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反复 基本解释反复[fǎn fù]词典反复地,重复地;再三地;屡次地;不停地词典再三地, 反复地;连声;累次;三番两次词典倒转,颠倒;反复;逆转,反转;[法]撤消词典故态复萌;(病)再发,复发;再度堕落;再陷邪道词典反复地说,重申反复 汉英大词典反复[fǎn fù](重复) over and over again:  例:反复解释    explain    反复思考     think a lot about sth.; turn sth. over in one's     这个计划是经过反复讨论而产生的。    The plan was born out of repeated discussions.(翻悔) fickle:  例:思想上有反复    have     我讲话是算数的, 决不反复。    I mean what I say and shall never react from [go back on] my words.(回到原有状态) relapse:  例:有很多反复和曲折    full of r    你的病虽然好了, 可要防止反复。    You are well now, but mind you don't have a relapse.反复 网络解释1. 1. repetition:3.8反复(Repetition)用来表现强烈的情感,其强调作用,而且可形成优美的节奏. 3.10回文(Chiasmus)将其归为反复,称之为逆转反复(Antistrophe). 指的是两个语言单位通过互换位置表达两个相反相成的意思.2. 2. FanFu:前者表现:恶寒、发热、头痛、便秘、溲黄、舌苔黄今干燥,有时伴颌下琳巴结大疼痛,后者可无明显全身症状或有低热. 一些人伴有口燥,咽干、手心烫、失眠、多梦、舌苔剥落等. (3)杞菊地黄丸,每次9粒,每日3次. 用于慢性溃疡反复(fan fu)发作者.反复 双语例句1. 911查询·英语单词1. 岂但齐里改革了阀门的设计计算方法,加重了业余技巧职员沉重的反复性惯例设计农做,使技巧己员无更少的精神用于改良、降下产品机能战旧产品启发,伸欠新产品的研讨启收周早期、片面进步休息出产率,而且在降落杆式金属密封球阀的研造启收历程外,因为CAD/CAM的运用,呈现了由盘算机辅佐设计、由计算机帮助数控机床减农造制的阀杆螺旋扁,使金属密启球阀在开关功程外有免何揩伤战磨益,自而使球阀的稀封性和应用寿命大大降下。&&&&Not only revamped the design of a method for calculating the valve, reducing the professional and technical personnel of the repeatability of conventional heavy design work, so that technical staff are more used to improve energy, improve product performance and new product development and shorten the research and development of new products cycle, improve labor productivity, but also in metal sealing ball valve lift leveraged research and development process, as a result of CAD/CAM applications, 钢管, have emerged from computer-aided design, CNC machine tools by computer-aided manufacturing of spiral flat stem, Metal sealed ball valve so that the process in the headstock without any scratches and wear, so that the ball valve seal and greatly improved life.2. 其中:提出了一种基于多智能体的作战模型框架,在该框架下,作战模型由作战环境模型、作战智能体模型和作战模型参数三部分构成;提出了一种作战环境模型,定义了作战空间和作战环境参数,描述作战单元、作战环境的空间特性和作战环境因素对作战单元作战行为的影响;提出了一种作战智能体模型,它由属性和行为模型两部分构成,定义了作战智能体的空间属性、物理属性和品质属性,用以描述作战单元的各种行为能力和状态,分别建立了作战智能体的侦察、机动、攻击、通信、适应性行为模型和上述行为规则的元规则,用以描述作战单元之间的交互作用关系;提出了一种基于知识表示方法的作战智能体模型形式化描述方法,使得作战智能体模型能够以一种便于从概念模型向仿真模型转化的方式进行表达;研究了基于多智能体的作战模型的建模工作流程,确定了各个步骤中的主要工作;提出了一种基于多智能体的作战仿真策略,采用作战智能体反复随机排序的方法,解决单处理器、单线程条件下,事件的并发问题。&&&&Secondly, a kind of multi-agent based combat model is proposed. A kind of framework of the multi-agent based combat model is proposed, which is composed of the combat environment model, combat agent, and combat model parameters. A kind of the combat environment model is proposed, in which the combat space and the combat environment parameters are defined to describe the spacial traits of the combat units and combat environment, and the influence of those combat environment factors on the action of the combat units. A kind of combat agent model is proposed, which is composed of properties and behaviour model. The spacial properties, physical properties and quality properties are defined to describe the abilities and state of combat units. The behaviour models of reconnaissance, maneuverability, attack, communication and adaption are established to describe the interaction between combat units. And several meta rules of those action are given. A kind of knowledge representation based method is proposed to give a formalization description to the combat enity model, which makes it more convenient to translate the combat agent from the concept model to the simulation model. The modeling process of the multi-agent based combat model is discussed, and the main task of every step is ascertained. A kind of simulation strategy is proposed, which gives the combat agents a random sequence at every simulation step, to dispose those concurrent events with single processor and single thread.3. 3. 这两项活动是采取反复的每个级别产品的复杂性。&&&&In this way the entire material requirement is defined on the basis of the final product demand.4. 911查询·英语单词4. 我们可以同时或取代ofpass任何情况下都处理,但反复尝试&&&&We could as well or instead ofpass no event handle at all, but try iteratively5. 5. 我也认为你应该在给我们报价前反复核对校对过的技术包裹。&&&&And also I think you should cross check the corrected tech packs before giving any price to us.6. 6. 你在交卷之前应该反复核对答案。&&&&You should check your answers again and again before you hand in your paper.7. 他们因此设计了这样一套鲜明的反复核对的制度以确保一致性和准确性。&&&&They accordingly devised a remarkable system of internal cross-checks to ensure consistency and accuracy.8. 梅尔文说,他反复核对采用的信息,而且在合作者的帮助下校正了一些事实。&&&&Mr. Melvin says he cross-checks what information he can and adjusts other facts with the help of collaborators.9. 每当你反复核对你写的收电记录时,最重要的内容总是看不清&&&&When reviewing the radio frequencies that you just wrote down, the most important ones10. 金松双黄酮对照品的制备方法:取干燥银杏叶以95%乙醇超声提取3次,提取液合并,减压浓缩,石油醚脱脂后,用乙酸乙酯萃取,萃取液减压浓缩,经硅胶柱(6cm×80cm)层析,石油醚-乙酸乙酯(9∶1~5∶5)梯度洗脱,产物用甲醇多次冲淋,再以二甲基甲酰氨溶解,反复重结晶,得黄色粉末结晶。&&&&Result: The anticancer active component includes: taxol 9.45%、cephalomanine: 9.63%、10- deacetylbaccatinⅢ: 22.64%、total flavonoids: 19.15%. 3. The preparation of Seiadopitysin control Methods: Take dry Ginkgo leaves and extracted three times by sonication with 95% EtOH, solutions were concentrated under vacuum, after defatting by petroleum benzin, the sample was extracted with EtOAc and the solutions were concentrated under vacuum.11. 但是强制性的反复思考就会成为另外一种浪费的做法了。&&&&&&But compulsively thinking and thinking and thinking is just another way to waste your time.12. 常规消毒后,手握针柄的后部,食指压在针柄上,用手腕之力进行叩刺。针尖垂直叩打在皮肤上,并立即提起,反复进行。&&&&&&After rutine disinfection, hold the handle of the needle with the index finger against the handle and tap vertically on the skin with a gentle movement of the wrist.13. 13. 在他的著作和讲演中,他反复强调毁林的危害性和植树造林的重要性。1915年,在孙中山的倡议下,政府公布了以清明节为植树节的规定。&&&&&&In his writings and speeches, he repeatedly stressed the dangers of deforestation and the importance of afforestation. In 1915, Sun Yat-sen in the initiative, the Government announced to the provisions of the Ching Ming Festival of Tree Planting Day.14. 14. 经过反复实验你会成功的。&&&&&&You will succeed by trial and error.15. 你可以通过反复试验来学习如何正确使用它。&&&&&&You can learn how to use it properly by trial and error.16. 你只能反复试验。&&&&&&You got to do it by trial and error.17. 本文在数据收集中花费了大量的时间,在数据处理上反复计算多次,以求得比较客观的结论。&&&&&&I took much time to collect data for this paper and in order to show a comparatively impersonal conclusion, I calculated repeatedly when processing data.18. 18. 经反复测试改进后最终形成的产品,达到预定功能要求,并成功应用于实际恒压供水系统中。&&&&&&This paper is focused on the three-phase accurate SPWM model, which is the most difficult and important in the system design.19. 每10-15天在烈日下曝晒3-5小时可增加产品活性,提高产品功效,加强反复循环使用频率。&&&&&&Solarize for3-5 hours every10-15 days, for improving activeness and function of the product, and increasing frequency of repeating and cycling usage.20. 每10-15天在烈日下曝晒3-5小时可增加产品活性,提高产品功效,加强反复循环使用频率。&&&&&&Solarize for 3-5 hours every 10-15 days, for improving activeness反复是什么意思,反复在线翻译,反复什么意思,反复的意思,反复的翻译,反复的解释,反复的发音,反复的同义词,反复的反义词,反复的例句,反复的相关词组,反复意思是什么,反复怎么翻译,单词反复是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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