
Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success
Society of Literature)会员,演讲是09年的(看之前我完全没听说过这个人)。
report, 这一期刚好讲income distribution和social mobility,让我想起了公正课的一些内容。
a few hearts,但求能对得起自己的心,毕竟做人不应该对自己太狠。
For me they normally happen, these career crises, often,
actually, on a Sunday evening, just as the sun is starting to set,
and the gap between my hopes for myself, and the reality of my
life, start to diverge so painfully that I normally end up weeping
into a pillow. I'm mentioning all this, I'm mentioning all this
because I think this is not merely a personal problem. You may
think I'm wrong in this, but I think that we live in an age when our lives are
regularly punctuated by career crises, by moments when what we
thought we knew, about our lives, about our careers, comes into
contact with a threatening sort of reality.
you want to do and what you can do. 但似乎了解这两个问题却也不容易。如果我问你,what do
you want?你可能很快就给我一个答案。但如果我再问are you sure?
即使工作后,可能这种career crisis应该也是一种常态。就像emotional
马克思貌似说过,一切危机都是事物内部矛盾运动的结果。如果他说的对, 那么emotional crisis应该就是内部emotional
conflicts的结果,那每一次冲突完,应该会有emotional progress才对。
softy into a pillow.
我承认总是很容易受到各种影响,even a tiny little thing can get to
softly into a
It's perhaps easier
now than ever before to make a good living. It's perhaps harder
than ever before to stay calm, to be free of career anxiety.
I want to look now, if I may, at some of the reasons why we might
be feeling anxiety about our careers. Why we might be victims of
these career crises, as we're weeping softly into our pillows. One
of the reasons why we might be suffering is that we are surrounded
In a way, I've got some bad news, particularly to anybody who's
come to Oxford from abroad. There is a real problem with snobbery.
Because sometimes people from outside the U.K. imagine that
snobbery is a distinctively U.K. phenomenon fixated on country
houses and titles. The bad news is that's not true. Snobbery is a global
phenomenon. We are a global organization. This is a global
phenomenon .It exists. What is a snob? A snob is anybody who takes a small
part of you and uses that to come to a complete vision of who you
are. That is snobbery.
(其实这里的who you are本身就是一个很难理解的概念。之前我一度找不到人生的意义,跟这个who you are
或者说what defines
之后听周姐的话才有点启发。要成为更好的人,然后为周围的人带去一点美、一点欢笑、一点感动。这个跟Lady Antebellum
的I was here里的I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this
The dominant kind of snobbery that exists nowadays is
job snobbery. You
encounter it within minutes at a party, when you get asked that
famous iconic question of the early 21st century, "What do you
do?"And according to how you answer that question, people are
either incredibly delighted to see you, or look at their watch and
make their excuses. (Laughter)
Now, the opposite of a
snob is your mother. (Laughter)Not necessarily your mother,
or indeed mine, but, as it were, the ideal mother, somebody who doesn't care about your
achievements. But unfortunately, most people are not our mothers.
Most people make a strict correlation between how much time, and if
you like, love -- not romantic love, though that may be something
--but love in general, respect, they are willing to accord us, that
will be strictly defined by our position in the social
on that judgment, you decide how you treat
And that's a lot of the reason why we care so much about our
careers and indeed start caring so much about material goods. You
know, we're often told that we live in very materialistic times,
that we're all greedy people. I don't think we are particularly
materialistic. I think we live in a society which has simply pegged
certain emotional rewards to the acquisition of material goods.
It's not the material goods we want. It's the rewards we
want. And that's a new way of looking at luxury goods. The
next time you see somebody driving a Ferrari don't think, "This is
somebody who is greedy."Think, "This is somebody who is incredibly
vulnerable and in need of love."In other words -- (Laughter)feel
sympathy, rather than contempt.
no idea why I think of
虽然物质的确可以带来rewards, 但是其边际效益是递减的。就像第一块牛排和第十快牛排。)
There are other reasons why it's perhaps harder now to feel calm
than ever before. One of these, and it's paradoxical because it's
linked to something that's rather nice, is the hope we all have for our
careers. Never before have expectations been so high about
what human beings can achieve with their lifespan. We're told, from many sources, that
anyone can achieve anything. We've done away with the caste system.
We are now in a system where anyone can rise to any position they
please. And it's a beautiful idea. Along with that is a kind
of spirit of equality. We're all basically equal. There are no
strictly defined kind of hierarchies.
(这个就是social mobility的问题了。至于什么是social mobility
There is one really big problem with this, and that problem is
envy. Envy, it's a real taboo to mention envy, but if there is one dominant emotion in
modern society, that is envy. And it's linked to the spirit
of equality. Let me explain. I think it would be very unusual for
anyone here, or anyone watching, to be envious of the Queen of
England. Even though she is much richer than any of you are. And
she's got a very large house. The reason why we don't envy her is
because she's too weird. She's simply too strange. We can't relate
to her. She speaks in a funny way. She comes from an odd place. So
we can't relate to her. And when you can't relate to somebody, you
don't envy them.
The closer two people
are, in age, in background, in the process of identification, the
more there is a danger of envy --which is incidentally why none of
you should ever go to a school reunion --because there is no
stronger reference point than people one was at school with.
But the problem, generally, of modern society, is that it turns the
whole world into a school. Everybody is wearing jeans, everybody is
the same. And yet, they're not. So there is a spirit of equality,
combined with deep inequalities. Which makes for a very --
can make for a very stressful situation.
prophecy,导致日后所有的班长都比我学习好。前半句我忘了是怎么回答的,不外乎就是否定学习好的重要性,说我比她会玩,I am a
happier child than she is。
It's probably as unlikely that you would nowadays become as rich
and famous as Bill Gates, as it was unlikely in the 17th century
that you would accede to the ranks of the French aristocracy. But
the point is, it doesn't feel that way. It's made to feel, by
magazines and other media outlets, that if you've got energy, a few
bright ideas about technology, a garage, you too could start a
major thing. (Laughter)And the consequences of this problem make
themselves felt in bookshops. When you go to a large bookshop and
look at the self-help sections, as I sometimes do, if you analyze
self-help books that are produced in the world today, there are
basically two kinds. The first kind tells you, "You can do it! You
can make it! Anything is possible!"And the other kind tells you how
to cope with what we politely call "low self-esteem," or impolitely
call "feeling very bad about yourself."
There is a real
correlationship, a real correlation between a society that tells
people that they can do anything and the existence of low
self-esteem. So that's another way in which something that
is quite positive can have a nasty kickback. There is another
reason why we might be feeling more anxious, about our careers,
about our status in the world today, than ever before. And it is,
again, linked to something nice, and that nice thing is called
Everybody, all politicians on Left and Right, agree that
meritocracy is a great thing, and we should all be trying to make
our societies really, really meritocratic. In other words, what is
a meritocratic society? A
meritocratic society is one in which if you've got talent and
energy and skill, you will get to the top. Nothing should hold you
back. It's a beautiful idea. The problem is if you really
believe in a society where those who merit to get to the top, get
to the top, you'll also, by implication, and in a far more nasty
way, believe in a society where those who deserve to get to the
bottom also get to the bottom and stay there. In other words,
your position in life
comes to seem not accidental, but merited and deserved. And that
makes failure seem much more crushing.
(我想到了美国梦,as long as you work hard enough, you can get rich from
You know, in the Middle Ages, in England, when you met a very
poor person, that person would be described as an "unfortunate"
--literally, somebody who had not been blessed by fortune, an
unfortunate. Nowadays, particularly in the United States, if you
meet someone at the bottom of society, they may unkindly be
described as a "loser."There is a real difference between an
unfortunate and a loser, and that shows 400 years of evolution in
society and our belief in who is responsible for our lives.
It's no longer the gods, it's us. We're in the driving seat.
(这里就想讲一下不平等问题。读special report,里面频率最高的词就是income
inequality,于是我就不禁想问why is income so important? Why is income
inequality such a big deal? 可参考 Ted talk: 。
之前公正课里讲了Libertarianism的观点,其中一个重要观点就是no redistribution of income
from rich to poor.
(他们还认为税收等于奴役,因为taxation=taking of earnings=taking of fruits of my
labor=claim a portion of my labor=forced labor=slavery.
至于机会平等问题,他们说因此the rich deserve to be rich and the poor deserve
to be poor.
我觉得这和meritocracy也差不多,你poor就是因为你merit不够,或者你不够努力,因此你deserve it.
课上有位同学的反驳我很赞同,即wealth depends on luck, so it's undeserved. Michael
Lewis 的演讲"Don't Eat Fortune's Cookie" 大概也是这样意思。
如果不信可以再读,Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb。卡内基的The
Gospel of Wealth观点也类似,就是说富人应该从事慈善事业。
但如果你相信“你poor就是因为你merit不够,或者你不够努力,因此你deserve it”的话,你就会很郁闷的。)
That's exhilarating if you're doing well, and very crushing if
you're not. It leads, in the worst cases, in the analysis of a
sociologist like Emil Durkheim, it leads to increased rates of
suicide. There are more suicides in developed individualistic
countries than in any other part of the world. And some of the
reason for that is that people take what happens to them
extremely personally. They own their success. But they also own
their failure.
(所以说我们成功失败,都不是我们可以决定的。这里我又会想到一句老话叫No pains, no
不记得在哪看到说 Pains, no gains. 偶尔也要有这种态度才行。而且有的时候是Pains, other gains.
Is there any relief from some of these pressures that I've just
been outlining? I think there is. I just want to turn to a few of
them. Let's take meritocracy. This idea that everybody deserves to
get where they get to, I think it's a crazy idea, completely crazy.
I will support any politician of Left and Right, with any halfway
decent meritocratic idea. I am a meritocrat in that sense.
But I think it's insane
to believe that we will ever make a society that is genuinely
meritocratic. It's an impossible dream.
The idea that we will make a society where literally everybody
is graded, the good at the top, and the bad at the bottom, and it's
exactly done as it should be, is impossible. There are simply too many random
factors: accidents, accidents of birth, accidents of things
dropping on people's heads, illnesses, etc. We will never get to
grade them, never get to grade people as they should.
(当然这并不意味着你就可以不努力,不do your best。而是说,在你do your
偶尔会变身控制狂的我又会想问,how much control then do you have over your life?
但是现在我忽然会想一想what-ifs, what if他们已经进了最大努力? What if
他们是因为学不会才不学,而不是不学才不会?what if 还有其他我不知道的因素?
I'm drawn to a lovely quote by St. Augustine in "The City of
God," where he says, "It's a sin to judge any man by his post."In
modern English that would mean it's a sin to come to any view of
who you should talk to dependent on their business card. It's not
the post that should count. According to St. Augustine, it's only
God who can really put everybody in their place. And he's going to
do that on the Day of Judgment with angels and trumpets, and the
skies will open. Insane idea, if you're a secularist person, like
me. But something very valuable in that idea, nevertheless.
In other words, hold
your horses when you're coming to judge people. You don't
necessarily know what someone's true value is. That is an unknown
part of them. And we shouldn't behave as though it is known.
There is another source of solace and comfort for all this. When we
think about failing in life, when we think about failure,
one of the reasons why we
fear failing is not just a loss of income, a loss of status. What
we fear is the judgment and ridicule of others. And it
Income和social status之间到底有什么联系。
Income大家都懂就不说了。根据wikipedia的解释,social status is the honor or
prestige attached to one's position in society (one's social
position),分为achieved status 和 ascribed
you run naked? Yes, you can. But there will be consequences.
比如你可能被抓起来,because of indecent exposure。这样其实你就没有裸奔的自由了。)
You know, the number one organ of ridicule nowadays, is the
newspaper. And if
you open the newspaper any day of the week, it's full of people
who've messed up their lives. They've slept with the wrong person.
They've taken the wrong substance. They've passed the wrong piece
of legislation. Whatever it is. And then are fit for ridicule. In
other words, they have failed. And they are described as
"losers."Now is there any alternative to this? I think the Western
tradition shows us one glorious alternative, and that is
happens to everyone,因为it’s not a big deal。但如果把别人的true
Newsroom里, Will教育一个八卦作家,说what you do is really a bad form of
pollution that makes us dumber and meaner and is destroying
deserve to be sound and healthy and they don’t?)
Tragic art, as it developed in the theaters of ancient Greece,
in the fifth century B.C., was essentially an art form devoted to
tracing how people fail, and also according them a level of
sympathy, which ordinary life would not necessarily accord them. I
remember a few years ago, I was thinking about all this, and I went
to see "The Sunday Sport," a tabloid newspaper that I don't
recommend you to start reading if you're not familiar with it
already. I went to talk to them about certain of the great
tragedies of Western art. I wanted to see how they would seize the
bare bones of certain stories if they came in as a news item at the
news desk on a Saturday afternoon.
So I told them about Othello. They had not heard of it but were
fascinated by it.(Laughter)And I asked them to write the headline
for the story of Othello. They came up with "Love-Crazed Immigrant
Kills Senator's Daughter" splashed across the headline. I gave them
the plotline of Madame Bovary. Again, a book they were enchanted to
discover. And they wrote "Shopaholic Adulteress Swallows Arsenic
After Credit Fraud."(Laughter) And then my favorite. They really do
have a kind of genius all of their own, these guys. My favorite is
Sophocles' Oedipus the King:"Sex With Mum Was
In a way, if you like, at one end of the spectrum of sympathy,
you've got the tabloid newspaper. At the other end of the spectrum
you've got tragedy and tragic art, and I suppose I'm arguing that
we should learn a little bit about what's happening in tragic art.
It would be insane to
call Hamlet a loser. He is not a loser, though he has lost.
And I think that is the message of tragedy to us, and why it's so
very, very important, I think.
(Don’t blame yourself, baby.
The other thing about modern society and why it causes this
anxiety is that we have
nothing at its center that is non-human. We are the first
society to be living in a world where we don't worship anything
other than ourselves. We think very highly of ourselves, and so we
should. We've put people on the moon. We've done all sorts of
extraordinary things. And so we tend to worship ourselves.
Our heroes are human heroes. That's a very new situation. Most
other societies have had, right at their center, the worship of
something transcendent: a god, a spirit, a natural force, the
universe, whatever it is, something else that is being worshiped.
We've slightly lost the habit of doing that, which is, I think,
why we're particularly
drawn to nature. Not for the sake of our health, though it's often
presented that way, but because it's an escape from the human
anthill. It's an escape from our own competition, and our
own dramas. And that's why we enjoy looking at glaciers and oceans,
and contemplating the Earth from outside its perimeters, etc.
We like to feel in
contact with something that is non-human, and that is so deeply
important to us.
(所以现在旅行这么热门也是这个原因吗?要逃离的不是城市,而是有人的地方。所以信仰是多么重要, 就算不信神,至少也要信the
randomness of individual life,这个跟宿命论还不太一样。
人类总以为自己很特别,但很可能像《普罗米修斯》里演的一样,造物主创造我们,it’s simply because they
can. 甚至可能我们只是一个accident的结果,他们在想方设法消灭我们也说不定。跑题了。)
What I think I've been talking about really is success and
failure. And one of the
interesting things about success is that we think we know what it
means. If I said to you that there is somebody behind the
screen who is very very successful, certain ideas would immediately
come to mind. You would think that person might have made a lot of
money, achieved renown in some field. My own theory of success --
and I'm somebody who is very interested in success. I really want
to be successful. I'm always thinking, "How could I be more
successful?"But as I get older, I'm also very nuanced about what
that word "success" might mean.
(这里不多说了,关键是你可以想要众人眼中的成功,只有that happens to be what you really
really want.
Here's an insight that I've had about success. You can't be successful at
everything. We hear a lot of talk about work-life balance.
Nonsense. You can't have
it all. You can't. So any vision of success has to admit
what it's losing out on, where the element of loss is. I think any wise life will accept, as
I say, that there is going to be an element where we are not
ok, you can’t be successful at everything.
为了这句话成立,一个条件是you have to be successful at something.
但这个条件很好满足,因为everybody is successful at something.
shows that you are very successful at thinking, right?)
The thing about a
successful life is, a lot of the time, our ideas of what it would
mean to live successfully are not our own. They are sucked
in from other people: chiefly, if you're a man, your father, and if
you're a woman, your mother. Psychoanalysis has been drumming home
this message for about 80 years. No one is quite listening hard
enough, but I very much believe that that's true.
And we also suck in
messages from everything from the television, to advertising, to
marketing, etc. These are hugely powerful forces that define
what we want and how we view ourselves. When we're told that
banking is a very respectable profession a lot of us want to go
into banking. When banking is no longer so respectable, we lose
interest in banking. We are highly open to suggestion.
status是如何,你都可以改,所以你就后天放手去奋斗吧。但即使是机会真的平等的社会,也不一定奋斗就一定能move up the
social ladder。所以说啊,放手奋斗可以,move up 不up就看你的造化了。这才应该是美国梦,否则不就是一个false
So what I want to
argue for is not that we should give upon our ideas of success, but
we should make sure that they are our own. We should focus
in on our ideas. And make sure that we own them, that we are truly
the authors of our own ambitions. Because it's bad enough, not getting
what you want, but it's even worse to have an idea of what it is
you want and find out at the end of a journey, that it isn't, in
fact, what you wanted all along.
So I'm going to end it there. But what I really want to stress
is by all means, success, yes. But let's accept the strangeness of
some of our ideas. Let's probe away at our notions of
success. Let's make sure our ideas of success are truly our own.
Thank you very much. (Applause)
are unsuccessful。也不要认为任何人是loser。 因为成功只和自己有关。
我记得哪届耶鲁新生欢迎会上,校长问说:你们在大学要找到这些问题的答案:What constitutes a good life?
What kind of life do you want to lead? What values do you hope to
live by? What kind of community or society do you want to live in?
And how should you reconcile the claims of family and community
with your individual desire?
最后,就想引用乔布斯的一段话,好应景的说。Your time is limited, so don't waste it
living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma --- which is
living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the
noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most
important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything
else is secondary.)


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