So I select B and no input in text-box and click submit.
I have a validation like the given example for the text-box but i have to select option B to view the error message
Any ideas?
Nice article
This is very helpful to understand and practice spring MVC examples. Its a very good tutorial for beginners. Thanks for the examples.
outstanding work! great help for spring beggingers
esta genial esta tutorial, creo que no sabia nada de Spring y ahora lo voy entendiendo muy bien, muchas gracias.
Thank you very much !
It is very very good tutorial !
Thank you again !
you are simple awesome! perfect tutorial.
Very good and simple example.....
Thank you ......
Superb Friend
Good tutorial
any one can pleas explain how exactly the logic of whole program works...?
Thank you again and again.
These tutorials just work.
It is the sign of a great mind to be able to make things so simple.


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