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  众所周知,恶性肿瘤是全球各国家的主要致死原因。目前,结直肠癌发病率在中国恶性肿瘤中位列第四,且近年来呈上升趋势;由于对疾病知晓率较低,导致患者早期诊断率低,治疗现状不容乐观;同时,由于高昂的治疗费用,给很多患者带来沉重的经济负担。因此,如何正确认识结直肠癌?如何防治结直肠癌?如何缓解结直肠癌患者的经济压力?已然成为不少市民关心的热点。  山东大学齐鲁医院肿瘤内科主任王秀问教授和山东省立医院普外科主任、胃肠外科主任李乐平教授针对这一话题发表了自己的看法。  提倡早期筛查 进行规范治疗  “93%的结直肠癌来源于腺瘤(一种癌前病变),从腺瘤发展到癌需5到7年。”王秀问教授介绍,早期结直肠癌和癌前病变多数无症状,但会有少量出血,不易被发现,而有症状患者在就诊时多是中晚期,有的已经转移或合并许多并发症,预后差。因此,“早期筛查是遏制结直肠癌高发的有效措施之一,也符合肿瘤的三级治疗原则。”  另外,王秀问还强调,积极开展无症状人群普查,发现早期癌及癌前病变并进行规范化治疗,是降低结直肠癌发病率和提高大肠癌患者远期生存率的关键。  正视个体差异 实施精准治疗  “结直肠癌的治疗与肿瘤分期有关,治疗应遵循个体化治疗的原则。”李乐平教授指出,结直肠癌患者存在个体性差异,一旦确诊为晚期结直肠癌,应先进行RAS基因检测,检测为RAS野生型的患者,可以在初始治疗时选择西妥昔单抗联合化疗的治疗方案,从而可以获得比较理想的治疗效果。因此,只有实施个体化的精准医疗,针对不同病人选择适合他们的药物,才能提高治愈率和病人的生活质量。  据知,目前,晚期结直肠癌的治疗已经进入了精准及个体化治疗时代,而RAS基因检测帮助实现了精准治疗这一目标。”  靶向药入医保 降低用药门槛  为了减轻患者的巨大经济负担,降低用药门槛。2017年,西妥昔单抗等靶向药物纳入了山东省大病保险报销项目,患者使用西妥昔单抗的花费超过2万元就可以报销;超出2万的部分,给予60%的补偿;一个医疗年度内,职工大病保险资金每人最高给予20万元补偿。此外,大病保险与中华慈善总会西妥昔单抗慈善援助项目可以对接,使患者只需要支付两个月大病保险报销后的用药费用,符合慈善援助要求的患者可以申请慈善援助,审批成功后即可获得两个月的援助(第一阶段),如患者继续购买一个月的药物,又可以获得三个月的援助,继续购买可继续获得援助(循环阶段)。  对于结直肠癌患者,切实降低了患者用药的门槛,同时也减轻了患者的经济负担,确保患者的持续用药,最终可极大地延长患者的总生存。
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由美国癌症研究学会(American Association for Ca...上传用户:wljbaonlxo资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)目标:结直肠癌是威逼人类安康的重要癌症之一。在我国,结直肠癌的病发率均匀程度居全体恶性肿瘤的第4位。今朝,结直肠癌的产生成长机制仍未清晰,年夜部门学者以为结直肠癌的产生是机体内因(肿瘤的遗传易理性)和外因(饮食和情况身分)配合感化的成果。从份子程度上提醒基因变更,以说明结直肠癌的病发机制,是结直肠癌的研讨重点。K一ras基因渐变是最多见的结直肠癌相干基因转变之一。K一ras基因渐变被以为在癌变进程中起启举措用,并是一个晚期事宜。今朝一种新型肿瘤靶向医治药物西妥昔单抗(cetuximab)已被运用于早期结直肠癌的一线医治,K一ras基因有没有渐变与西妥昔单抗疗效明白相干。是以K一ras基因的表达状况可以作为西妥昔单抗医治的疗效猜测因子。是以明白结直肠癌患者K一ras基因的渐变情形及相干身分,不论在结直肠癌病发机制的研讨,照样在结直肠癌医治上,都起着极端主要的感化。本研讨目标在于检测K一ras基因在我国结直肠癌患者中的渐变情形,商量K一ras基因渐变的特色和与临床相干身分的关系。资料和办法:搜集复旦年夜学从属西岳病院2008年1月至2010年12月手术的结直肠癌患者切除的结直肠癌标本89例。经由过程焦磷酸测序技巧,对89例标本停止DNA测序,检测K一ras基因渐变类型及12、13暗码子渐变情形,并回想性剖析临床材料,总结K一ras基因渐变的临床风行病学特点。应用SPSS统计软件,组间比拟采取x2磨练。P《0。05有统计学意义。成果:1、K一ras基因渐变情形:89例结直肠癌标本中检测出20例产生渐变,渐变率为22。5%。2、20例产生渐变的K一ras基因中,9例渐变地位产生在12暗码子的第二碱基,占首位。4例产生13暗码子渐变,1例二者配合渐变。3、K一ras基因渐变与年纪、性别、部位、分化水平、淋趋承转移及Dukes分期的关系:89例结直肠癌患者中均匀年纪为63岁,小于63岁44例,产生渐变8例,渐变率18。2%;年夜于或等于63岁45例,产生渐变12例,渐变率26。7%。二者比拟无明显统计学差别(P》0。05)。89例结直肠癌患者中男性45例,产生渐变12例,渐变率26。7%;女性44例,产生渐变8例,渐变率18。2%。二者比拟无明显统计学差别(P》0。05)。89例标本中,肿瘤产生在结肠49例,产生渐变11例,渐变率22。4%;肿瘤产生在直肠40例,产生渐变9例,渐变率22。5%。二者比拟无明显统计学差别(P》0。01)。89例标本中,病理申报为高分化型23例,渐变6例,渐变率26。1%;平分化型48例,渐变11例,渐变率22。9%;低分化型18例,产生渐变3例,渐变率16。7%。三者比拟无明显统计学差别(P》0。05)。89例结直肠癌患者中,存在淋趋承转移30例,产生渐变7例,渐变率23。3%;无淋趋承转移59例,产生渐变13例,渐变率22。0%。二者比拟无明显统计学差别(P》0。05)。89例结直肠癌患者中,DukesA期12例,产生渐变2例,渐变率16。7%:Dukes B期23例,产生渐变8例,渐变率34。8%;Dukes C期40例,产生渐变7例,渐变率17。5%;Dukes D期14例,产生渐变3例,渐变率21。4%。四者比拟无明显统计学差别(P》0。05)。结论:1、约22。5%的结直肠癌患者存在K一ras基因渐变,重要在12暗码子,有需要对结直肠癌患者惯例行K一ras基因基因检测,以指点其份子靶向医治。2、K一ras基因渐变与年纪、性别、部位、分化水平、淋趋承转移及Dukes分期无显著相干性。3、本研讨同时检测存在肝转移的结直肠癌患者的原病发灶和肝脏转移灶肿瘤的K一ras基因型,提醒原发肿瘤与转移灶肿瘤K一ras基因型类似。Abstract:Objective: colorectal cancer is one of the most important human threat in Ankang. In our country, the incidence of colorectal cancer is the fourth of all malignant tumors. At present, the growth mechanism of colorectal cancer is still not clear, the majority of scholars believe that the production of colorectal cancer is the body internal (genetic) and external factors (diet and situation factors) with the impact of the results. From the molecular level to remind the gene change, in order to explain the mechanism of colorectal cancer, is the focus of colorectal cancer research. K a ras gene gradient is one of the most common colorectal cancer related gene transformation. Ras a K gene gradient is thought to play an initiative in the process of carcinogenesis, and is a late matter. At present, a new type of cancer targeted therapy drug cetuximab has been used in the early stage of colorectal cancer treatment, K a ras gene with a gradual change in the efficacy of the treatment with west. The expression status of ras gene in K can be used as a predictor of the efficacy of rituximab treatment. In order to understand the ras gene of colorectal cancer patients with a gradual change in the situation and the relevant factors, regardless of the disease in colorectal cancer K research, still in the treatment of colorectal cancer, are playing an extremely important role. The aim of this study is to detect the gradual change of ras gene in colorectal cancer patients in our country, to discuss the characteristics of ras gene K and its relationship with clinical relevant factors. Materials and methods: Fudan University Affiliated Huashan Hospital in January 2008 to December 2010 surgery in patients with colorectal cancer resection specimens of colorectal cancer in 89 cases were collected. By pyrosequencing technique, specimens of 89 cases of stop DNA sequencing, detection of K-ras gene mutation types and 12, 13 code sub gradient situation, and think clinical material analysis, summary of K - ras gene mutation of clinical epidemic features. Application of SPSS statistical software, the group compared to take x2 training. P &0. 05 there was statistical significance. Results: 1, K a ras gene gradient situation: 89 cases of colorectal cancer specimens were detected in 20 cases produce gradient, the gradient rate of 22. 5%. 2, 20 patients were graded K ras gene in 9 cases of gradient status produced in second base codon 12, accounted for the first. 4 cases have 13 codon gradient, 1 cases with two gradient. Relationship between 3, K - ras gene mutation and age, sex, location, differentiation degree, lymph node metastasis and dukes staging: 89 cases of colorectal cancer in uniform age 63, 44 patients were younger than age of 63, produce gradual change in 8 cases, gradual rate of 18. 2%; or equal to 45 years old, 63 cases, resulting in a gradient of 12 cases, the gradual rate of 26. 7%. There were no significant statistical differences between the 0 (P &two&. 05). 89 cases of colorectal cancer patients in 45 cases, resulting in a gradual change in 12 cases, the gradual rate of 26. 7%; female 44 cases, resulting in a gradient of 8 cases, the gradual rate of 18. 2%. There were no significant statistical differences between the 0 (P &two&. 05). In 89 cases, the tumor was produced in 49 cases, resulting in 11 cases of gradual change, gradual change rate of 22. 4%; tumors produced in the rectum in 40 cases, resulting in a gradient of 9 cases, a gradual rate of 22. 5%. There were no significant statistical differences between the 0 (P &two&. 01). Among the 89 cases, the pathological report was 23 cases of high differentiation, 6 cases of gradual change, and the gradual change rate was 26. 1%; divide the type 48 cases, 11 cases of gradual change, the gradual rate of 22. 9%; 18 cases of low differentiation type, resulting in 3 cases of gradual change, gradual change rate of 16. 7%. There were no significant statistical differences between the 0 (P &three&. 05). In 89 cases of colorectal cancer, lymph node metastasis in 30 cases, 7 cases of gradient, gradient rate of 23. 3%; no lymph node metastasis in 59 cases, 13 cases of gradient, gradient rate of 22. 0%. There were no significant statistical differences between the 0 (P &two&. 05). 89 cases of colorectal cancer patients, DukesA period of 12 cases, resulting in 2 cases of gradual change, the gradual rate of 16. B 7%:Dukes period of 23 cases, resulting in 8 cases of gradual change, the gradual rate of 34. 8%; C Dukes period of 40 cases, resulting in 7 cases of gradual change, the gradual rate of 17. 5%; D Dukes period of 14 cases, resulting in 3 cases of gradual change, the gradual rate of 21. 4%. There were no significant statistical differences between the 0 (P &four&. 05). Conclusion: 1, about 22. 5% of patients with colorectal cancer in the presence of K - ras gene mutations and important in 12 of the password, have need of practice in patients with colorectal cancer, K - ras gene detection, in order to guide its molecular target to cure. 2, a K ras gene with age, gender, location of the gradient, the level of differentiation, lymph node metastasis and Dukes stage had no significant coherence. 3, this study also detected the presence of liver metastases in colorectal cancer patients with primary and metastatic tumors of the liver tumor K a ras genotype, to remind the primary tumor and metastatic tumor K a ras genotype is similar.目录:摘要4-6Abstract6-8缩略词9-10前言10-14材料与方法14-17结果17-23讨论23-27结论27-28参考文献28-35综述35-41&&&&参考文献38-41致谢41-42分享到:相关文献|您当前的位置 :&&&&&&&&&&正文
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