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&&&&&& 脸上有痘痘在长春那家医院看的好?在长春市,你只要打开报纸、电视、网络,关于痤疮治疗的广告铺天盖地!一些医院和祛痘机构甚至冒充&姚大夫&,在网上大势宣传,欺诈炒作手法已经到了无所不用其极的地步了!一些皮肤医院打着&专家诊断、百年传承、中西医结合、彻底根治、祖传秘方、新方法新疗法、皮肤名医专家、第一最好&等等旗号包装宣传治疗痤疮,颇具欺骗性。有的皮肤医院,一间诊室、一张桌子、一个号称教授专家的医生,就成了&痤疮专科医院、痤疮治疗中心&了!在那里治痤疮,他们会想法设法让你花钱,各种花销像个无底洞!那些疗法多是炒作的概念,所谓的中西医结合,什么多联疗法,其实就是口服西药、中成药或者汤剂、外用药膏、最后激光、红蓝光照射或者所谓的光动力理疗。尤其激光照射,一次数百元,关键是搞不好容易造成皮肤深层的损伤。2011年12月初,院里来了一个大学生咨询治脸,这个大学生为了治好脸,去了长春很多地方,还不顾远在广西老家的父母忠告,在红旗街上一家大型的整形机构,相信激光无痛无痕能快速治好他的脸,结果花了8000多块钱,脸上留下了很多被激光烧灼留下的深深的印记,皮肤深层也被灼伤,变得非常敏感脆弱,脸上的痤疮可以说一点没见好转。眼看要放寒假,小伙子非常焦急,花了父母那么多钱,脸治成这样,怕回家让父母看见,没法交代。2012年4月中旬,院里来了一个长春大学的男学生,之前去了一家皮肤专科医院,在那里花了将近2000元,用所谓的光动力仪器照射,结果原本就几个的痘痘是没了,但整张脸皮肤变得通红,角质层被完全破坏掉了,出现了很多红血丝,疼痛感非常明显。这个男学生后悔不已。2013年10月份,一个大学男生来到院里,他说,之前到一家网络上炒得很火的皮肤医院去看脸,那里的医生一下子给他开了2000多块钱的各种药膏、消炎药,他当时也不懂,回家就用,效果不好不说,不长时间脸上还起了很多小疙瘩,又红又痒,网上一查,才知道变成了激素依赖性皮炎了!那天,他把那些消炎药、药膏啥的带来了倒在了桌子上,光是红霉素软膏就四五盒!因为,在这些地方,医生卖出多少药和他的利益息息相关!
长春姚大夫温馨提示:莫让不懂美容知识的老中医们毁了你的脸!莫让乱喝中药汤耽误了你的脸!&& 一是见效慢,疗程长。见效慢,病情可能还会发展。对于急于解决面子问题的患者来说,治疗时间越长,越会加重心理负担,而心理负担越重,病情也会加重,治疗费用也会增加。&& 二是,中药处方使用不当不仅起不到治疗效果,而且会给身体增加无形压力。治疗痘痘的中药多以清热除湿药为主,这类药物药性寒凉,空腹服用易伤脾胃,服用不当极易导致营养不良、偏食挑食等,引起身体机能紊乱。还有,一些小型的专科医院和诊所,方剂使用不规范,给患者带来的危害更大。&& 三是,外部干预少。很多诊所和科室不给患者清理和处置已经发炎长了痘痘的部位,致使患者痘痘部位炎症不能及时消除,导致炎症部位扩大、创伤痘疤的形成。而且,那些轻微的暗痘不能及时发现,也会继续发展,致使病情持续恶化。&& 四是更重要的,一些医师和医院在口服方剂和自制的外用药膏药面里,可能添加激素类、维A酸类药物和抗生素,来满足患者迅速治愈的心理。尤其必须小心的是那些自制的外用药膏药面,可能带来各种皮损和激素性依赖皮炎。在院里,经常能听到新来的患者说某某医院的汤药可能有激素,把身体都喝胖了,某某医院诊所的药膏可能有激素,把脸都抹坏了。那些打着祖传秘方,宣传内服中药能阻断病灶、杀灭细菌,调整激素水平、控制皮脂腺分泌甚至永久根治,多半都是忽悠顾客的手段而已。
&& 两大承诺重于泰山:
&& 一、保证痤疮青春痘的治疗质量和效果,无效退款!治疗场所为自有房屋,俗话说&跑了和尚跑不了庙&,院方的承诺和患者的消费安全有保障!
&& 十大优势值得信赖:
&& 一、证照齐全,专业治痤疮,有十年治愈数千例痤疮患者的经验积累并传承姚大夫近30年的治脸历程。有大量临床实证。
&& 二、见效快,疗程短。最快3天时间内即可看到明显的治疗效果。
&& 三、多种治疗手段和护理方法并用。
&& 四、运用中药产品治疗痤疮,产品不含激素,安全不依赖。
&& 五、治痘和修复痘印并重,专业修复痘坑。
&& 六、姚大夫本人曾经深受痤疮、酒糟鼻的困扰,和大多数痤疮患者感同身受,30多年前就已经是一位受人尊敬的治疗痤疮、酒糟鼻的专科医师。姚大夫产品来源于医院制剂,经过大量的临床实践。
&& 七、姚大夫产品是卫生部批准的功能性系列产品组合,三证齐全,涵盖痤疮治疗、预防和印痕修复。
&& 八、品牌是信誉和质量的保证。姚大夫是著名品牌,获得全国第三届科技大会国家金奖、全国螨虫治疗技术科技大会科研成果金奖、美国爱迪生发明奖等多个大奖,并被评为中央电视台榜上知名品牌;斯里兰卡的总统夫人曾亲自颁奖给她,称她为人类做出了杰出的贡献。2000年,在美国拉斯维加斯BBSI会上,美国美容美发协会主席称赞姚大夫化妆品功能性NO.1。名人都爱惜自己的脸,赵本山洋徒弟夫妇在新婚前曾经使用姚大夫产品治疗痘痘,取得了意想不到的效果。
&& 九、姚大夫产品是中国首个出口到国外的治痘品牌,已在多个国家开设连锁机构,并经过美国食品药品管理局认证并已申请美国专利。
&&&&&& 美丽相约:长春市卫星广场长春大学对面星城国际A座1610房间,肯德基右侧A座入口乘电梯到16楼即是。美丽专线:98、131-。给我一份信任,还您一生美丽!熟话说,眼见为实!分类: |脸上湿疹最佳&#x6疗方法
13:09:59 & &参与评论 人
East Asia, Pacific growth remains resilient in face of challenging global environment: World Bank 发表时间:内容来源:VOA英语学习网SINGAPORE, April 11 -- Growth in East Asia and Pacific has remained resilient and is expected to ease only modestly from 2016 to 2018, according to a new World Bank report released here on Monday.According to the report, growth in East Asia is expected to ease from 6.5 percent in 2015 to 6.3 percent in 2016 and 6.2 percent from 2017 to 2018.This reflects China's gradual shift to slower, more sustainable growth, which is expected to be 6.7 percent in 2016 and 6.5 percent in 2017, compared with 6.9 percent in 2015. Developing East Asia and Pacific continues to contribute strongly to global growth. The region accounted for almost two-fifths of global growth in 2015, more than twice the combined contribution of all other developing regions, said Victoria Kwakwa, incoming World Bank East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice President. The region has benefited from careful macroeconomic policies, including efforts to boost domestic revenue in some commodity-exporting countries. But sustaining growth amid challenging global conditions will require continued progress on structural reforms. The East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, which is published twice a year with a comprehensive review of the region's economies, examines the region's growth prospects against a challenging backdrop: slow growth in high-income countries, a broad slowdown across emergingmarkets, weak global trade, persistently low commodity prices, and increasingly volatile global financial markets.According to the report, if exclude China, the region's developing countries grew by 4.7 percent in 2015, and the pace of growth will pick up slightly to 4.8 percent in 2016 and 4.9 percent in 2017 to 2018, driven by growth in the large Southeast Asian economies. However, the outlook for individual countries varies, depending on their trade and financial relationships with high-income economies and China, as well as their dependence on commodity exports.Among the large developing Southeast Asian economies, the Philippines and Vietnam have the strongest growth prospects, both expected to grow by more than 6 percent in 2016. In Indonesia, growth is forecast at 5.1 percent in 2016 and 5.3 percent in 2017, contingent on the success of recent reforms and implementation of an ambitious public investment program.Several small economies, including Laos, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea, will continue to be affected by low commodity prices and weaker external demand. Cambodia's growth will be slightly below 7 percent during 2016 to 2018, reflecting weaker prices for agricultural commodities, constrained garment exports, and moderating growth in tourism. In the Pacific Island countries, growth is likely to remain moderate. Developing East Asia and Pacific faces elevated risks, including a weaker-than-expected recovery in high-income economies and a faster-than-expected slowdown in China. At the same time, policy makers have less room to manoeuver in setting macroeconomic policy, said Sudhir Shetty, Chief Economist of the World Bank's East Asia and Pacific Region. Countries should adopt monetary and fiscal policies that reduce their exposure to global and regional risks, and continue with structural reforms to boost productivity and promote inclusive growth. Slower-than-expected global growth could weaken demand and reduce growth in developing East Asia and Pacific, especially among commodity exporters, the report said.Therefore, it calls for close monitoring of economic vulnerabilities, particularly those associated with high levels of debt, price deflation, and slower growth in China, and high corporate and household debt in some other large economies.In addition, the report also warns the region should be prepared for natural disasters, which pose a substantial risk for Pacific Island countries.Continued macroeconomic prudence and sustained structural reform are also appealed for.In China, the report recommends strengthening market discipline in the financial sector, including by allowing credit allocation to be more market-driven, gradually opening up sectors dominated by state-owned enterprises to greater competition and continuing to reform the household-registration system.It also urges a shift in the public spending from infrastructure toward public services, such as education, health and social assistance and towards environmental protection.Across the region more generally, there is a growing need for prudent fiscal policy to guard against future external shocks.This is especially important in those economies where growth has been sustained through increased public or private sector borrowing, or where external demand has been supported by the commodities boom.Over the longer term, the report calls for governments to boost transparency and strengthen accountability.It urges countries to reduce barriers to regional trade, such as non-tariff measures and regulatory barriers, including to trade in services.And the report stresses that the benefits from the digital revolution will be maximized by developing regulatory regimes that favor competition, and by helping workers adapt their skills to the demands of the new economy.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//East-Asia-Pacific-growth-remains-resilient-in-face-of-challe.htmlBBC新闻附字幕[翻译]:索尼影业宣布公映《刺杀金正恩》 奥巴马表示赞赏 发表时间:内容来源:VOA英语学习网BBC news with Nick Kelly.Sony Pictures has announced a limited theatrical release of The Interview, the comedy about the North Korean leader that was withdrawn after a big cyber attack on the company and reports of threats against cinemas. From Los Angeles, here s Alastair Leithead.President Obama praised Sony s decision to backtrack. He had been critical when the company said it was pulling the film, The Interview, after an anonymous online threat which the Department of Homeland Security had no credible intelligence about. Sony Pictures confirmed the film would have a limited theatrical release in the US on Christmas Day. That means independent and art house cinemas who wanted to show the film all along. Sony said it had only pulled the film because the big multiplex theater companies refused to screen it on safety grounds and said it was continuing efforts so the movie reaches the largest possible audience.US Health officials have recommended lifting the lifetime ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men. They say, in the future, donations should be accepted from men who ve refrained from sex for a year. The controversial ban was introduced during the early years of the AIDS crisis. But many medical groups have argued it is no longer supported by science. The lifting of the ban will bring the US in line with a number of countries with similar short-term bans.A Canadian porn actor who killed a Chinese student and posted his body parts to politicians and schools has been found guilty of murder. Luka Magnotta had pleaded not guilty to the killing on the grounds of diminished responsibility. Lee Carter is in Toronto.It took jurors more than a week to reach their verdict, but in the end they determined that Luka Magnotta s crimes were premeditated. The murder and dismemberment of the 33-year-old university student Lin Jun in May, 2012, shocked even seasoned officers from Montreal s homicide squad. Mr.Magnotta filmed part of his crime and posted the video on the Internet. He then sent Lin Jun s body parts in the post to, among others, the Canadian prime minister. Mr.Magnotta then fled Canada and after an international manhunt, he was arrested at an Internet cafe in Berlin.The authorities in Peru have decided to evacuate a remote Amazon community after it was raided by about two hundred members of an uncontacted indigenous tribe armed with bows and arrows. Nicholas Russia reports.This is the third time this year that the Mashco-Piro Indians have arrived in Monte Salvador, searching for food and metal objects. But last Thursday they came while most of the villagers were away and ransacked their homes and killed some domestic animals. No one has been injured. But the Peruvian police said it was necessary to take the villagers to a bigger town to safeguard their lives. A local indigenous organization has asked the government to protect the Mashco-Piro s land, much of which has been taken over by logging concessions and drug-traffickers.World news from the BBC.Francs is stepping up security in public areas after three violent attacks over recent many days. The Prime Minister Manuel Valls said there would be extra police on the streets and that an additional 300 soldiers would be deployed around the country for the Christmas period. Mr.Valls said France was facing a terrorist threat and possible copycat attacks.Russia s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has criticized the Ukrainian parliament for its decision to announce the country s non-alliance status and work towards membership of the Nato alliance. Mr.Lavrov called the step counterproductive and said it would cause tensions. Parts of eastern Ukraine are controlled by pro-Russian separatists and Russian annexed Crimea earlier this year. Opinion polls suggest that support for a Nato membership has risen since the conflict with Russia began.Police in the Indian state of Assam said at least 36 people have been killed by militants in an area close to the border with Bhutan. Yorg Sundimy reports form Mumbai.That attacks took place on Tuesday s evening in remote villages in two separate areas of Assam. The dead include some women. They were allegedly gunned down by a militant group fighting for a separate homeland for the Bodo tribe in the state. Police say the attacks are in retaliation to an operation by Indian security forces in which some members of the separatist group were killed. Investigations are under way and paramilitary troops have been rushed to the area.And Pope Francis has sent a message of solidarity to Christians in the Middle East in the face of what he called all kinds of abuses and inhuman acts. The pope said Christmas hymns in the region will be accompanied by tears and sighs. Without mentioning Islamic State by name, he said a new terrorist organization of previously unimaginable dimensions had driven many Christians and other minorities from their native lands.BBC news.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//BBC-NEWS-.html
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