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are being fulfilled. Example: &Oh Great Spirit of。
What do you do when circumstances seem out of control? What's the first thing you look for? Or Whom? What immediately runs through your mind? Do you yell? Do you curse? Do you go bow up your back like a porcupine getting ready for all out war?By Word Of Mouth!There is something that every one of us has been taught to do since we were born and yet so few people know how to control it. We have been taught how to talk, but still don't know how to control our mouth.Getting control of your mouth is no harder than learning h you just need to learn how. Sadly though, most people just let the words fly as their circumstances get hotter than a nanny goat in a pepper patch.I can hear someone now: "what's my words got to do with my circumstances?" Everything! Remember when you were trying to learn how to ride that bicycle? Who was it that had the power to ride it or crash it? You! Controlling your tongue is no different.Your mouth has more to do with the success or failure in your life than you may realize. No one else can do your talking for you, no one else can determine whether you crash or ride.Caught Red-handed!Let me give you some Vegas-ology, and I really believe this. Most people go through their lives, day by day, just hoping nothing bad will happen to them that day. And, if it does, maybe it won't be so bad that I can't handle it, at least without much stress.Then when something squirrelly happens, they go ballistic. Then they start saying, "why me God," "what did I do?" Then they start praying, then they start crying, and then they get real humble.Well, guess what? Remember earlier when I said we spend all our lives learning how to talk and never learn how to control the thing we talk with? That's where the problem lies. We spend years and years responding the same way to calamity, which just fills us with fear, worry, doubt and unbelief.And, when an abundance of fear and worry root its way down into our spirits it overflows out of our mouth. Just like falling off a log.Hear Me Now, Believe Me Later!Now, when those words fly out of our mouth, our emotions soak t we start feeling like a our whole life is a square peg in a round hole, and, then the worst po we start acting on the words of fear.When we start acting on words of fear, we start a cycle of worry and depression. And, the cycle keeps repeating itself. A few moments of remorse, during our heartbreak, will just not reverse years and years of using an uncontrolled tongue.Why do these things happen? Because of spiritual laws! We determine what happens to us by putting spiritual laws into motion through the words that we speak out of our mouths. If this makes your feathers ruffle, don't get mad at me, I didn't design the system. I wish I had.To go a step further in understanding how our mouths determine the direction of our lives, we need to understand how these spiritual laws work. To simplify this we can say there are two spiritual forces that we have to contend with.Live And Learn!Let's call these laws the law of success and the law of defeat. Anot the law of life and the law of death. These spiritual laws do not work by happenstance. They don't work one way one time and another way another time.You can't say something positive one time and have those same words mean something negative next time. That's craziness and the system doesn't work that way. By the same token, you can't talk words of fear, failure, defeat, sickness, poverty, and death, and expect the opposite of those things to happen to you.Everyday we are putting these two laws to work in our lives either knowingly or ignorantly. But, either way they are at work to bring about the results or circumstances that correspond to the words we speak.Y if all this is true, why do I then always end up shooting myself in the foot? Why don't I say the things that will bring me success and deliverance? Why does the wrong junk always fly out of my mouth?Glad You Asked!Programming! You need to be de-bugged. Be nice to me now. We end up exercising the law that has been programmed into us, over the years of our life, through our five physical senses.In other words, whatever is in your heart in abundance will come out your mouth in waves. Now, whatever is in your heart, did not just hop in there and take up residence. You installed it in there through years and years of talking and saying the wrong stuff.Now if you've been saying the right stuff, congratulations. I'm sure the law of success is following you. But, if you feel that everything in your life is as ugly as a mud fence then I've got some good news.You can turn it around starting today. And, I don't care if you are a hundred and fifteen years old, you can make dramatic changes in the next thirty days.More Powerful Than A Locomotive!It was the words of your mouth that installed the fear in your heart and the words of your mouth can install faith in there to take its place. When you place the laws of success in your mouth, then good circumstances will follow.What many people don't understand or forget is that unless you continue to exercise the law of success everyday, you will fall back into the law of defeat by default. It's just waiting there for a good opportunity to clean your clock.Why? Because we live in a physical world that is dictated by our physical senses. If we want our physical world to begin favoring us with the good things that are available, then we need to make adjustments in our physical senses to work in harmony with the laws of success and life.The physical world has no favorites. It will give up, although not easily, all its resources to anyone with the right formula. Just like H20 makes water, put the right formula to work and you can expect some good things to happen.Make No Bones About It!Put the wrong formula to work and you will just go through life everyday hoping nothing bad happens that day. You'll be a victim instead of a victor.These two laws affect everybody, no one is exempt. They work by the same set of rules, which are the words we speak. They each have their own agenda to bring to pass. Start today and decide to live by the law of success and life, you'll be glad you did.Richard Vegas
About The AuthorRichard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at:
http://www.1-work-at-home-based-. You may also hear some of Richard's free music at: .。
It's always easier to attract the things we want in life than to chase them down and catch them. My grandmother used to say, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." I've never understood why I'd want a collection of flies, but there are many other things I do want.One of the things many professionals and small business owners want is "more clients". While there are lots of strategies for getting clients, from Advertising to Workshops, one of the best (and fastest) is to be the type of person and provide the quality service that draws clients to you like flies to honey!The following Top 10 Principles for Attracting Great Clients are borrowed from material originally developed by Thomas Leonard for Attraction University. I am a certified instructor at AU, and created the following list especially for readers of TIP's. Enjoy!1. Become incredibly selfish! Yes, it's ironic, but as you take care of yourself, manage your time, your space and your life well, you have more to give and more to share. If you want more clients, take extremely good care of Client #1.2. Over-respond to every event! This is the opposite of over-reacting. Respond immediately to phone calls, answer questions in full, take your time and thoughtfully and creatively go the extra mile.3. Add value just for the joy of it! Do more, provide more, go further than you are paid for. Caution: Don't just give more stuff, give more stuff that people really want and appreciate.4. Market your talents shamelessly! Have fun with your marketing, be proud of what you do. Laugh and joke and yell and whisper, but tell everybody! If you aren't excited, proud and energized by what you do, find another job!5. Affect others profoundly. Abandon the roles and job descriptions we all have. Connect with people, question, respond, be silly, get "outside the box". Whatever it takes, make an impact on your world.6. Eliminate delay. Time is expensive, and wasting it is unattractive and irritating. Think and plan carefully, but in the end, only action counts!7. Thrive on the details. Pay attention to the subtleties, the small things. It's the little extras that build you up, and little slips that bring you down.8. Tolerate nothing! Clean up all the irritations, the daily frustrations and predictable annoyances of your life once and for all! Don't just fix the problem, re-design your routine so those predictable irritations never bother you again!9. Orient life around your values. When you spend your days living in harmony with your values, you become incredibly energized, peaceful, focused and attractive!10. Develop more character than you need! Beyond being good at your job, and living with integrity, become very good at being YOU! Be a "real character", the unique, gifted, complex and unforgettable individual that you were born to be.Have fun with this list, poke holes in it, expand it, even criticize it, but think about the idea that your professional relationship with a client must begin with a good personal relationship. When your clients experience you as a balanced, open, excited person who they enjoy being with...they'll tell their friends! Count on it!Have a great week, and have some fun! Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include
the following information:
"Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at:我带老婆去福清妇幼保健院检查是否怀孕,然后做无痛人流手术,手术费才8-9百但检查乱七八糟的项目去7百 - 相关问题 - 110网法律咨询
在妇幼保健院 做了彩超 检查报告死胎 六小时后做了无痛人流手术 术后只有交费单子在我手 彩超检查报告,大夫不给我
律师您好!我爱人怀孕两个月,然后要去来宾市长城门诊进行人流手术,术前我也咨询过医生,她们说只要一千多就可以了,谁知道到了医院一开始检查,检查费就去了625 接下来就是药费治疗费
还有手术费就去了4000块了,说我们这里怎么了 要加钱,反正我们是看不懂,还有票据,说交完钱就才给我们!好坑人,这不知多少人上当受骗了!
你好张律师:我和老婆结婚不到一个月时间,结婚后因老婆流产了,然后做了人流手术,手术后因为我工作忙没怎么回去,但是我 还是两天就回去一次,周末都在家照顾她,我说我没时间来照顾你,我叫我妈妈请假来照顾你,你说不需要,她流产快到一个月了,发生了矛盾,说我流产时没在家照顾她,为了些小事情和我吵,现在她到我公司去闹,天天都去,我昨天晚上回去,我一进家,我话都没说就打了我一巴掌,然后我就走了,今天早上她又到我公司来闹,我该怎么办?


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