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"title": "CiNii OpenSearch - the cove",
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"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "映画「Behind \"THE COVE\"」ができるまで シー?シェパードよ、真実の力を知れ",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "八木 景子"
"dc:publisher": "産経新聞社 ; 1973-",
"prism:publicationName": "正論",
"prism:number": "529",
"prism:startingPage": "326",
"prism:endingPage": "333",
"prism:publicationDate": "2015-12",
"dc:date": "2015-12"
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "Cove and contents",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"dc:publisher": "The Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University",
"prism:publicationName": "KURRI Progress Report",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "2014",
"prism:number": "2014",
"prism:publicationDate": "2015-07",
"dc:date": "2015-07"
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "6086 兵庫県但馬地域の集落景観に関する研究 その5 : 日本海沿岸部の入江に立地する小集落に着目して(集落空間,農村計画,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会?建築デザイン発表会)",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "入江 貴道"
"@value": "竹中 敦哉"
"@value": "工藤 和美"
"@value": "佐伯 亮太"
"dc:publisher": "一般社団法人日本建築学会",
"prism:publicationName": "学術講演梗概集",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "2014",
"prism:number": "0",
"prism:startingPage": "177",
"prism:endingPage": "178",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "&Session 6: Wildlife Tracking II&Fine-scale movement of Adélie penguins commuting to and from foraging sites",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "Takagi Junichi"
"@value": "Mitamura Hiromichi"
"@value": "Noda Takuji"
"@value": "Takahashi Akinori"
"prism:publicationName": "20th Symposium of the International Society on Biotelemetry Proceedings",
"prism:startingPage": "109",
"prism:endingPage": "109",
"prism:publicationDate": "2014-05",
"description": "19–22 May 2022 Kyoto, JapanAdélie penguins commute between the colony and foraging sites at sea during breeding season. The choice of commuting route and movement mode (e.g. walking vs. swimming) should reflect the movement strategies of penguins to forage and breed successfully. Here, we studied the fine-scale movement of Adélie penguins using GPS-depth loggers at the Hukuro Cove colony, located in the fast sea-ice area of Antarctica. We calculated movement parameters during commuting travels of 14 foraging trips. Outward and inward travels accounted for 13.4 and 10.1 % in duration, 17.9 and 18.4 % in distance traveled, respectively. During inward travels, penguins swam along cracks and walked over sea-ice for 45 and 37 % of duration, 62 and 28 % of distance traveled. Traveling speed and straightness index (calculated as the ratio between distance travelled and beeline distance) were 0.78 m/sec and 0.72 in swimming along cracks, and 0.44 m/sec and 0.88 in walking over sea-ice. Penguins were able to travel faster by swimming, even though their traveling routes along cracks were more sinuous than that of walking over sea-ice. We suggest that penguins chose to swim along cracks if they could, or walked straight over sea-ice to deliver food to their chicks quickly.",
"dc:date": "2014-05"
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "Cultural Clues Revealed through Environmental Reaction",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "マホニー ブライアン?ジェイムズ"
"@value": "Brian James MAHONEY"
"@value": "鈴鹿国際大学"
"@value": "Suzuka International University"
"prism:publicationName": "鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "20",
"prism:startingPage": "135",
"prism:endingPage": "150",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"description": "The issue of animal cruelty in the greater sphere of environmental problems has often at times had the power to bring people, communities and even nations together in an effort to change the dynamics of a most negative aspect of our increasingly complex relationship with the natural world. For the purpose of this paper, I will focus on two separate issues in Asia regarding animal welfare: their exploitation and the negativeenvironmental impact. In particular, I will look at recent events concerning the poaching of the Tibetan antelope, an animal indigenous to the Tibetan plateau of the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the coastal whaling of cetaceans (dolphins and other small whales) centered in Taiji village, Wakayama prefecture, Japan. Two motion pictures, the 2004 Chinese-produced filmKekexili: Mountain Patrol set in Tibet, and the 2009 American-produced film The Cove focusing on the village of Taiji, Japan, are the primary resources for this paper. Secondary sources, including film reviews,interviews and newspaper articles, are intended to give the reader some background as to the reception these two films received in their respective countries and to what extent these films have influenced the response to these issues. Additionally, a class survey was conducted in order to gage university-level students' attitudesconcerning the consumption of particular animals, and also towards their feelings about animal welfare. The general perception of Japan, as a democratic, free and open society, and of China, as a closed, regulated and controlled society, has helped create a misperception that underlies the inability for us, the lay observer, to truly understand the cultural identities of these two geopolitically important nations. The traditional views of Japan and China reveal a surprising revelation when we take into consideration these two environmentalissues and the reaction and the response of their citizens. As we will see, these reactions are not just an anomaly, but rather, a more honest representation of these two countries' cultural norms when put to the ultimate test.",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "Cultural Clues Revealed through Environmental Reaction (開学20周年記念号)",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "マホニー ブライアン?ジェイムズ"
"dc:publisher": "鈴鹿大学",
"prism:publicationName": "鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "20",
"prism:startingPage": "135",
"prism:endingPage": "150",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"description": "The issue of animal cruelty in the greater sphere of environmental problems has often at times had the power to bring people, communities and even nations together in an effort to change the dynamics of a most negative aspect of our increasingly complex relationship with the natural world. For the purpose of this paper, I will focus on two separate issues in Asia regarding animal welfare: their exploitation and the negativeenvironmental impact. In particular, I will look at recent events concerning the poaching of the Tibetan antelope, an animal indigenous to the Tibetan plateau of the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the coastal whaling of cetaceans (dolphins and other small whales) centered in Taiji village, Wakayama prefecture, Japan. Two motion pictures, the 2004 Chinese-produced filmKekexili: Mountain Patrol set in Tibet, and the 2009 American-produced film The Cove focusing on the village of Taiji, Japan, are the primary resources for this paper. Secondary sources, including film reviews,interviews and newspaper articles, are intended to give the reader some background as to the reception these two films received in their respective countries and to what extent these films have influenced the response to these issues. Additionally, a class survey was conducted in order to gage university-level students' attitudesconcerning the consumption of particular animals, and also towards their feelings about animal welfare. The general perception of Japan, as a democratic, free and open society, and of China, as a closed, regulated and controlled society, has helped create a misperception that underlies the inability for us, the lay observer, to truly understand the cultural identities of these two geopolitically important nations. The traditional views of Japan and China reveal a surprising revelation when we take into consideration these two environmentalissues and the reaction and the response of their citizens. As we will see, these reactions are not just an anomaly, but rather, a more honest representation of these two countries' cultural norms when put to the ultimate test.",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "「イルカ殺し」はなぜ悪い : ドキュメンタリー映画『ザ?コーヴ』の思想史的背景をめぐる試論",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "信岡 朝子"
"dc:publisher": "東洋大学文学部日本文学文化学科",
"prism:publicationName": "文学論藻",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:number": "88",
"prism:startingPage": "194",
"prism:endingPage": "169",
"prism:publicationDate": "2014-02",
"dc:date": "2014-02"
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "P37. 2010年チリ地震津波および2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震津波による南紀白浜内之浦湾の海底地形変化(調査?計測,ポスターセッション)",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "渡邊 康司"
"@value": "原口 強"
"@value": "川崎 千晴"
"@value": "佐藤 正孝"
"dc:publisher": "一般社団法人日本応用地質学会",
"prism:publicationName": "研究発表会講演論文集",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "25",
"prism:startingPage": "207",
"prism:endingPage": "208",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "1305 旅客機低騒音高揚力翼型の空力最適設計",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "四宮 隆"
"@value": "金崎 雅博"
"@value": "村山 光宏"
"@value": "山本 一臣"
"dc:publisher": "一般社団法人日本機械学会",
"prism:publicationName": "設計工学?システム部門講演会講演論文集",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "2013",
"prism:number": "23",
"prism:startingPage": "\"1305",
"prism:endingPage": "1\"-\"1305-10\"",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"description": "Recently, it is demanded reduction technique of an airframe noise emanating from a high-lift device at a landing with an engine noise decrease. However, there are several problems in the noise reduction device to put it on an actual machine. In this study, the low noise of the leading edge slat which was one of the major noise sources for the purpose of becoming it performed an aerodynamics design and performance validation. This paper focuses on a simplified high-lift configuration model (OTOMO). Several different geometries are designed as a purpose to reduce a denuded area in causative cove in OTOMO. About two of the Slat cove filler shape that puffed out slat inferior surface and the Thin slat shape that thinned are tested. As for Slat cove filler shape and the Thin slat shape, the aerodynamics performance did not change very much together in comparison with OTOMO. In addition, these devices compared the change of the denuded area of the part which caused the noise from each flow field with OTOMO. There is some difference in size in both shapes, but shows a thing becoming smaller than OTOMO.",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "9271 王維「孟城〓」詩の場所について(建築論:原論,建築歴史?意匠,2013年度日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演会?建築デザイン発表会)",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "田中 明"
"dc:publisher": "一般社団法人日本建築学会",
"prism:publicationName": "学術講演梗概集",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "2013",
"prism:number": "0",
"prism:startingPage": "541",
"prism:endingPage": "542",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "非在来天然ガスによる国内LNG価格への影響について : アジア?太平洋地域を中心とする世界のLNG需給の現状と,北米シェールガスの生産増加影響を踏まえた今後の展望(&小特集&エネルギーの主要選択肢としての天然ガス?天然ガスの世紀-期待,課題(価格,安定性,多様性,環境)?)",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "橋本 裕"
"dc:publisher": "一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会",
"prism:publicationName": "日本エネルギー学会誌",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "92",
"prism:number": "3",
"prism:startingPage": "256",
"prism:endingPage": "265",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"description": "LNG has attracted a lot of attention in Japan since the nuclear crisis in 2011, as its role has become more important and the burden on the nation's economy to pay the bill has been sharply heavier. This article discusses how people have been so interested in LNG and energy in general, changing market circumstances and revolution of natural gas and LNG businesses, higher expectations on unconventional gas - especially shale gas, as well as the future increasing role of LNG. Current major focal points in the natural gas industry include increasing unconventional gas production, especially shale gas production in North America, and accompanying numerous LNG export projects, as well as how much of the resulting potential product can be exported to Japan. While the frontrunner among those export ventures - Sabine Pass Liquefaction - has secured long-term lifting commitments from Korean and Indian buyers, following projects at Freeport in Texas, Cameron in Louisiana, and Cove Point in Maryland have tolling arrangements with Japanese companies. Japanese players are also involved in gas development and LNG projects in Western Canada. As natural gas is expected to increase its market share among primary energy sources in the world as the cleanest fossil fuel and a cost competitive energy source, LNG is expanding its market reach in terms of both geographic and usage areas and becoming more essential energy source. While new LNG supply sources are expected to come online from Australia, North America, Russia, and East Africa later in the decade, it will be more important for the industry to carefully manage increasing project development costs. Japanese players should procure more competitive LNG supply by proactively participating in the total value chain of LNG business in the future.",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "無線LANを用いたGPSデータ遠隔回収システムの開発",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "土井 浩一郎"
"@value": "青山 雄一"
"@value": "船木 實"
"@value": "大園 伸吾"
"@value": "早河 秀章"
"dc:publisher": "国立極地研究所",
"prism:publicationName": "南極資料",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "56",
"prism:number": "3",
"prism:startingPage": "435",
"prism:endingPage": "446",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"description": "無線LANを利用した2周波GPSデータ遠隔回収システムを開発した.このシステムは,GPSロガーとデータ送信装置からなる地上観測装置とデータ回収装置で構成され,コマンド送受信にはZigBee通信(2.4 GHz, 250 Kbps)を, GPSデータの送受信には無線LAN通信(2.4 GHz, 54 Mbps)を使用する.GPSロガーで収録された1秒サンプリングデータから毎日作成される30秒サンプリングデータファイルが送信される. これまで,(1)地上でのデータ回収試験,(2) 小型無人飛行機によるデータ回収試験,(3) 昭和基地?西の浦での実データ回収試験を実施した.(1) では,最大400 m 程度の距離で全データを回収でき,(2) では約250 m 以下の高さで飛行する飛行機により約24.5 MB のデータを回収できた.(3) では,10 分以内に約23.5 MB のGPS ブイデータの回収に成功しており,観測を止めることなくデータ回収が可能となった.",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "藻場造成と維持に関する研究(学会賞受賞講演)",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "長谷川 一幸"
"dc:publisher": "日本水産工学会",
"prism:publicationName": "水産工学",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "49",
"prism:number": "2",
"prism:startingPage": "69",
"prism:endingPage": "76",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"description": "藻場が沿岸の第一次生産を担い,水産生物の再生産や生息場,餌場となって多様な生物を育む生態系を支えていることが明らかになるにつれ,藻場の修復?創出事業が全国各地で進められてきた。しかし,藻場の衰退した根本的な原因が未解明である場合が多く,必ずしも成功していないのが実情である。特に,藻場形成には,物理的要因(光量,付着基質,水温,流れ)や化学的要因(塩分,栄養塩類,pH),生物的要因(食害,種間の競合)など数多くの環境要因が関与することわかっているが,海藻種によって成長や生残に影響する環境要因が変わることや同じ海藻種であっても海域ごとに分布を制限する環境要因が異なることが,藻場造成を効率的に行うことを困難にしている。そのため,海域の環境要因を用いてあらかじめ藻場形成に最適な構造物の設置位置や形状,天端面の高さなど様々な条件下での予測および定量評価が可能となれば,藻場造成を行う上で非常に有効なツールに成り得る。そこで,本研究では生物による攪乱や物理的なイベント時に発生する攪乱が少ないと考えられる京都府若狭湾西部海域における大型海藻類(ホンダワラ類)の生育適地について,HSIモデル(Habitat Suitability Index Model)を用いてその適用性を検討した。その結果,天然の岩礁域に形成された藻場に対してモデルの適合性は良かったものの,人工構造物に適用した際に,基質の空隙が多い人工構造物ではモデル精度が十分ではなかった。その原因として,基質空隙に生息する植食動物が藻場形成を阻害する可能性が示唆された。そこで,同海域において植食動物侵入防止ネットを設置し,基質の空隙をなくすことで藻場形成を促進できるか検討した。また,基質の空隙に生息していたアシナガモエビHeptacarpus rectirostrisを用いてホンダワラ類アカモクSargassum patensおよびヤツマタモクSargassum patens幼体への摂食実験を行い,ホンダワラ類幼体の生残に及ぼす摂食影響を検討した。",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "スカムが発生する内港での底質環境の改善法の設計と施工",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "濱田 泰広"
"@value": "田辺 弘雄"
"@value": "清水 直樹"
"@value": "吉岡 一郎"
"@value": "三戸 勇吾"
"@value": "齊藤 直"
"@value": "日比野 忠史"
"dc:publisher": "Japan Society of Civil Engineers",
"prism:publicationName": "土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発)",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "68",
"prism:number": "2",
"prism:startingPage": "I_1151",
"prism:endingPage": "I_1156",
"prism:publicationDate": "2012",
"description": " 福山内港で発生しているスカムの発生機構を解明し,石炭灰造粒物による底質改善技術を現地に適用するための設計法の提案を行った.底泥の有機物含有量は20%を超え,表層泥の含水比は1000%以上である.水面表層を漂うスカム(浮遊泥)が異臭を発するなど,他の海域では見られない現象が起こっている.本研究によりスカムは底泥に比較して多くの有機物を含有しており,密度が小さいことが確認された.石炭灰造粒物撒布時のめり込み量は,含水比だけでなく泥の流動特性にも依存していることが明らかとなり,泥の液性?塑性限界試験からめり込み量を推定する手法が提案された.",
"dc:date": "2012"
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "岡山県柵原鉱山および長野県大日向鉱山に産する磁鉄鉱鉱石の磁気特性",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "大川 真紀雄"
"@value": "戸高 翔太"
"@value": "伊賀 文俊"
"dc:publisher": "日本鉱物科学会",
"prism:publicationName": "日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "2011",
"prism:pageRange": "210",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"description": "いわゆる天然磁石と呼ばれる10試料(9産地)について、SQUID磁束計(MPMS)を用いて磁化測定を行った。天然磁石の代表的な産地であるIron County産、Magnet Cove産の試料が飽和残留磁化?保磁力ともに大きな値を示すのに対し、今回実験に用いた本邦産の試料はそれらには及ばない値であった。柵原鉱山産は大きな飽和残留磁化を示すものの保磁力は大きくはない。なお、磁鉄鉱の組成はMagnet Cove産のみTiを含み(TiO&SUB&2&/SUB& 10.1wt%)、柵原鉱山産ではSi含有量が多い(SiO&SUB&2&/SUB& &4.34wt%)ことが特徴的である。",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "『ザ?コーヴ』は問題作品か ―あるドキュメンタリー映画の手法と内容の考察―",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "河島 基弘"
"@value": "Kawashima Motohiro"
"dc:publisher": "群馬大学社会情報学部",
"prism:publicationName": "群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:volume": "18",
"prism:startingPage": "35",
"prism:endingPage": "48",
"prism:publicationDate": "",
"description": "In this article I examine the method and content of the Academy-Award-winning Americandocumentary film\"The Cove\", the theme of which is to expose to the public the inhumanity ofdolphin hunting conducted in Taiji, Japan from the viewpoint of an anti-dolphin-hunting cam-paigner. After describing the synopsis of the film, I call in question the film's shooting method.The questions to ask are:how much of a reconstruction of the scene is peumissible in thedocumentary film?; is it acceptable to take the sneak shots of the subjects without theirpermission?
Then I move on to the analysis of the content of the film. The questions to askhere are:is it a manifestation of cultural imperialism when someone insists that dolphins arespecial creatures and then obliges other culture to take the same position?; is 辻true that''TheCove'\"is anti-Japan?
In this article I work on to answer these questions.",
"dc:date": ""
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "『ザ?コーヴ』と情動の文化--序に代えて (特集 情動/主体/文化)",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "藤木 秀朗"
"dc:publisher": "名古屋大学大学院文学研究科附属日本近現代文化研究センター",
"prism:publicationName": "Juncture",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:number": "2",
"prism:startingPage": "14",
"prism:endingPage": "23",
"prism:publicationDate": "2011-03",
"dc:date": "2011-03"
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "アメリカ映画「ザ?コーヴ(The Cove)」をめぐる英語の言説の批判的分析--英字新聞?雑誌の論調にみられる「イルカ?イデオロギー」、すなわち「価値観」の植民地主義",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "溝上 由紀"
"dc:publisher": "愛知江南短期大学",
"prism:publicationName": "紀要",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:number": "40",
"prism:startingPage": "21",
"prism:endingPage": "43",
"prism:publicationDate": "2011-03",
"dc:date": "2011-03"
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "千葉県小湊における大型海藻類植生の現況と変化",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "長谷川 一幸"
"@value": "秋本 泰"
"@value": "北野 慎容"
"dc:publisher": "千葉大学海洋バイオシステム研究センター",
"prism:publicationName": "海洋バイオシステム研究 : 千葉大学海洋バイオシステム研究センター年報",
"prism:volume": "25",
"prism:startingPage": "2",
"prism:endingPage": "13",
"prism:publicationDate": "2011",
"dc:date": "2011"
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/",
"@type": "item",
"title": "腐食鋼板の性能回復のための鋼板接着による補強法の適用法",
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/"
"rdfs:seeAlso": {
"@id": "http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/.json"
"dc:creator": [
"@value": "藤枝 洋二"
"dc:publisher": "広島大学技術センター",
"prism:publicationName": "広島大学技術センター報告集",
"prism:issn": "",
"prism:number": "8",
"prism:startingPage": "59",
"prism:endingPage": "66",
"prism:publicationDate": "2011",
"dc:date": "2011"


更多关于 央广健康京城名医 的文章

