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phpstorm 2018.2激活码
环境:Windows10, Windows8, Windows7, WinVista, WinXP
phpstorm 2018.2激活码是通过激活码可以将phpstorm 2018.2版本破解,从而让您永久使用该软件phpstorm软件,phpStorm 2018.2是一款强大的php代码编辑器,由 JetBrains 公司开发的一款商业的 PHP 集成开发工具,,它提供了必不可少的工具,如自动化重构,深层代码分析,联机错误检查和快速修复,代码高亮、代码调试、代码自动完成以及错误检查等多种功能。旨在提高用户效率,可深刻理解用户的编码,提供智能代码补全,快速导航以及即时错误检查。此版本为PHP和Web提供了新功能,错误修复和改进,并包含了IntelliJ平台的最新改进。支持windows/mac/linux多平台,并且可以在多平台上协作办公,将精准的开发人员工具整合在一起,创造更加便捷的开发环境。是Java内核开发的一款功能强大的PHP IDE代码编辑器,PhpStorm常适合于人员及前端工程师。可以设计HTML网页,可以设计CSS网页,也可以设计PHP网页,提供更好的编辑环境,界面功能也比较简单,菜单内容也是很丰富的,让设计网页的朋友拥有更好的编辑平台。并且PhpStorm可随时帮助用户对其编码进行调整,运行单元测试或者提供可视化debug功能。在编辑网页的时候提供更好的操作,可以设计HTML网页,可以设计CSS网页,也可以设计PHP网页,提供更好的编辑环境,界面功能也比较简单,菜单内容也是很丰富的,让设计网页的朋友拥有更好的编辑平台,这里小编提供一个该软件的激活码,如果你下载的是2018版本,并且软件没有激活的话,那就赶紧前来本站下载此款软件完成激活吧!phpstorm 2018.2激活码功能1、phpstorm 2018.2提供新的检查方式,在设计CSS的时候更好发现缺点2、提供经常使用的PHP函数3、也可以对部分错误的加载项目进行纠错4、在开发web程序的时候也提供更好的帮助5、PHP编译和重构也是比较优秀的6、通过小编的激活码就可以将phpstorm 2018.2破解phpstorm 2018.2激活码特色1、phpstorm 2018.2破解很简单,不会英文的朋友可以激活2、激活需要通过补丁和注册码执行3、注册码保存在你下载的TXT文本上4、激活的教程可以在下方查看5、小编也提供汉化,需要的朋友自行阅读教程PhpStorm 2018.2激活码激活教程1、打开破解文件夹,找到里面的JetbrainsCrack.jar,也有说明文件2、复制JetbrainsCrack.jar到软件的安装地址C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2018.2\bin3、找到两个文件phpstorm.exe.vmoptions,通过打开编辑里面的内容4、在后面添加:-javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2018.2\bin\JetbrainsCrack.jar,两个文件都需要添加,随后保存5、启动您的软件,这里有一个提示,点击OK6、有软件的界面设置,点击下方的英文跳过7、这里是激活的文件夹,打开找到里面的注册码8、将注册码复制到这里,点击OK,软件完成激活9、提示软件激活的说明,现在您可以在主页构建一个新的项目PhpStorm 2018.2汉化方法1、您可以看到这里有一个resources_cn.jar,这个就是中文补丁2、复制resources_cn.jar到软件的安装地址下lib文件夹3、重启软件看到界面已经是中文,汉化结束
phpstorm 2018.2激活码
Custom postfix completion templates
Postfix code completion has existed in PhpStorm since version 9, but only provided a limited
number of predefined templates. PhpStorm 2018.2 takes postfix completion to the next level
by allowing you to add custom postfix completion templates. Create templates to match your
project and your personal coding style!
FQCN Completion
Completion now matches the namespace in addition to the element name. You don’t have to type
or invoke completion for each part of \Illuminate\Auth\Events anymore – just type
IAuE instead.
Move Instance Method Refactoring
PhpStorm already has the Pull Up/Push Down and Make Static/Move Static
Method refactorings that help you move methods around. For handling the methods that
cannot be made static or moved across the class hierarchy, PhpStorm 2018.2 introduces a
refactoring that allows for moving an instance method to a parameter class or to a field
class. Simply invoke the Move refactoring on a method declaration, and, if the new
refactoring can be applied, you will see a dialog prompting you to choose the target class.
PHP Language
In PhpStorm 2018.2, we’ve completely reworked Structural Search and Replace for PHP, which
offers lots of new capabilities and greatly simplifies patterns creation. Now you can
specify the type of Structural variable, which lets you, for example, find a call to the
specific method where the first parameter is a string. You can use a simple pattern to find
a foreach loop with an unconditional return statement, or even create your own
inspection that will capture an unnecessarily double-quoted string, if your code style
enforces this.
Improved SQL Injections
In version 8, PhpStorm introduced basic support for string concatenations in Language
Injections. The dynamic nature of the resulting strings and the strictness of the SQL parser
caused a lot of false positive errors in SQL.
In PhpStorm 2018.2, we’ve eliminated most such errors and introduced some new features, too.
PhpStorm can now substitute the values of constants directly within the injected string, so
you can run a query without copy-pasting their values. In addition, we’ve added support for
SQL strings that use sprintf parameters.
New Inspections and Quick Fixes
PhpStorm 2018.2 delivers handy new inspections such as:
Extension is missing in composer.json reports usages of
classes/functions/constants from PHP extensions which are not specified in composer.json
Non-canonical order of elements in PHPDoc reports tags such as @property, @param,
@var, etc. that use a non-canonical order of elements e.g. name Type instead of Type
Optional parameter before required parameter detects situations when an optional
parameter appears before required parameters in a function/method declaration.
Web Technologies Support
New JavaScript Intentions
To make you even more productive when working with JavaScript and TypeScript, PhpStorm has a
bunch of new intentions that are available when you press Alt-Enter. Here are just some of
them: Implement interface, Create derived class, Implement members of an interface or
abstract class, Generate cases for switch, and Iterate with for..of.
Completion for events
In Vue templates, PhpStorm now provides code completion for events. Event names are suggested
after v-on: or if you use the shorthand notation @event. There’s also code
completion for event modifiers.
As usual, all the features and improvements of WebStorm are available in
PhpStorm, either out of the box or with free plugins available in the
repository. Other noteworthy web-related features include TypeScript 2.9 and 3.0
support, the new Code Coverage feature that helps to find unused code, extract and
convert React component refactoring, new integrations with Angular CLI, global file
watchers, rerun failed tests and other.
IDE Improvements
Updated UI
We’ve rolled out brand new icons and dark title bars on macOS. Furthermore, PhpStorm
2018.2 brings support for the MacBook Touch Bar! Run and debug your project, commit
changes, and update the project right from the Touch Bar.
Version control comes with the following changes:
Easier resolve of merge conflicts
Enhancements in VCS Log tab
Browse repository at revision
Multiple GitHub accounts
Skip the Push dialog
Database Tools
Database tools in PhpStorm have been improved thanks to our colleagues from the
DataGrip team:
New SQL formatter
Source code migrations
Query plan diagram
Custom data source
Other improvements:
Customizable value for $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
Simple CodeSniffer/MessDetector setup
The new presentation for Quick Documentation
Allow renaming old style constructor to the new style
New Add @method tag quick fix for Undefined method
Add method quick fix now inserts parameter type hints
PHPUnit composite configuration
Jump outside closing bracket/quote with Tab
HTTP Client: Support environment variables in the request body
HTTP Client: Support formatting of POST request body
Docker: navigate from compose nodes and containers
Docker: wrapping words in Docker logs
Learn about PhpStorm 2018.1
PHP Language
Inline function/method refactoring
Using the method’s body in your code can sometimes be more practical than using the method
itself, in which case you will need to replace the calls to the method with the actual
method’s content. This can be tricky in some cases since you'll need to handle multiple
function calls, maintain proper variables' scopes and default values, and reformat the
resulting code. The new Inline refactoring will help you with all of the above.
Refactor your code to functional style
To help you easily migrate your code between the imperative and functional coding styles,
PhpStorm 2018.1 introduces several new inspections and quick fixes. These will convert loops
into the array_map, array_filter and array_fill function calls,
and vice versa. Only the equivalent transformations are performed, and the logic of your
code does not change.
Configurable unchecked exceptions
PhpStorm 2017.3 introduced a new exception analysis engine that can catch unhandled
exceptions, detect missing @throws tags, and so on. To add the sometimes needed
configurability, in PhpStorm 2018.1 we’ve added the list of exceptions to be excluded from
Creating class from test
With TDD becoming more and more popular, the situations are pretty common, in which the test
is already in place, but the covered class does not exist yet. To handle such situations,
PhpStorm 2018.1 will help you generate a class together with the class methods from an
existing test. PhpStorm will also take your PSR-0/PSR-4 structure into account to generate
the target class and the class methods in their respective locations.
Codeception: code coverage
We’ve heard your requests for implementing code coverage for Codeception. It’s implemented in
PhpStorm 2018.1, and it works exactly like PHPUnit coverage. You will see the coverage
results in the Project view as well as in the code editor’s left gutter: the covered code
lines will be indicated with the green markers, while the uncovered lines – with red
HTTP Client
Assertions support
Working with responses in the HTTP client has been significantly enhanced, too. PhpStorm
2018.1 brings support for assertions and custom JavaScript (ECMAScript 5.1) code that you
can run upon receiving an HTTP response. Since the response is treated as a JavaScript
object, you can quickly get access to all its details. You can also create tests that will
assert that the request returns what is actually expected. The test results will be
displayed on the Test tab, allowing you to navigate to the originating request and re-run a
Simplified first start
PhpStorm 2018.1 will help you jump-start the new HTTP client and migrate from the
now-deprecated GUI-based REST client. Live Templates will allow you to quickly insert a
request skeleton the collection of the most frequently used requests
will provide examples useful requests examples. The default HTTP request template is now
non-empty and contains some clues for a quicker start, too.
Web Technologies Support
Reformat with
With the new Reformat with Prettier action (Alt-Shift-Cmd/Ctrl-P), you can now
format the selected code, a file or a whole directory using Prettier.
Note that Prettier should be installed as your project dependency or globally on your
Create new Vue project
You can now create new Vue projects in WebStorm using Vue CLI.
Install it by running npm install --g vue-cli, then press Create New Project –
Vue.js on the IDE’s Welcome screen, and answer questions about the template and tools you
want to use in your new project.
As usual, all the features and improvements of WebStorm are available in
PhpStorm, either out
of the box or with free plugins available in the repository. Other noteworthy
web-related features include TypeScript 2.7 support and Surround with type
guard quick-fix for unresolved properties, Extract Vue component intention,
debugging React Native apps, new Node.js Debugger Console and other.
IDE Improvements
Partial commits in Git
With the support for partial Git commits you can now commit only selected changes from the
file. Use checkboxes in the diff view of the Commit Changes dialog to select chunks of code
you want to commit. You can also add changed lines of code to a new changelist using actions
on the editor gutter and then commit the changelist.
Database Tools
Database tools in PhpStorm have been improved thanks to our colleagues on the JetBrains
DataGrip team:
Data editor SQL log
Now you can tell PhpStorm how to switch schemas: Automatic, Manual, Disabled
External schemas in Redshift and virtual schemas in Exasol
Other improvements:
Goto Symbol navigation improvements
Hierarchy checks for class aliases
Gutter icons for running tests
New Composer actions
Better @covers support
New Documentation UI
Better HiDPI support on multiple displays for Windows
Improved XDebug Profiler viewer
Reworked focus subsystem
Open Terminal in a specific folder
Learn about PhpStorm 2017.3
Editor-based REST client
New REST client interface
With the new REST client, all the powers of the PhpStorm code editor are now available for your REST requests. Use code completion to
assist you with composing a request, apply refactorings to it, store the request as part of the project and add it to VCS, execute
the request, and examine server responses – all without leaving the code editor.
Support for environment variables
Define environment variables to hold the values specific for your working environment, for example, the names of your development and
production hosts. When composing a REST request, you can substitute its part with a variable to keep a single request suitable for
multiple purposes.
Compare your requests
The diff viewer now handles server responses. If you want to see how your changes affect the response, simply execute a REST request
several times. Then, pick a pair of results, invoke the diff viewer right from the code editor, and examine the differences.
PHP Language
Performance Improvements
We’ve been working hard on performance improvements in this release. As a result, typing latency in very complex PHP files has
decreased significantly. We’ve examined typing latency in the mPDF main file, which is a 38k-line-long mix of PHP, JS, and HTML, and
it is down by 75% in PhpStorm 2017.3!
Support for nullability in refactoring
PhpStorm 2017.3 brings nullability support introduced in PHP 7.1, which is now available for the Extract Interface and Change
Signature refactorings. It will help you avoid omitting the type declaration, or providing the default null value for the
function parameter when you really want to pass or return null. PhpStorm will now preserve nullability when you apply Extract
Interface and will no longer signal an error when it detects a nullable type while applying Change Signature.
Improved code templates
To simplify the creation of classes in namespaced code, the New PHP Class dialog now lets you select a custom PHP file
template. Use the ${NAMESPACE} variable in your template and take advantage of namespace completion and PSR-0 / PSR-4
namespace detection as you create the class. You can also specify the day, year, and month in any PHPDoc template, not just in
file templates.
Bring exceptions under control
Unhandled exception
The new Unhandled exception inspection reports exceptions that are neither enclosed in a try-catch block nor documented
using a @throws tag. The inspection helps you find all the places in your code where thrown exceptions would lead to a
Fatal Error. Accordingly, you can resolve such issues by using quick-fixes like Add @throws tag and Surround with
Ever forget to update your PHPDoc after refactoring your code? We’ve added the new Redundant @throws tag inspection, and the
corresponding Remove @throws tag and Update PHPDoc quick-fixes will now help you clean up your PHPDoc.
Redundant catch clause
The new Redundant catch clause inspection and the corresponding Delete catch clause quick-fix will let you know
when the exception you are trying to catch is actually never thrown and therefore your catch block is redundant.
Create new Codeception and PHPSpec test
The Create New PHP Test dialog adds new templates for the Codeception Unit, Codeception Functional, and
PHPSpec test types so you can create new Codeception and PHPSpec tests with more ease.
Test method generation
No more manual creation of test methods! Use the brand new method selector in the Create New PHP Test dialog instead.
Simply select all or just a couple of class methods for which you’re going to provide tests, and PhpStorm will generate the test
class and the test methods stubs for you. Templates for all supported frameworks are provided to cover your needs for generating
project-specific code.
Rerun of PHPUnit test with specific
In PhpStorm 2017.3, you can rerun a failed PHPUnit test with specific dataset. If you have a test method that uses the data
provider and only one of the data sets fails, you don’t have to re-run the entire test anymore. Simply choose a specific data set
from the previous test run and Run/Debug it again.
Undefined PHPUnit data provider
PhpStorm 2017.3 introduces the Undefined PHPUnit data provider inspection, which indicates a @dataProvider method
that’s not found in unit tests. You can then easily create the missing method by applying the suggested Create data
provider quick-fix.
Twig support
Injections in Twig templates
We’ve implemented language injections for Twig custom tags and named blocks. You can inject a language into the named block or
between custom tags. You can also create permanent injection rules.
Improved Twig formatting
PhpStorm 2017.3 brings improved Twig formatting that can now handle complex structures and provide correct indentation for them.
Web Technologies Support
Improvements in Vue.js support
This update brings lots of improvements to PhpStorm’s support for Vue.js! Code completion and navigation to the definition now work
for Vue props, properties in the data object, computed properties, and methods. Closing curly braces are now added automatically in
Vue templates. We've also added a collection of code snippets for Vue. These code templates can help you save time typing some
frequently used blocks of code. With a new Vue file template, you can also create new components faster.
Better code completion and documentation for JavaScript
Code completion and parameter info for the standard JavaScript objects and methods and Web APIs has improved, as these features are
now powered by the TypeScript declaration files. The documentation available via F1 now also includes a brief description for
methods, which either comes from the bundled definition files or is fetched from MDN.
New Pull Member Up refactoring
With the new refactoring you can now move class methods up the class hierarchy – from your current JavaScript or TypeScript class to
its parent class or interface. Or if there’s no parent class yet, you can extract fields and methods to a superclass using the new
Extract superclass refactoring.
As usual, all the features and improvements of WebStorm are available in PhpStorm, either out of the box or with
free plugins available in the repository. Other noteworthy web-related features include Extract type alias and Extract
interface refactorings in TypeScript, multiple JavaScript versions in a project, improved Jest integration, better
support for CSS, Import code style from ESLint and TSLint and other.
Version Control
Version control comes with the following changes:
Switch between branches preserves your workspace
Changelists can now be renamed in the Shelf tab
D'n'D between Shelf and Local Changes tabs
Database Tools
Database tools in PhpStorm have been improved thanks to our colleagues on the JetBrains DataGrip team:
Improved Database view
SQL generator
JOIN statement completion
SSH tunneling
Other improvements:
Redesigned Code Style|PHP settings page
New Composer Log
Improved PHPUnit Run configuration
Define visibility for initialize fields intention
Learn about PhpStorm 2017.2


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