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<td class="center title" title="&img src=&#039;///images/album-layout-blog.png&#039; style=&#039;padding-right: 2&#039;/&&h1&Blog Layout&/h1&Shows all the images on one page in a blog post style layout. Best for albums with a small to medium amount of images.">
<td class="center title" title="&img src=&#039;///images/album-layout-horizontal.png&#039;
style=&#039;padding-right: 6&#039;/&&h1&Horizontal Layout&/h1&Shows one image at a time in a traditional style, with thumbnails on top. Best for albums that have high resolution photos.">
<td class="center title" title="&img src=&#039;///images/album-layout-grid.png&#039;
style=&#039;padding-right: 6&#039;/&&h1&Grid Layout&/h1&Shows all the images on one page as thumbnails that expand when clicked on. Best for albums with lots of images.">
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