jump out at menext class 怎么回事i呢

jump out next class 怎么回事i呢_百度拇指医生 &&&网友互助 ?jump out next class 怎么回事i呢 ?jump over和come out 区别,考试是说我看见students ....... to study next class 为什么填jump over come out to study 出去在学不行么? jump up的话在这里指学生们(高兴得)跳起来进入到下一节课的学习! 向医生提问 完善患者资料:*性别: 为您推荐: 您可能关注的推广回答者: * 百度拇指医生解答内容由公立医院医生提供,不代表百度立场。 * 由于网上问答无法全面了解具体情况,回答仅供参考,如有必要建议您及时当面咨询医生英语翻译I spent the whole afternoonseeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timedentrance before each lecture without having to ask silly questions about whereit was.The next morning I found my firstclass and marched in._作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案 英语翻译I spent the whole afternoonseeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timedentrance before each lecture without having to ask silly questions about whereit was.The next morning I found my firstclass and marched in. 英语翻译I spent the whole afternoonseeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timedentrance before each lecture without having to ask silly questions about whereit was.The next morning I found my firstclass and marched in.Once I was in the room,however,another problem arose.Where to sit?Freshman manuals advised sitting near the front (as advised),butout of the professor’s direct line of vision.I had prepared the first chapterof our textbook on American Literature and written the date on top of the firstpage.“Welcome to Biology 101,” the professor began.A cold sweat broke out onthe back of my back 求翻译,谷哥翻译过来的就不要写了. 貌似是大学的一篇课文,似曾相识.好吧,来翻一下:我花费了整个下午的时间整理出我的每一节课所在教室的位置,以便于不用慌张的去找就能在准确的时间到达.第二天早上我找到并进入到了我的第一个要上课的教室.刚一进到这个教室的时候,又一个问题出现了.坐哪呢?大一新生被建议坐在前排,但是,不是教授正对的位置.我已经备好了第一章语文的课,而且吧日期写在了第一页上.“欢迎来到生物101班”教授的课程开始了.一股凉气从我的后背冒了出来.(因为还是走错了教室)直白的翻译,高手勿喷.第三人称单数: jump是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: 猛增,暴涨,激增,突升 跳跃,跳,跃 障碍物,障碍 心惊,震颤,心神不定 一跳的距离 矿脉的断层 暴涨,猛增,(使)猛升 跃起,跳,(使)跳跃,跳起,弹跳,跳动,跳出 突然变动,突然改变,突然转换(话题、题目) 逃离,逃避 猛烈地移动,快速移动,猛地一动 (使)惊起,惊跳 跳过,越过,跨越 adj.(形容词) 节奏强而快的爵士乐的 跳伞的,降落伞的 adv.(副词) 精确地,确切地 vt. & vi. 跳,跃 rise suddenly (from a seat, etc.); move quickly (into sth) vi. 惊跳 move with a jerk or jerks from excitement, joy, etc.; start suddenly vi. 暴涨 rise suddenly in price [C]跳,跃 sudden spring from the ground [C]猛长,激增 sudden rise in amount, value, etc. 提示:各行业词典APP中含有本词条的独家正版内容,在手机上可看到更多释义内容。 jump&:&跳转 ... 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&突跳,跳变 ... 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&跃变 ... 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&跳, 跳伞, 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&暴涨 ... 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&暴涨 ... 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&跳, 跃, 变 ... 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&暴涨 ... 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&一夜演出; ... 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&跳变 ... 在&&中查看更多... a sudden a "a jump in attendance" "a successful leap from college to the major leagues" (film) an abrupt transition from one scene to another "he awoke with a start" "he had done a lot of parachuting in the army" propelling you "he advanced in a series of jumps" "the jumping was unexpected" move forward "The horse bounded across the meadow" "The child leapt across the puddle" "Can you jump over the fence?" move or jump suddenly, as if "She startled when I walked into the room" make a sudde "The muggers jumped the woman in the fur coat" increase sudden "Prices jumped overnight" be highly noticeable "He jumped into the game" "Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list" jump down fr "the parachutist didn't want to jump" "every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge" "the widow leapt into the funeral pyre" "the train derailed because a cow was standing on the tracks" jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute "the trainer jumped the tiger through the hoop" start (a car engine whose battery is dead) by connecting it to another car's battery "He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible" pass abruptly from one state "leap into fame" "jump to a conclusion" "jump from one thing to another" swing back and forth between two states or conditions jump的用法和样例: 用作名词 (n.) If a horse refuses a jump,penalty points are added to the score. 如果马拒绝跳跃,是要扣分的。 The athlete made a superb jump. 运动运做了一个出色的跳跃。 The loud bang made me jump. 砰的一声巨响吓了我一跳。 The jump in food prices gave rise to a lot of complaint. 食品价格的猛涨引起了许多不满。 用作动词 (v.) He jumped to his feet and ran out of the office. 他一下子跳了起来,跑出了办公室。 The horse jumped the fence. 那匹马跃过了栅栏。 Last week, the price of food jumped. 上星期食品价格突涨。 用作动词 (v.) 用作不及物动词 She jumped when she heard the news. 她听到那消息时,跳了起来。 He waited until the last minute before jumping on the train. 直到最后一分钟,他才跳上火车。 My heart jumped as I heard the news. 听到这消息时,我的心咚咚直跳。 Last week, the price of food jumped. 上星期,食品价格暴涨。 Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。 The price of oil jumped sharply in 1973. 石油的价格在1973年暴涨。 The number of students in universities has jumped. 大学学生的数量已大幅度增加。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron. The stream was so broad that nobody could jump it. 小溪太宽了,没人能跳得过去。 He jumped quite a few chapters in the book. 他把这本书的好几章都跳过没看。 She jumped the fourth grade in primary school. 她跳过了小学四年级。 用于be ~ed结构 Birds were jumped by a stone and flew over the house. 小鸟被一块石头惊起,掠过房子飞走了。 S+~+ n./pron. +to- v The man jumped the rail to run after a red car. 那人跃过栏杆,去追一辆红车。 I always jump introduction to read books. 我看书时常常略去绪论。 用作名词 (n.) The jump was a very difficult one. 这种跳跃是个非常难的动作。 One jump and you'll be over the fence. 跳一下,你就可以跃过栅栏。 He made 135 jumps in half a minute. 他在半分钟内跳了135下。 The dog cleared the stream with one jump. 这只狗一跃就跳过了小溪。 There were five jumps in the race. 这项比赛要求跳五次。 There has been a jump in the price of food. 食品价格暴涨。 In May there was a considerable jump in sales.5 月,销售额猛涨许多。 Prices went up with a jump. 物价猛涨。 用作动词 (v.) jump at (v.+prep.) 急于接受 accept an offer, invitation, opportunity, etc. eagerly and without hesitation jump at sth When someone suggested a bath in the cool stream, we all jumped at the idea.有人建议到清凉的溪水里去洗个澡,大家都欣然接受了这个主意。 To my surprise, he jumped at the offer, though it did not seem very attractive to me.使我惊奇的是,他很乐意接受这个提议,尽管在我看来并不十分可取。 Many person would have jumped at such an opportunity as this.许多人都会迫不及待地抓住这样的机会。 Everyone was surprised when Jim didn't jump at his father's offer of a partnership.对于吉姆不急于接受他父亲让他合伙干事的提议,大家都感到惊奇。 She jumped at the chance to meet the famous author.她欣然接受了去会见那位名作家的机会。 jump into (v.+prep.) 跳入 enter sth with a springing movement The man jumped into a taxi. 那个人跳上一辆出租车。 He jumped into the water to bring back the child. 他跳入水中去救那个孩子。 急于做某事; 急速行动 act urgently They jumped into the discussion right away . 他们马上踊跃投入了讨论。 jump off (v.+adv.) 跳下 leave a place with a springing movement He jumped off before the train had not quite stopped moving. 火车还没有完全停稳,他就跳了下来。 开始行动; 发起进攻 advance The bugle sounded and the assault jumped off. 军号一响,突袭便开始了。 The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。 The project jumped off to a good start. 工程很顺利地开始了。 jump on (v.+prep.) 跳上… stand on top of sth quickly jump on sth The boy jumped on a moving truck.那男孩跳上一辆正在行驶的卡车。 It was necessary to jump on the ice coated mounds of brush several times before they could flush.你得在这些被冰覆盖的树丛跳上好几下,才能把鸟群惊飞。 尖锐而激动地批评,斥责 criticize sth/sb sharply and excitedly jump on sb/sth The teacher jumped on the inattentive pupil in class.老师责备那个在课堂上不注意听讲的学生。 I'm afraid the teacher will jump on me if I am late.如果我迟到了,恐怕老师会骂我。 Her driving instructor jumped on every little mistake, which made her very nervous.她的驾驶教练对她的每个细小的错误都严加指责,这使她非常紧张。 用于 be ~ed 结构 Alfred was jumped on by his father for coming back late.阿尔弗莱德由于回家晚而被父亲狠狠地说了一顿。 jump on sb for sth/v-ing If the boss is in one of his bad moods, he'll jump on you for the slightest thing.碰上老板情绪不好的时候,他会为了一丁点小事对你大骂一通。 The teacher jumped on him for handing in untidy homework.由于作业潦草,老师严厉地批评了他。 袭击 make a sudden attack on jump on sb The dog jumped on the stranger.狗突然向那个陌生人猛扑过去。 jump out of (v.+adv.+prep.) 突然离开; 跳离 leave a place suddenly, with a springing movement jump out of sth He jumped out of bed as soon as he was called.一听到有人叫他,他立即跳下床去。 jump over (v.+prep.) (使)跳过 (cause to) pass over sth by jumping jump over sth Can you jump over the fence?你能跳过那个栅栏吗? The wall is high; you can't jump over it.这堵墙太高,你跳不过去。 The stream is so wide that you couldn't jump over it.这条小溪太宽,你可能跃不过去。 I often jump over a line or two in rapid reading.我快速阅读时常常跳越过一两行字。 jump oneself/sth over sth The thief jumped himself over a fence and escaped.贼纵身跃过篱笆逃走了。 He jumped the horse over the fence.他纵马跃过栅栏。 jump to (v.+prep.) 猛增到 increase rapidly up to jump to sth The price of the color TV has jumped to five thousand yuan .彩电的价格已突升到5000元。 The membership of these associations jumped to two million.这些协会的会员人数猛增到两百万人。 jump to it 赶快; 快 be quick Jump to it, men, we must get all the tents packed in an hour! 快点,弟兄们,我们得在一个钟头之内把帐篷收起来。 You'll have to jump to it if you want to catch the train. 如果你想赶上火车,就得快点。 jump together (v.+adv.) 与…一致〔相称〕 accord with jump together Great wits will jump together.智者所见略同。 His tastes and his means do not jump together.他的爱好与他的收入不相称。 jump up (v.+adv.) 〔说明〕 jump up通常不用于进行体。 突然站起 rise from one's seat suddenly He jumped up out of his chair. 突然,他从椅子上一跃而起。 She jumped up from her chair and left the room. 她从椅子上跳起来,离开了房间。 大幅上涨 increase rapidly All the stock prices jumped up in Tokyo last month. 上月东京各种股票价格都大幅度上涨。 用作名词 (n.) all of a jump 在心情紧张中; 心惊胆战地 in a state of being nervous What's the matter with you—all of a jump! 你怎么啦?——这么心神不安! at a full jump 全速地,迅速地 at full speed The irate animal made for us, coming at a full jump. 那头发怒的动物以最快的速度向我们冲来。 at one jump 一下子,立即 at once He came to the conclusion at one jump. 他一下子就得出了结论。 be for the high jump 一定要受到处罚,一定要被责骂 sure to be punished or scolded If you mess about with my computer again , you'll be for the high jump. 如果你再来乱动我的计算机,就有你好看的。 from the jump 从一开始 from the beginning I found the task difficult from the jump. 一开始,我就发现这任务很艰巨。 get〔have〕 the jump on 抢在…之前行动,对…占优先地位 get an advantage by standing quicker than While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model. 我们的全部设计还在蓝图阶段,我们的对手已抢在我们之前预告了他们的新式样了。 on (the) jump 突然地; 匆忙地 suddenly and quickly We heard them coming and coming on jump, too. 我们听出,他们已经快到了——而且来势极猛。 坐立不安,神经紧张 be upset That elderly gentleman was exceedingly on the jump, as nervous as a man well could be. 那位老先生坐立不安,紧张得不得了。 用作动词 (v.) 跳上公共汽车 (马)跃过了栅栏 (赛跑时)发令枪未响即起跑,偷跑,抢先 (火车)突然出轨,思想开小差 (火车)突然出轨,思想开小差 (车辆驾驶员等)闯红灯 猛烈地跃过 轻而易举地跃过 仓促地跃过 迅速地跃过 稳稳当当地跳过 突然地跃过 突然地跃过 从房顶上跳下来 从楼梯上跳下 跳下,开始(进攻) (想法)不谋而合 跳起,跳上,物价大幅度上涨 欣然接受,抢着接,马上抓住 急忙抓住这次机会 欣然接受建议 抢着接受任务 欣然接受提议 (物价)上涨百分之六十 高兴得跳起来,欢跃 从…跳下来 从公共汽车上跳下来 钻进被窝里 跳离,跳下(车) 跳下公共汽车 从房顶上跳下 从树上跳下 从墙上跳下 责骂某人,向某人扑去 向敌人猛扑 从…跳出〔下〕 使某人从椅子上跳起来 吃了一惊,吓了一跳 跃过下面五页 一跃而起,突然站起来 急忙去替某人辩解 先排下一场(戏) 高兴地跳起来 和我的意见一致 符合时代精神 用作名词 (n.) (跳绳)一分钟内跳278下 使某人心惊肉跳 把某人吓一跳 从一个话题到另一个话题 (物价)暴涨 (篮球)中圈跳球 出色的一跳 (利润的)大幅度增长 (骑术比赛)跳越水洼 (篮球)跳球 (在轿车前后座中间的)折叠式椅子,(马车中的)活动座子 (篮球)跳投 伞兵跳伞服,(汽车机械士等穿的)连衣裤衣服,(妇女等穿的一种)紧身连衣裤,便服 在紧张状态中,心惊胆战 在忙碌中,跑来跑去 从液态到气态的转变 从一种语言到另一种语言的突然转换 汽车出口猛增 食品价格的大幅度上涨 跳2米高(或跳2米远) The dancer holds a particular pose,..and progresses in a series of hops or small jumps. 出自:G. B. L. Wilson The sea was beginning to jump. 出自:H. Caine The car jumped forward, the man obviously having some trouble with the clutch. 出自:C. Phillips jump的详细讲解: jump用作及物动词时,意为“使…跳跃,使…惊起”,着重从地面、其他表面或地点跳起,可指往高处跳,也可指往低处跳,还可指跳过什么; 强调的是猛然跳起或跳跃的动作,其后接名词、代词或反身代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 jump也可用作不及物动词,意为“跳,跃”,通常不与表示延续的时间状语连用,也不用于进行体,除非表示的是重复的动作。 jump还可以作“暴涨”解,一般指数量突然迅猛地增长,用作不及物动词。 jump作名词解是“跳,跃”的意思,可指一种抽象的行为,也可指具体的一次动作,是可数名词,其前可加不定冠词或数量词修饰。 jump引申可作“猛长,激增”解,一般指物品的数额、价格或价值在一个较短的时间内相对于以前大幅度地提高,用作可数名词。 jump, bound, hop, leap, skip, spring 这组词都可以表示“跳”。其区别是: jump表示从地面或其他平面上跳起或跳下,也可指从一点跳过另一点,即垂直方向,是最普通用词。bound多用以表示“跳着往前运动”,即水平方向,强调跳动的连续性。例如: A herd of antelope bound gracefully across the plain.一群羚羊优雅地跳过了平地。 leap则强调腾空跳起或跳至某地点,即从一点越过相当距离跳到另一点,暗示动作优美、轻捷,含有“连跑带跳”的意思。例如: She leaped lightly to the opposite bank of the stream.她轻盈地跳到小溪的对岸去了。 spring指突然而迅速地从某处跳起,强调跳得轻、快或突然,给人一种弹性感。例如: He sprang to his feet.他突然一跃而起。skip指轻快地跳,两脚相互交叉地跳。例如: The children skipped down the street to the sweet shop.孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地上街买糖去了。 hop用于人时,指单足跳; 用于动物时,指所有的足一齐跳。例如: The wounded soldier hopped across the street.受伤的士兵跳过了大街。 这些动词均有“跳、跳跃”之意。 :jump是普通用词,指用双脚向上跳,向下跳,或在同一平面上跳到有一定距离的某一点上,或跳过。 :leap常可与jump换用,但侧重身体猛力向上升起并朝前急冲的动作,有时含突然的意味。 :spring更强调有力和弹跳的运动。 :hop指单脚短跳或双足猛力的动作。也指小鸟、青蛙等的跳。 :bound多指向前向上或向下跳跃、奔跳。 :skip指两脚交替轻轻地跳或跨的动作。 火车还没有完全停稳,他就跳了下来。 误 He jumped off from the train before it had quite stopped moving. 正 He jumped off the train before it had quite stopped moving. 析 说“跳离…”是jump off, off在这里是介词,其后接宾语,不需再接from。 听到这个消息,我们高兴得跳起来。 误 We jumped with joy at the news. 正 We jumped for joy at the news. 析 “高兴得跳起来”是jump for joy, for在这里表示原因,不可换为with。 jump的海词问答与网友补充: jump的相关资料: jump&:&跳, 在&&中查看更多... jump&:&跳,惊跳, ... 在&&中查看更多... 【同义词】 jump的相关缩略词,共有20条 联合工会管理程序 初级未知的数学天才 耶稣知道我的痛苦 jump:意思jump KK: 【】 DJ: 【】 vi. 1. 跳;跳跃 The horse jumped over the ditch. 马跳过了那条沟。 2. (因喜悦、紧张等)跃起;猛跳【(+at/fo… 相关词典网站:帮我翻译以下英文 奖励30分I came to zhuhai is one mothes.I feld everthings is ok. next weekend I jump to lever twoC class . I don't konw .who is my teacher in next seisson. I only knew that, I must even more diligently learn English. 拍照搜题,秒出答案 帮我翻译以下英文 奖励30分I came to zhuhai is one mothes.I feld everthings is ok. next weekend I jump to lever twoC class . I don't konw .who is my teacher in next seisson. I only knew that, I must even more diligently learn English. 帮我翻译以下英文 奖励30分I came to zhuhai is one mothes.I feld everthings is ok. next weekend I jump to lever twoC class . I don't konw .who is my teacher in next seisson. I only knew that, I must even more diligently learn English. Ps: if you want , you must belive youself,nobody can change! 楼主:英文稍微有点不通顺,我已帮你修改并翻译如下:I have been in Zhuhai for one month.I feel everthings is ok.我已经来到珠海一个月了,我觉得一切事情都还顺利.Next weekend I will jump to lever two C class .下周末我将转到二阶段的C班学习.I don't konw who is my teacher in next session.我不知道下一阶段的课程中谁是我的老师.I only know that I must learn English even more diligently.我只知道我应该加倍刻苦地学习英语.Ps:if you want,you must belive in youself,nobody can change!附言:只要你想,你必须相信自己,没有人能改变你自己! 语法错误也很多…… 老大,拼写错误太多了。。。 I came to zhuhai is one mothes.I feld everthings is ok. 我来珠海1个月了,我觉得什么都挺好的。next weekend I jump to lever twoC class . 下一周我要跳级到2C班I don't konw .who is my teacher in next seisson.


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