
15:30:04 & &参与评论 人
360智能摄像机1080P版破200万大关! 发布时间: 16:21:00 来源:论坛 作者:互联网 关键字:其他
前几日,在淘宝众筹平台上备受关注的智能“看家神器”360智能摄像机1080P版,因支持人数、众筹金额远远超过众筹目标而异常火爆。截止到4月21号,距360智能摄像机1080P众筹结束还剩3天,360官方又传来捷报:众筹金额突破200万大关,支持人数、支持数量均领先同行业其他产品,还未正式发售就被公认为居家安防首选产品。 图1:360智能摄像机1080P众筹金额突破200万元 众所周知,360智能摄像机自去年上线以来便广受网友关注,一年时间出货量高达300万,此次的众筹活动更令其成为了最惹眼的人气单品,支持人数近8000人,那么究竟它有哪些优点能够受到人们的热捧呢? 图2:360智能摄像机1080P人气火爆 首先,作为一款看家防盗的智能摄像机,最主要的评判标准便是其硬件水平。此次360智能摄像机1080P将原来的720P高清镜头一举提升至1080P全高清,给用户带来纤毫毕现的视觉体验。超过200万个像素点,细致入微的成像画面,使用户不必担心错过家人孩子的任何一张笑脸。此外,360智能摄像机1080P还将原有的110°广角提升为150°超大广角,达到人类单眼视角范围,能够全面覆盖整个房间,不给犯罪分子留下可乘之机,看到更多也意味着多一份安全。 图3:360智能摄像机1080P超高清画质 其次,软件技术方面更是高人一筹。360公司早年斥巨资组建的360人工智能技术研究院,在360智能摄像机的技术环节提供了全程支持。其中包括基于图像深度学习技术的人脸识别功能,能够识别记忆每个家人,甚至是爱宠的面部特征。当家中出现陌生面孔时能够及时发现、区分,并自动抓拍保存。此外更有人形监测功能加以辅助,在选定门窗等安防重点区域后,一旦区域内出现异动,360智能摄像机1080P即可自动拍照并向用户推送报警信息。而用户只需查看手机App,就能在短时间便内洞察家中情况,对异常状况第一时间做出反应。 图4:360智能摄像机人脸识别技术 作为以网络安全起家的360公司旗下明星产品,360智能摄像机安全方面自然值得信赖。据了解,360智能摄像机1080P搭载了360金融级安全云盘,采用私有加密协议传输视频数据流,能够最大限度的保证数据传输的安全,做到“零泄漏”。 凭借如此多的过人优势,360智能摄像机1080P未正式开售就成为行业领先的人气单品也是在预料之中。据了解,目前360智能摄像机官方微博活动正在火热进行中,在4月24日24点前第一个猜中“最终认筹人数”的网友就能获得神秘大奖,目前距众筹结束还有3天时间,究竟认筹人数可以达到多少呢,我们拭目以待。软件信息化周刊比特软件信息化周刊提供以数据库、操作系统和管理软件为重点的全面软件信息化产业热点、应用方案推荐、实用技巧分享等。以最新的软件资讯,最新的软件技巧,最新的软件与服务业内动态来为IT用户找到软捷径。商务办公周刊比特商务周刊是一个及行业资讯、深度分析、企业导购等为一体的综合性周刊。其中,与中国计量科学研究院合力打造的比特实验室可以为商业用户提供最权威的采购指南。是企业用户不可缺少的智选周刊!网络周刊服务器周刊 比特网络周刊向企业网管员以及网络技术和产品使用者提供关于网络产业动态、技术热点、组网、建网、网络管理、网络运维等最新技术和实用技巧,帮助网管答疑解惑,成为网管好帮手。服务器周刊比特服务器周刊作为比特网的重点频道之一,主要关注x86服务器,RISC架构服务器以及高性能计算机行业的产品及发展动态。通过最独到的编辑观点和业界动态分析,让您第一时间了解服务器行业的趋势。存储周刊安全周刊 比特存储周刊长期以来,为读者提供企业存储领域高质量的原创内容,及时、全面的资讯、技术、方案以及案例文章,力求成为业界领先的存储媒体。比特存储周刊始终致力于用户的企业信息化建设、存储业务、数据保护与容灾构建以及数据管理部署等方面服务。安全周刊 比特安全周刊通过专业的信息安全内容建设,为企业级用户打造最具商业价值的信息沟通平台,并为安全厂商提供多层面、多维度的媒体宣传手段。与其他同类网站信息安全内容相比,比特安全周刊运作模式更加独立,对信息安全界的动态新闻更新更快。新闻中心热点推荐云计算周刊 新闻中心热点推荐新闻中心以独特视角精选一周内最具影响力的行业重大事件或圈内精彩故事,为企业级用户打造重点突出,可读性强,商业价值高的信息共享平台;同时为互联网、IT业界及通信厂商提供一条精准快捷,渗透力强,覆盖面广的媒体传播途径。云计算周刊比特云计算周刊关注云计算产业热点技术应用与趋势发展,全方位报道云计算领域最新动态。为用户与企业架设起沟通交流平台。包括IaaS、PaaS、SaaS各种不同的服务类型以及相关的安全与管理内容介绍。CIO俱乐部周刊IT专家网 CIO俱乐部周刊比特CIO俱乐部周刊以大量高端CIO沙龙或专题研讨会以及对明星CIO的深入采访为依托,汇聚中国500强CIO的集体智慧。旨为中国杰出的CIO提供一个良好的互融互通 、促进交流的平台,并持续提供丰富的资讯和服务,探讨信息化建设,推动中国信息化发展引领CIO未来职业发展。IT专家网IT专家新闻邮件长期以来,以定向、分众、整合的商业模式,为企业IT专业人士以及IT系统采购决策者提供高质量的原创内容,包括IT新闻、评论、专家答疑、技巧和白皮书。此外,IT专家网还为读者提供包括咨询、社区、论坛、线下会议、读者沙龙等多种服务。 X周刊 X周刊是一份IT人的技术娱乐周刊,给用户实时传递I最新T资讯、IT段子、技术技巧、畅销书籍,同时用户还能参与我们推荐的互动游戏,给广大的IT技术人士忙碌工作之余带来轻松休闲一刻。Hello, this is Charles Carrol with the BBC news.The Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has accused her deputy of plotting her down for and has branded him a traitor. Ms. Rousseff, who faces impeachment vote on Sunday, said vice president Michel Temer was conspiring with the speaker of the Lower House of Congress to depose a legitimately elected president. Candace Piette reports.President Rousseff's office has made clear that she wins a battle for the remaining wavering votes in congress and survive Sunday's vote to impeach her. Michel Temer would be expected to resign. Ms. Rousseff has said his mask had slipped when he released a recording of a rehearsal of the speech he would make if she's removed from office. She said the tape highlighted the threat to democracy in Brazil.President of Macedonia Gjorge Ivanov has granted a pardon to all politicians embroiled massive corruption scandal. The country has been paralyzed by the crisis which included allegations that the governing party and the intelligence chiefs had tapped the phones of more than 20,000 people including journalists and judiciary. Mr. Ivanov said his decision had been taken in the national interest. The move was condemned by the EU enlargement commissioner Johannes Hahn.The South Sudan rebel leader Riek Machar has returned to the country for the first time in more than two years as part of a peace deal. He is due to resume the post of vice president. With the details, here is Tomi Oladipo. Riek Machar's spokesman confirmed to the BBC that the opposition leader had returned to the country. Mr. Machar is currently at the rebel headquarters in the east near the border with Ethiopia. The international community had to step in to make sure the government and opposition in South Sudan implemented a peace agreement which both sides signed last August. Last week, more than 1300 rebel troops have flown into the capital of Juba as part of the terms of the deal. These soldiers and police are expected to provide security for Mr. Machar who said he would not come to take up his new position until these security measures were put into place.The Rock star and Poverty campaign of Bono has told congress in Washington that cash spent on overseas aid is vital for America's national security. Addressing the senate panel, Bono said properly targeted aid could be the best defense against violent extremism. The singer calls for a multi-billion-dollar funding program to help refugees from conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. As we Europeans have learned, if the Middle East catches fire, the flames jump any border controls. And if Africa fails, Europe cannot succeed, it's not rocket science,it's math.For the first time in its 70-year history, the United Nations has opened up the usually secret process of choosing its next Secretary General. Candidates to replace Ban Ki-moon appeared before ambassadors from member states who are being given the chance to question them, the hearings will resume on Wednesday.World news from the BBC.A comedian in Germany Jan Boehmermann has been placed under police protection after he read an obscene poem about the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan on television. Mr. Erdogan has filed a criminal complaint against the satirist. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that the country's constitution guarantees free expression, but she said the broadcast was deliberately insulting. A prosecution could be conceivable under Germany's criminal code which stipulates a penalty of three years in prison.Mexico's national human rights commission says most of the country's prisons remain overcrowded and dangerous with some jails housing up to 30 inmates in cells built for four people. The commission said inmates partly controlled about half of the jails in the country. It said though that control had improved at Mexico's most secure prison the Altiplano facility following the recapture of the drug lord Joaquin Guzman.The embattled head of the Brazilian football confederation is back at work despite facing charges of racketeering and money laundering in the FIFA football scandal. Marco Polo Del Nero stepped aside three months ago after being indicted by the US Department of Justice. No reason has been given for his return. Brazilian footballers had been lobbying for his resignation.Sir Arnold Wesker, once hailed as the one of Britain's great playwrights,has died at the age of 83. He came to fame in the 1950s with the Wesker trilogy at the Royal Court theatre in London. Ben Lowings has more. Sir Arnold was born in London at east end, a son of Russian Jewish immigrant. In the late 1950s, his early plays, such as Roots, drew on his working class upbringing. He was part of a new generation of artist writing what critiques sometimes called 'Kitchen and sink drama'. His Wesker Trilogy commissioned by the Royal Court theatre in London won public acclaim and established his reputation. His plays were performed around the world.Ben Lowings. BBC news.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /16/04/BBC-NEWS-.html
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Cloudera 企业版的发布带来更佳性能表现和效率 发布时间: 22:15:00 来源:论坛 作者:互联网 关键字:其他
Cloudera 企业版5.7版本支持Hive-on-Spark提高了数据处理,为多租户使用提供了可见度 加利福尼亚州帕罗奥图市,日 - Cloudera在全球范围内提供基于Apache Hadoop和最新开源科技的最快速、最便捷以及最安全的数据管理及分析平台。Cloudera今天宣布Cloudera 企业版 5.7面市。这一新发布为关键工作负载提供了卓越的性能表现 - 包括在Hive-on-Spark支持下数据处理速度平均提升3倍,以及用最新版本的Apache Impala (孵化中)为商业智能分析带来平均2倍的提升。 此外,这一新版本对工作负载中的多租户使用增加了可见度,提升了管理效率与资源优化。Cloudera 企业版 5.7 对于Hadoop来说是另外一次巨大的跃进,以支持新的以及不断变化中的用例,Cloudera的领导地位可以确保现代企业在整个业务中完全采纳这一平台。 “在过去10年中,Hadoop实现了显著的革新。随着每一次提升,我们不仅在现有的基础之上有所改进,而且还能看到新应用和用例的潜力”,Cloudera产品部门的副总裁Charles Zedlewski说。“在数据工程和Hive-on-Spark架构下ETL发展的进步,是这一进化中的里程碑 – 进一步夯实了Spark作为Hadoop标准数据处理引擎的地位。虽然数据工程现在只是大数据产业的一个部分,但随着5.7版本的发布,我们的客户可以通过这一平台支持更广泛范围内的用户,同时保持高效表现、轻松管理和合规性的安全保障。” 对于Hadoop来说,ETL发展和批处理是最常见的用例之一。尽管传统意义上来说MapReduce是底下的执行引擎,但是Apache Hive长期以来在这些工作负载上扮演了关键角色。然而,相比于MapReduce, Apache Spark的简易开发和更高效性能,使其重要性日益增加,并且已准备好替代MapReduce来完成这些工作量。去年Cloudera启动了“统一平台计划”,作为完成从MapReduce向Spark转变的路线图,更好地促进Spark与Hadoop的集成 – 保证即使在最大规模的生产负载下,Spark也可以满足企业的要求。通过Hive-on-Spark在Cloudera 5.7中的发布,它让Spark离目标更近一步。现在开发者可以在利用Spark强大数据处理能力的同时,继续使用他们所熟悉的Hive,并且实现平均3倍于往常的性能表现。Hive-on-Spark是一个社区驱动的计划,由Cloudera,IBM,Intel,MapR等企业所发布,并且包括了来自广告、金融服务、保险业以及其他领域内的用户,这些用户是参与早期试用项目,以帮助进一步的研发。 为了保证进一步的持续性,Cloudera已与超过2300个伙伴生态系统合作,以保证客户可以继续使用领先的数据集成和Hive-on-Spark架构下的准备工具,从而不影响企业运行。合伙生态系统比如:BMC, ClearStory Data, Elastic, NGDATA, Solix, Trillium Software, Zementis,以及其他与Cloudera一起合作来认证无缝对接的技术。(请看下面的相关证言) 可以在一个单一集群内的共享数据中支持多个用例,这是Hadoop的一个关键优势。通过Cloudera 企业版, 管理者可以轻松提供给用户和应用程序正确的资源来运行并且满足关键SLAs。通过这一最新发布,管理员可以查看用户、租户和应用程序的历史使用记录和效率情况。这一内置于Cloudera Manager的集群使用报告新功能,保证了不同群组与工作类型之间的有效运行和合理资源配置;帮助SLAs标准的实现;以及提供了对工作和性能询问问题的简单诊断检修。 Cloudera 5.7的其他功能还包括:
BI分析取得2倍的性能提升:Impala继续通过动态分区修剪、更快的查询启动、运行时过滤等功能保持了它作为最快速SQL分析引擎的领先地位。 简化的生产路径:Cloudera Manager包括了集群模板,它提供了一个简单的工作流,可以轻松地将配置需求复制到新的集群上面,使其能够跨地区从调整好的测试环境迁移到可扩展的生产环境。或者在问题产生的时候,能快速恢复到一个已知的良好配置环境。 优化的数据监管:Cloudera Navigator通过简化的数据沿袭为企业用户开拓了数据管理和监管的新模式,建立数据信任和来源机制,为改善跨系统的探索性和持续性增加了管理的元数据。 Cloudera 5.7现在可以通过访问/downloads下载 Cloudera 5.7的其他资源 l 在Cloudera工程博客上了解更多 l 注册Cloudera 5.7 在线课程系列 l 下载Cloudera 5.7 l 阅读发布说明 Cloudera 5.7合作伙伴的证言 BMC “Cloudera在Hive-on-Spark上的投资对于现有的Hive技术和用户具有非常重要的价值。我们很高兴与行业领先的Control-M来支持Hadoop的这一革新。除了Hive-on-Spark的工作安排,Control-M的客户还获得了来自Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, Shell Scripting以及其他方面的支持。我们与Cloudera的合作关系将继续为世界范围内的Hadoop用户带来新的价值” ——Tim Eusterman, BMC工作自动化解决方案市场部的高级总监 ClearStory Data “有了Hive-on-Spark支持我们的云基础数据分析解决方案,我们很高兴进一步巩固与Spark的合作关系。当大规模数据在进行混合和集成的时候,为了提升商业洞察能力,Hive与Spark执行引擎集成,为快速循环分析实现了无缝的数据导入、查询与推理。” ——Tim Howes, 首席技术官 Elastic “Elastic为最新的Cloudera 企业版创新提供了一个实时的搜索选择:Cloudera的Hive-on-Spark,使希望使用Elastic搜索的用户从MapReduce过渡到Spark, 并从中受益。这一得到认证的集成延伸了Elastic和Cloudera之间的现有合作,使其服务于Elastic搜索、Hadoop以及Spark部署” ——Costin Leau, Elastic首席工程师 NGDATA “NDDATA为客户分析和CX最优化提供了一完全的解决方案,推进了服务于银行、媒体公司和电信行业的下一最佳建议。正如我们的NBO渠道基于客户行为数据实时执行而设计和优化的,企业经理也对点对点报告有类似的表现期望。多亏Hive-on-Spark,他们现在可以体验报告速度上的卓越提升,几乎不需要任何的重新配置。我们很高兴与Cloudera一起推进Spark在生态系统中的采用,因为它为我们的客户提供了切实的商业益处:。 ——Steven Noels, 首席技术官与联合创始人 Solix “对Cloudera 5.7的认证,意味着Solix大数据客户可以获得在表现和可用性上的提升。有了Hive-on-Spark,大部分的结构化数据工作量现在都可以在Apache Hadoop上运行”。 ——Sai Gundavelli, 首席执行官 Trillium Software “随着企业日益依赖于Hadoop来处理大容量的复杂数据,他们也希望能加速数据驱动计划。Cloudera 企业版 5.7的发布表明了Cloudera在提供创新解决方案上的决心。他们将优化数据移动和集成的速度和效率,并且制度化Hadoop的数据处理,并同时简化Hadoop管理和监督。有了Hive-on-Spark支持Trillium Refine ,企业可以加速数据准备和处理过程,提升数据分析,加速驱动成长的企业决策过程”。 ——Keith Kohl, 产品管理副总裁 Zementis “通过增加Hive-on-Spark对Hadoop生态系统的支持,Cloduera使用户可以更有效地运用数据科学。现在数据科学正变成智能企业应用程序的关键差异化因素,我们很自豪地Cloudera一起为实现Zementis的UPPI而努力,使其成为一个共有的标准化执行引擎,操作化机器学习和Hvie、Spark和Storm架构下的先进预测式分析。” ——Michael Zeller博士, CEO软件信息化周刊比特软件信息化周刊提供以数据库、操作系统和管理软件为重点的全面软件信息化产业热点、应用方案推荐、实用技巧分享等。以最新的软件资讯,最新的软件技巧,最新的软件与服务业内动态来为IT用户找到软捷径。商务办公周刊比特商务周刊是一个及行业资讯、深度分析、企业导购等为一体的综合性周刊。其中,与中国计量科学研究院合力打造的比特实验室可以为商业用户提供最权威的采购指南。是企业用户不可缺少的智选周刊!网络周刊服务器周刊 比特网络周刊向企业网管员以及网络技术和产品使用者提供关于网络产业动态、技术热点、组网、建网、网络管理、网络运维等最新技术和实用技巧,帮助网管答疑解惑,成为网管好帮手。服务器周刊比特服务器周刊作为比特网的重点频道之一,主要关注x86服务器,RISC架构服务器以及高性能计算机行业的产品及发展动态。通过最独到的编辑观点和业界动态分析,让您第一时间了解服务器行业的趋势。存储周刊安全周刊 比特存储周刊长期以来,为读者提供企业存储领域高质量的原创内容,及时、全面的资讯、技术、方案以及案例文章,力求成为业界领先的存储媒体。比特存储周刊始终致力于用户的企业信息化建设、存储业务、数据保护与容灾构建以及数据管理部署等方面服务。安全周刊 比特安全周刊通过专业的信息安全内容建设,为企业级用户打造最具商业价值的信息沟通平台,并为安全厂商提供多层面、多维度的媒体宣传手段。与其他同类网站信息安全内容相比,比特安全周刊运作模式更加独立,对信息安全界的动态新闻更新更快。新闻中心热点推荐云计算周刊 新闻中心热点推荐新闻中心以独特视角精选一周内最具影响力的行业重大事件或圈内精彩故事,为企业级用户打造重点突出,可读性强,商业价值高的信息共享平台;同时为互联网、IT业界及通信厂商提供一条精准快捷,渗透力强,覆盖面广的媒体传播途径。云计算周刊比特云计算周刊关注云计算产业热点技术应用与趋势发展,全方位报道云计算领域最新动态。为用户与企业架设起沟通交流平台。包括IaaS、PaaS、SaaS各种不同的服务类型以及相关的安全与管理内容介绍。CIO俱乐部周刊IT专家网 CIO俱乐部周刊比特CIO俱乐部周刊以大量高端CIO沙龙或专题研讨会以及对明星CIO的深入采访为依托,汇聚中国500强CIO的集体智慧。旨为中国杰出的CIO提供一个良好的互融互通 、促进交流的平台,并持续提供丰富的资讯和服务,探讨信息化建设,推动中国信息化发展引领CIO未来职业发展。IT专家网IT专家新闻邮件长期以来,以定向、分众、整合的商业模式,为企业IT专业人士以及IT系统采购决策者提供高质量的原创内容,包括IT新闻、评论、专家答疑、技巧和白皮书。此外,IT专家网还为读者提供包括咨询、社区、论坛、线下会议、读者沙龙等多种服务。 X周刊 X周刊是一份IT人的技术娱乐周刊,给用户实时传递I最新T资讯、IT段子、技术技巧、畅销书籍,同时用户还能参与我们推荐的互动游戏,给广大的IT技术人士忙碌工作之余带来轻松休闲一刻。With EU summit in progress, European leaders are struggling to find a solution to the ongoing refugee crisis that has created division, and exposed unfulfilled pledges to manage the influx. Meanwhile, despite the winter, refugees and migrants continue to arrive from Turkey s coast to the Greek islands. and the country is now also struggling to deal with a chaos with stranded migrants. They get stuck in Greece, after several countries decided to close their borders to everyone but refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. They are from Morocco, Mali, Iran, Pakistan and not deemed refugees. They don t know where to go and what to do. Hundreds spent almost a week in this stadium that has just been emptied and were told to leave. Some are to be deported. Many vanished. All are trapped in a country that has little to offer them, even when it comes to shelter and food. I don t have money now. I haven t eaten anything since yesterday morning. This is a big problem. Everyone here hasn t eaten since yesterday morning. And everyone is sick, said Taha, Moroccan migrant.Taha spent all his money, 3000 euros, to travel to Greece. Then, like other Moroccans, he had hoped to go to northern Europe and find a job to help his family back home. We want a solution so we can enter Europe. We don t want to stay here. And we don t want to return to Morocco. [Filio off camera in French: And if not?] If not, not me but some other people say they d rather die here, Taha said.Some feel so hopeless that going back is their only choice. In a few days, the International Organization for Migration in Athens registered 250 people who want to voluntarily return to their countries, mostly Moroccans. Until the IOM s Greek office gets its yearly funding from the European Union sometime next year, it can only accommodate 1000 repatriations. Even if we don t have enough money, we will find it, it s not a matter of money. The issue is whether (these economic migrants) can avoid the sweet talk of the smugglers and lose their lives any moment. Aside from the refugee crisis we also have a humanitarian crisis which involves the Greeks, the migrants, everyone who lose their lives looking for something better. The only thing we can do for them right now is (offer them) a voluntary repatriation, said Daniel Esdras, international organization for migration.Eventually, the government found a temporary housing for the migrants in another stadium inside the old airport of Athens. While the process of who gets in remains chaotic, the process of setting up the so -called hotspots in a number of Greek islands appears to be moving at last. There, refugees and migrants will be identified, registered and processed. It s one of Europe s demands from the Greek government to manage the flow that faces fierce resistance from local communities. The only problem I m aware of is at Kos island where the climate is totally hostile. But at some point the government must make its decisions. Local authorities must be part of the solution, not part of the problem and mayors must understand that they cannot cause all this discomfort to these people. Because what s the point having them living in the streets when they can be somewhere where they can be safe but also not cause any trouble to local communities, Esdras said.Meanwhile, thousands continue arriving from the Greek islands to the port of Piraeus with the hopes of traveling on to Europe, like these Iraqis, who tell me want to go to Germany. But not everyone will try to make it on the same day. By nightfall, many have disappeared in the streets of the city center. And others, who don t have money to continue and cannot cross the next border either wait or try to find a smuggler and an alternate route to continue their journey.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//EU-leaders-meet-to-tackle-refugee-influx.html
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