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  2009年1月底,河北省唐山市某养殖户所养的10日龄肉鸡开始零星出现精神不振、畏寒怕冷、采食饮水量显著减少、生长缓慢等症状,后来数量逐渐增多,且部分病鸡出现共济失调,瘫痪、昏迷。一般发病后3~5小时死亡,病程长的大约在26小时死亡。即使症状得到缓解或消失,也会出现跛行,部分病鸡自然康复。  1  临床症状  肉鸡突然发病,鸡群精神萎靡,食欲减退,畏寒耷翅,羽毛松乱;鸡冠发绀,爪部干燥脱水;严重者头部轻微震颤、共济失调、大声尖叫、瘫痪、昏迷、蹲地;早期白色下痢明显,晚期常因排粪不畅而有异物堵塞肛门。  2  病理变化  肝脏稍肿大,表面偶有散在或密布的坏死点;肌胃、腺胃交界处发黑或出血,可见溃疡;胰腺萎缩苍白,有散在坏死点;十二指肠黏膜水肿出血,回肠可见积液,直肠和盲肠有白色尿酸盐;泄殖腔有大量白米汤样液体;肾脏肿大,色淡,表面有尿酸盐沉积形成的白色斑点;输尿管有尿酸盐沉积;血浆呈现苍白色;法氏囊萎缩出血并存在坏死点;胸腺萎缩有出血点;脾脏、肠道淋巴结萎缩。部分肉鸡呈现佝偻、矮小及脱水病变。  3  实验室检验  3.1  涂片镜检    取病死鸡的心、肝、脾、血液分别涂片,发现红细胞数目极少,革兰氏染色镜检未发现可疑细菌;将心肝脾血液分别接种于普通琼脂培养基、鲜血琼脂培养基,置于37℃的培养箱内培养24小时,未见细菌生长。  3.2血糖检测    感染严重鸡血糖检测大于20~80毫克/毫升,仅为正常鸡的三分之一(鸡的正常血糖值为220.3±18.7毫克/毫升。)  根据发病情况、临床表现、剖检变化及实验室检验确诊为肉鸡低血糖尖峰死亡综合征。  4  防治措施  4.1  加强饲养管理,改善饲养环境,控制饲养密度,尤其加强环境消毒。  4.2  限制光照,降低死亡数量。发病鸡每日给光16小时,夜间间断给光并采食饮水,饮水中添加1%~2%葡萄糖及多维。  4.3采用口服葡萄糖,控制病情,辅以电解多维、抗生素预防继发感染和虚脱,尽快恢复鸡群免疫力和体质。具体可采用敌菌净(75克)加乳糖加新双黄莲(250毫升),配水200千克,每天2次,饮水3~5天;黄芪多糖饮水,每天2次,连用3~  5天)。清开灵加黄芪多糖或干扰素肌肉注射。  5  体会  5.1肉鸡低血糖尖峰死亡综合征是一种主要侵害肉鸡的新型传染病。多见于3周以内的雏鸡,该病无明显季节性,后期易继发新城疫,相同条件下,公雏的发病率为母雏的3倍。该病的特点是共济失调、瘫软无力、昏迷死亡,死亡高峰12~16日龄,4%~8%的死亡率持续在2~3天,之后死亡率逐渐下降,呈典型的尖峰死亡曲线。如不加以防治,会给肉鸡养殖业带来重大损失。  5.2    发病原因一般认为是:种鸡产蛋期饲料配比不平衡,致使所产蛋中糖原和能量储备偏少,刚孵化出的雏鸡由于长途运输,舍温较低或人为控水时间过长,其体内的糖原和能量被大量消耗;肉鸡饲料配比不恰当,蛋白质能量比偏高,供给的能量不能满足肉鸡的生长发育。  5.3目前尚无特异性治疗方法,只是采取减少应激及加强糖原分解等辅助手段,采用补充葡萄糖及多维的方法具有一定效果。控制光照可减缓尖峰死亡综合征的发生发展,其机理可能是生理条件下,黑暗可促进鸡释放褪黑素激素,使糖原生成转变为糖原异生,从而有效抑制血糖的恶性下降。  5.4预防本病应遵循“防重于治”的原则。治疗该病应中西药合用,以增强其抗病力。发现病情要尽早诊断,治疗不可盲目用药,以免延误治疗时机,给养殖户带来更大损失。
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, 博士  指導教授:李中一  
The incidence rate of Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) increased rapidly in most Western countries during last decades. Hygiene hypothesis is one of the major hypotheses explaining the variation of incidence rate. Most T1DM is diagnosed at young age, but the population incidence of childhood T1DM and the major complication, severe hypoglycemia, were rarely reported in Asian. Severe hypoglycemia is the major obstacle in glycemic controls. Whether there is a long-term association and a dose-gradient relationship between severe hypoglycemia and subsequent risks of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence is still inconclusive.
We retrieved our data from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) from 2003 to 2008 to report annual incidence rate of childhood T1DM. By counting the newly-diagnosed T1DM registered in the list of Catastrophic Illness Database in NHIRD and using the population statistics from Taiwan’s government, we reported the incidence rate and clinical features of childhood T1DM, and examined the association of the incidence rate of T1DM with child-population density and urbanization level of living areas in an ecological study. Besides, a T1DM cohort was followed from 2003 to 2011, with a mean follow-up period of 6.2 years, to estimate the incidence rate and frequency of severe hypoglycemia under the assumption of Poisson distribution. The possible risk factors for the incidence of severe hypoglycemia in T1DM cases were examined. Furthermore, by taking all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence as separate outcomes, we employed incidence density sampling matching method to conduct two nested case-control studies, in which the exposure status of severe hypoglycemia in three time-windows (1-year, 1-3 years, and 3-5 years) prior to the two adverse outcomes were determined and associated with the risks of all-cause mortality and CVD incidence. The dose-gradient effect of severe hypoglycemia within 5 years was also investigated. In addition, we also conducted two cohort studies, one with a fixed-time exposure status of severe hypoglycemia, and the other one with time-dependent exposure status of severe hypoglycemia. The independent effect of severe hypoglycemia on all-cause mortality and CVD incidence were assessed in the three aforementioned three studies, with adjustment or matched for age at first diagnosis, sex, socioeconomic factors, and severity of diabetes.
The childhood incidence rate was 5.3 per 105 persons in Taiwan from 2003 to 2008. An increased incidence rate of T1DM was associated with female sex, older age, and lived in the areas with lowest child-population density. Diabetic ketoacidosis was still the most important cause for hospitalization. The incidence rate of severe hypoglycemia in T1DM was 2.80 persons per100 person-years (PYs) and 6.03 episodes per 100 PYs. An increased incidence rate of severe hypoglycemia was associated with female sex, older age, and lower monthly-income based insurance premium. Moreover, according to results of the nested case-control design, the risk of all-cause mortality was associated with history of severe hypoglycemia occurred in 1-year, 1-3 years, and 3-5 years prior to death, but the risk of CVD incidence was only associated with history of severe hypoglycemia occurred in the previous year. A higher frequency of severe hypoglycemia occurred within 5 years was associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality and CVD incidence. The prior history of severe hypoglycemia was associated with both short-term and long-term risks of all-cause mortality in the two cohort studies. On the other hand, severe hypoglycemia was found to be associated with CVD incidence in the cohort study with time-dependent exposure status of severe hypoglycemia, but only significantly associated with the risk of CVD incidence in 3-4 year of follow-up in the cohort design with fixed-time exposure status of severe hypoglycemia.
In conclusion, the incidence rate of childhood T1DM in Taiwan was relatively low compared to most Western countries. Among patients with T1DM, female sex, older age of first diagnosis, and lower income level were associated with an increased risk of severe hypoglycemia. Prior history of severe hypoglycemia was associated with both short-term and long-term risk of all-cause mortality and short-term adverse effect on CVD incidence. Higher frequency of severe hypoglycemia attack was associated with elevated risks of all-cause mortality and CVD incidence. Clinicians and patients with T1DM should put emphasis on the prevention of severe hypoglycemia while managing glycemic control.
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