
验证码输入错误,请重新输入作者:&作者本人请参看导师姓名:&&学位授予单位:&授予学位:硕士学位年度:2010专业:&关键词:&&&摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)配景与目标:乳腺癌是来自乳腺导管或终末导管小叶单位上皮的恶性肿瘤。病发率在曩昔的50年中出现出了迟缓上升的趋向,曾经跨越子宫颈癌的病发率跃居女性恶性肿瘤的第一名。近10年来,我国乳腺癌病发率增长了47%。与欧美国度比拟较,我国乳腺癌病人的年纪出现出年青化趋向。相干的查询拜访显示,我国每一年约有4万人逝世于乳腺癌,曾经成为城市女性的“第一杀手”。今朝,乳腺癌的病发机制还未完整说明,研讨显示其病发与雌激素的历久感化、家族遗传偏向、情况身分及长时光年夜剂量接触放射线等身分有关。乳腺癌的产生成长与其他恶性肿瘤类似,也是一个多步调多阶段的庞杂进程。恶性肿瘤的一个主要特征就是侵袭和转移,其进程异样也是一个庞杂的、多步调的进程。今朝广泛以为细胞外基质和基底膜的降解是肿瘤侵袭和转移的主要步调。已有很多研讨注解,细胞外基质的降解和基底膜的重塑是癌细胞侵袭转移进程中的一个症结环节,此进程须要借助卵白降解酶的表达和激活。今朝已知的卵白降解酶类有半胱氨酸卵白酶、丝氨酸卵白酶、天冬氨酸卵白酶及基质金属卵白酶(matrix metal poroteinases, MMPs)。MMPs是一组主要的细胞外基质降解酶,在肿瘤的侵袭转移进程中此酶经由过程对细胞外基质中分歧成份的降解来施展其主要感化。MMP一9是MMPs家族中的主要成员,它能降解细胞外基质的重要成份,如Ⅳ型胶原、纤维衔接卵白和层粘连卵白,研讨以为此进程与肿瘤的侵袭转移亲密相干。肿瘤的侵袭是一个多身分配合介入、多步调完成的庞杂进程:(1)肿瘤细胞经由过程细胞膜外面的受体粘附到细胞外基质(extracellular matrix, ECM)的层粘连卵白上;(2)卵白酶水解前体的释放和活化;(3)卵白水解酶对ECM(重要是Ⅳ型胶原卵白)的降解进程;(4)肿瘤细胞穿过基底膜的迁徙进程。这个中,在构成ECM的两年夜主要构成部门(基底膜和间质)中,基底膜组成一道有用的阻滞樊篱,这一樊篱是以Ⅳ型胶原为重要成份,因此对其降解成为肿瘤的侵袭与转移的一个症结步调。年夜量研讨证实,肿瘤细胞的侵袭才能是与其引诱发生卵白酶降解细胞外基质和基底膜的才能亲密相干。在此进程中触及两年夜类酶体系:一类是纤溶酶原体系;另外一类是基质金属卵白酶(MMPs)体系。基质金属卵白酶一9(MMP一9)是MMPs中最为主要的一种卵白酶。组织金属卵白酶克制物(tissue inhibitor of matrixmetalloproteinases, TIMPs)是MMPs的自然克制剂,TIMPs与MMPs的均衡关于保持细胞外基质的稳态具有主要的感化。CD147作为细胞外基质金属卵白酶引诱因子(extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer, EMMPRIN),它是一种新兴的粘附份子,是一种免疫球卵白超家族的糖卵白,普遍存在于人体的各个组织、器官。可以或许调理细胞一细胞、细胞一间质之间的粘附感化,同时介入机体的多种心理进程;而且CD147卵白在多种肿瘤的产生、成长进程中施展侧重要的感化。比来研讨报导108例膀胱癌患者中经由过程免疫组织化学办法研讨了CD147卵白的表达情形,研讨的成果注解CD147卵白的表达与膀胱癌患者的淋趋承转移、肿瘤临床分期、组织学分级和预后出现出明显相干性。别的经由过程多身分剖析统计显示CD147卵白的过表达可以作为预后的一个自力风险身分,由此CD147卵白可以作为一个潜伏的医治靶点。有学者在鼠异种移植模子上证实CD147卵白经由过程上调经典的wnt/beta一连环卵白旌旗灯号途径可以或许招致肺癌细胞侵袭、增殖和转移的产生。有学者经由过程免疫组织化学办法在48例喉癌患者和15例喉炎患者平分别检测CD147卵白、MMP一9和MMP一2卵白的表达情形,成果显示了这三种卵白的表达在喉癌患者中明显增高,三种卵白的高表达均与肿瘤的临床分期和淋趋承转移相干。有研讨报导在儿童非霍奇金氏淋巴瘤中经由过程免疫组化办法检测了CD147卵白和MMP一9卵白的表达情形,研讨成果显示两种卵白的表达均与肿瘤临床分期、肿瘤年夜小、骨髓转移、免疫表型及预后不良相干。并且这两种卵白的高表达均与患者的预后不良相干。比来的研讨已注解,成纤维细胞日常平凡仅发生少少量的MMPs,但在有肿瘤细胞存在时可安慰成纤维细胞发生年夜量的MMPs,已证明这类安慰因子就是存在于肿瘤细胞外面的一种粘附份子一一细胞外基质金属卵白酶引诱因子CD147。CD147介入细胞一细胞、细胞一基质间的互相感化,安慰临近的间质细胞发生基质金属卵白酶(MMP一9、MMP一2),并降解细胞外基质,为肿瘤转移发明前提。Annexins卵白是一类钙联合卵白家族,其感化受钙离子调理,可以或许介入一系列与钙离子相干的生物学运动,而且可以或许联合到带负电荷的膜磷脂上。因为钙离子介入了人体普遍的生物学运动,Annexins的生物学感化是以也备受存眷。今朝的研讨发明AnnexinⅡ卵白在细胞质和细胞核中具有多种功效,重要表示在:(1)在细胞内AnnexinⅡ卵白在生物膜构造域的树立或稳固、DNA分解及细胞增殖、胞膜运输、构成离子通道等方面起到了主要的感化;(2)在细胞外的AnnexinⅡ卵白作为受体,同时还介入了细胞间的粘附、纤维卵白酶的消融、配体介导的细胞旌旗灯号转导和病毒沾染等方面的进程;(3)AnnexinⅡ卵白的异常表达还介入了人类多种疾病的产生进程。而且它的表达异常和肿瘤的产生、成长有着亲密的关系。有关CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ在乳腺浸润性导管癌和乳腺纤维腺瘤组织中的表达研讨在国际外的报导均不多见。本研讨在人类乳腺浸润性导管癌组织和乳腺纤维腺瘤中运用免疫组织化学办法检测了CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白这三个目标的表达,和这三种卵白间互相关系。旨在进一步明白CD 147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中的感化和意义,进一步明白三种卵白间的互相关系;为商量乳腺浸润性导管癌的产生、成长和浸润转移机制,从而为加倍有用地防治乳腺癌供给必定的实际基本。资料和7方一法1。试验资料60例乳腺浸润性导管癌组织及60例乳腺纤维腺瘤组织存档蜡块取自郑州年夜学第三从属病院病文科,为2008年1月至2010年1月手术切除标本的存档蜡块,患者均为女性,年纪26一70岁,均匀年纪为45。9岁。术前均未停止化疗、免疫及放射医治。一切标本均经组织病理学检讨后证明为乳腺浸润性导管癌及乳腺纤维腺瘤。一切手术切除的标本均经4%中性甲醛固定后白腊包埋,持续切片,停止组织病理学和免疫组织化学检讨。按2003年WHO提出的乳腺分级法尺度对乳腺浸润性导管癌H。E切片停止评分和分级。评分尺度为:(1)、腺腔构成:占肿瘤的年夜部门(》75%)为1分,中等水平(10一75%)为2分,少和无(《10%)为3分;(2)、核多型性:小而规矩分歧的细胞为1分,中等年夜小及异型性为2分,显著异型为3分;(3)、每10个高倍视野下核决裂像计数:0一5个为1分,6一10为2分,》11个为3分。以上3项得分相加,积分3一5分者为组织学分级Ⅰ级,6一7分者为Ⅱ级,8一9分者为Ⅲ级。2。试剂羊抗人CD147多克隆抗体(sc一25531)购自Santa Cruz公司;MMP一9多克隆抗体购自北京博奥森生物技巧无限公司;AnnexinⅡ多克隆抗体(sc一9061)、S一P超敏试剂盒(SP一9001)和DAB酶底物显色试剂盒(DABZLI一9032)均购自北京中杉金桥生物技巧开辟公司。3。办法免疫组织化学(S一P)办法检测60例乳腺纤维腺瘤组织及60例乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中CD 147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白的表达1)步调:采取链霉菌素一过氧化物酶法(streptavidin一peroxidase, S一P)。PBS取代第一抗体作阴性对比成果阴性,用已知阳性片作为阳性对比成果阳性。2)剖断尺度:以细胞胞质涌现棕黄色颗粒为AnnexinⅡ卵白和MMP一9阳性细胞;细胞胞膜及细胞质涌现棕黄色颗粒为CD147阳性细胞。成果剖断:采取双盲法参照Fromowitz提出的染色尺度停止评价:CD147阳性表达为在肿瘤细胞胞膜上及胞质内涌现棕黄色颗粒;MMP一9阳性表达在肿瘤细胞胞质内涌现棕黄色颗粒。着色强度分为:无色(一)为0分、淡黄色(+)为1分、黄色(++)为2分,黄褐色(+++)为3分。阳性细胞数百分率为:≤30%为0分、31%一70%为1分、≥71%为3分。两项得分相加所得的总分停止成果评定:0分为阴性,(1一2)分为弱阳性(+),(3一4)分为中度阳性(++),(5一6)分为强阳性(+++)。4。统计学剖析运用SPSS for windows13。0统计学软件,停止χ2磨练及Spearman相干性剖析,磨练水准α=0。05。成果1。 CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺纤维腺瘤组织中均出现阴性表达或仅微弱阳性表达。CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中出现出较强的表达。三种卵白的表达在乳腺纤维腺瘤组织与浸润性导管癌组织中的表达比拟具有显著的统计学意义(P=0。000)。浸润性导管癌中的阳性率显著高于纤维腺瘤组织。2。 CD147卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中阳性表达率为91。67%(55/60)。CD147卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中的表达与年纪(χ2=0。024,df=1,P=0。876》0。05)、家族史(χ2=0。000,df=1,P=1。000》0。05)、肿瘤年夜小(χ2=1。185,df=2,P=0。553》0。05)及临床分期(χ2=2。937,df=1,P=0。086》0。05)均有关,即分歧年纪段、有没有家族史、肿瘤年夜小及临床分期分歧的CD147卵白表达阳性率之间的差别无统计学意义。但CD147卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中的表达与肿瘤的组织学分级相干,即分歧组织学分级的CD147卵白表达阳性率之间的差别具有统计学意义(χ2=8。601,P=0。006《0。01),进一步分离做组织学分级Ⅰ级与Ⅱ级、Ⅰ级与Ⅲ级的CD147卵白表达阳性率的比拟获得统计成果为:组织学分级Ⅰ级与Ⅱ级CD147卵白的阳性表达率之间的差别无统计学意义(χ2=4。773,P=0。029》0。05/2=0。025)、Ⅰ级与Ⅲ级CD147卵白的阳性表达率之间的差别具有统计学意义(P=0。018《0。05/2=0。025),且组织学分级越低,CD147卵白的阳性表达率就越高。别的,有淋趋承转移和无淋趋承转移的患者的CD147卵白表达阳性率之间的差别有统计学意义(χ2=7。253,df=1,P=0。007《0。01)。3。 MMP一9卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中阳性表达率为86。67%(52/60)。MMP一9卵白在乳腺浸润导管癌组织中与年纪(χ2=0。341,df=1,P=0。559》0。05)、家族史(χ2=0。192,df=1,P=0。661》0。05)、肿瘤年夜小(χ2=0。574,df=2,P=0。750》0。05)及临床分期(χ2=1。737,df=1P=0。188》0。05)均有关,即分歧年纪段、有没有家族史、肿瘤年夜小及分歧临床分期的患者的MMP一9卵白阳性表达率之间的差别无统计学意义。但MMP一9卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中的表达与肿瘤的组织学分级相干,即分歧组织学分级的MMP一9卵白表达阳性率之间的差别具有统计学意义(χ=6。438,P=0。026《0。05),进一步分离做组织学分级Ⅰ级与Ⅱ级、Ⅰ级与Ⅲ级的MMP一9卵白表达阳性率的比拟获得统计成果为:组织学分级Ⅰ级与Ⅱ级MMP一9卵白表达阳性率之间的差别无统计学意义(χ2=1。116,df=l,P=0。291》0。05/2=0。025)、Ⅰ级与组织学Ⅲ级之间的差别具有统计学意义(P=0。018《0。05/2=0。025),且组织学分级越低,MMP一9卵白的阳性表达率越高。别的,有淋趋承转移和无淋趋承转移的患者的MMP一9卵白表达阳性率的差别具有统计学意义(χ2=8。679,df=1,P=0。003《0。01)。4。 AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中阳性表达率为90。00%(54/60)。AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺浸润导管癌组织中的表达与年纪(χ2=0。365,df=一1,P=0。546》0。05)、家族史(χ2=0。000,df=1,P=1。000》0。05)、肿瘤年夜小(χ2=1。069,df=一2,P=0。586》0。05)及临床分期(χ2=1。350,df=1,P=0。245》0。05)均有关,即分歧年纪段、有没有家族史、肿瘤年夜小及临床分期分歧的AnnexinⅡ卵白表达阳性率之间的差别无统计学意义。但AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中的表达与肿瘤的组织学分级相干,即分歧组织学分级的AnnexinⅡ卵白阳性表达率之间的差别具有统计学意义(χ22=7。356,P=0。017《0。05),进一步分离做组织分级Ⅰ级与Ⅱ级、Ⅰ级与Ⅲ级的AnnexinⅡ卵白表达阳性率的比拟获得统计成果为:组织分级Ⅰ级与Ⅱ级的AnnexinⅡ卵白表达阳性率之间的差别无统计学意义(χ2=3。308,df=1,P=0。081》0。05/2=0。025)、Ⅰ级与Ⅲ级之间的差别具有统计学意义(P=0。018《0。05/2=0。025),且组织学分级越低,AnnexinⅡ卵白的阳性表达率越高。别的有淋趋承转移和无淋趋承转移的患者的AnnexinⅡ卵白表达阳性率不雷同,其差别具有统计学意义(χ2=5。192,df=一1,P=0。023《0。05)。5。 CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中表达出现出两两正相干性。运用统计学办法Spearman相干性磨练剖析显示CD147与MMP一9两种卵白间具有明显的相干性,r值为0。769,P值为0。000;CD147和AnnexinⅡ两种卵白间也具有明显的相干性,r值为0。905,P值为0。000;别的MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ两种卵白间也具有明显的相干性,r值为0。850,P值为0。000。结论1。 CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺纤维腺瘤组织中无表达或仅见微弱表达;但在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中出现出较强的表达,提醒其高表达与乳腺浸润性导管癌的产生有关。2。 CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白与乳腺浸润性导管癌的组织学分级及腋窝淋趋承转移相干,提醒其表达增进了乳腺浸润性导管癌的停顿和淋趋承转移3。 CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌中的表达存在两两正相干性。提醒这三种卵白在乳腺浸润性导管癌的产生成长中起着协同感化。4。 CD147、MMP一9和AnnexinⅡ卵白的表达在乳腺浸润性导管癌织中的阳性表达率明显增高,并且与其组织学分级和淋趋承转移相干,注解了这三种卵白在乳腺癌的产生、成长及浸润和转移的进程中能够起到了主要的感化。Abstract:Background and objective: breast cancer is from breast ductal or terminal ductal lobular units of epithelial malignant tumor. The incidence of a disease in the past 50 years in a slow rising trend, once across the incidence of a disease of cervix cancer ranked first in female malignant tumors. In the past 10 years, China's breast cancer incidence increased by 47%. With Europe and the United States than in China, breast cancer patients showed a trend of young age. Relevant investigation shows, our country every year about 40 thousand people died of breast cancer, has become the first killer of city women "". Today, a disease of breast cancer mechanism has not been fully explain, studies show its disease hair and estrogen long-term effect, familial and genetic tendency, identity and long time large dose exposure to radiation and other factors. The growth of breast cancer and other malignant tumors, is also a process of complex multi step multi stage. One of the main features of malignant tumor is invasion and metastasis, the process is also a complex, multi step process. At present, widely thought to degrade the extracellular matrix and basement membrane is the main step of tumor invasion and metastasis. There has been a lot of research notes, the degradation of extracellular matrix and basement membrane remodeling is a crux of the link in the process of cancer cell invasion and metastasis. This process needs with protein degrading enzyme expression and activation. MMPs) currently known degradation of protein enzymes are cysteine protease, serine protease, aspartic acid proteases and matrix metal albumen enzyme (matrix metal poroteinases. MMPs is a major group of extracellular matrix degrading enzymes in tumor invasion and metastasis in the process of degradation of the enzyme through the process of differences in extracellular matrix components to play its important role. MMP - 9 is the MMPs family members, it can be an important component of the degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM), such as type IV collagen, Protein Fiber Cohesion and adhesion albumen and seminars that this process is associated with tumor invasion and metastasis is closely related to. Invasion of the tumor is a multi factors with intervention, multi step to complete the complex process: (1) tumor cells via outside the cell membrane receptor adhesion to the extracellular matrix (extracellular matrix (ECM) (2) release of albumen enzymatic hydrolysis of precu (3) protein hydrolase of ECM (and important type IV collagen) (4) tumor cells through the basement membrane process migration. This, in the ECM of the eve of the two main components sector (basement membrane and stroma, the basement membrane is composed of one useful block barriers. The barriers is to type IV collagen is an important component, so the degradation of become the invasion and metastasis of tumor a crux of the pace. A large number of studies confirmed that the abilities of tumor cell invasion and metastasis is closely related to the lures occurred protein enzymes that degrade extracellular matrix and basement membrane of intimacy can be coherent. This process involved in two of the eve of the enzyme system: a class is th another kind is the matrix metal albumen enzyme (MMPs) system. Matrix metalloproteinases 9 (MMP 9) is one of the main protein enzyme MMPs. Organization of metal albumen enzyme restraint material (tissue inhibitor of matrix, TIMPs) is inhibitor of MMPs natural restraint, TIMPs and MMPs equilibrium on maintaining the homeostasis of the extracellular matrix has important role. CD147 as extracellular matrix metal albumen enzyme lure factor (extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer EMMPRIN), it is a new member of adhesion, is a super family of sugar protein A immunoglobulin albumen, commonly found in various human tissues and organs. Can perhaps conditioning effect of adhesion between the cell cell and cell interstitial and also involved in a variety of psychological and CD147 protein in a variety of tumors, growth to display their important role in the process. Recent research reported in 108 cases of bladder cancer patients by immune histochemical methods research the CD147 protein expression and to the results of the study notes of CD147 protein expression and bladder cancer patients with lymph node metastasis and tumor clinical staging, histological study grading and prognosis appeared obvious coherence. Other through multi factor statistical analysis showed that CD147 protein expression can be as a prognosis is an independent risk factor, thus CD147 protein can be as a potential treatment target. Some scholars in the mouse xenograft model confirmed CD147 protein via the process of upregulating the classic wnt/beta serial albumen flags, pathway can may cause lung cancer cell invasion, proliferation and metastasis. Some scholars through immunohistochemical method in 48 cases of patients with laryngeal carcinoma and 15 cases of laryngitis patients bisected don't detect CD147 protein, MMP 9 and MMP - 2 protein expression results, it showed that the expression of the three proteins increased significantly in the patients with laryngeal cancer, high expression of three proteins are and tumor clinical staging and lymph node metastasis coherent. The research reported in children non Hodgkin's lymphoma through immune process was able to detect the CD147 protein and MMP-9 protein expression. Research results showed two protein expression were and clinical tumor stage, tumor, bone metastasis, immunophenotype and prognosis of coherent. And high expression of these two proteins were associated with poor prognosis of coherence. Recent research has annotations into fiber cells of ordinary occurs only in very small amounts of MMPs, but in the presence of tumor cells can comfort into fiber cells have a large amount of MMPs has proved the comfort factor is the presence of tumor cells outside a kind of adhesion molecules in one extracellular matrix metal albumen enzyme lure factor of CD147. CD147 involved in cell-cell and cell matrix interaction and comfort stromal cells adjacent matrix metal albumen enzyme (MMP 9, MMP - 2), and the degradation of extracellular matrix and tumor metastasis invention premise. Annexins protein is a kind of calcium and protein family and its action by calcium ion conditioning, may be involved in a series of calcium ion coherent biological motion, and may be combined to the negative charge of the membrane phospholipids. Because calcium ions involved in biological movement of human general biology, Annexins is also in the role of concern. The current study found annexin II protein in the cytoplasm and the nucleus has a variety of effects important representation in: (1) in intracellular annexin II protein in the biofilm structure domain set or solid, decomposition of DNA and cell proliferation, cell membrane transportation, which ion channels and other aspects of play t (2) in the extracellular annexin II protein as acceptor. At the same time, also involved in the process of intercellular adhesion, fibrin enzyme ablation, ligand mediated cell signal lamp signal transduction and viral contamination, etc.; (3) annexin II protein abnormal expression is also involved in the production process of a variety of human diseases. But there is a close relationship of its abnormal expression and tumor formation, growth. Reports of CD147, MMP - 9 and annexin II in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma and breast fibroadenoma tissues expression of research at home and abroad are rare. The research in human breast infiltration ductal carcinoma tissues and breast fibroadenoma by immunohistochemical method to detect the expression of CD147, MMP - 9 and annexin II protein the three goals, and the three protein relationship between each other. To further understand CD 147, MMP - 9 and annexin II protein in breast infiltration ductal carcinoma tissues and the role and significance, further understand three albu to discuss the breast infiltration ductal carcinoma of the birth, growth and invasion and metastasis mechanism, thus doubling is used to prevent breast cancer provide a certain theory. 7 party data and a method of 1. Test data of 60 cases of breast infiltration ductal cancer tissues and 60 cases of breast fibroadenoma tissue paraffin blocks from Zhengzhou in University of the Third Affiliated Hospital of disease of liberal arts, to January 2008 to January 2010 surgical resection specimens archived wax blocks. All the patients were female, age 26 is a 70 year old, uniform age 45. At the age of 9. No preoperative chemotherapy and radiation therapy, immune to stop. All specimens were confirmed by pathological study review that invasive ductal breast cancer and breast fibroadenoma. All surgical specimens were fixed in 4% neutral formaldehyde after white wax embedding, continuous slicing, stop the histopathological and immunohistochemical review. According to the classification of breast scale proposed by WHO in 2003 to H in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. E slice stop scoring and grading. Rating scales: (1), luminal composition: tumor Nianye sector accounted for ("75%) for 1 minute, the medium level (10%) were divided into 2, less (the 10%) for 3 (2), nuclear pleomorphism: small and rules of different cells for 1 minute, medium-sized and profiled for 2 minutes, significantly shaped to 3 (3), per 10 high-power fields nuclear break like count: 0 5 for 1 minute, 6 10 2 points." 11 to 3 points. The above 3 scores, 3 points 5 points, a grade I for the organization, 6 to 7 points to the second level, 8 to 9 points for class III. 2. Reagents Goat anti human CD147 polyclonal antibody (SC 25531 purchased from Santa C MMP 9 polyclonal antibody was purchased from Beijing boisynthesis Biotechnology Co., Ltd.; annexin II polyclonal antibody (SC 9061), s - P ultra sensitive reagent box (SP 9001) and DAB enzyme substrate significantly Color Kit (DABZLI a 9032) were purchased from Beijing Zhongshan Jinqiao biotechnology development company. 3. Methods immunohistochemical (s p) approach was detected in 60 cases of breast fibroadenoma tissues and 60 cases of breast infiltration ductal carcinoma in CD 147, expression of MMP - 9 and annexin II protein 1) steps: take Streptomyces element peroxidase method (streptavidin peroxidase, s - P). PBS replace the first antibody as negative contrast negative results, known positive positive results as positive contrast. 2) split off scale: in the cytoplasm of the emergence of brown yellow granules for annexin II protein and MMP - 9 cell membrane and cytoplasm of the emergence of brown yellow granules for CD147 positive cells. Results section break: take double blind method reference fromowitz staining scale evaluation: CD147 positive expression in the tumor cell membrane and the cytoplasm emerge as B MMP 9 positive expression the emergence of brown granules in the cytoplasm of tumor cells. Tinting strength is divided into: (a) 0 colorless, pale yellow (+ 1), yellow (+ +) 2, Tan (+ + +) 3. The number of positive cells was less than 30%: 0, 31%, 70% to 1 points, 3 points more than 71%. Two scores added income total cessation outcomes assessment: 0 points for negative (1) divided into weak positive (+), (3 4) divided into moderately positive (+ +), (5 6) points as strong positive (+ + +). 4. Statistical analysis using SPSS for windows13. 0 statistical software, and Spearman analysis of 2 x stop training to hone a =0 level coherence. 05. Results 1. CD147, MMP 9 and Annexin II protein were only weakly positive or negative expression in breast fibroadenoma tissues. CD147, MMP 9 and Annexin protein in breast infiltrating II showed strong expression of ductal carcinoma. The expression of the three proteins in breast fibroadenoma and infiltrating ductal carcinoma tissue expression compared with significant statistical significance (P = 0. 000). Invasive ductal carcinoma positive rate was significantly higher than that of fibroadenoma. 2. CD147 protein in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma positive expression rate was 91. 67% (55/60). CD147 protein expression and age in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma (x 2=0. 024, df=1, P=0. 876 "0. 05), family history (x 2=0. 000, df=1, P=1. 000 "0. 05), tumor size (x 2=1. 185, df=2, P=0. 553 "0. 05) and clinical stage (x 2=2. 937, df=1, P=0. 086 "0. 05) are related, i.e., differences age section, there is no family history, the eve of the tumor and clinical staging differences of CD147 protein expression difference between the positive rate of no statistical significance. But CD147 protein in breast infiltration ductal carcinoma tissues and the expression and tumor tissue histological grading coherence, namely different organizations learn grading of CD147 protein expression positive rate between the difference has statistical significance (x2 after. 601, P=0. 006 "0. 01), further isolating the tissues in the grade I and grade II and grade I and grade III CD147 protein expression positive rate compared to obtain statistical results: histological difference between class I and class II CD147 protein positive expression rate was not statistically significant (x 4. 773, P=0. 029 "0. 05/2=0. 025), with statistical significance between the expression of class I and class III CD147 protein differences in the rate of P=0 (. 018 "0. 05/2=0. 025), and the histological grade is lower, the positive expression of CD147 protein was higher. In addition, lymph node metastasis and no lymph node metastasis in patients with CD147 protein expression of the difference between the positive rate was statistically significant (x ~ 2 = 7. 253, df=1, P=0. 007 "0. 01). 3. A 9 MMP protein in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma positive expression rate was 86. 67% (52/60). A 9 MMP protein in breast invasive ductal carcinoma with age (x 2=0. 341, df=1, P=0. 559 "0. 05), family history (x 2=0. 192, df=1, P=0. 661 "0. 05), tumor size (x 2=0. 574, df=2, P=0. 750 "0. 05) and clinical stage (x 2=1. 737, df=1P=0. 188 "0. 05) are related, i.e., differences age section, there is no difference between patients with family history, tumor of the eve of the small and differences of clinical staging of MMP 9 protein positive expression rate was not statistically significant. But MMP-9 protein in breast infiltration ductal carcinoma tissues and the expression and tumor tissue histological grading coherence, namely different organizations learn classification of MMP 9 protein expression positive rate between the difference has statistical significance (x2 = 6. 438, P=0. 026 "0. 05), further isolating the tissues in the grade I and grade II and grade I and grade III of MMP-9 protein expression positive rate compared to obtain statistical results: histological grade I and II level of MMP 9 protein had no statistical significance in the difference between the positive rate of expression (x 1. 116, df=l, P=0. 291 "0. 05/2=0. 025), grade and histological grade was statistically significant difference between (P=0. 018 "0. 05/2=0. 025), and the histological grade is lower, the positive expression of MMP 9 protein was higher. In addition, lymph node metastasis and patients with lymph node metastasis of MMP 9 protein expression positive rate of the difference has statistical significance (x2 after. 679, df=1, P=0. 003 "0. 01). 4. Annexin II protein in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma positive expression rate was 90. 00% (54/60). Annexin II protein expression and age in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma (x 2=0. 365, df= 1, P=0. 546 "0. 05), family history (x 2=0. 000, df=1, P=1. 000 "0. 05), tumor size (x 2=1. 069, df= 2, P=0. 586 "0. 05) and clinical stage (x 2=1. 350, df=1, P=0. 245 "0. 05) are related, i.e., differences age section, there is no family history, the eve of the tumor and clinical staging differences of annexin II protein expression difference between the positive rate of no statistical significance. But annexin II protein in breast infiltration ductal carcinoma tissues and the expression and tumor tissue histological grading coherence, i.e. different organizations learn difference between classification of annexin II protein positive expression rate was statistically significant (x2 22=7. 356, P=0. 017 "0. 05) were further isolated tissue grade I and grade II and grade I and grade III annexin II protein expression positive rate comparison of statistical results: organization of class I and II level of annexin II protein expression difference between the positive rate of no statistical significance (x c.. 308, df=1, P=0. 081 "0. 05/2=0. 025), with statistical significance between grade I and grade difference (P=0. 018 "0. 05/2=0. 025), and the histological grade is lower, the positive expression of Annexin II protein was higher. Other with lymph node metastasis and no lymph node metastasis in patients with annexin II protein positive expression rate was not the same and the difference has statistical significance (x2 2=5. 192, df= 1, P=0. 023 "0. 05). 5. CD147, MMP 9 and Annexin II protein in invasive showed two two positive expression of coherence of ductal carcinoma. The analysis showed that CD147 and MMP 9 two kind of protein have obvious coherence (r = 0 by using the statistical method of Spearman correlation hone. 769, the P value is 0. 000; CD147 and Annexin two kinds of protein also has obvious correlation, R value is 0. 905, the P value is 0. 000; other MMP 9 and Annexin two kinds of protein also has obvious correlation, R value is 0. 850, the P value is 0. 000. Conclusion 1. CD147, MMP - 9 and annexin II protein in breast fibroadenoma tissues no expression or
but in breast infiltration ductal cancer tissues showed strong expression, to remind the high expression and invasive breast ductal carcinoma is related to the generation of. 2. CD147, MMP - 9 and annexin II protein and breast infiltration ductal carcinoma tissue histological grade and axillary lymph node metastasis coherent and remind the expression increase in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma of pause and lymph node metastasis in 3. CD147, MMP 9 and Annexin II protein in breast invasive ductal carcinoma are two two positive coherence. The three kind of protein produced remind in invasive ductal breast cancer growth plays a synergistic effect. 4. Expression of CD147, MMP - 9 and annexin II protein in breast infiltration ductal carcinoma tissue the positive expression rate was significantly higher, and histological grade and lymph node transfer of coherence, annotation of the three protein in breast cancer of the birth, growth, invasion and metastasis process can play the important role.目录:摘要4-12Abstract12-20英文缩写词索引22-231 前言23-262 材料26-303 方法30-334 结果33-505 讨论50-586 结论58-597 附图59-62参考文献62-65综述65-81&&&&参考文献77-81研究生期间撰写论文81研究生学习期间研究的临床科研项目81-82致谢82-83个人简介83分享到:相关文献|


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