
(1)EMF(Windows 增强型图元文件):EMF 文件属于本地 Windows 图形文件,其中既包含矢量数据又包含栅格数据。这些文件非常适合于嵌入 Windows 文档,因为 EMF 的矢量部分可以调整大小,而又不会降低质量。但是,由于 EMF 不支持字体嵌入并且属于专用于 Windows 的格式,因此并不常用作用户之间的交换格式。
(2)EPS (Encapsulated PostScript):EPS 文件将通过 PostScript 页面描述语言描述矢量对象和栅格对象。PostScript 是高端图形文件、制图和打印的出版行业标准。许多绘图应用程序中都可编辑 EPS 文件,也可将此类文件作为图形置于大多数页面布局应用程序中。从 ArcMap 中导出的 EPS 文件支持字体嵌入,因此即使用户尚未安装 Esri 字体也可以查看正确的符号。从 ArcMap 中导出的 EPS 可以通过 CMYK 值或 RGB 值定义颜色。
(3)AI (Adobe Illustrator): AI 文件这种格式,特别适用于 Adobe Illustrator 中的后处理,还适合用作发布时使用的交换格式。ArcMap AI 格式可保留 ArcMap 内容列表中的大多数图层。但是,ArcMap 写入的 Adobe Illustrator 文件格式并不支持字体嵌入,因此尚未安装 Esri 字体的用户可能无法使用正确的符号系统查看 AI 文件。从 ArcMap 中导出的 AI 可以通过 CMYK 值或 RGB 值定义颜色。
(4)PDF(便携文档格式): PDF 文件可在不同的平台中查看和打印,并且始终如一。它们常用于在 Web 上分发文档,并且此格式现在属于文档交换的 ISO 官方标准。ArcMap PDF 在许多图形应用程序中均可编辑,并会保留地图的地理配准信息、注记、标注和要素属性数据。从 ArcMap 中导出的 PDF 支持嵌入字体,因此即使用户尚未安装 Esri 字体也可以正确地显示符号。从 ArcMap 中导出的 PDF 可以通过 CMYK 值或 RGB 值定义颜色。
(5)SVG(可伸缩矢量图形): SVG 是一种基于 XML 的文件格式,专门适用于在 Web 上进行查看。SVG 可以同时包含矢量信息和栅格信息。某些 Web 浏览器可能需要安装插件才能查看 SVG 文件;较早的浏览器可能根本无法查看 SVG 文件。SVG 支持字体嵌入,因此即使用户尚未安装 Esri 字体也可以使用正确符号系统查看 ArcMap SVG 导出文件。ArcMap 也可以生成压缩的 SVG 文件。如果启用此选项,文件扩展名变为 *.svgz。
(6)BMP(Microsoft Windows 位图): BMP 文件属于简单的本地 Windows 栅格图像。BMP 可以使用多个位深度存储像素数据,并且可以使用无损 RLE 方法进行压缩。BMP 图像的大小通常比 JPEG 或 PNG 等格式的图像大很多。
(7)JPEG(联合图像专家组): JPEG 文件属于经过压缩的图像文件。它支持 24 位颜色并且是 Web 上流行的使用格式,因为 JPEG 文件的大小通常要比许多其他图像格式小很多。但是,JPEG 压缩算法会有损质量,大多数地图图像中都不推荐使用,因为线绘图以及文本或图标图形会因压缩产生的伪影而变得模糊。因此,通常 PNG 格式才是地图图像的首选。从 ArcMap 的数据视图中导出的 JPEG 在生成时,还将同时生成一个坐标文件,可用作地理配准栅格数据。
(8)PNG(可移植网络图形): PNG 属于通用型栅格格式,可在各种 Web 浏览器上显示并且还可插入其他文档。它支持 24 位颜色并使用无损压缩。对于地图而言,PNG 通常是最佳的栅格格式,因为无损压缩可防止产生 JPEG 格式中的那种压缩伪影,从而使文本和线作业始终清晰可辨。PNG 文件还具有定义透明颜色的功能;在 Web 浏览器中图像的一部分可显示为透明,这样背景、图像或颜色便可以透过图像显示。从 ArcMap 的数据视图中导出的 PNG 在生成时,还将同时生成一个坐标文件,可用作地理配准栅格数据。
(9)TIFF(标记图像文件格式): TIFF 文件最适合导入图像编辑应用程序,同时它也属于一种常用的 GIS 栅格数据格式。但是却无法通过 Web 浏览器在本地查看这些文件。从数据视图中导出的 ArcMap TIFF 也支持在 GeoTIFF 标记中或在独立的坐标文件中存储地理配准信息,以便用作栅格数据。
(10)GIF(图形交换格式): GIF 文件属于 Web 中使用的旧的栅格格式。GIF 无法显示 256 种以上的颜色(每像素 8 位),并且使用的是可选的无损 RLE 压缩或 LZW 压缩方法,因此此类文件的大小比其他格式的文件要小。与 PNG 类似,GIF 文件也具有定义透明颜色的功能。从 ArcMap 的数据视图中导出的 GIF 在生成时,还将同时生成一个坐标文件,可用作地理配准栅格数据。
3.1 矢量图像格式与位图图像格式对比
3.2 地图导出格式对比
3.3 导出格式应用参考
阅读(...) 评论()看大神是如何自制地图的——arcgis点矢量化看大神是如何自制地图的——arcgis点矢量化GIS应用互动百家号& & & & 小伙伴们,师兄今天又给大家带来好消息了呢,别急,且听我细细道来:我们作为GIS行业的一名成员,不会矢量化简直天理难容啊。那么,矢量化到底是什么呢?&&&&&&&&矢量化就是指把栅格数据转换成矢量数据的过程。(&o一脸懵逼o&)那么什么是栅格数据,&什么又是矢量数据呢?&&&&&&&&举个简单的栗子:&&&&&&&&我们平时所见到的图片几乎都是栅格数据的图,这种图当你在逐渐放大它的时候它显示的是一个一个的小方格,而这种小方格就是我们平时所说的像素,当像素组成有规律的点阵时我们一般称它为分辨率(PP)。所以,栅格图的缺点是放大后会失真,因此不适合我们在行业内的应用。&&&&&&&&矢量图我们一般需要我们借助专用的工具将栅格图转换而来,在日常生活中我们一般很少见到矢量图,除非专业需要。矢量图的特点是不管你将它放大到任何程度都不会出现失真,而且它还具有体积小的特点。而它最大的缺点就是很难表现出层次丰富的逼真图像效果。&&&&&&&&说了这么多,小伙伴们现在分清什么是栅格图,什么是矢量图了吧。那么到底我们要怎样来实现图形的矢量化呢?&&&&&&&&首先,找到一张底图(一般为*.jpg格式,如果其他格式在加载影像对话框找不到,我们可以直接把它拖进arcmap编辑窗口中),将它加载到arcmap中(以下我们以简单的中国地图为例):&&&&&&&&新建Shapefile,为了方便管理,先在自己需要存储的位置建立一个文件夹,然后再将所有的Shapefile都直接新建在该文件夹下,然后新建Shapefile:&&&&&&&&弹出如下对话框,我们可以填写名称(按照所需要求填写即可,命名尽量避免使用中文,以防后期导致数据丢失),要素类型有点、线、面(面我们一般不会用到,后面师兄会教大家利用线文件生成面文件)等,根据需求新建即可,今天我们主要讲解点的矢量化,空间参考按照需要选择北京54、西安80或国家2000(坐标系的转换、导入等后面会讲到)。选择好后点击确定:&&&&&&&&弹出如下提示框,今天我们还用不到坐标系,所以直接点击确定:&&&&&&&&此时左边的内容列表里出现我们新建的文件:&&&&&&&&接着我们开始编辑点文件,右击工具栏的空白处,找到“编辑器”工具条,在前面打勾:&&&&&&&&此时我们看到编辑器工具条已经加载至工具栏中了:&&&&&&&&点击编辑器下拉菜单-开始编辑,工具条激活,同时,右侧弹出创建要素选项卡,单击我们需要编辑的要素,在下方的构造工具中选择需要的方式:&&&&&&&&现在开始编辑点,双击左侧内容列表里新建的点,可以设置点的样式,大小,角度等,如果没有合适的点样式,我们可以自己编辑一个(样式编辑后面会讲到)。这时如果用快捷键则会事半功倍(想要了解快捷键的童鞋进入微信公众号—学习园地—技巧获取即可查看):&&&&&&&&我把每个省会驻地都已经矢量化完了,北京是咱们的首都,我新建了一个点文件,样式设置为五角星,小伙伴如果需要分别显示不同的点也可多建几个点要素文件:&&&&&&&&注意:新建要素的时候一定要先保存编辑的内容,停止编辑后再新建。&&&&&&&&好了,点已经编辑完成了,接下来就是添加点属性了,右击左侧内容列表的点属性要素名称,选择打开属性表:&&&&&&&&我们可以看到什么属性都没有,这就需要我们添加属性了,单击表选项,在下拉菜单中选择添加字段:&&&&&&&&名称,类型、字段属性等根据需要选择、填写即可:&&&&&&&&字段添加完成后如图所示(注意:一定要在非编辑状态下添加字段,如果此时仍不能添加,我们只需要开启编辑,然后停止编辑即可),点击左侧的箭头,相应的点要素既高亮显示,双击可定位到相应的点要素,再根据底图或要求编辑字段内容即可(注意:编辑字段内容时要在编辑状态在才能输入内容):&&&&&&字段内容编辑完成后保存编辑内容,停止编辑。&如果只是添加属性的话,这副图点的矢量化到此结束。如果要编辑标注,我们接着右击需要标注的点要素名称—属性—标注:&&&&&&&&标注字段栏可以选择需要标注的字段,如果需要标注的字段比较多,此时后面的表达式可以帮你实现;还可以选择字体、大小、颜色、标注样式等内容,选择好后点击确定。然后我们右击需要标注的点要素名称—标注要素(或者在上一步图层属性对话框中的第一行勾选“标注次图层中的要素”),完成后如图所示:&&&&&&&&好了,今天的内容就分享到这里,喜欢的小伙伴快快关注我吧,后面还会有更多更精彩的技术分享哦!GIS应用互动技能多、更新快、又实用!如果不会请加官方群交流:&本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。GIS应用互动百家号最近更新:简介:GIS相关软件使用技巧,分享各类GIS制图技术作者最新文章相关文章JPG图片矢量化,急!!
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其他相关推荐Vector Magic: Convert JPG, PNG images to SVG, EPS, AI vectors
Easily Convert
to PDF, SVG, EPS Vectors
Quickly get your artwork ready to print, embroider, cut, and more with the world's best full-color auto-tracer!
Animation showing Vector Magic convert a JPG, PNG, BMP or GIF bitmap image to an SVG, PDF, EPS, AI or DXF vector image.
Click to replay
Automatically convert JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF bitmap images to true SVG, EPS, and PDF vector images online by simply uploading them. Real full-color tracing, no software to install and results are ready right away!
Drop Image To Upload
Drag Image Here
Pick Image To Upload
Stand-alone desktop application to convert bitmap images to vector images offline. Supports all the Online Edition file formats, plus AI and DXF output. Works seamlessly with Illustrator, Corel, and others.
Need to get artwork ready to print, cut, or embroider? Vector Magic can help you tame your image flow. Speed up turnaround times, minimize pre-print hassles, and lower your costs!
Your logo represents your brand and is used across a wide range of media: your website, business cards, flyers, banners, etc. Ensure a consistent and crisp display in all contexts by having it in vector format.
Graphic Design
Quickly get bitmap source material into your vector compositions, opening up a range of creative possibilities. Or go old-school and draw something on paper, then scan, vectorize, and refine your creation.
... and More
Create an artistic effect from your photos, vectorize graphs or maps, turn scanned artwork into something more flexible, and much more. Try it out today!
1. UploadUpload a bitmap image and we automatically figure out what settings to use and trace the image for you.
2. Review & EditYou can review the vector result, tweak the settings and even edit the result, all within the same tool.
3. Download
The result is delivered in SVG, EPS, and PDF formats.
also produces AI and DXF.
Fully automatic vectorization
Vector Magic analyzes your image and automatically detects appropriate settings to vectorize it with, and then goes ahead and traces out the underlying shapes in full color. This makes getting started a real breeze: just upload your image and presto, a result to review!
Naturally you can revise the auto-detected settings. Vector Magic offers you meaningful settings that are comprehensible to humans, not just to a machine, and they're easy to change.
Need to convert JPG to SVG? Look to Vector Magic for the best results in the industry.
Sub-pixel precision
Vector Magic carefully traces out every bit of information available in your image, slicing each edge pixel at precisely the right spot to re-create the intention of your original.
This allows us to tease out small details that are lost by other tools, pushing the envelope of how small you can go before a nuance of your input is lost.
Clients often give their logos in PNG format, but you may need to convert to SVG to print them. They can take hours to re-draw. Instead, use Vector Magic and you'll often get great results in just seconds.
The right number of nodes
If you've used other auto-tracing tools before, you may have noticed just what an awful number of nodes they use to create your result, and just how weirdly they place them.
Vector Magic is a breath of fresh air, intelligently selecting the right number of nodes to use, and placing them at excellent locations.
This makes working with the results much easier and reduces file sizes.
Vector Magic is bar none the world's best PNG to SVG converter. If you need to convert PNG to SVG, look no further.
Edit the result
Not only does Vector Magic offer you , we also let you edit the result, both online and in the desktop app.
You can eliminate unwanted shapes, connect shapes that have been separated, fix broken lines, and separate shapes that should not be touching, all in the form of an easy-to-use pixel-style editor.
This remarkable feature can be a real life-saver when there are a few small blemishes in your result.
For some reason, nobody seems to keep originals around in EPS format. Whenever you need to convert to EPS, always try Vector Magic first.
Tracing not Embedding
Vector Magic always traces your bitmap, carefully teasing out the underlying shapes in it, and provides you with a real vector image with all of its benefits.
In contrast, there are numerous services available online that claim to convert bitmaps to vectors, but that in reality just embed the pixels without actually tracing them into vector shapes.
This leaves you with a file that will still be blurry when scaled, and will not be usable for cutting, sewing, laser engraving, or other purposes that require a real vector.
Save yourself the frustration and go with Vector Magic for real vectorization!
Graphic designers often need to convert JPG to SVG. Use Vector Magic to get the job done fast.
Wonderful service ... every image I've tried to vectorize has worked perfectly.
Jenn, Phire Branded Apparel
This really is an amazing application...Hats off!
Jason, Art Director, Visual Craftsman
I wish I'd known about you long ago - it would have saved me so many headaches
Melanie, ALG Graphics
I continue to marvel at just how good this software is ... everything from the clear and simple user interface to the startling results are a joy to find.
A. Allison, Publisher,
Vector Magic turns the difficult and tedious task of tracing a bitmap by hand into an effortless click-click-done experience. Get back in control of your images!
from other tools, you will notice that Vector Magic produces vectors that are more faithful to the bitmap original. This makes them often immediately usable, and if cleanup is required there's much less of it.
With the high cost of outsourcing and the time hand-tracing takes, Vector Magic pays for itself with even a minimum of use. And since usage is unlimited, it always makes sense to try it on any image you need vectorized.
Why wait when you don't have to? Vector Magic returns results right away so that you can get on with your day and what really matters.
Vector images consist of shapes like circles, rectangles, lines and curves, while bitmap images, also known as raster images, consist of a grid of pixels. Vectorization or tracing is the process of taking a bitmap image and re-drawing it as a vector image.
The shapes in vector images allow computers to do things that cannot be done with bitmap images, like scale them to any size without loss of quality and using them to e.g. cut, sew, paint, and laser engrave.
Underlying shapes
Vector image
Bitmap image file formatsThere is a large number of different bitmap formats.
Some of the most common are: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and TIFF.
Broadly speaking, they fall into two categories:
Lossy formats
These have smaller file sizes but do not store a perfect copy of the image. They are best suited to photographs and other images where perfect accuracy is not important. They are also commonly used on the web to save bandwidth.
One of the most widely-used image formats. It has excellent compression characteristics and has the nice feature that the user may specify what level of compression they desire, trading off fidelity for file size.
We do not recommend using JPEG files for rasterized vector art, as the compression artifacts substantially degrade the quality of the image near edges.
Lossless formats
These store an exact pixel-by-pixel representation of the image, but require more space. They are more suitable for things like logos.
The best of the lossless image formats is called PNG (Portable Network Graphics).
This format is widely supported by web browsers and image viewers/editors.
Vector Magic recommends using the PNG format when storing logos as bitmaps.
There are actually several BMP formats (BitMaP).
Windows and Macintosh have their
own formats, both of which are called BMP.
Most modern image editing tools are able to read both.
In any case, all of the variants of BMP should be avoided when possible, as they use little to no
compression and consequently have unnecessarily large file sizes.
Vector image file formats
Adobe's EPS format (Encapsulated PostScript) is perhaps the most common vector image format.
It is the standard interchange format in the print industry.
It is widely supported as an export format, but due to the complexity of the full format specification, not all programs that claim to support EPS are able to import all variants of it.
Adobe Illustrator and recent versions of CorelDRAW have very good support for reading and writing EPS.
Ghostview can read it very well but does not have any editing capabilities.
Inkscape can only export it.
The W3C standard vector image format is called SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
Inkscape and recent versions of Adobe Illustrator
and CorelDRAW have good support for reading and writing SVG.
Further information on the SVG format may be found on the .
Adobe's PDF format (Portable Document Format) is very widely used as a general purpose platform-independent document format.
And while it is not exclusively used as such, it is also a very good vector image format.
Adobe gives away the , but sells the tools required to create PDF files
(third party tools that perform the same task are also for sale).
Those tools work with any program that is able to print.
Support for reading and editing PDF files is much more limited.
The native format of Adobe Illustrator is the AI format (Adobe Illustrator Artwork), a modified version of the older EPS format.
The AI format is fairly widely supported, but is less ubiquitous than the EPS format, and most programs that read AI can also read EPS.
Drawing eXchange Format.
A CAD format from Autodesk, used by CAD tools from many different vendors.
Some programs have difficulty reading DXF files with splines (curves), so the Desktop Edition supports
line+spline as well as line only output modes.
There are numerous other vector formats: CDR is the CorelDRAW native format and XAR is the Xara Xtreme native format, to name a couple.
Vector Magic can convert JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF images to any of EPS, SVG, PDF, AI, or DXF
AI and DXF require the
How To Use Vector Magic
Learn about Vector Magic's conversion options and how they apply to various image types.
Vectorize Artwork / Logos
An end-to-end example of converting a bitmap artwork to vector. Goes into several of the pitfalls along the way and how to handle them.
Trace Photos
Photos can be vectorized to great artistic effect, and this tutorial shows you some examples. You can get a stylized piece of art that can be used e.g. as a background or component in a larger composition. You can also extract individual shapes from specific real-world objects, which can be a great addition to your asset repository.
Tips and Tricks
Learn how to really make the most out of challenging images by scaling them appropriately and using the custom palette option to limit the number of colors Vector Magic uses.
Vectorize Scans
An in-depth description of how to best scan and vectorize your printed artwork.
Create a New Font
Learn how to use a scan of an old typography page to create a TrueType font your computer can use.
Officially supported input file formats are: JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF bitmap images using the sRGB color space. That said, we do our best to accept any image format your browser can read. CMYK input gets converted to sRGB.
The maximum allowed image size is 1 megapixel, regardless of aspect ratio. Images larger than the size limit will be shrunk to that size. Note that this is pixels, not bytes, and there is currently no image byte size limitation.
Officially supported browsers are the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge running on modern desktops and laptops, though other modern browsers may also work.
Transparency FlattenedYour image had transparency in it, so it has been flattened on a white background.
has full transparency support.
Image ResizedYour image was very large, so it has been shrunk to a reasonable size.
You can configure Pre-Crop in the .
does not have this limitation.
Don't Over-Edit
While the online editor is a very powerful tool, don't overdo it. If you need to do massive edits, it's probably better to work in a .
You can do a maximum of 1,000 edits. Further edits will be lost.
Select a color above, then use the eye-dropper on the image to change it.
Detail level
Sometimes there are remnants of anti-aliasing left in the segmentation. The Zap tool helps you here by splitting a segment into pieces and merging these with the neighboring segments.
Try it out! You can always undo or reset your edits.
Fully Automatic
Check this box to have Vector Magic automatically figure out suitable settings for your image and immediately vectorize it upon upload. De-check it to pick the settings by hand.
When an image exceeds the size limit, Pre-Crop allows you to crop out unneeded parts of the image to maximize the resolution of area you want vectorized.
Persistent network problems are usually caused by misbehaving browser plugins, misconfigured proxies, or overly restrictive firewalls.
Please check your settings or try another browser or computer.
Assisted background removal is available in the .
You can also remove the background in a
after you have downloaded the result.
Original Image
Aspect Ratio:
Cropped Image
Aspect Ratio:
Javascript Error :-(


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