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Tommy is a runner and para-athlete from Ottawa, Canada.
Born in 1991, he was diagnosed with Autism at age 2 1/2, was non verbal until age 7, but could read and type words before he could speak.
Disney movies’ subtitles helped him learn language.
His Autism Dog Guide, “Adel”, helps keep him safe.
He loves stories, people, travel, music, cooking, hard work at any job, facebook, and YouTube. Tommy inspires viewers worldwide with his YouTube channel, “lookyus”, which shares his life, races, Disney trips, and enthusiasm for life! The videos posted on “lookyus” share his everyday activities and accomplishments, and allow the viewer to experience Tommy’s joyful view of the world, and appreciate the wonderful things a person with Autism has to share with others
When Tommy was 18, he asked his mom, “What is Autism?”
Knowing he had heard and read the word often, all his life, his mom responded with “What do you think Autism means?”
Tommy thought for a moment, then said “Autism means friendship.”
Two mini documentaries about Tommy, “First Fastest Runner” and “I See a Des Brisay Fly”, were made by film maker Jordan Kawai and fellow students.
Jordan is a close friend of Tommy and his family, who shares Tommy’s enthusiasm for life and love of people, movies, family, and fun!
Here are those two films:
Tommy in the news-
In 2011, Tommy was featured as CTV’s Athlete of the Week.
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"I'm going to be the first fastest runner in the world!" -Tommy Des Brisay
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Tommy Birding with Paul and Laura in the prairie of Alberta:
Erin O'Higgins comes to see Finding Dory with Tommy and they discuss many things:
Personal Best June 29 2016 at the Ottawa Twilight Meet:
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