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   中国论文网 /1/view-151837.htm  伴随着2004聊城文化旅游节的结束,聊城这个“江北水城”再次引来人们关注的目光,不仅是因为这里秀美的风光、灿烂的文化,还有引领聊城市经济发展的光彩事业。短短几年时间,聊城市实施光彩事业项目581个,合同总投资额108.2亿元,到位资金41.2亿元,安排就业10.24万人,帮助了6.85万贫困人口脱贫致富。      最大的“光彩项目群”      1995年,聊城成为中国光彩事业最早联系的地市之一。中国光彩事业促进会多次到聊城实地考察,发动全国各地的民营企业家到聊城投资兴办光彩项目,热情支持和帮助聊城改变欠发达面貌。   聊城市大力引进光彩事业项目是基于对本地现实的考虑。聊城有的是资源,缺的是转化能力,光彩事业凝聚了全国一流的民营企业,有着丰富的管理经验和雄厚的物质基础,二者的有机结合可以帮助当地贫困人口尽快脱贫致富。中共聊城市委书记郭兆信说:“光彩事业是一项富民工程,要在政治上给予从事光彩事业的民营企业家足够的重视,鼓励更多的人从事这项光彩的事业。”   1997年,聊城第一个光彩扶贫项目――希望集团投资的聊城强大饲料公司建成。企业年消化玉米、小麦等原料2万多吨,缓解了当地卖农产品难的问题。企业不仅向农民供给高质量的饲料,还无偿提供技术指导、市场服务,迅速培植起了一批养殖专业村和专业户。   1999年4月,中国光彩事业促进会与聊城市政府签订了共同支持聊城光彩事业发展的合作协议书。在中国光彩事业促进会的帮助下,一大批全国知名的民营企业家相继来聊考察合作项目,投资兴业。2000年,聊城成立光彩事业促进会,为兴办光彩项目的民营企业家进行跟踪服务。   日,广东香江集团、东方希望集团、内蒙古奈伦集团三家全国知名民营企业,分别投资建设的聊城光彩大市场、信发希望铝深加工基地和果汁深加工项目二期工程三个光彩项目同日在聊城奠基,总投资45亿元,成为聊城光彩事业的一大盛事。   随着外来投资的光彩项目越来越多,聊城光彩事业步入了高速发展的新阶段。自东方希望集团在聊城兴办第一个光彩项目以来,已有59家外地企业到聊城兴办光彩项目72个,形成了全国最大的光彩项目群。      构建“双赢”机制      聊城光彩事业在短短几年里取得了丰硕成果,得益于全市树立起的“双赢”理念和确立的共同发展机制。几年来,中共聊城市委、市政府把光彩事业作为和全国民营企业之间的一项“双赢”的事业来培植,连续举办了全国民营企业家联谊会、梨花节招商引资洽谈会、鲁西光彩工业园区招商引资洽谈会等一系列光彩活动,吸引了全国各地的360多名民营企业家前来参会,签订合作项目67项,引进资金39亿元。聊城市还多次组团参加全国各地有影响力的经贸洽谈和科技交流活动,主动联络结识知名民营企业家。   中共聊城市委书记郭兆信是中国第一位成为光彩理事会常务理事的政府官员。在2001年11月召开的中国光彩事业促进会二届二次理事会上,他利用开会的间隙召开了招商引资项目推介会,极力邀请民营企业家到聊城考察投资。广东香江集团董事长刘志强到聊城进行实地考察后,决定在聊城投资29亿元建设光彩事业项目――香江光彩大市场。   “全国的民营企业家来聊城兴办光彩项目,是支持聊城的发展。聊城也要支持民营企业的发展,让他们能够在聊城干成一番大事业。”聊城市市长张秋波在全市大力倡导“双赢”的理念,他们着力构建“双赢”机制,让投资的企业家获利。      不仅如此,聊城市还相继出台了一系列鼓励和扶持光彩事业发展的优惠政策,对光彩事业项目在多方面给予照顾,尽最大努力为光彩事业创造良好的发展环境。 内蒙古奈伦集团自1999年与聊城冠县粮油总公司合资建设梨汁加工项目后,四年多的时间三次增资6000万元,扩大了生产规模。迄今为止,外地民营企业家来聊城投资的光彩事业项目实施二期工程的已有20多家,追加投资十多亿元。      经济发展的“助推器”      众多的光彩项目在聊城不断发展状大,发挥的效益越来越显著,对区域经济的辐射带动作用日益增强。光彩事业已成为聊城经济腾飞的强大“助推器”。   光彩事业在聊城投资建设的龙头企业和涉农项目,带动大批农民发展起了果树种植、肉鸡养殖、食用菌栽培等致富项目,增加了农民的收入,加快了农民的脱贫致富步伐。冠县是水果大县,水果种植面积3万公顷,年产水果15万吨。由于各种原因,销路不畅,每年都有3万多吨梨销不出去。内蒙古奈伦集团投资的果汁厂建成后,不仅为销不出去的梨解决了出路,所有的残次果也被充分利用起来了,果农每年增收400多万元。他们高兴地说:“好果卖市场,次果进工厂,俺们从垃圾里捡到了金元宝”。山东凤祥集团面向农村,服务农民,扶持周边县市发展肉鸡养殖户1.3万个,安置农业剩余劳动力1.2万人,成为带动当地农民脱贫致富的特大型龙头企业。   光彩事业项目同样加快了城市化建设进程,解决了大批下岗职工就业,带动了相关产业发展。因缺少建设资金,聊城城市供气工程多年没有解决。1999年4月,他们与河北民营企业新奥集团达成合作协议。新奥集团投资1.2亿元在聊城城区建设管道天然气项目,一期工程当年竣工投入运营,城区实现了集中供气,城市功能得到完善。这是中国的民营企业第一次参与建设城市公共工程。聊城香江光彩大市场全部建成后,将使聊城成为中原地区最大的物流商贸基地。光彩大市场通过开展青年资源交流大会等形式积极帮助待业青年、下岗职工开拓就业渠道,解决就业人口达3万人以上,还带动了运输业、餐饮服务业、加工业等产业的发展,成为改善地方经济结构、促进地方经济发展的新的增长点。   光彩事业项目的投资,引发了资本的“集聚效应”。光彩事业犹如一个展示聊城形象的窗口,海内外客商从光彩事业项目的成功运作中,看到了聊城良好的投资环境和广阔发展前景,纷纷到聊城投资建厂。东方希望集团在茌平投资铝深加工项目后,带动了国内十几家企业到茌平投资,总投资额超过100亿元,极大地带动了茌平的经济发展。去年,全市招商引资实际到位资金80亿元。韩国希杰集团、香港华润集团等一批投资较大的外资项目入驻聊城,利用外资首次突破1亿美元,达到1.22亿美元,比上年翻了一番。   外来投资的光彩事业项目带来的强烈市场意识和崭新的经营管理理念,极大地冲击了当地落后和僵化的思想观念,引发了思想的大解放,有力地促进了聊城市民营经济的快速发展。2003年,全市民营企业发展到10万多个,实现销售收入629亿元,同比增长48.4%。      相关链接      中国光彩事业是中国民营企业家响应《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》所发起并实施的一项扶危济困的宏伟事业。日,刘永好等10名民营企业家联名倡议《让我们投身到扶贫的光彩事业中来》,光彩事业由此而发起。   光彩事业以广大非公有经济人士和民营企业家为参与主体,包括港澳台侨工商界人士共同参加,以参与西部大开发为重点,面向“老、少、边、穷”地区和中西部地区,以项目投资为中心,开发资源,兴办企业,培训人才,发展贸易,并通过包括捐赠在内的多种方式促进贫困地区的经济发展和教育、卫生、文化等社会事业的进步,以先富带后富,促进共同富裕。      光彩事业实施十年来,取得了举世公认的成就,引起了国际社会的高度赞誉。2001年11月,中国光彩事业二届二次理事会将光彩事业及其参与者的精神追求和价值取向概括为32字的“光彩精神”:致富思源,富而思进,扶危济困,共同富裕,义利兼顾,德行并重,发展企业,回馈社会。      In 1995, Liaocheng City in Shandong Province became one of the earliest district-level cities in China that had contacts with the Guangcai Program. For many times, the China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Program has made on-the-spot inspection at Liaocheng and mobilized the non-governmental enterprisers to invest in the Guangcai programs in Liaocheng with a view toward supporting Liaocheng to change its undeveloped status.   Considering its local status, Liaocheng City is making every effort to attract investment from the Guangcai Program to Liaocheng. Though having abundant natural resources, Liaocheng lacks ability to transform them into economic resources. The Guangcai Program accommodates many top-notch non-governmental enterprises throughout the country, which have rich management experiences and powerful materials foundation. The flexible combination of these enterprises with Liaocheng can help the local people to improve their poverty status in short time.   Mr. Guo Zhaoxin, secretary of the CPC Liaocheng Municipal Committee, comments as follows: “The Guangcai Program is a project for enriching people. Therefore, with respect to political affairs, Liaocheng City will give enough attention to the non-governmental enterprises involved in the Guangcai Program and encourage more people to engage in this program.”   In 1997, Liaocheng Qiangda Forage Company, the first Guangcai Program invested by Sichuan-based Xiwang Group, was incorporated. Each year, this company can process more than 20,000 tons of corn and wheat, thus relieving the local farmers’ difficulties in selling their grains.   In April 1999, the China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Program signed a cooperative agreement with the municipal government of Liaocheng concerning concertedly support the development of the Guangcai Programs in Liaocheng.   On April 15, 2002, foundation was laid for the establishment of three Guangcai Program projects, including Liaocheng Guangcai Large Market, Xinfa Xiwang Aluminium Alloy Deep Processing Base, and second phase of juice deep processing, invested by Guangdong-based Xiangjiang Group, Dongfang Xiwang Group, and Inner Mongolia-based Nailun Group, which are three famous non-governmental-run enterprises in China. Their total investment exceeds 4.5 billion yuan.
     With the increasing of investment projects, the Guangcai Program has become a powerful support for Liaocheng and is developing rapidly here. Ever since Dongfang Xiwang Group invested the first Guangcai Program in Liaocheng, up to now, 59 enterprises outside Liaocheng have come here to invest in 72 projects, forming the largest Guangcai Program group in China.   The success of the Guangcai Program in Liaocheng benefits from the “win-win” idea and mutual development mechanism established by the local government. In recent years, the CPC Liaocheng Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government have always regarded the Guangcai Program as a “two-win” program to realize common development of Liaocheng and non-governmental enterprises from all over the country.   Through hosting a series investment promotion events, such as Solidarity of National Non-governmental Enterprisers, Investment Promotion Talks on the Pear Flower Festival, and Investment Talks for the Luxi Guangcai Program Industry Park, more than 360 non-governmental enterprises from all over China have come to Liaocheng. As a result, agreements on cooperation for 67 projects have been signed, attracting funds amounting to more than 3.9 billion yuan. Moreover, Liaocheng City frequently organizes delegations to participate in economic and trade fairs as well as events concerning scientific and technological exchanges all over the country, through which Liaocheng has become acquainted with many famous enterprisers.   Various enterprises invested by the Guangcai Program in Liaocheng have promoted the farmers to engage in fruit plantation, meat chicken breeding, and cultivation of edible mushroom, which, as a result, has increased the farmers’ incomes. Guan County in Liaocheng abounds in fruit. With a plantation area of 30,000 hectares of fruit, this county can yield 150,000 tons of fruit every year.   In previous years, due to many reasons, only about 30,000 tons of but after the juice factory invested by the Inner Mongolia-based Nailun Group was established, all of the pears grown here can be sold and local pear farmers are now receiving more than four billion yuan of income every year.   The Guangcai Program, at the same time, has speeded up the process of urbanization in Liaocheng and re-employed many laid-off workers.   Because of a lack of construction funds, a gas-supply project in Liaocheng was previously delayed for many years, until, in April, 1999, the Hebei-based Xin’ao Group invested 120 million yuan in construction of natural gas pipelines. After completion of the first phase of this project, gas supply has become available throughout the urban area of Liaocheng. This is the first instance in China that a non-governmental run enterprise has engaged in the construction of public infrastructure in an urban area in China.
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