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How to Get a Great Glow for Both Special Evenings Every DayNo longer associated just with '80s pop stars, shimmery, frosted makeup is a must-have this season. While it s perfect for holiday parties, shimmer can also be your go-to look for daytime, work time and any time, if you follow the tips and tricks from our expert makeup artists. Even if you've previously shied away from the shiny look, you can learn ways to roll back the years and accentuate your features with a little makeup magic.Shine OnMichelle Keck, makeup artist for the hit TV show Private Practice, says she firmly believes that all women can benefit from a little shimmer. Every makeup bag should have a reflective bronze face powder, she said. Also, a shimmery cheek color or highlighter, and a selection of luminescent eye shadows. Shimmers are a great way to give extra glow to the skin, and help to make your best features really pop. Whereas most women probably consider shimmer best confined to evening or party wear, the current look is about using a touch of shine for day wear too. Shimmer is absolutely appropriate for daytime, Keck says. For example, a bronzy, beachy natural look for daytime includes reflective bronzing for the face, eyes and lips. Subtle ShimmerEmma Watson adds a touch of shimmer eye shadow along her lash line for a sweet and soft accent color. (photo: Ian Gavan/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images)For those who are unsure how to apply a subtle dose of shimmer and worry that their blush will look overdone, Keck warns against a hasty or heavy-handed application. Moderation and proper application are key, she explains.To that end, shimmery colors are best applied in careful, conservative layers. It's always better to under-apply than over-apply, lest you should end up with a face like the Tin Man's in The Wizard of Oz. For example, when using a shimmery eye shadow, Keck recommends using only small dabs of the product, for a highlighting effect, rather than an all-over look. Use a dab in the center of the eyelid, below the crease, to highlight and open up the eye, she says. Or use a dab just along the lash line, blending well below the crease. Moderation is the key here. If you're applying a shimmery bronzer, blush or highlighter to your face, start very small with a light layer and slowly build the amount of shine if necessary. Shimmery face makeup should be applied in very conservative amounts and completely blended using a good-quality bronzer or blush brush. Done carefully and conservatively, this look will give you a subtle, beautiful glow.However, Karoliina Kangas, a Hollywood-based celebrity makeup artist, advises some women to steer clear of shimmery powders on the face. If you have oily skin or large pores, it's more flattering to use a matte-finish bronzer or blush, she said. Also, never put any shimmer on your T-zone area the nose, chin or between brows. Emphasize and MinimizeIf the idea of shimmer settling into your crow's feet or fine lines has scared you away from shiny makeup, there are some creative ways to use it to actually de-emphasize problem areas.Kangas says that using shimmer to carefully define your best features can really work as an anti-aging tool. Yes, used in traditional ways, shimmer can be aging, she says. But when you use it the right way, it works the opposite. For example, try putting a small amount of pale nude or ivory shimmery color on the inner corner of each eye. This will open eyes up, making them appear young and wider apart. The success of using shimmer on older skin also lies in the level of shimmer used, noted Keck. She advises women who are concerned with lines to avoid applying shimmery powders to problem areas and to choose softer, more pearlescent types of shine for a soft glow. Mirror-like luster tends to enhance any lines or wrinkles, Keck explains. So I recommend products with softer reflective qualities, like a pearl finish. A good way to get a glow without emphasizing lines is to choose a liquid foundation with a small amount of luminescence to it. Party GirlEven if you have a little shimmer in your daytime makeup, applying an extra layer of shimmer to eyes and cheeks and a dusting of shine to the body can be a great way to take your look from day to night. When leaving work for a party, a layer of highlighting shimmery powder can be brushed on the tops of the cheeks to add glow and highlight the high points of the face, Keck says. Add an extra pop of extra-bright shimmery eye shadow in the center of the eyelid to emphasize evening eyes. Although it's too much shine for work, shimmer on the body can give the skin an appealing, touchable appearance perfect for a dressed-up night out. Add a dusting of highlighting powder or shimmery bronzer over exposed skin, says Keck. Don't forget to do your legs too. A slick of shimmer smoothed down your shins can even help them to appear longer and gives you a well-groomed finish. Kangas says she likes to apply a finishing touch of highlighting shimmer to the center of the upper lip for a sensuous, plumping appearance.But if you're really going all-out and want a highly glamorous glittering look at that holiday party, Kangas suggests: silver or gold shimmer eye shadow, tons of mascara and nice rosy cheeks with shimmer highlighter blended into the upper points of the cheekbones. Then dark red lips with a slick of sparkly lip gloss over the top. Even if super-shiny isn't your thing, shimmer can be about simply adding a subtle glow to your daytime look, making lips appear fuller, cheekbones higher or eyes wider apart. So, go on, highlight your best assets!Back to MatteIf you simply cannot see yourself in shimmery makeup or just feel more comfortable in matte products, Michelle Keck, makeup artist for TV's Private Practice, explains how to make a flatter finish work for you.Eyes: A matte smoky eye in grays or warm browns looks great on most skin tones, Keck says. Keep the intensity at the lash line and blend into lighter shades up to the crease. Or with neutral eye shadows, try black or brown mascara on the top lashes and a colored mascara on the lower lashes that matches your eye color. Lips: Today's matte lipsticks tend to be creamier without being as drying, Keck said. They are more comfortable to wear, and look fresher for longer. Apply saturated colors with a matching pencil. Lighter, neutral tones can be applied alone. Face: To keep the skin looking fresh, avoid over-powdering with a matte powder, Keck says. Allow some of your natural glow to show through. However, be sure to powder the cheeks before ap otherwise it could grab the foundation and become difficult to blend.
从不熟悉水性到一周时间学会游泳,经过2个多月集训后到参赛,她一举夺得四川省第八届残运会女子游泳4项金牌;时隔1年后,她代表四川省参加中华人民共和国第九届残运会,收获2块铜牌和一个第6名,她有一个美丽名字——蓝婧雯。 逆境中成长的阳光娃 “她手掌大,单手臂长70厘米,双臂伸展达175厘米,是个游泳人才。” 近日,记者到隆昌县石燕桥镇油房九年制学校采访时,蓝婧雯在班主任李远慧的搀扶下站立起来,体育老师用卷尺丈量蓝婧雯的手臂后说。 在老师的帮助下,重新回到座位上的蓝婧雯,阳光开朗,脸上始终挂着笑容。 今年13岁的蓝婧雯,家住石燕桥镇净土村5组,她患有先天性脑瘫,下肢重度残疾。在她很小的时候,父母离异,她和父亲蓝发彬、奶奶、曾祖母生活在贫困的小山村。 一家4口人,曾祖母已90高龄,蓝婧雯生活大部分不能自理,家中一老一小的生活,全靠体弱多病的奶奶照顾,父亲种地和打零工,则是全家人生活的主要经济来源。虽然身患残疾,但她有着乐观向上、顽强努力的生活态度。 父亲蓝发彬对女儿宠爱有加,除了挣钱养家。上学期间,每天按时接送她读书,为了她的身体康复,带着她四处求医。2009年时,先后为她做过脚和腰部手术。“辛苦累点都没关系,我就希望她像正常的小孩一样,快乐成长,今后能够生活自理。”蓝发彬对女儿流露出怜爱之情。 一次机缘改变生活轨迹 2014年4月的一天,11岁的蓝婧雯,在成都八一康复中心做康复治疗时,无意间被四川省残疾人游泳集训队的总教练熊非发现并一眼相中。“当时,我正为全国第九届残运会选苗子,蓝婧雯虽然脑瘫,但站立起有160厘米,尤其是她的手大臂长,非常符合游泳项目特征。” 接下来,从来不识水性的蓝婧雯,在熊教练的调教下,只用了一个星期就学会了游泳,随后就进入艰苦的集训。 谈及爱徒,熊教练称赞道,她起步低,但吃苦耐劳,有股不服输劲头。刚开始训练,她经常呛水,双手划水发力不平衡,熊教练就手把手矫正她的泳姿,有意识培养她的上肢力量,弥补不足,通过强化训练,她进步很快。“游泳对脑瘫患者来说,是恢复身体机能的最好方式,不像在陆地易受伤;在水中有浮力、有压力,游泳既柔性又有力量。”熊非说道。 2014年8月,蓝婧雯参加四川省第八届残疾人运动会,一举夺得女子50米自由泳、50米蛙泳、50米仰泳、100米蛙泳4块金牌。 2015年9月,蓝婧雯代表四川省参加中华人民共和国第九届残疾人运动会,取得50米蛙泳、150米混合泳两项比赛的铜牌和100米自由泳比赛第六名的好成绩。 学校社会都来关心她 蓝婧雯在残疾人体育项目上取得优异成绩,受到各级政府和相关部门的关注。2015年9月,她正式跨进学校大门,成为一名小学生,就读一年级二班。 “蓝靖雯同学身残志不残,是名特殊人才,全校师生要尽力帮助她,使其健康快乐成长。”校长罗崇林说道。 为此,学校还专门制订出关爱蓝婧雯随班就读的实施方案,成立以班主任李远慧为组长的帮扶小组,确保蓝靖雯同学“学业有教、监护有人、生活有助、健康有保、安全有护。” “入学以来,蓝靖雯学习刻苦,由于残疾,她动手书写很困难,但口头表达能力强,在3月份的单元测试中,数学考了96分,语文在不念题情况下,考了58分,非常不错。”李远慧表扬她。 鉴于蓝靖雯家庭的困难情况,学校向隆昌县红十字会提出助学申请,红会及时给予资助。随后,县红十字会通过友好城市江苏省太仓市红十字会发起帮扶倡议,太仓市实验小学蒲公英中队已认领帮扶蓝婧雯。 “女儿的成长过程,得到这么多人关心帮助和鼓励,作为家长,我一辈子都会铭记在心,教育孩子学会感恩,今后努力回报社会。”蓝发彬感慨道。 采访结束时,蓝靖雯告诉记者,她有一个心愿,想去巴西参加残奥会。“虽然蓝靖雯有游泳天赋,但考虑她年龄小,尚在求学阶段,加之奥运集训强度大,就放弃了;但我会密切关注她,有机会一定会招募她来集训。”熊教练说。


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