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>> The ORL Database of Faces
The ORL Database of Faces英文关键词:face recognition,AI,computer vision,classification,中文关键词:人脸识别、 人工智能、 计算机视觉、 分类、数据格式:IMAGE数据介绍:
The well-known ORL Database of Faces,contains a set of face images taken between April 1992 and April 1994 at the lab. The database was used in the context of a face recognition project carried out in collaboration with the Speech, Vision and Robotics Group of the Cambridge University Engineering Department.There are ten different images of each of 40 distinct subjects. For some subjects, the images were taken at different times, varying the lighting, facial expressions (open / closed eyes, smiling / not smiling) and facial details (glasses / no glasses). All the images were taken against a dark homogeneous background with the subjects in an upright, frontal position (with tolerance for some side movement). The files are in PGM format, and can conveniently be viewed on UNIX (TM) systems using the 'xv' program. The size of each image is 92x112 pixels, with 256 grey levels per pixel. The images are organised in 40 directories (one for each subject), which have names of the form sX, where X indicates the subject number (between 1 and 40). In each of these directories, there are ten different images of that subject, which have names of the form Y.pgm, where Y is the image number for that subject (between 1 and 10).Parameterisation of a Stochastic Model for Human Face Identification,Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Sarasota FL, December 1994When using these images, please give credit to AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.[以下内容来由机器自动翻译] 著名肖像数据库的面对, 包含一组采取 1992 年 4 月至 1994 年 4 月,在劳顾会的人脸图像。语音、 眼光和剑桥大学工程系机器人 集团合作开展的人脸识别项目的上下文中使用数据库。 有十个不同的 图像,每个 40 不同科目。某些科目,拍摄的图像在不同的时间,不 同的照明、 面部表情 (打开 / 关闭眼睛,微笑 / 不微笑) 和面部 的细节 (眼镜 / 没眼镜) 。所有图像都是直立的、 正面的位置主题 黑色均匀背景 (用一些侧运动的公差) 都拍摄的。文件 PGM 格 式,并且可以方便地查看 UNIX (TM) 系统,使用 '十五' 程序。每 个图像的大小为 92 x 112 像素,与每个像素 256 级灰度。图像是在 40 目录 (一个用于每个主题) ,具有名称的形式 sX,其中 X 表示 主题编号 (1 至 40) 举办的。在每个目录,有十个不同图像这一 问题,有 Y.pgm,其中 Y 是针对该主题 (1 至 10) 图像数窗体 的名称。人脸识别,对应用程序的计算机视觉、 萨拉索塔佛罗里达 州 1994 年 12 月第二届 IEEE 研讨会的一个随机模型参数化在使 用这些图像时,请将信贷给 ﹠ 实验室剑桥。 [自动翻译由 Microsoft Translator 完成]点此下载完整数据集
你可以自己创建自己的数据集,也可以从这里(http://face-rec.org/databases/)下载 一个。 AT&T Facedatabase 又称 ORL 人脸数据库,40 个人,每人 10 张照片。...('D:\Research\Face Detection\The ORL Database of Faces\att_faces\s',... int2str(i),'\',int2str(j),'.jpg')) 15 ; 16end 17disp(strcat('s...利用 OpenCV 实现一个实时的人脸识别系统, 人脸库采用 ORL FaceDatabase (网上下载) , 另外在数据库中增加了作业中自带的 20 张照片和自己利用摄像头采集到的 ...To use these input files exactly as provided, unzip the ORL face database... } // count the number of faces while( fgets(imgFilename, 512, imgList...人脸识别 % FaceRec.m % PCA 人脸识别修订版,识别率 88% % calc xmean,...('e:\ORL\s',num2str(i),'\',num2str(j),'.jpg')); b=a(1:...图 2 YALE 人脸库图像示例 Fig.2 Sample face images from the YALE database 在对 ORL 库和 YALE 库进行实验时,每人分 别随机选择 3、4、5 幅图像用作...(I) unsurprising Clearly the government faced a dilemma: it could hardly ______ trials, especially in the absence of irrefutable evidence, but it ...The experiment results show the effectiveness of the algorithm on the ORL and Yale face database. 【Key words】 Neighborhood Preserving ...实验主要步骤:首先对图像预处理,转换成向量,再通过 PCA 算法对 ORL 人脸 数据... xNewFace = ReadAFace(newFacePath); % 读入一个测试样本 xNewFace = ...henIbecameandadultFrankgotafunnyl ookonhisfacesomeeekslaterhentheuarryclosedin...theybringusintothepresenceofthegreatestmindsthatha veeverlivedeveninthisorldIama... 更多相关标签:
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