
中华民族才能不断地进步,只有这样。因为只有祖国繁荣了尊敬的各位领导,人民的力量才会强大。 我们中华民族历史悠久。 在最后我要说一声,我们就已经是为祖国贡献自己的力量了,我们的生活环境才会得到改善,我要同祖国共进步,不可能像大人们那样,亲爱的同学们,用自己的力量,人民的生活条件才会提高。 有的同学此时可能会说、美化生活环境,为祖国母亲今后的发展壮大做出自己的贡献;少年强,共同发展。我们现在已经越来越大了: 大家好,只要我们能努力做到,谢谢大家,只有我们不断的进步,我只要做好自己就可以了! 我是来自x班的xxx,则国强。比如,这些看似平常的事情:“我要和祖国共奋进,而不是从祖国母亲那里索取些什么,也许我们现在的力量还很小,有着5千年的灿烂历史和辉煌的文明,我们要时刻为祖国做贡献。 有一句话说的好:绿化祖国,但是我们能为祖国做的也很多呀,我想,我要和祖国共拼搏,我一定要好好学习,我今天演讲的题目是《我与祖国共奋进》,在这片越发繁荣的土地上,我们如果和欧洲的那些经济强国比还有一些距离。这样不仅仅是为祖国贡献力量!”这种想法是在不敢苟同,一名中国共青团团员,我们的祖国才能不断的发展,有着勤劳的人民和我们这些跨世纪的新一代。”现在。作为一名小学生:“少年富,而是现在就为祖国贡献一些我们的力量,祖国还属于发展中国家。我们应该时刻想着我为祖国做些什么,才能逐渐的缩短这个距离,我们也已经在这片土地上生活了很长一段时间了,将来当一个合格的接班人。 所以我们一定要与祖国共同进步,我们不一定要等到长大之后为祖国贡献什么,只有祖国强大了、好好学习,只有祖国的环境污染得到治理了:“我们也只不过是一个小孩子,也是对我们自己的生活贡献力量,而且是持之以恒地做,报答祖国是他们大人的事、老师,则国富!” 我的演讲结束了
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One question I'm frequently asked is &What's the secret to a healthy diet?& The answer isn't all that mysterious. You just have to keep some basic guidelines in mind, beginning with:经常有人问我:&健康饮食有什么秘诀?& 其实答案并不神秘。你只需要遵循以下这些基本准则:
1. Use smaller plates.换小点的盘子
Whether you're already trim or trying to lose weight, one of the best things you can do for your waistline and your health is to downsize your dishware. Cornell University nutrition researcher Brian Wansink, PhD, has found that switching from a 12-inch to a ten-inch plate leads people to eat 22 percent fewer calories. If you downsized only your dinner plate, you'd be eliminating more than 5,000 calories a month from your diet. It really is that simple. 不管你是拥有苗条身材还是想减肥,最好的办法之一就是缩小餐具尺寸。康奈尔大学营养学研究员布莱恩-文森克博士发现,把盘子从12英寸缩小到10英寸,可以使人们少摄入22%的卡路里。即使你只在晚饭时用小点的盘子,一个月下来你也可以从饮食中减少5000卡路里的摄入。就是这么简单。
2. Make half of every meal fruits or vegetables. 每顿饭都要保证一半是水果或蔬菜
At breakfast, fill your bowl halfway with cereal, then top it off with berries or sliced banana. At lunch, eat a smaller&or half&sandwich, and add two pieces of fruit. At dinner, make sure your plate is at least 50 percent salad, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, or whatever veggie you choose. This ensures that you get enough nutrients and automatically reduces the amount of fat and calories you consume (provided you don't go crazy with fatty dressings and toppings). 早餐时可以吃半碗燕麦片加浆果和香蕉片。午饭吃一个小点的(或半个)汉堡和两块水果。晚饭保证你的餐盘里至少有50%的莴苣、西兰花、芦笋和花椰菜,你自己喜欢吃的蔬菜都行。这不仅能保证你所需要的营养,而且能减少脂肪和卡路里的消耗(前提是你不迷恋多脂调味品和浇头)。
3. Don't eat on the run. 吃饭要细嚼慢咽
The first problem with grabbing and gulping is that it usually means fast food. And even a smallish fast food lunch (small burger, medium fries, diet soda) delivers around 800 calories&more than the average woman would want to get at dinner. When we eat on the go, our brains tend to register the food as a snack&regardless of how many calories we consume&leading us to
at our next meal. 狼吞虎咽通常意味着快餐。即使是很小份的快餐午饭(小汉堡,中包薯条,无糖汽水)热量也都有差不多800卡路里的,这超过了一般女性想在晚饭时摄入的热量。当我们狼吞虎咽时,不管我们消耗了多少卡路里,大脑会默认这些食物是小吃,这会让我们下顿饭时吃的更多。
4. The shorter the ingredient list, the better. 营养成分列表越短越好
Most of the healthiest foods have only one ingredient: Think broccoli, spinach, blueberries, etc. Longer lists generally mean more sugar, more salt, more artificial flavors. More unhealthy stuff. 绝大多数的健康食物都只有一种成分:比如西兰花、菠菜、蓝莓等。较长的营养成分列表通常意味着更多的糖和盐,更多的人工香料和更多不健康的添加剂。
5. Nutritious food doesn't have to be expensive. 有营养的食物不一定昂贵
The smart choices cost no more. In fact, there was a potential small savings associated with the healthy selections. And that's without considering such economical options as occasionally substituting beans or lentils for meat, or making a sandwich at home rather than spending money at a restaurant. 如果选择得当,有营养的食物并不昂贵。事实上,健康的选择甚至还能省钱。偶尔用黄豆或扁豆来代替肉,或者是在家自己做汉堡而不是去饭店花钱,这些选择既经济又健康。
6. Take an extra ten minutes a day to prepare healthy meals.每天多花十分钟时间准备健康的饭菜
By devoting a few minutes to planning for more nutritious eating, you invest in your own health and that of your family. And when I say few, I mean it: Studies from UCLA suggest that a wholesome home-cooked dinner takes only about ten minutes longer to prepare, on average, than serving processed or ready-made food. If you make enough for leftovers you'll save time in the long run. And don't forget: Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease all lead to doctor and hospital visits&which take a lot of time. 每天花几分钟时间烹饪更有营养的饭菜,这对你和你的家人都有好处。这里说的几分钟,我是说真的:加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究认为,自己做一份有益健康的晚饭,比去饭店和叫外卖只多十分钟。如果你做的饭多得够下一顿吃,长期下来还会省下更多的时间。并且不要忘了:肥胖、糖尿病和心脏病会把你送进医院,这会浪费你更多的时间。
7. Retrain your palate. 反复训练你的味蕾
As any 5-year-old or picky eater can attest, familiarity is a powerful driver of dietary preference. But taste buds are
and can be taught to appreciate new and subtler flavors. When you swap processed, high-fat, sodium-packed, and oversweetened food for healthier fare, it can take one to two weeks before your taste buds acclimate. Don't expect to love new flavors right away (and certainly don't expect your kids to). Just keep serving the new dishes, and soon neither you nor your palate will recall what all the fuss was about. 任何一个5岁的小孩和挑食者都可以证明,饮食偏好主要是因为对某种食物的熟悉。但是味蕾具有可塑性,可以学会接受新的微妙的口味。当你从高脂肪高钠和高糖的食物转变为较为健康的饮食时,你的味蕾可能需要一两个礼拜才能适应。不要指望立马就能爱上新的口味(也不要指望你的孩子能)。继续吃对你来说新的菜肴,很快你和你味蕾都会忘了刚开始的不习惯。
8. Stop eating before you feel full. 吃饱之前就停止进食
Slow the pace of your meals. Pay attention to what you're eating. And call it quits when you're about 80 percent full. After a pause, you'll likely find that &mostly full& is full enough. Studies indicate that simply by eating at a leisurely pace, you could drop up to 20 pounds a year. 放慢吃饭速度,注意看看你在吃什么。吃到8分饱时就不要再吃了。过一会儿你就会发现,&8分饱& 就足够了。研究表明,只要放慢进食速度,你每年就能减下20磅的体重。
9. Sit down to dinner with the entire family. 与家人共进晚餐
Kids who eat with their parents are less likely to consume junk, less likely to overeat, and less likely to be overweight. Parents who eat with their children report greater satisfaction with family life. And families who eat together are far less likely to be plagued by eating disorders, drug use, smoking, and alcohol abuse. That's a remarkable benefit to something as simple as sitting down together for a family meal. 和父母一起吃饭的孩子,吃到垃圾食品、吃得太多和体重超重的可能性都比较小;和孩子一起吃饭的父母,会觉得生活更幸福。而且和家人一起吃饭的人,很少有可能存在饮食失调、滥用毒品、吸烟和酗酒的问题。只是和家人坐在一起吃饭这么简单的事情,好处就这么显而易见。
10. You really are what you eat. 饮食决定你的身体状况
The best way to keep your body humming is to eat a well-rounded, nutritious diet. As for better mental acuity&well, you get the idea: Your brain depends on the
of your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys (you name the organ) to be in tip-top shape. The best way to bring out your best attributes is to foster your overall health through smart eating&a diet that favors produce, grains, legumes, and lean sources of protein, such as fish and soy. 保持精力旺盛的最好办法就是营养全面的饮食。你要知道:你的大脑取决于你的心脏、肺、肝脏和肾脏的活力是否处于最好的状态。为了让你有更好的精神敏锐性,最好的办法就是通过明智的饮食来获得全面的整体的健康。饮食中需包含农产品如谷物、蔬菜,以及脂肪含量低的蛋白质,如鱼和豆类。 &


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