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尿的形成:尿的形成主要包括两个连续的生理过程:肾小球的过滤作用和肾小管的重吸收作用。尿的排出:&& 肾脏形成的尿,经过肾盂流入输尿管,再由输尿管流入膀胱。膀胱位于盆腔内,有暂时储尿的功能。它有一个出口,与尿道相通,出口处周围有环形的尿道括约肌。平时尿道括约肌收缩,出口呈关闭状态;当膀胱内的尿液储存到一定量时,就要排尿。这时候,尿道括约肌舒张,出口开放,尿就从膀胱里流出,经过尿道排出体外。肾小球的过滤作用:&&& 肾小球的结构类似过滤器。当血液流经肾小球时,除了血细胞和大分子的蛋白质外.其余一切水溶性物质(如血浆中的一部分水、无机盐、葡萄糖和尿素等)都可以过滤到肾小囊的腔内,形成原尿。比较原尿和血浆的化学成分,可以证明原尿中除了没有血细胞和大分子的蛋白质以外,其他成分几乎都与血浆相同。
肾小管的重吸收作用:&&&& 当原尿流经肾小管时,其中对人体有用的物质,如全部的葡萄糖、大部分的水和部分无机盐被肾小管壁的上皮细胞重吸收进入包绕在肾小管外面的毛细血管中,送回到血液里,而没有被重吸收的物质如一部分水、无机盐和尿素等则形成了尿液。综上所述,血液流经肾小球时,血浆中的一些成分被过滤到肾小囊腔而成为原尿,原尿流经肾小球管时。其中一成分由肾小管重新吸收,最终形成了尿液。特别提醒:①尿的生成是连续的,尿的排出是间歇的,而且膀胱的储尿量是有一定限度的。因此一旦有了尿意,就应该及时排尿。如果膀胱积尿太多,会使膀胱过度膨胀而影响其功能。 ②一个正常的成年人一昼夜产生的原尿约有150升,而每天排出的尿液量仅为1——1.5升这主要是由于原尿流经肾小管时,对人体有用的一些物质如大部分的水、全部的葡萄糖和部分无机盐等被重新吸收进入血液。血浆,原尿和尿液成分的比较:
排尿的意义:&& 人体内产生的废物必须及时排出,否则会影响人体正常生命活动,甚至危及生命。人体排出尿,不仅起到排出废物的作用,而且对调节体内水和无机盐的含量,维持组织细胞的正常生理功能也有重要的作用。特别提醒:①一个人尿量的多少主要取决于人体每天摄入的水量和由其他途径(如排汗)排出的水量,若其他因素不变,刚摄入的水量多时,尿量增加;若由其他途径排出的水量增,如环境温度升高或制烈运动大量出汗时,套使尿量减少, ②肾能够自动调节尿液的成分。例如,大量饮水后,排出的尿液中水的含量较高;饮水量少时,排出的尿液中尿素的浓度就会升高。当一个人一天排出的尿液少于500毫升时,体内产生的废物就不能及时排到体外,而积累在体内,伤害身体。因此,每天应喝足量的水。怎么看尿常规化验单:& 尿常规化验包括尿的颜色、透明度、酸碱度、比重、尿蛋白和尿糖以及尿中段沉渣试验等。&&&&&& &一些疾病可以使尿色改变。例如出现尿深黄如浓茶样,多见于急性黄疸型肝炎;尿浑浊、尿少淋漓,多见于急性尿路感染、蜜月性膀胱炎;尿色红呈血样,提示可能患急性肾小球肾炎、肾结石、肾结核、尿路或肾肿瘤和泌尿系外伤等。&&& &&&& 在一张尿化验单上,如果一些项目后面写了“+”号(或“++”“+++”,表明程度不同),这在医学上叫作阳性结果;相反,“~”号就叫阴性结果。阳性结果通常是泌尿系统疾病的标志。报告单上报告验出大量白细胞(WBC++…+++)和上皮细胞,多提示泌尿系统感染。尿中有大量红细胞(RBC+…+++)。说明患有肾脏结石、肿瘤、急性肾炎、膀胱炎和泌尿外伤。如果尿糖试验是阳性,那敕很可能是糖尿病,因为正常人尿中只有微量的糖,一般化验不出来。大量吃糖或滴注葡萄糖时,会有短暂的尿糖出现。糖尿病患者不但尿糖阳性,而且血糖明显增高。
血尿:&&& 尿液中混有血细胞时称为血尿。血尿多呈鲜红色、洗肉水样或茶水样,用显微镜检查尿液,可以观察到血细胞的存在。&&& 泌尿系统及其邻近器官发生病变或某些全身性疾病,都可以引起血尿。&&& 泌尿系统病变引起血尿:由于泌尿系统邻近器官(如精囊、子宫)的炎症、肿瘤等疾患波及尿道,使尿道毛细血管通透性增加,可以造成血尿。&&& 全身性疾病引起血尿:由于感染、血液病、心血管病等疾患,使有关部位的血管受损或血管通透性增加以及因血小板异常或凝血因子缺乏,可以造成血尿。&&&&如果发现血尿,患者应该及时到医院检查,确定发生病变的部位,根据造成血尿的不同原因,有针对性地进行治疗。
20024()Gong Xi-ling. Textbook: Human Anatomy and Physiology. 4th edition, 2002, People`s sanitary publishing press.
1. Charles Seidel. BASIC CONCEPTS IN PHYSIOLOGY: a student’s survival guide, (Great for Course Prep and USMLE) 2002, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Outline of this chapter
1 Functional anatomy of the kidney and renal blood circulation
1.1 Functional anatomy of the kidney
1.2 Renal blood circulation and its regulation
2 Glomerular filtration
2.1 Effective filtration pressure
2.2 Factors affecting glomerular filtration
3 Transportation function in the renal tubule and collecting duct
3.1 Transportation mode in the renal tubule and collecting duct
3.2 Reabsorption and secretion in the renal tubule and collecting duct
4 Urinary concentration and dilution
4.1 Urinary dilution
4.2 Urinary concentration
4.3 Role of the recta for maintaining the high solute concentration in the medullary interstitial fluid
5 Regulation of urine formation
5.1 Autoregulation in kidney
5.2 Nervous regulation and humoral regulation
6 Plasma clearance
6.1 Concept of plasma clearance its calculating method
6.2 Physiological significance of plasma clearance test
7 Micturition
7.1 Innervation of the urinary bladder and urethra
7.2 Micturition abnormity
(functional anatomy and blood flow of kidney )(25min)
(Functional anatomy of kidney)
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juxtaglomerular apparatus
(characteristics and regulation of renal blood flow)
1.(characteristics of renal blood flow)
(autoregulation of renal blood flow and GFR)
2.(regulation of renal blood flow)
(Glomerular filtration) (15min)
——(filtration membrane)
(construction of filtration membrane)
(permeability of filtration membrane)
—(effective filtration pressure)
(ultrafiltration fluid)
(factors influencing the process of glomerular filtration)
(change of effective filtration pressure)
(change of renal blood flow)
(change of filtration membrane)
(material transport passway of renal tubule and collecting duct)reabsorption. Tubular reabsorption denotes the transport of substances from the tubular fluid through the tubular epithelium into peritubular capillary bloodSecretion is the process by which substances move from outside to inside the tubule.(tubular fluid)
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1.Na+Cl-(reabsorption of Na+Cl-and water)
1(proximal convoluted tubule)
Na+(reabsorption of Na+ in the first part of proximal convoluted tubule)
NaCl(reabsorption of NaCl in the last part of proximal convoluted tubule)
(reabsorption of water of proximal convoluted tubule)
2(loop of Henle)
3(distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct)
2.HCO3H+(reabsorption of HCO3and secretion of H+)
1(proximal convoluted tubule)Process:Characteristics
2(loop of Henle)
3(distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct)
3.NH3H+HCO3(relationship between secretion of NH3 and transport of H+HCO3
4.K+(reabsorption and secretion of K+)
K+(reabsortpion of K+)
K+(secretion of K+)
5.(reabsorption and secretion of Ca2+)
1(proximal convoluted tubule)
2(loop of Henle)
3(distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct)
6.(reabsorption of glucose)
Urinary Concentration and Urinary Dilution(20min)
Concentrated and Diluted Urine by Kidneys
(Formation of the Osmotic Gradient in Medulla of Kidneys)
(Function of Vasa Recta in Keeping the High Osmotic Pressure of Renal Medulla)
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(Regulation of Urine Formation) (40min)
(Autoregulation in kidneys)
(The Concentration of Solvent have effects on Renal Regulation )
(Glomerulotubular Balance)
(Nervous and Humoral Regulation)
(Functions of Renal Sympathetic Nerve)
vasopressinVPantidiuretic hormoneADH.A product of neurohypophysis which, through its action on kidneys, promotes the conservation of body water.
3.--(Renin-Angiotensin System)
(Clearance) (20min)
(Definition and calculation of Clearance)
(Innervation of the urinary bladder and urethra)
(micturition reflex)
The urinary system is composed of the kidneys, bladder and accessory structures. The kidneys produce urine, a fluid waste product whose composition and volume vary.
The six functions of the kidneys are regulation of extracellular fluid volume, regulation of osmolarity, maintenance of ion balance, homeostatic regulation of pH, excretion of wastes and foreign substances, and production of hormone. The most important function of the kidneys is the homeostatic regulation of the water and ion content of the blood.
I. Structure of the kidneys
Each kidney has about 1 million nephrons. Each nephron in the kidneys consists of a renal corpuscle and a tubule.
1. Each renal corpuscle comprises a capillary tuft, termed a glomerulus, and a Bowman's capsule, into which the tuft protrudes.
2. The tubule extends out from Bowman's capsule and is subdivided into many segments, which can be combined for reference purposes into the proximal tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct. Beginning at the level of the collecting ducts, multiple tubules join and empty into the renal pelvis, from which urine flows through the ureters to the bladder.
3. Each glomerulus is supplied by an afferent arteriole,and an efferent arteriole leaves the glomerulus to branch into peritubular capillaries, which supply the tubule.
II. Basic Renal processes
1.The three basic renal processes are glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion. In addition, the kidneys synthesize and /or catabolize certain substances. The excretion of a substance is equal to the amount filtered plus the amount secteted minus the amount reabsorbed.
2. Urine formation begins with glomerular filtration - approximately 180L/day - of essentially protein-free plasma into Bowman's space.
(1) Glomerular filtrate contains all plasma substances other than proteins and substances bound to protein.
(2) Glomerular filtration is driven by the hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillaries and is opposed by both the hydrostatic pressure in Bowman's space and the osmotic force due to the proteins in the glomerular capillary plasma.
3. As the filtrate moves through the tubules, certain substances are reabsorbed into the peritubular capillaries.
(1) Substances to which the tubular epithelium is permeable are absorbed by diffusion because water reabsorption creates tubule-interstitium concentration gradients for them.
(2) Tubular reabsorption rates are generally very high for nutrients, ions,and water, but are lower for waste products. Reabsorption may occur by diffusion or by mediated transport.
(3) Many of the mediated-transport systems manifest transport maximums, so that when the filtered load of a substance exceeds the transport maximum, large amounts may appear in the urine.
4. Tubular secretion (movement from the peritubular capillary into the tubules), like glomerular filtration, is a pathway for entrance of a substance into the tubule.
Ⅲ. Renal regulation
Renal function is regulated by neural and hormonal influences. The most important of these are:
1. renal sympathic nerves
2. renin-angiotensin system
3. aldosterone
4. atrial natriuretic peptide
5. antidiuretic hormone
6. prostaglandins
7. parathyroid hormone
Ⅳ. Clearance
Clearance is an abstract concept that describes what volume of plasma passing through the kidneys has been totally cleared of a substance in a given period of time. For substances such as inulin which are neither actively absorbed nor secreted by the kidneys, clearance is equivalent to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In clinical settings, creatinine is used to measure GFR.
If a person's GFR is known, then it is possible to measure the filtration rate of a substance.
If less substance appears in the urine than was filtered, then some was reabsorbed by the nephrons. If more substance appears in the urine than was filtered, then there is net secretion of the substance. If the same amount of the substance is filtered and excreted, then the substance is neither reabsorbed nor secreted.
Clearance values are also used to determine how the nephron handles a substance filtered into it. If the clearance of a substance is less than the inulin or creatinine clearances, then the substance has been reabsorbed. Conversely, if the clearance rate of the substance is greater than inulin or creatinine then it has been actively secreted into the nephron.
V. Micturition
Urine is stored in the bladder until released by urination, also known as micturition.
1. In the basic micturition reflex, bladder distention stimulates stretch receptors that tri these reflexes lead to contraction of the detrusor muscle, mediated by parasympathetic neurons, and relaxation of the external urethral sphincter, mediated by inhibition of the motor neurons to this muscle.
2. Voluntary control is exerted via descending pathways to the parasympathetic nerves supplying the detrusor muscle and the motor nerves supplying the external urethral sphincter.
Berne RM, Levy MN, Koeppen BM, Stanton BA. Physiology, 5th ed, St Louis: Mosby, 2004.
Guyton AC, Hall JE. TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY, 10th ed, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co, 2000.
Charles Seidel. BASIC CONCEPTS IN PHYSIOLOGY: a student’s survival guide (Great for Course Prep and USMLE), Houston: McGraw-Hill Co Inc, 2002.
Koeppen BM, Stanton BA. Renal physiology, 3rd ed, Health Scicece Asia: Elsevier Science, 2002.
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