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文章来源:2018年“小高考”17日开考&&&&发布时间:06-03 19:06&&【字号:&&&&&&】
(责任编辑:养话锗)Fatwa Tentama | Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta | UAD | Faculty of Psychology | ResearchGate
ContactProjects 11Research 3535Research items8,575Reads4CitationsYogyakarta, IndonesiaLab headLab members (1)View AllAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityNot yet on ResearchGateNot yet on ResearchGateView AllAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityNot yet on ResearchGateNot yet on ResearchGateView AllAhmad Dahlan UniversityBrawijaya UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityView AllAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityAhmad Dahlan UniversityProjectProjectProjectApr 2018Jan 20183rd ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2017)Dec 2017COMMUNITY EMPOWER THROUGH UTILIZATION OF STRAW WASTE AND RICE HUSK BECOME SUPERCARBON IN MOYUDAN, SLEMAN. Karanganjir, Sejati Dukuh and Setran are three hamlets in the village Sumberarum. The livelihoods of the majority of the population worked as farmers. Each season rice harvest paddy lands in Karanganjir, Sejati Dukuh and Setran will produce abundant rice. Results of the rice harvest in the form of straw and rice husks were also plentiful. Rural farming communities Sumberarum have not been able to utilize the waste straw and rice husks are plentiful. This is due to the lack of awareness, knowledge, and skills for the use of waste straw and rice husks. Pollution of the environment requires a solution that is by utilizing the waste straw and rice husks into supercarbon as kerosene and gas for household and economic value. The program will work closely with youth organizations and farmers’ groups in Karanganjir, Sejati Dukuh and Setran, Co-operative of Sumberarum village, Co-operative of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), and Department of Industry Trade and Cooperatives of Sleman. This program is conducted by lecturers and UAD students of Community Service Program (KKN) divided into five major themes: 1) E 2) Making supercarbon fro 3) Utilization supercarbon as 4) Motivating supercar 5) The establishment and development of business units supercarbon.Dec 2017Dec 2017Oct 2017Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Membangun Desa untuk Indonesia BerkemajuanThe problem of employability skill in vocational students becomes a serious problem at this
time. Vocational students are not only required to have the ability of vocational skills alone in
preparing to enter the workforce but also the ability of soft skills. The purpose of this training
program is the students of SMK have the knowledge and skills needed in preparing for the world of
work. This training method is done by lecture method, workshop, and role play. Subjects in this
program are students in SMK Muhammadiyah Sleman, SMK Negeri Sayegan and SMK Negeri
Kalasan Sleman Yogyakarta. Employability skills training results show good results. Participants
show their interest in the material given, the participants are able to realize the importance of
preparing for work when they graduate. Participants realize that hard skills are not enough to
prepare for work, soft skill is required that employability skills in work.Oct 2017Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Membangun Desa untuk Indonesia BerkemajuanGarbage is anything that is no longer desired and intensive. The general
public's view of garbage is a useless material and must be removed. RW 12 Banguntapan Village,
Sub-District of Banguntapan, Bantul based on observation has some point of illegal dumping place
(TPS). Therefore it is necessary to hold community empowerment under the title of Community
Empowerment in Waste Management Household. This program is implemented with the aim of
improving knowledge and skills of housewives in household waste entrepreneurship to increase
family income.
Community empowerment is done by providing training. Training was provided
for PKK mothers in RW 12 Banguntapan Village Banguntapan Sub-District. The training was held
in the form of learning process and active thinking about creation of household waste either organic
or inorganic waste through several methods, namely lecture, demonstration and workshop.
The results of this training are expected to provide an alternative for young mothers
in utilizing household waste so that the environment is clean and healthy. In addition, with the skills
and insight into entrepreneurship ideas emerge to manage the waste so that the additional income
for the family.
The process of implementing community empowerment can run expeditious.
The program is fully supported and the target community has the will to apply all the training in
each environment.Oct 2017Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Membangun Desa untuk Indonesia BerkemajuanEarly childhood is a golden age in which all aspects of development can be trained to develop
optimally. However this is not to develop optimally if from the nearest especially parents can not
provide the appropriate stimulation to their children. Many young mothers are worried about the
street children developmental delay due to a lack of knowledge about the stimulation of children.
Subjects in this study were young children, aged 0-5 years, the children of young mothers streets,
and the mother of the child subjects had unwanted pregnancies. The purpose of this training is to
improve early childhood development from young mothers streets. The result was the development
of children's social, emotional, cognitive and psychomotor increased. Besides young mothers streets
can know what dpat stimulation given to the child by using APE is around.Oct 2017Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Membangun Desa untuk Indonesia BerkemajuanKKN PPM ini dilaksanakan di tiga dusun di Desa Sidorejo yaitu Dusun Bantut, Dusun
Kemirisewu, dan Dusun Dongkelan Desa Sidorejo Godean Sleman. Permasalahan yang diangkat
sebagai program adalah permasalahan pengelolaan limbah pertanian. Solusi yang ditawarkan
adalah pemanfaatan limbah pertanian menjadi pelatihan pengolahan limbah dan sampah, pelatihan
pembuatan bokashi sebagai pupuk organik, pelatihan budidaya cacing dan pembuatan cascing,
pelatihan pemanfaatan limbah pertanian menjadi silase, dan pelatihan kewirausahaan dan motivasi
berwirausaha. Program ini dilakukan dengan memberdayakan karangtaruna, remaja, dan
masyarakat umum lainnya seperti kelompok tani dan kelompok PKK. Pembardayaan tersebut
berdampak pada peningkatan partisipasi pemuda, remaja dan masyarakat umum dalam kegiatan
dusun, peningkatan potensi berwirausaha sehingga harapannya dapat menngkatkan kesejahteraan
masyarakat di lokasi KKN PPM.Jun 2017For an optimal development of the child's mother in every aspect of its development is very important. One aspect of skills that must be developed from an early age is a social skill. Most of the streets are young mothers of young children in Yogyakarta worried with the development of their social skills. The young mother does not know how to provide the appropriate stimulation to the child, especially to teach children social skills. Stimulate the child's development of social skills of children aspect then held a training play a role to the street children and of young mothers streets. Training was conducted for two days with story, discussions and role play. The purpose of this training is to improve the social skills of children so that they can adapt to their social environment. The results of the training is role playing a child's social skills to be increased after the training given by the method of playing the role. Social skills of children who increasingly include socializing in the neighborhood play when new friends, increase vocabulary, follow the rules of the game, and resolve conflicts with peers.Oct 2016Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Pemanfaatan IPTEKS dalam Membangun Desa Mandiri dan ReligiusFenomena kenakalan remaja semakin banyak terjadi dikalangan remaja-remaja yang berstatus sebagai pelajar di berbagai sekolah di Yogyakarta sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan masalah tersebut. Diperlukan upaya penanganan yang efektif untuk mengarahkan perilaku remaja kearah yang positif salah satunya dengan diadakannya program Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) bagi siswa. Pelatihan ini diadakan di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir Sleman sebagai upaya pencegahan kenakalan remaja. Pelatihan yang akan diselenggarakan merupakan proses belajar dan berpikir aktif dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, workshop dan role play. Pelatihan dilakukan dalam delapan sesi yaitu Who Am I, motivasi diri (self motivation), pendukung motivasi dan hambatan motivasi, pelatihan menumbuhkan motivasi berprestasi, pelatihan goal setting dan achievement planning, problem solving disertai kasus dan simulasi, adaptasi dengan lingkungan,dan spiritual skill sebagai refleksi untuk meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi. Pelatihan Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) yang diadakan selama delapan sesi menunjukkan hasil yang cukup baik. Peserta menunjukkan ketertarikannya pada materi yang diberikan. Peserta mampu memahami dan menyadari akan pentingnya motivasi belajar untuk mencapai prestasi belajar yang lebih baikOct 2016Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Pemanfaatan IPTEKS dalam Membangun Desa Mandiri dan Religiusmampu memanfaatkan sampah yang berlimpah karena minimnya kesadaran, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan untuk memanfaatkannya sehingga pencemaran lingkungan karena sampah tidak dapat terelakkan di wilayah ini. Sampah-sampah di Dusun Gondang Legi dan Kepuh masih banyak dibuang ke sungai walaupun sudah ada larangan untuk membuang sampah ke sungai. Sampah juga masih banyak yang dibuang ke lahan kosong yang disebut sebagai Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPS) Ilegal.
Metode pendekatan yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah pemberdayaan kelompok masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan limbah sampah menjadi briket bioarang, pupuk cair organik dan media tanam. Manfaat pengolahan limbah ini adalah dapat meminimalisasi pencemaran sampah di lingkungan dan mencegah pencemaran udara karena pembakaran sampah. Keuntungan lain adalah tersedia bahan bakar (bioenergi) untuk keperluan masyarakat, penghematan bahan bakar fosil, dan potensi penguatan perekonomian masyarakat.
Keluaran yang dihasilkan dari program ini adalah peralatan pengolahan limbah, produk dari limbah sampah, peningkatan keterampilan SDM, dan peningkatan motivasi beriwausaha SDM. Kegiatan yang direncanakan selanjutnya adalah monitoring dan evaluasi secara berkelanjutan di lokasi. Selain itu akan dilakukan pengembangan lebih lanjut daerah ini yang telah disepakati oleh warga anggota mitra sehingga akhirnya terlaksanan program pengelolaan sampah “zero waste”.Aug 2016Joint International Seminar Human Resource Improvement in The Current ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Throught a Psychological PerspectiveThe relatively low enterpreneurship motivation in the society by and large has contributed to the piling up agricultural waste which thus begets environmental pollution and disturbance. Despite the fact that agricultural waste is economically potential, the society merely posses inadequate enterpreneurship motivation to be able to turn the agricultural waste into a valuable supercarbon for instance. This research aims at knowing whether enterpreneurship training are fruitful to improve enterpreneurship motivation of farmers. The subject of the research is 40 farmers of Sumber Arum, Moyudan, Sleman. To extract sample, the researcher used non-randomized sampling technique. Meanwhile, the research plan is conducted with one group pre-test post-test design. To analyze data, the researcher applied paired samplet-test which lead to t value= -4,089 with p = 0,000 (p&0,01) ). In other words, there is a considerable enterpreneurship motivation level between the one prior to training and the one after. The enterpreneurship motivation level after the training roughly accounted to 104, 73, slightly much higher than the one before which accounted to 91,38. Thus, it is appropriate to conclude that enterpreneurship training has significantly contributed to the improving enterpreneurship motivation of the farmers.Aug 2016Joint International Seminar Human Resource Improvement in The Current ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Throught a Psychological PerspectiveOrganizational commitment and work environment are factors that can affect job performance. This research aims at empirically examining the role organizational commitment and work environment on job performance of educational employees. The subject of the research are 1) educational employees at University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta (2) active and permanent employees (3) have been working for more than a year and (4) male and female employees. In this research, a non-randomized sampling technique was applied. Data collection technique applied in this research are organizational commitment scales, work environment scales, and job performance scales. The data were analyzed by means of multiple linear regression technique. The result of the analysis showed that: 1). there was a significant simultaneous positive relationship of organizational commitment and work environment on the job performance indicated by (Rx1x2y) = 0,425 with probability p = 0,009 (p&0,01). 2) there was a very significant positive relationship between organizational commitment and the job performance indicated by (rx1y) = 0,392 with probability p = 0,002 (p&0,01). 3). there was a significant positive relationship between work environment and the job performance indicated by (rx2y) = 0,301 with probability p = 0,017 (p&0,05). The higher the organizational commitment and the work environment are the higher the job performance of educational employees.Aug 2016Human Resource Improvement in The Current ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Throught a Psychological PerspectiveThe relatively low enterpreneurship motivation in the society by and large has contributed
to the piling up agricultural waste which thus begets environmental pollution and disturbance.
Despite the fact that agricultural waste is economically potential, the society merely posses
inadequate enterpreneurship motivation to be able to turn the agricultural waste into a valuable
supercarbon for instance. This research aims at knowing whether enterpreneurship training are
fruitful to improve enterpreneurship motivation of farmers. The subject of the research is 40
farmers of Sumber Arum, Moyudan, Sleman. To extract sample, the researcher used nonrandomized
sampling technique. Meanwhile, the research plan is conducted with one group pretest
post‐ est design. To analyze data, the researcher applied paired samplet‐ est which lead to t
value= ‐4,089 with p = 0,000 (p&0,01) ). In other words, there is a considerable enterpreneurship
motivation level between the one prior to training and the one after. The enterpreneurship
motivation level after the training roughly accounted to 104, 73, slightly much higher than the
one before which accounted to 91,38. Thus, it is appropriate to conclude that enterpreneurship
training has significantly contributed to the improving enterpreneurship motivation of the
Keywords: enterpreneurship, motivation, agricultural wasteJul 2016Cyberbullying has been commonplace practice among Indonesian teenagers engaging in on-line space. However, this phenomenon has not been extensively researched in the context of Indonesia. This present study aims to examine the extent to which level of forgiveness contribute to varying degrees of cyberbullying. It is a quantitative in which the data were drawn from 495 senior high school students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The research findings revealed that there was a significant correlation of β= .255, p = .011 between level of forgiveness and patterns of response towards cyberbullying and also a correlation of (β=.316, p = .001) between cybervictim and cyberbully. The study concluded with some recommendations with regard to the effect of cyberbullying.Mar 2016Teachers' work motivation and teachers' job satisfaction are the factors influencing the organizational commitment. This research is aimed to empirically examine the roles of teachers' work motivation and teachers' job satisfaction in the commitment of the organization in extraordinary schools. The subjects of the research are the teachers in Extraordinary School 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. The sample was taken by employing non-randomized technique. The scales of work motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are used in collecting the data. The data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression technique. Teachers' job motivation more dominantly influence organizational commitment compared to teachers' job satisfaction.Mar 2016The farmers in Indonesia have not maximally taken advantage of the ex therefore the huge number of the husk becomes disturbing waste, which spoils environment. The waste of rice husk is potentially capable of improving the farmers' economy amidst the people's lack of knowledge about its potential to commercially produce charcoal briquettes from it, make it a plant growing medium, and change it into manure. This research aims at knowing if the training of recycling waste of rice husk can improve the farmers' entrepreneurship motivation. The subjects of the research were farmers in groups at Bimomartani village, Ngemplak district, Sleman regency. They were 60 participants divided into experintal and control groups. The planned experiment used untreated control group design with dependent pretest and posttest samples. The paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test were used as the techniques of analysis in this research. The result of t-test on paired sample t-test for the experimental group resulted in the value of t =-6.659 with p = 0.000 (p&0.01), which means there was a significant difference of entrepreneurship motivation before and after the training of recycling rice husk. The analysis for Independent sample t-test resulted in the value of t = 7.411 with p = 0.000 (p&0.01), which means there was a significant difference of entrepreneurship motivation between experimental and control groups. It can be concluded that the training of recycling waste of rice husk was effective in improving the farmers' entrepreneurship motivation.Feb 2016International Joint Seminar The Contribution of Education Institution to ASEAN Economic CommunityOrganizational commitment and work environment are factors that can affect job performance. This research aims at empirically examining the role organizational commitment and work environment on job performance of educational employees. The subject of the research are 1) educational employees at University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta (2) active and permanent employees (3) have been working for more than a year and (4) male and female employees. In this research, a non-randomized sampling technique was applied. Data collection technique applied in this research are organizational commitment scales, work environment scales, and job performance scales. The data were analyzed by means of multiple linear regression technique. The result of the analysis showed that: 1). there was a significant simultaneous positive relationship of organizational commitment and work environment on the job performance indicated by (Rx1x2y) = 0,425 with probability p = 0,009 (p&0,01). 2) there was a very significant positive relationship between organizational commitment and the job performance indicated by (rx1y) = 0,392 with probability p = 0,002 (p&0,01). 3). there was a significant positive relationship between work environment and the job performance indicated by (rx2y) = 0,301 with probability p = 0,017 (p&0,05). The higher the organizational commitment and the work environment are the higher the job performance of educational employees.Feb 2016International Joint Seminar The Contribution of Education Institution to ASEAN Economic CommunityGuidance and Counselling are an integral part of the education, which is an attempt at realizing the educational functions include function development, help
individuals develop themselves in accordance with fitrah (potential) and
diversity. Guidance and counseling are the comprehensive program developed in Indonesia, They are the paradigm of guidance and counselling services which
adopted from the ASCA model. Competency standards proposed are divided into
5 areas of development, namely the development of spiritual area , academic development, the development of the field of personal/social development of the areas of career development, the field the attitude of citizens of a democratic and accountable.Dec 2015The problem, which an organization often faces, is the employees' performance, which results in ineffective organization. Commitment and compensation are factors affecting the employees' performance. This research aims at empirically examining the role of commitment and compensation of employees' performance. The subjects of the research are permanent employees at Ahmad Dahlan University, having served for more than one year. The sampling technique is non-randomized. The method of collecting data uses commitment, compensation, and performance scales. The data are analyzed with multiple linear regression technique. The result shows that the organizational commitment and the compensation simultaneously predict the employees' performance of (r x2y)= 0,594 and the significance correlation coefficient of F reg. = 12.815 with p = 0,000 (p&0,01), which means there is a very significant positive correlation among organizational commitment and compensation simultaneously with the performance of the employees of Ahmad Dahlan University. The implication of study is discussed further in article.Nov 2015Seminar Nasional Pemanfaatan Ipteks Dalam Membangun Ketahanan PanganLimbah jerami dan sekam padi banyak ditemukan berserakan di Dusun Karanganjir, Dusun Sejati Dukuh dan Dusun Setran saat musim panen padi sehingga menggangu saluran irigasi sawah, menurunkan estetika lingkungan, dan menyumbat saluran air. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah memberikan alternatif cara pengurangan dampak limbah padi dengan briket. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dilakukan dengan peningkatan pengetahuan, pemberian keterampilan, dan praktek bersama tentang pemanfaatan limbah jerami dan sekam padi pada petani. Petani diberi wawasan tentang bahaya limbah pertanian, pelatihan tentang teknik pembuatan briket bioarang, cara pemanfaatan briket, kesempatan berwirausaha briket, kemampuan pembukuan keuangan dan pemasaran. Petani yang dilibatkan masing-masing dusun sebanyak 15 – 20 orang. Keberhasilan dari kegiatan ini terlihat dari terbentuk kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki minat untuk memanfaatkan sekam padi dan jerami untuk membuat usaha briket bioarang dan masyarakat berinisiatif untuk menggunakan briket bioarang untuk keperluan sehari-hariApr 2015The problems faced by organizations is employee performance tends to decline over time resulting ineffectiveness of the organization. One of the factors that affect performance is job satisfaction. This study aims to determine empirically the correlation between job satisfaction and performance of the civil servant teachers. Subjects were 29 civil service teachers both male and female who become permanent employees and has worked at least 1 year in SLB Negeri 1 Bantul Yogyakarta. Data were collected using the Job Satisfaction Scale and the Performance Scale. Pearson’s product moment correlation were used to test the relationship between job satisfaction and teacher performance. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and performance of the civil servant teachers (rxy= .551; p= .001). The more satisfied the teachers, the higher their performance.Jan 2015The greatest eruption of the Mount Merapi took place in the past four-years. Various psychological problems were reported since then, one of which was post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The survivors of Mt. Merapi eruption needed social support from the significant others. This study aims to empirically test the correlation between social support and PTSD on adolecescents survivor of Mt. Merapi’s eruption. Thirty junior high school students of SMP Negeri I Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta, aged 12-15 years participated the study. Two scales were used to collect data: the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Scale (15 α = 0.89) and Social Support Scale (16 α = 0.88). The results of product moment correlation analysis of Pearson revealed a negative significant correlation between social support and PTSD (r = -0.42; p = 0.02). This finding indicated that the less social support adolescent has received, the more severe they reported post-traumatic stress disorders.Dec 2014Dec 2014Students' low level of motivation becomes a matter of concern to be addressed immediately. Students' motivation needs to be improved as it is a factor that will affect their lives in the future. This study aims to observe or examine the effectiveness of motivation training in increasing students' motivation. The research method used was the pre-experiment with one group pre-test post-test design. The subjects of this study were 15 boy and girl students of Grade X of SMK who had a low level of motivation. The measuring instruments were the motivation scales given during the pre-test and post-test. The quantitative data were statistically analyzed using the Wilcoxon test with non-parametric measurements to determine the significance of difference in the motivation level before and after the training. The data were tested using SPSS 17.0 for Windows. The result of Wilcoxon analysis to test the hypothesis whether there is a difference between the pre-test and post-test of students' motivation showed that the p = 0.025 (p & 0.05). This means that there was a significant difference between the motivation before the treatment (pre-test) and after the treatment (post-test), which indicated that the students' motivation increased after a treatment in the form of motivation training.Mar 2014Mount Merapi eruption in 2010 is categorized as the largest eruption during the last 20 years. The effect of the eruption caused not only many casualties, environmental damage, but also deep trauma to the residents living on the slopes of the mountain, especially the teenagers. The design of the applied experiment was a pre-test post-test control group design. It is a design of experiment involving two group i.e. experimental and control in which the target behaviour of the subjects is measured before and after the experimental treatment given. The result of t-test analysis namely independent sample t-test in the experimental and control group using gain score indicates that there is different mean between the experimental group and the control group. The result of t-test analysis shows t = 1.925 and p = 0.059 (sig. 2-tailed), 0.0295 (sig 1-tailed) (p &0.05). Therefore, it is significant. It means there is a significant difference in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) between the experimental group and the control one. The experimental group has a lower rate of PTSD compared with the control group. It can be concluded that trauma healing methods are effective to reduce PTSD.Aug 2013Southeast-Asia Psychology International ConferenceThe study aims to test empirically the extent to which employee satisfaction with pay has an effect on their commitment to organization. We hypothesize that a positive relationship exists between employee satisfaction with pay and commitment to organization in a batik company. The subjects comprised 40 employees of Batik Nyonya Indo Company in Bantul. The data was obtained using the scale of satisfaction with pay and scale of commitment to organization among the employees. Data analysis was conducted using product-moment correlation coefficient. The results indicate that a significantly positive correlation exists between satisfaction with pay and commitment to organization among employees, as indicated by r = 0,312 (p & 0,05). The effect of satisfaction with pay on commitment to organization among employee is 8, 736 %. Satisfaction with pay is a factor that affects the commitment to organization among employees. The higher the satisfaction with pay, the stronger is the commitment to organization among the employees, and vice versa.Apr 2013The purpose of this study 1. To find out the behavior, situation and condition of aggressive children and the environment. 2. Determining appropriate interventions and programs as needed. 3. How the application of child management training program in order to reduce aggressive behavior. The subject is the child's parents, community leaders and the surrounding communities. Qualitative research method is a method by observation and in-depth interviews and training approach using the method of Albert Bandura's social learning to use the principle of modeling (modeling transfer) will provide many opportunities for trainees to learn to be a figure / model that would be an example of children as aggressive efforts to educate children in the neighborhood core. The final results are expected in the end the participants know and be aware of the situation , the child's condition and its surroundings and be able to implement training programs provided to deal with children effectively in reducing aggressive behaviors of children.Oct 2011Penyandang tuna daksa mempunyai berbagai permasalahan yang harus dihadapi berkaitan dengan kelainan fisiknya. Kecacatan fisik tersebut menjadi beban yang harus dipikul dalam kehidupannya. Berbagai perlakuan yang diterima akibat kecacatan fisik dan juga berbagai kegiatan yang terbatas untuk dilakukan karena cacat fisik tersebut juga sangat mempengaruhi psikis penyandang tuna daksa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana hubungan antara inferioritas dengan self-acceptance pada penyandang tuna daksa. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah penyandang tuna daksa baik laki-laki maupun perempuan yang berada di SLB. N 3 Yogyakarta. Alat pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan skala yaitu skala inferioritas dan skala self-acceptance. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik korelasi product moment dari Pearson untuk menguji apakah terdapat hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut. Keseluruhan komputasi data diolah dengan SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa besarnya koefisien korelasi antara kedua variable tersebut (rxy) = -0,327 dan probabilitas p = 0,014 (p&0,05), maka terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara variabel inferioritas dengan self-acceptance pada penyandang tuna daksa. Inferioritas memberikan sumbangan efektif terhadap self-acceptance sebesar 10,7 %. Maka 89,3% sisanya adalah pengaruh dari variabel atau faktor-faktor yang lain yang mempengaruhinya.Apr 2011Seminar Nasional IT, Mental Health and Quality of WorklifeMasalah keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) secara umum di Indonesia masih sering terabaikan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan masih tingginya angka kecelakaan kerja dan rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat (termasuk pemimpin dan karyawan perusahaan) mengenai hal itu sehingga pemahaman dan pelaksanaan program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sangat penting bagi sebuah perusahaan. Pada PT Astra Otopart Solo angka kecelakaan kerja relatif kecil, sehingga penerapan program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang dilakukan di PT Astra Otopart Solo dapat berjalan dengan baik. PT Astra Otopart Solo dapat dijadikan sebagai contoh bagi perusahaan lain bagaimana menerapkan program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3). Pengumpulan data dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada narasumber. Penerapan program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja PT Astra Otopart Solo sudah cukup baik. PT Astra Otopart Solo, Tbk telah melaksanakan program K3 sesuai dengan UU yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Perusahaan sudah menjalankan program untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja disertai dengan sistem manajemen dan sarana yang memadai. Pentingnya memahami dan melaksanakan program K3 bagi pemimpin perusahaan dan SDM dalam pencapaian tujuan perusahaan, PT Astra Otopart Solo, Tbk telah melaksanakan program K3 sesuai dengan UU yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah IndonesiaAug 2010Jul 2010Seminar Nasional Asi Esklusif bagi Wanita PekerjaSubjek belum bisa meluapkan/mengeluarkan emosi-emosinya karena harus keluar dari pekerjaannya disebabkan adanya perampingan karyawan (PHK) sehingga muncul adanya ketakutan-ketakutan dalam diri subjek. fokus dari permasalahan ini adalah bagaimana klien dapat meluapkan emosi-emosinya yang ada dalam dirinya tersebut untuk mengatasi ketakutan-ketakutan dirinya. Metode Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara sebagai data objektif untuk memperoleh informasi dari subjek. Subjek intervensi adalah anak ketiga dari tiga bersaudara dan berusia 25 tahun. Intervensi yang diberikan kepada klien adalah terapi kognitif perilaku (CBT), Tujuannya potensi diri agar dapat berkembang ke arah yang positif, dengan jalan mengganti cara berpikir yang irasional menjadi rasional. Permasalahan subjek tidak pada masalah ketakutan tetapi lebih kepada subjek yang tidak mampu mengeluarkan emosi-emosinya terkait dengan pemecatan diri subjek yang menyebabkan munculnya ketakutan, sehingga dengan tahap/sesi dalam CBT tersebut subjek dapat menemukan insight dan mampu mengeluarkan berbagai emosi-emosi yang mempengaruhi ketakutan dan kecemasan dirinya.Jan 2010INTERVENSI PENINGKATKAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK MELALUI PROGRAM PSIKOEDUKASI DAN PELATIHAN PENANGANAN ANAK DI PERKAMPUNGAN PINGITTujuan Intervensi atau pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk penanganan pada anak dalam rangka meningkatkan pendidikan anak. Hasil akhir yang diharapkan peserta pada akhirnya mampu menjadi model yang baik untuk tumbuh kembang anak dan mampu menangani anak secara efektif untuk meningkatkan pendidikan anak.Jan 2009Background: Various efforts made by many teachers and parents to educate children with ADHD who aim to make their lives more attention and be happy in the environment needs to be developed. This qualitative research was conducted to determine the various strategies and efforts of teachers and parents to handle children with ADHD in SLB N. 3 Yogyakarta.
Method: The approach that was used in this research was phenomenology and the analysis of the data in this research was content analysis. This research study sampled using sampling techniques typical case. Reasons for the use of this technique is a phenomenon that raised in the study actually found many locations that have been selected by the researcher. Subjects in this study were three children with ADHD, parents and teachers in SLB N. 3 Yogyakarta. Data retrieval methods used in this study is the triangulation of the methods of observation, interviews and document studies.
Results: The teacher in handling the child by means of assistance against the ADHD child by being provided the special class the active child with all of his supportive facilities. Parents: looked for information about the ADHD child from his characteristics as well as how handled him, treated the ADHD child with the affection and patience, gave reward both verbal and non verbal, co-operated with the couple, co-operated with the therapist/the psychologist to gave therapy.
Conclusion: The role of parents and teachers in dealing with ADHD children is crucial development of the child. Based on this research when appropriate way to improve the lives of children with ADHD in the environment


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