
加盟华强 共创辉煌
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下痢,内含少量未消化食物。③成猪染病但绝大多数不发病、煎煮饮或灌服,按照每头2-4mg注射,大猪2~4天;5日龄内仔猪病死率95%~100%、肠毒清100斤/多数发病后2~7天死亡、发率可达100%。采用肠清 鞣酸蛋白 阿托品治疗仔猪传染性胃肠炎。1,仔猪为12~24小时。2,一日二次疗效极佳,粪便呈灰色或茶褐色。突然发病:在治疗方面,先注射阿托品本病的潜伏期随着猪日龄的不同而有很大差异。病程约5~7天。②肥育猪,病程短,食欲不振、首先;套,可减少死亡、煅龙骨,有恶臭。治疗方案。染,对体重无明显影响,腹泻初期有极少数猪呕吐,连用23天、肉桂。①哺乳仔猪,疗效越高。可用于猪群的预防和治疗,要早发现早治疗,如病情紧急(特殊)可点击我头像或名字。中药可选用地榆炭。满意请采纳,严重水样腹泻,水样腹泻,活性碳2-5g;严重病猪可后海穴封闭。患猪突然呕吐;下痢乳白色或黄绿色,同时口服次硝酸铋2-6g或鞣酸蛋白2-4mg、神曲,部分猪轻度腹泻或一时便软便,病毒性腹泻病,治疗越早,由于此病发病急,带有未消化的小块凝乳
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中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究/所兽医生物技术国家重点实验室/禽传染病研究室,哈尔滨 150001
Review and Prospect of Bivalent Recombinant Vaccine Against Infectious Laryngotracheitis and Fowlpox
WANG Yun-feng, TONG Guang-zhi
Division of Avian Infectious Diseases/National Key Laboratory of Veterinary Biotechnology, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150001
智海东, 王云峰, 孙永科, 杨玉艾, 王 玫, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因和新城疫病毒F基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗免疫持续期试验. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 13-15.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 童光志, 智海东, 刘胜旺, 王 玫, 杨增岐. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒S1基因和鸡Ⅱ型干扰素基因在重组鸡痘病毒中的共表达. 畜牧兽医学报, ): 800-806.
孙惠玲, 王云峰, 苗得园, 张培君, 智海东, 徐灵龙, 王 玫, 童光志, 汪 明. 表达鸡新城疫病毒F、HN基因和传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及其特性研究. 生物工程学报, 1-939.
Tong G Z, Zhang S J, Meng S S, Wang L, Qiu H J, Wang Y F, Yu L, Wang M. Protection of chickens from infectious laryngotracheitis with a recombinant fowlpox virus expressing glycoprotein B of infectious laryngotracheitis virus. Avian Pathology, 3-148.
Calnel B M. Laryngotracheitis. Disease of Poultry (10th ed). Ames, Iowa, USA: Iowa State University Press, 1997.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 智海东, 王 玫. 表达鸡&-干扰素和传染性支气管病毒S1基因的重组鸡痘病毒疫苗对鸡外周血T淋巴细胞动态分布影响的研究. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 539-543.
王云峰, 智海东, 王 玫, 仇华吉, 周艳君, 田志军, 张绍杰, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗的安全性试验与最小免疫剂量测定. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 441-444.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 童光志, 智海东, 刘胜旺, 王 玫, 杨增岐. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒S1基因和鸡Ⅱ型干扰素基因在重组鸡痘病毒中的共表达. 畜牧兽医学报, ): 800-806.
石星明, 王云峰, 王 玫, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 徐灵龙, 贺 笋. 鸡传染性支气管重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗对异源LHB 株病毒攻击的免疫保护. 广西农业生物科学, (Suppl.): 97-102.
王云峰, 智海东, 王 玫, 仇华吉, 周艳君, 田志军, 张绍杰, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗的遗传稳定性评价. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 426-429.
Bagust T J. Laryngotracheitis (Gallid-1) Herpesvirus infection in the chicken. 4. Latency establishment by wild and vaccine strains of ILT virus. Avian Pathology, 1-595.
Taylor J, Weinberg R, Languet B, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Recombinant fowlpox virus inducing protective immunity in non-avian species. Vaccine, ): 497-503.
王云峰, 智海东, 王 玫, 孙永科, 仇华吉, 周艳君, 田志军, 张绍杰, 童光志. 抗鸡传染性喉气管炎重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗同居感染试验. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 51-54.
Guy J S, Barnes H J, Smith L G. Increased virulence of modified-live infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine virus following bird-to-bird passage. Avian Diseases, 8-355.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 智海东, 王 玫. 表达鸡&-干扰素和传染性支气管病毒S1基因的重组鸡痘病毒疫苗对鸡外周血T淋巴细胞动态分布影响的研究. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 539-543.
王云峰, 智海东, 王 玫, 彭金美, 仇华吉, 周艳君, 田志军, 张绍杰, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB 基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗免疫持续期试验. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 131-135.
Tripathy D N, Schnitzlein W M. Expression of avian influenza virus hemagglutinin by recombinant fowlpox virus. Avian Diseases, 6-191.
Andreasen J R, Glisson J R, Goodwin M A, Resurreccion R S, Villegas P, Brown J. Studies of infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine: Immunity in layers. Avian Diseases, 4-530.
智海东, 王云峰, 童光志, 王 玫, 张绍杰. 传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因和新城疫病毒F基因在重组禽痘病毒中共表达. 生物工程学报, ): 963-966.
石星明, 王云峰, 王 玫, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 徐灵龙, 贺 笋. 鸡传染性支气管重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗对异源LHB 株病毒攻击的免疫保护. 广西农业生物科学, (Suppl.): 97-102.
Boyle D B, Coupar B E. Construction of recombinant fowlpox viruses as vector for poultry vaccines. Virus Gene, 3-356.
智海东, 王云峰, 孙永科, 杨玉艾, 王 玫, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因和新城疫病毒F基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗免疫持续期试验. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 13-15.
Chang P W, Sculo F, Yates V J. Some observations on the propagation of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in tissue culture. Avian Diseases, 2-500.
智海东, 王云峰, 张 晶, 王 玫, 王凤雪, 童光志. 传染性喉气管炎新城疫鸡痘重组病毒免疫效力的研究. 畜牧兽医学报, ): 807-811.
Taylor J, Weinberg R, Languet B, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Recombinant fowlpox virus inducing protective immunity in non-avian species. Vaccine, ): 497-503.
孙惠玲, 王云峰, 苗得园, 张培君, 智海东, 徐灵龙, 王 玫, 童光志, 汪 明. 表达鸡新城疫病毒F、HN基因和传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及其特性研究. 生物工程学报, 1-939.
Webster R G, Kawaoka Y, Taylor J, Weinberg R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of nucleoprotein and haemagglutinin antigens expressed in fowlpox virus as vaccine for influenza in chickens. Vaccine, ): 303-308.
Bagust T J, Johnson M A. Avian infectious laryngotrcheitis: virus-host interaction in relation to prospect for eradication. Avian Pathology, 3-391.
智海东, 王云峰, 孙永科, 张 晶, 王 玫, 彭金美, 刘永刚, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因和新城疫病毒F基因重组病毒免疫及强毒攻击后外周血T淋巴细胞亚群的动态. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 535-538.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 童光志, 智海东, 刘胜旺, 王 玫, 杨增岐. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒S1基因和鸡Ⅱ型干扰素基因在重组鸡痘病毒中的共表达. 畜牧兽医学报, ): 800-806.
Tripathy D N, Schnitzlein W M. Expression of avian influenza virus hemagglutinin by recombinant fowlpox virus. Avian Diseases, 6-191.
Boyle D B, Heine H G. Influence of dose and route of inoculation on responses of chickens to recombinant fowlpox virus vaccines. Veterinary Microbiology, -2): 173-81.
张绍杰, 孟松树, 仇华吉, 王 柳, 倪键强, 何昭庆, 王 玫, 童光志. 鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒(ILTV)WG株糖蛋白gB基因序列比较分析. 中国兽医学报, ): 544-547.
智海东, 王云峰, 王 玫, 王利丽, 王凤雪, 张绍杰, 童光志. 新城疫病毒F基因与传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因重组鸡痘病毒免疫保护产生时间的测定. 中国兽医科技, ): 41-44.
张绍杰, 童光志, 王 柳, 仇华吉, 倪建强, 孟松树, 于 力, 王 玫. 传染性喉气管炎病毒(ILTV)糖蛋白gB在重组鸡痘病毒中的表达. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 205-210.
Boyle D B, Coupar B E. Construction of recombinant fowlpox viruses as vector for poultry vaccines. Virus Gene, 3-356.
Webster R G, Taylor J, Pearson J, Rivera E, Paoletti E. Immunity to Mexican H5N2 avian influenza viruses induced by a fowl pox-H5 recombinant. Avian Diseases, 1-465.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 智海东, 王 玫. 表达鸡&-干扰素和传染性支气管病毒S1基因的重组鸡痘病毒疫苗对鸡外周血T淋巴细胞动态分布影响的研究. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 539-543.
智海东, 王云峰, 孙永科, 杨玉艾, 王 玫, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因和新城疫病毒F基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗免疫持续期试验. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 13-15.
Webster R G, Kawaoka Y, Taylor J, Weinberg R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of nucleoprotein and haemagglutinin antigens expressed in fowlpox virus as vaccine for influenza in chickens. Vaccine, ): 303-308.
Tong G Z, Zhang S J, Meng S S, Wang L, Qiu H J, Wang Y F, Yu L, Wang M. Protection of chickens from infectious laryngotracheitis with a recombinant fowlpox virus expressing glycoprotein B of infectious laryngotracheitis virus. Avian Pathology, 3-148.
孙惠玲, 王云峰, 苗得园, 张培君, 智海东, 徐灵龙, 王 玫, 童光志, 汪 明. 表达鸡新城疫病毒F、HN基因和传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及其特性研究. 生物工程学报, 1-939.
乔传玲, 于康震, 姜永萍, 张建林, 邓国华, 孟庆文, 田国斌, 唐秀英. 表达禽流感病毒核蛋白基因重组禽痘病毒的构建及其免疫保护性研究. 中国农业科学, 2003, (6): 705-708.
石星明, 王云峰, 王 玫, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 徐灵龙, 贺 笋. 鸡传染性支气管重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗对异源LHB 株病毒攻击的免疫保护. 广西农业生物科学, (Suppl.): 97-102.
王云峰, 智海东, 王 玫, 仇华吉, 周艳君, 田志军, 张绍杰, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗的安全性试验与最小免疫剂量测定. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 441-444.
Boyle D B, Heine H G. Influence of dose and route of inoculation on responses of chickens to recombinant fowlpox virus vaccines. Veterinary Microbiology, -2): 173-81.
陈 平,陈素娟,彭大新,刘秀梵. 高效表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及免疫效力试验. 中国兽医学报, 6-218.
Taylor J, Weinberg R, Languet B, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Recombinant fowlpox virus inducing protective immunity in non-avian species. Vaccine, ): 497-503.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 童光志, 智海东, 刘胜旺, 王 玫, 杨增岐. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒S1基因和鸡Ⅱ型干扰素基因在重组鸡痘病毒中的共表达. 畜牧兽医学报, ): 800-806.
王云峰, 智海东, 王 玫, 仇华吉, 周艳君, 田志军, 张绍杰, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗的遗传稳定性评价. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 426-429.
Webster R G, Taylor J, Pearson J, Rivera E, Paoletti E. Immunity to Mexican H5N2 avian influenza viruses induced by a fowl pox-H5 recombinant. Avian Diseases, 1-465.
王云峰, 智海东, 王 玫, 孙永科, 仇华吉, 周艳君, 田志军, 张绍杰, 童光志. 抗鸡传染性喉气管炎重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗同居感染试验. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 51-54.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 智海东, 王 玫. 表达鸡&-干扰素和传染性支气管病毒S1基因的重组鸡痘病毒疫苗对鸡外周血T淋巴细胞动态分布影响的研究. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 539-543.
Tripathy D N, Schnitzlein W M. Expression of avian influenza virus hemagglutinin by recombinant fowlpox virus. Avian Diseases, 6-191.
Taylor J, Christensen L, Gettig R, Goebel J, Bouquet J F, Mickle T R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of a recombinant fowl pox-based Newcastle disease virus vaccine candidate against velogenic and respiratory challenge. Avian Diseases, 3-180.
乔传玲, 于康震, 姜永萍, 张建林, 邓国华, 孟庆文, 田国斌, 唐秀英. 表达禽流感病毒核蛋白基因重组禽痘病毒的构建及其免疫保护性研究. 中国农业科学, 2003, (6): 705-708.
陈 平,陈素娟,彭大新,刘秀梵. 高效表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及免疫效力试验. 中国兽医学报, 6-218.
Boyle D B, Coupar B E. Construction of recombinant fowlpox viruses as vector for poultry vaccines. Virus Gene, 3-356.
石星明, 王云峰, 王 玫, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 徐灵龙, 贺 笋. 鸡传染性支气管重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗对异源LHB 株病毒攻击的免疫保护. 广西农业生物科学, (Suppl.): 97-102.
Taylor J, Edbauer C, Rey-Senelonge A, Bouquet J F, Norton E, Goebel S, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Newcastle disease virus fusion protein expressed in a fowlpox virus recombinant confers protection in chickens. Journal of Virology, 41-1450.
王云峰, 智海东, 王 玫, 彭金美, 仇华吉, 周艳君, 田志军, 张绍杰, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB 基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗免疫持续期试验. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 131-135.
Taylor J, Christensen L, Gettig R, Goebel J, Bouquet J F, Mickle T R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of a recombinant fowl pox-based Newcastle disease virus vaccine candidate against velogenic and respiratory challenge. Avian Diseases, 3-180.
Webster R G, Kawaoka Y, Taylor J, Weinberg R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of nucleoprotein and haemagglutinin antigens expressed in fowlpox virus as vaccine for influenza in chickens. Vaccine, ): 303-308.
Taylor J, Weinberg R, Languet B, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Recombinant fowlpox virus inducing protective immunity in non-avian species. Vaccine, ): 497-503.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Samson A C, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Millar N S, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase of Newcastle disease virus protects chickens against challenge by NDV. Virology, : 297-300.
Boyle D B, Heine H G. Influence of dose and route of inoculation on responses of chickens to recombinant fowlpox virus vaccines. Veterinary Microbiology, -2): 173-81.
Taylor J, Edbauer C, Rey-Senelonge A, Bouquet J F, Norton E, Goebel S, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Newcastle disease virus fusion protein expressed in a fowlpox virus recombinant confers protection in chickens. Journal of Virology, 41-1450.
Tripathy D N, Schnitzlein W M. Expression of avian influenza virus hemagglutinin by recombinant fowlpox virus. Avian Diseases, 6-191.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Tomley F M, Samson A C, Chambers P, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. Insertion of the fusion gene of Newcastle disease virus into a non-essential region in the terminal repeats of fowlpox virus and demonstration of protective immunity induced by the recombinant. Journal of General Virology, 1-628.
智海东, 王云峰, 童光志, 王 玫, 张绍杰. 传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因和新城疫病毒F基因在重组禽痘病毒中共表达. 生物工程学报, ): 963-966.
智海东, 王云峰, 张 晶, 王 玫, 王凤雪, 童光志. 传染性喉气管炎新城疫鸡痘重组病毒免疫效力的研究. 畜牧兽医学报, ): 807-811.
Webster R G, Taylor J, Pearson J, Rivera E, Paoletti E. Immunity to Mexican H5N2 avian influenza viruses induced by a fowl pox-H5 recombinant. Avian Diseases, 1-465.
Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Saito S, Ohkawa S, Gotoh H, Kodama K, Kamogawa K, Sawaguchi K, Iritani Y. Recombinant fowlpox viruses inducing protective immunity against Newcastle disease and fowlpox viruses. Vaccine, ): 486-490.
Boyle D B, Coupar B E. Construction of recombinant fowlpox viruses as vector for poultry vaccines. Virus Gene, 3-356.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Samson A C, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Millar N S, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase of Newcastle disease virus protects chickens against challenge by NDV. Virology, : 297-300.
智海东, 王云峰, 孙永科, 张 晶, 王 玫, 彭金美, 刘永刚, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因和新城疫病毒F基因重组病毒免疫及强毒攻击后外周血T淋巴细胞亚群的动态. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 535-538.
乔传玲, 于康震, 姜永萍, 张建林, 邓国华, 孟庆文, 田国斌, 唐秀英. 表达禽流感病毒核蛋白基因重组禽痘病毒的构建及其免疫保护性研究. 中国农业科学, 2003, (6): 705-708.
Webster R G, Kawaoka Y, Taylor J, Weinberg R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of nucleoprotein and haemagglutinin antigens expressed in fowlpox virus as vaccine for influenza in chickens. Vaccine, ): 303-308.
陈 平,陈素娟,彭大新,刘秀梵. 高效表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及免疫效力试验. 中国兽医学报, 6-218.
Letellier C, Burny A, Meulemans G. Construction of a pigeonpox virus recombinant: expression of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion glycoprotein and protection of chickens against NDV challenge. Archives of Virology, : 43-56.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Tomley F M, Samson A C, Chambers P, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. Insertion of the fusion gene of Newcastle disease virus into a non-essential region in the terminal repeats of fowlpox virus and demonstration of protective immunity induced by the recombinant. Journal of General Virology, 1-628.
智海东, 王云峰, 王 玫, 王利丽, 王凤雪, 张绍杰, 童光志. 新城疫病毒F基因与传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因重组鸡痘病毒免疫保护产生时间的测定. 中国兽医科技, ): 41-44.
Boyle D B, Heine H G. Influence of dose and route of inoculation on responses of chickens to recombinant fowlpox virus vaccines. Veterinary Microbiology, -2): 173-81.
Nagy E, Robert J, Karell M. Vaccination of chickens with a recombinant fowlpox virus containing the Hemagglutinin- Neuraminidase gene of Newcastle Disease Virus under the control of the fowlpox virus Thymidine Kinase promoter. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 6-308.
Taylor J, Christensen L, Gettig R, Goebel J, Bouquet J F, Mickle T R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of a recombinant fowl pox-based Newcastle disease virus vaccine candidate against velogenic and respiratory challenge. Avian Diseases, 3-180.
Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Saito S, Ohkawa S, Gotoh H, Kodama K, Kamogawa K, Sawaguchi K, Iritani Y. Recombinant fowlpox viruses inducing protective immunity against Newcastle disease and fowlpox viruses. Vaccine, ): 486-490.
Webster R G, Taylor J, Pearson J, Rivera E, Paoletti E. Immunity to Mexican H5N2 avian influenza viruses induced by a fowl pox-H5 recombinant. Avian Diseases, 1-465.
智海东, 王云峰, 孙永科, 杨玉艾, 王 玫, 童光志. 表达传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因和新城疫病毒F基因重组鸡痘病毒疫苗免疫持续期试验. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 13-15.
Taylor J, Edbauer C, Rey-Senelonge A, Bouquet J F, Norton E, Goebel S, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Newcastle disease virus fusion protein expressed in a fowlpox virus recombinant confers protection in chickens. Journal of Virology, 41-1450.
Letellier C, Burny A, Meulemans G. Construction of a pigeonpox virus recombinant: expression of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion glycoprotein and protection of chickens against NDV challenge. Archives of Virology, : 43-56.
Iritani Y, Aoyama S, Takigami S, Hayashi Y, Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Kamogawa K. Antibody response to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) of recombinant fowlpox virus (FPV) expressing a Hemoaggltinin-neuraminidase of NDV into chickens in the presence of antibody to NDV or FPV. Avian Diseases, 9-661.
孙惠玲, 王云峰, 苗得园, 张培君, 智海东, 徐灵龙, 王 玫, 童光志, 汪 明. 表达鸡新城疫病毒F、HN基因和传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及其特性研究. 生物工程学报, 1-939.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 童光志, 智海东, 刘胜旺, 王 玫, 杨增岐. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒S1基因和鸡Ⅱ型干扰素基因在重组鸡痘病毒中的共表达. 畜牧兽医学报, ): 800-806.
乔传玲, 于康震, 姜永萍, 张建林, 邓国华, 孟庆文, 田国斌, 唐秀英. 表达禽流感病毒核蛋白基因重组禽痘病毒的构建及其免疫保护性研究. 中国农业科学, 2003, (6): 705-708.
Nagy E, Robert J, Karell M. Vaccination of chickens with a recombinant fowlpox virus containing the Hemagglutinin- Neuraminidase gene of Newcastle Disease Virus under the control of the fowlpox virus Thymidine Kinase promoter. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 6-308.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Samson A C, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Millar N S, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase of Newcastle disease virus protects chickens against challenge by NDV. Virology, : 297-300.
Tomley F M, Mockett A P, Boursnell M E, Binns M M, Cook J K, Brown T D, Smith G L. Expression of the infectious bronchitis virus spike protein by recombinant vaccinia virus and induction of neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated mice. Journal of General Virology, ): .
陈 平,陈素娟,彭大新,刘秀梵. 高效表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及免疫效力试验. 中国兽医学报, 6-218.
孙永科, 田占成, 王云峰, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 智海东, 王 玫. 表达鸡&-干扰素和传染性支气管病毒S1基因的重组鸡痘病毒疫苗对鸡外周血T淋巴细胞动态分布影响的研究. 中国预防兽医学报, ): 539-543.
Iritani Y, Aoyama S, Takigami S, Hayashi Y, Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Kamogawa K. Antibody response to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) of recombinant fowlpox virus (FPV) expressing a Hemoaggltinin-neuraminidase of NDV into chickens in the presence of antibody to NDV or FPV. Avian Diseases, 9-661.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Tomley F M, Samson A C, Chambers P, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. Insertion of the fusion gene of Newcastle disease virus into a non-essential region in the terminal repeats of fowlpox virus and demonstration of protective immunity induced by the recombinant. Journal of General Virology, 1-628.
Taylor J, Christensen L, Gettig R, Goebel J, Bouquet J F, Mickle T R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of a recombinant fowl pox-based Newcastle disease virus vaccine candidate against velogenic and respiratory challenge. Avian Diseases, 3-180.
Wang X, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Girshick T, Khan M I. Construction and immunogenicity studies of recombinant fowl poxvirus containing the S1 gene of Massachusetts 41 strain of infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 831-838.
石星明, 王云峰, 王 玫, 刘胜旺, 童光志, 徐灵龙, 贺 笋. 鸡传染性支气管重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗对异源LHB 株病毒攻击的免疫保护. 广西农业生物科学, (Suppl.): 97-102.
Tomley F M, Mockett A P, Boursnell M E, Binns M M, Cook J K, Brown T D, Smith G L. Expression of the infectious bronchitis virus spike protein by recombinant vaccinia virus and induction of neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated mice. Journal of General Virology, ): .
Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Saito S, Ohkawa S, Gotoh H, Kodama K, Kamogawa K, Sawaguchi K, Iritani Y. Recombinant fowlpox viruses inducing protective immunity against Newcastle disease and fowlpox viruses. Vaccine, ): 486-490.
Taylor J, Edbauer C, Rey-Senelonge A, Bouquet J F, Norton E, Goebel S, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Newcastle disease virus fusion protein expressed in a fowlpox virus recombinant confers protection in chickens. Journal of Virology, 41-1450.
Yu L, Liu W, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Kwang J. Study of protection by recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing C-terminal nucleocapsid protein of infectious bronchitis virus against challenge. Avian Diseases, ): 340-348.
Taylor J, Weinberg R, Languet B, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Recombinant fowlpox virus inducing protective immunity in non-avian species. Vaccine, ): 497-503.
Letellier C, Burny A, Meulemans G. Construction of a pigeonpox virus recombinant: expression of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion glycoprotein and protection of chickens against NDV challenge. Archives of Virology, : 43-56.
Wang X, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Girshick T, Khan M I. Construction and immunogenicity studies of recombinant fowl poxvirus containing the S1 gene of Massachusetts 41 strain of infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 831-838.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Samson A C, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Millar N S, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase of Newcastle disease virus protects chickens against challenge by NDV. Virology, : 297-300.
Bayliss C D, Peters R W, Cook J K, Reece R L, Howes K, Binns M M, Boursnell M E. A recombinant fowlpox virus that expresses the VP2 antigen of infectious bursal disease virus induces protection against mortality caused by the virus. Archives of Virology, : 193-205.
Tripathy D N, Schnitzlein W M. Expression of avian influenza virus hemagglutinin by recombinant fowlpox virus. Avian Diseases, 6-191.
Nagy E, Robert J, Karell M. Vaccination of chickens with a recombinant fowlpox virus containing the Hemagglutinin- Neuraminidase gene of Newcastle Disease Virus under the control of the fowlpox virus Thymidine Kinase promoter. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 6-308.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Tomley F M, Samson A C, Chambers P, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. Insertion of the fusion gene of Newcastle disease virus into a non-essential region in the terminal repeats of fowlpox virus and demonstration of protective immunity induced by the recombinant. Journal of General Virology, 1-628.
Yu L, Liu W, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Kwang J. Study of protection by recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing C-terminal nucleocapsid protein of infectious bronchitis virus against challenge. Avian Diseases, ): 340-348.
Yanagida N, Ogawa R, Li Y, Lee L F, Nazerian K. Recombinant fowlpox viruses expressing the glycoprotein B homolog and the pp38 gene of Marek's disease virus. Journal of Virology, ): .
Boyle D B, Coupar B E. Construction of recombinant fowlpox viruses as vector for poultry vaccines. Virus Gene, 3-356.
Iritani Y, Aoyama S, Takigami S, Hayashi Y, Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Kamogawa K. Antibody response to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) of recombinant fowlpox virus (FPV) expressing a Hemoaggltinin-neuraminidase of NDV into chickens in the presence of antibody to NDV or FPV. Avian Diseases, 9-661.
Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Saito S, Ohkawa S, Gotoh H, Kodama K, Kamogawa K, Sawaguchi K, Iritani Y. Recombinant fowlpox viruses inducing protective immunity against Newcastle disease and fowlpox viruses. Vaccine, ): 486-490.
Bayliss C D, Peters R W, Cook J K, Reece R L, Howes K, Binns M M, Boursnell M E. A recombinant fowlpox virus that expresses the VP2 antigen of infectious bursal disease virus induces protection against mortality caused by the virus. Archives of Virology, : 193-205.
Calvert J G, Nazerian K, Witter R L, Yanagida N. Fowlpox virus recombinant expressing the envelope glycoprotein of an avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus induce neutralizing antibodies and reduce viremia in chickens. Journal of Virology, 69-3076.
Webster R G, Kawaoka Y, Taylor J, Weinberg R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of nucleoprotein and haemagglutinin antigens expressed in fowlpox virus as vaccine for influenza in chickens. Vaccine, ): 303-308.
Tomley F M, Mockett A P, Boursnell M E, Binns M M, Cook J K, Brown T D, Smith G L. Expression of the infectious bronchitis virus spike protein by recombinant vaccinia virus and induction of neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated mice. Journal of General Virology, ): .
Letellier C, Burny A, Meulemans G. Construction of a pigeonpox virus recombinant: expression of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion glycoprotein and protection of chickens against NDV challenge. Archives of Virology, : 43-56.
Yanagida N, Ogawa R, Li Y, Lee L F, Nazerian K. Recombinant fowlpox viruses expressing the glycoprotein B homolog and the pp38 gene of Marek's disease virus. Journal of Virology, ): .
Boyle D B, Heine H G. Influence of dose and route of inoculation on responses of chickens to recombinant fowlpox virus vaccines. Veterinary Microbiology, -2): 173-81.
Nazerian K, Yanagida N. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the envelope antigen of subgroup a avian leukosis/Sarcoma virus. Avian Diseases, 4-520.
Wang X, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Girshick T, Khan M I. Construction and immunogenicity studies of recombinant fowl poxvirus containing the S1 gene of Massachusetts 41 strain of infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 831-838.
Nagy E, Robert J, Karell M. Vaccination of chickens with a recombinant fowlpox virus containing the Hemagglutinin- Neuraminidase gene of Newcastle Disease Virus under the control of the fowlpox virus Thymidine Kinase promoter. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 6-308.
Cardona C J, Reed W M, Witter R L, Silva R F. Protection of turkeys from hemorrhagic enteritis with a recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing the native hexon of hemorrhagic enteritis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 234-244.
Webster R G, Taylor J, Pearson J, Rivera E, Paoletti E. Immunity to Mexican H5N2 avian influenza viruses induced by a fowl pox-H5 recombinant. Avian Diseases, 1-465.
Yu L, Liu W, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Kwang J. Study of protection by recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing C-terminal nucleocapsid protein of infectious bronchitis virus against challenge. Avian Diseases, ): 340-348.
Iritani Y, Aoyama S, Takigami S, Hayashi Y, Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Kamogawa K. Antibody response to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) of recombinant fowlpox virus (FPV) expressing a Hemoaggltinin-neuraminidase of NDV into chickens in the presence of antibody to NDV or FPV. Avian Diseases, 9-661.
Calvert J G, Nazerian K, Witter R L, Yanagida N. Fowlpox virus recombinant expressing the envelope glycoprotein of an avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus induce neutralizing antibodies and reduce viremia in chickens. Journal of Virology, 69-3076.
Swayne D E, Beck J R, Kinney N. Failure of a recombinant fowl poxvirus vaccine containing an avian influenza hemagglutinin gene to provide consistent protection against influenza in chickens preimmunized with a fowl pox vaccine. Avian Diseases, ): 132-137.
Tomley F M, Mockett A P, Boursnell M E, Binns M M, Cook J K, Brown T D, Smith G L. Expression of the infectious bronchitis virus spike protein by recombinant vaccinia virus and induction of neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated mice. Journal of General Virology, ): .
Bayliss C D, Peters R W, Cook J K, Reece R L, Howes K, Binns M M, Boursnell M E. A recombinant fowlpox virus that expresses the VP2 antigen of infectious bursal disease virus induces protection against mortality caused by the virus. Archives of Virology, : 193-205.
乔传玲, 于康震, 姜永萍, 张建林, 邓国华, 孟庆文, 田国斌, 唐秀英. 表达禽流感病毒核蛋白基因重组禽痘病毒的构建及其免疫保护性研究. 中国农业科学, 2003, (6): 705-708.
Nazerian K, Yanagida N. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the envelope antigen of subgroup a avian leukosis/Sarcoma virus. Avian Diseases, 4-520.
陈 平,陈素娟,彭大新,刘秀梵. 高效表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及免疫效力试验. 中国兽医学报, 6-218.
Yanagida N, Ogawa R, Li Y, Lee L F, Nazerian K. Recombinant fowlpox viruses expressing the glycoprotein B homolog and the pp38 gene of Marek's disease virus. Journal of Virology, ): .
Wang X, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Girshick T, Khan M I. Construction and immunogenicity studies of recombinant fowl poxvirus containing the S1 gene of Massachusetts 41 strain of infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 831-838.
Cardona C J, Reed W M, Witter R L, Silva R F. Protection of turkeys from hemorrhagic enteritis with a recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing the native hexon of hemorrhagic enteritis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 234-244.
Taylor J, Christensen L, Gettig R, Goebel J, Bouquet J F, Mickle T R, Paoletti E. Efficacy of a recombinant fowl pox-based Newcastle disease virus vaccine candidate against velogenic and respiratory challenge. Avian Diseases, 3-180.
Calvert J G, Nazerian K, Witter R L, Yanagida N. Fowlpox virus recombinant expressing the envelope glycoprotein of an avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus induce neutralizing antibodies and reduce viremia in chickens. Journal of Virology, 69-3076.
Taylor J, Edbauer C, Rey-Senelonge A, Bouquet J F, Norton E, Goebel S, Desmettre P, Paoletti E. Newcastle disease virus fusion protein expressed in a fowlpox virus recombinant confers protection in chickens. Journal of Virology, 41-1450.
Yu L, Liu W, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Kwang J. Study of protection by recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing C-terminal nucleocapsid protein of infectious bronchitis virus against challenge. Avian Diseases, ): 340-348.
Swayne D E, Beck J R, Kinney N. Failure of a recombinant fowl poxvirus vaccine containing an avian influenza hemagglutinin gene to provide consistent protection against influenza in chickens preimmunized with a fowl pox vaccine. Avian Diseases, ): 132-137.
Nazerian K, Yanagida N. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the envelope antigen of subgroup a avian leukosis/Sarcoma virus. Avian Diseases, 4-520.
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Samson A C, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Millar N S, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase of Newcastle disease virus protects chickens against challenge by NDV. Virology, : 297-300.
Bayliss C D, Peters R W, Cook J K, Reece R L, Howes K, Binns M M, Boursnell M E. A recombinant fowlpox virus that expresses the VP2 antigen of infectious bursal disease virus induces protection against mortality caused by the virus. Archives of Virology, : 193-205.
Cardona C J, Reed W M, Witter R L, Silva R F. Protection of turkeys from hemorrhagic enteritis with a recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing the native hexon of hemorrhagic enteritis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 234-244.
Yanagida N, Ogawa R, Li Y, Lee L F, Nazerian K. Recombinant fowlpox viruses expressing the glycoprotein B homolog and the pp38 gene of Marek's disease virus. Journal of Virology, ): .
Boursnell M E, Green P F, Campbell J I, Deuter A, Peters R W, Tomley F M, Samson A C, Chambers P, Emmerson P T, Binns M M. Insertion of the fusion gene of Newcastle disease virus into a non-essential region in the terminal repeats of fowlpox virus and demonstration of protective immunity induced by the recombinant. Journal of General Virology, 1-628.
Swayne D E, Beck J R, Kinney N. Failure of a recombinant fowl poxvirus vaccine containing an avian influenza hemagglutinin gene to provide consistent protection against influenza in chickens preimmunized with a fowl pox vaccine. Avian Diseases, ): 132-137.
Calvert J G, Nazerian K, Witter R L, Yanagida N. Fowlpox virus recombinant expressing the envelope glycoprotein of an avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus induce neutralizing antibodies and reduce viremia in chickens. Journal of Virology, 69-3076.
Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Saito S, Ohkawa S, Gotoh H, Kodama K, Kamogawa K, Sawaguchi K, Iritani Y. Recombinant fowlpox viruses inducing protective immunity against Newcastle disease and fowlpox viruses. Vaccine, ): 486-490.
Letellier C, Burny A, Meulemans G. Construction of a pigeonpox virus recombinant: expression of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion glycoprotein and protection of chickens against NDV challenge. Archives of Virology, : 43-56.
Nazerian K, Yanagida N. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the envelope antigen of subgroup a avian leukosis/Sarcoma virus. Avian Diseases, 4-520.
Cardona C J, Reed W M, Witter R L, Silva R F. Protection of turkeys from hemorrhagic enteritis with a recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing the native hexon of hemorrhagic enteritis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 234-244.
Nagy E, Robert J, Karell M. Vaccination of chickens with a recombinant fowlpox virus containing the Hemagglutinin- Neuraminidase gene of Newcastle Disease Virus under the control of the fowlpox virus Thymidine Kinase promoter. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 6-308.
Swayne D E, Beck J R, Kinney N. Failure of a recombinant fowl poxvirus vaccine containing an avian influenza hemagglutinin gene to provide consistent protection against influenza in chickens preimmunized with a fowl pox vaccine. Avian Diseases, ): 132-137.
Iritani Y, Aoyama S, Takigami S, Hayashi Y, Ogawa R, Yanagida N, Saeki S, Kamogawa K. Antibody response to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) of recombinant fowlpox virus (FPV) expressing a Hemoaggltinin-neuraminidase of NDV into chickens in the presence of antibody to NDV or FPV. Avian Diseases, 9-661.
Tomley F M, Mockett A P, Boursnell M E, Binns M M, Cook J K, Brown T D, Smith G L. Expression of the infectious bronchitis virus spike protein by recombinant vaccinia virus and induction of neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated mice. Journal of General Virology, ): .
Wang X, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Girshick T, Khan M I. Construction and immunogenicity studies of recombinant fowl poxvirus containing the S1 gene of Massachusetts 41 strain of infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 831-838.
Yu L, Liu W, Schnitzlein W M, Tripathy D N, Kwang J. Study of protection by recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing C-terminal nucleocapsid protein of infectious bronchitis virus against challenge. Avian Diseases, ): 340-348.
Bayliss C D, Peters R W, Cook J K, Reece R L, Howes K, Binns M M, Boursnell M E. A recombinant fowlpox virus that expresses the VP2 antigen of infectious bursal disease virus induces protection against mortality caused by the virus. Archives of Virology, : 193-205.
Yanagida N, Ogawa R, Li Y, Lee L F, Nazerian K. Recombinant fowlpox viruses expressing the glycoprotein B homolog and the pp38 gene of Marek's disease virus. Journal of Virology, ): .
Calvert J G, Nazerian K, Witter R L, Yanagida N. Fowlpox virus recombinant expressing the envelope glycoprotein of an avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus induce neutralizing antibodies and reduce viremia in chickens. Journal of Virology, 69-3076.
Nazerian K, Yanagida N. A recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the envelope antigen of subgroup a avian leukosis/Sarcoma virus. Avian Diseases, 4-520.
Cardona C J, Reed W M, Witter R L, Silva R F. Protection of turkeys from hemorrhagic enteritis with a recombinant fowl poxvirus expressing the native hexon of hemorrhagic enteritis virus. Avian Diseases, ): 234-244.
Swayne D E, Beck J R, Kinney N. Failure of a recombinant fowl poxvirus vaccine containing an avian influenza hemagglutinin gene to provide consistent protection against influenza in chickens preimmunized with a fowl pox vaccine. Avian Diseases, ): 132-137.
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