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您要找的内容已被删除[动漫资讯]C86「魔法少女奈叶vivid」TV动画化 官网【动漫更新吧】_百度贴吧
[动漫资讯]C86「魔法少女奈叶vivid」TV动画化 官网
今日开幕的C86中,日本某网友在推特上传出的C86现场周边图片确认了「魔法少女奈叶vivid」TV动画化,目前动画官网已经开通证实了这一消息,官网主视觉图放出。  C86扇子周边上可以看到“TV动画化决定”字样,目前C86已经开始了,相信接下来会有更多劲爆动漫消放出,敬请关注178动漫频道接下来的报导。  「魔法少女奈叶vivid」是「魔法少女奈叶」系列和「魔法战记奈叶Force」同期的第四期连载漫画,原作为都筑真纪,作画为藤真拓哉共同创作,并于日由角川书店出版的7月号刊杂志《Comp-Ace》上开始连载。后于日首次开始发行该漫画的第一卷单行本,截至目前为止,已发售12本单行本漫画。其它话集还在连载中,未完结。  漫画「魔法少女Lyrical奈叶~vivid~」:  漫画「魔法少女奈叶」系列:  动画「魔法少女奈叶」系列:  「魔法少女奈叶Vivid」的故事发生在「魔法少女奈叶StrikerS」4年后的世界,那时奈叶和菲特都已经23岁了,本故事的女主角——可爱、已经十岁,上四年级的薇薇欧。
monologue - Introduction Movie
monologue - Introduction by Chief Engineer [with Closed Captions]
The monologue contains monophonic analog synthesizer circuitry that builds on the circuitry of the minilogue. But that doesn’t mean that the monologue is simply a one-voice model of the minilogue. It’s a monophonic beast with stunning power that comes from a redesigned envelope section, modulation routing, and a filter with powerful low-end punch.
The structure is 2VCO, 1VCF, 1EG, 1VCA, and 1LFO. In addition to the same distinctive circuits as on the minilogue (such as the wave shaping that shapes the overtones of the oscillator, and a sync/ring switch), the filter section uses a two-pole filter to deliver aggressive sound. Newly featured is a drive circuit that adds overtones and distortion to the sound, letting you generate fat basses and sharp lead sounds to your heart's content. The LFO rate can be adjusted into an unprecedentedly ultra-high-speed range to generate crazy space-shattering sounds, or switched to one-shot mode to act, in a sense, as an additional envelope.
The keyboard section features the acclaimed slim keybed of the minilogue and the MS-20 mini. To make monologue a synth that any musician can immediately pick up and play, the keyboard covers the E–E range of notes - just like a guitar or bass.
The monologue goes beyond analog synths in its price range by adding 100 preset locations. Select a program for instant access to great sounds - - ranging from thick basses to deep subs to brilliant cutting leads and even percussive sequences. No need to have deep just choose a sound and tweak - a workflow that is very familiar with musicians today. Built-in programs provide 80 preset sounds and sequences made by creative artists around the world including legendary electronic artist Aphex Twin, plus 20 user locations for saving custom sounds.
In addition, the Sound Librarian lets you manage your program data.
The step sequencer of the monologue has been significantly enhanced to deliver musical, complex rhythms that are easy to capture, see, and edit. It supports both real-time recording with overdubbing capability as well as step recording that lets you record simply by pressing keys in the desired order, and you can also use the 16 physical buttons for quick editing or for improvisatory performance. The motion sequence function lets you record up to four knob movements to apply time-varying change to the sound, and allows you to record not only continuously changing values as on previous models, but also values with step-wise variation. Since it's designed to let you create different sounds at each step, you can make unprecedented sequences, such as a sequence that generates a drum pattern from a single program.
There's also a key trigger function that lets you play back a sequence while you hold down a key, and even transpose it. Another new function is slide, which can be used to produce smooth bass lines by specifying portamento for each step.
Music has long been restrained to equal-temperament scales, and today, very few machines support microtuning. The monologue has a set of factory tunings and well as 12 user slots and is compatible with MIDI Tuning Standard 3Byte messages.
The power of microtonal music is evident in the work of Aphex Twin, who has come onboard as advisor for the implementation and also to offer scales, sounds and sequences as part of the factory presets. All players are encouraged not just to use these Aphex Twin-created scales, but also to create their own scales and explore their own world of frequencies.
From smooth curves to muscular straight lines. The stylish visuals featuring aluminum and wood are inherited directly from the minilogue, but have been modified to a straight, direct design that bespeaks the power of a monophonic instrument. In spite of its stout construction, the compact and light-weight body is only 1.7 kg / 3.78 lbs., providing an unprecedented combination of toughness and portability.
In addition, unlike most analog synthesizers in its class, the monologue can operate on batteries. Even if you're a hardware performer who uses numerous units, you won't need to worry about providing additional power supplies and installation space.
In addition to 5-pin In/Out and USB MIDI, monologue includes Audio Sync connectivity, which allows it to play in time and integrate seamlessly with KORG volcas, electribes, minilogue and SQ-1. Use the monologue with your DAW as both a USB MIDI controller or a versatile analog voice. Send clock over USB and use Audio Sync to chain monologue&s clock to other Audio Sync-equipped products.【跟谁学社区】-学习论坛_学习小组_兴趣小组
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