
→ 乌鲁木齐市前列腺科
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[治疗前列腺疾病]首选████[乌鲁木齐南湖医院]████电话预约:.,专家qq:新疆男科排行榜首名是乌鲁木齐南湖医院乌鲁木齐公立医院.29男科品牌,成功成千上万案例,是乌鲁木齐地区知名的男科公立医院.专解男人问题. 很多人都以为前列腺炎是中老年的“专利”疾病,其实,青少年当中患前列腺炎的一点也不少见。由于青少年前列腺炎总是与其他尿路感染的疾病,如慢性肾炎、尿道炎、精囊炎等并发,容易造成了误诊,所以大家就会认为青少年是不会患前列腺炎的。那么,男性前列腺炎的症状表现都体现在哪些方面呢?下面就由乌鲁木齐男科医院的专家为大家介绍:[不想看文字,点击在线咨询]
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This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news.President Xi Jinping has called for improved birth, employment and elderly policies to cope with the country's aging population in a timely, scientific and comprehensive manner.Xi made the remarks in a written instruction made public recently.He says coping with the aging population is crucial for development and hundreds of millions of people's well-being. He calls for better top-down design based on current situations and future expectations.The president stresses that this issue should be put on high agenda and relevant work should be carried out during the 2016 to 2020 period.China has well over 200 million people aged 60 or above, more than 15 percent of the total population. The figure is expected to reach 243 million by 2020. Old age care lags far behind demand and varies greatly between regions.In a separate written instruction, Premier Li Keqiang has urged authorities to take a scientific approach to policies and suggestions on the aging issue.In a recent meeting, Wang Yong, head of the National Working Commission on Aging, has urged related departments to get down to work. He says the focus should be on pressing issues for the elderly, so they feel the benefit.This is NEWS Plus Special English.A recent government guideline on urban planning has sparked heated debate among Internet users over opening up gated residential communities t and an online poll shows that a majority of participants oppose it.The guideline says the roads in the newly established communities will be open to the public, becoming part of the urban road system. The old communities will gradually connect their roads to the public roads. That is to better utilize the urban land and optimize the urban road network.The news on gated communities triggered uproar among Internet users. The news was forwarded 15,000 times and generated 3,600 comments overnight on Sina Weibo, a twitter-like microblogging site.Many Internet users have expressed concern over the potential risks from opening up the gated communities, including noise and air pollution, traffic congestion and public safety.One Internet user says such highlight in the guideline might violate the country's property law, since the home owners also paid for the roads in the communities when they bought the apartments.In a latest development, a senior judge has hinted at possible revisions to the law when responding to the public concern about the opening up.While expounding the 2007 Property Law, the senior judge with the Supreme People's Court says there is still a continuing process to realize the rule of law through legislation.You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.Beijing plans to almost double the number of air monitoring stations to give a better idea about the true state of the city's air quality.An extra 30 monitoring stations will be added to the 35 already in operation. The stations will cover middle schools, mountainous areas and rural areas, and there will also be more monitor vehicles. Currently, the 35 existing stations observe six categories of pollutants including PM2.5, a major contaminant for Beijing's bad air.Environment authority says the upgrade will provide more data about the city's air quality.Technical preparation of the new monitor stations has been completed, though there is no timeframe for when the new stations will come online.For Beijing and its surrounding regions, the government has set a target of reducing pollution by 40 percent from 2013 levels by 2020. A senior environment official says the city's air quality has improved over the last two years.The authorities have increased efforts to reduce air pollution in the wake of the city's first red alerts in December, when smog engulfed the city.This is NEWS Plus Special English.Young people in China who plan to study in the United States are being advised to seek alternatives to the Scholastic Assessment Test, as a recent overhaul has made it more challenging for non-English speakers.A consultant director of the Beijing-based AW Education International says she was advising all her clients to sit the American College Test instead. This is another college placement test in the United States and suitable for those who plan to enroll in the fall semester of 2017.New sample questions from the revised Scholastic Assessment Test do not include many of the question types that Chinese students are usually good at. More time will be required for the students to prepare for the test if they want good scores.Other overseas study consultancy firms have also suggested that their clients turn to other tests.Many Chinese students were admitted to some of the best American universities after scoring high or even full marks in the former tests, but the changes may mean it is no longer easy for Chinese students to excel.Consultancy experts anticipated a reduction in the number of Chinese students taking the test this year.You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.Twenty-five people have been punished after they were implicated in the illegal disposal of hazardous chemicals, which killed four people in east China's Shandong Province.In October, two of the victims, Zhang Linde and Chen Jixin, hired a tanker to transport dangerous liquid chemical waste to an abandoned coal mine in the province.The two, their driver and a supercargo died from poisoning as a result of dumping the chemicals.Police say twenty-five suspects have been dealt with according to criminal procedures while several others are at large.Five local companies were involved in the case and have been suspended operation.The polluted area has been enclosed in curtain grouting, and the local environment agency is decontaminating the mine.This is NEWS Plus Special English.More than 16,700 people died as a result of infectious diseases on the Chinese mainland last year.According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission, more than 6.4 million cases of infectious diseases were reported on the mainland.Of the total, 13 cases of cholera, categorized as a Class A infectious disease under China's Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, were reported with no deaths.More than three million cases were classified as Class B infectious diseases, which resulted in 16,600 deaths. HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, rabies, hepatitis, and human infection of H7N9 avian influenza accounted for almost 99 percent of deaths in this category.Category C diseases were responsible for more than 3.4 million cases and 160 deaths. Foot and mouth disease, infectious diarrhea, and influenza were the most prevalent in this category, accounting for almost 98 percent of deaths.You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. You can access the program by logging . You can also find us on our Apple Podcast. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know by e-mailing us at .cn. That's .cn. Now the news continues.With great verve and passion, Chinese people around the world have celebrated their Lantern Festival in both traditional and trendy ways.The festival, which fell on Feb. 22 this year, brought an end to this year's Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations. It is the day when people see themselves starting a new life in a new year.In China, Lantern Festival is an important family day, but unlike Spring Festival when people stay home for family dinners, it is a day for going out and about.In southwest China's Sichuan Province, 20 dragon dance troupes gathered in Luxian County. A team of dancers under a long dragon costume painted red or gold used poles to manipulate the dragon's head and serpentine body. They danced to the accompaniment of drums, twisting the dragon as it danced, shaking its head and swinging its tail through the crowds.Another folk tradition, the Yangko dance, was performed in Yan'an city, the red cradle of the Chinese revolution in northwest China's Shaanxi Province. Staging the dance on Lantern Festival has become a tradition in the city. This year, around 3,000 performers in bright costumes with colorful umbrellas, fans and red ribbons danced to local folk music and drums.In Taiwan, the annual lantern exhibition has as its centerpiece a 26-meter figure of the Monkey King, the leading character in the Chinese classic Journey to the West to celebrate the Year of the Monkey in the Chinese zodiac.In Shanghai, the Yuyuan Garden Fair not only presents traditional lanterns but also the latest high-tech lighting. With a monkey theme, the lantern fair features lasers and pop music. The modern shows attract huge numbers of people.You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.Tourists from the Chinese mainland are spending more in Taiwan than any other group.Local paper Economic Daily News reports that Japanese tourists were used to top the list for highest average expenditure per person daily when traveling in Taiwan.It is the first time that Chinese mainland tourists have taken the top spot since Taiwan opened up its tourism to visitors from Chinese mainland in 2008.According to Taiwan's tourism authority, every traveler from Chinese mainland on average spent 230 U.S. dollars per day, more than the average expenditure of 220 dollars Japanese spent in the first three quarters last year.Also, every Chinese mainland tourist on average spent almost 123 dollars on shopping, or 40 dollars more than that spent by a Japanese tourist.Japanese tourists have cut down on overseas spending as the yen devaluated sharply and domestic consumption tax rose.The daily expense of Japanese and Chinese mainland tourist in 2014 was 243 and 242 dollars respectively.This is NEWS Plus Special English.China's box office sales totaled 580 million yuan, roughly 88 million U.S. dollars, on Valentine's Day, representing a new high from previous years.China Film News reports that the box office surged by more than 150 percent from the same day last year.More than half of the sales were generated by Mermaid , a sci-fi comedy by Stephen Chow, a famed Hong Kong director and comedian. The Monkey King 2 took the second place with around 95 million yuan, while From Vegas to Macau III , starring Hong Kong actors Chow Yun-fat and Andy Lau, scored 85 million yuan to come in third.The Valentine's Day box office in 2016 increased markedly due to the date closely following the Spring Festival holiday, which ended on Feb. 13th.The newspaper says the box office surge during the Spring Festival holiday, which totaled 3 billion yuan from Feb. 8 to 13, spilled over into the Valentine's Day.For the past two years, Valentine's Day was several days before or after the holiday.This is NEWS Plus Special English.A wild giant panda has been found in a nature reserve in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.The panda has been caught by one of the 30 infrared cameras installed in the reserve. The animal was found roaming the area, searching for food.Staff members at the reserve say it is a sub adult panda weighing around 60 kilograms.This is the second time in the area where a giant panda was found in the wild. Last year, another panda was spotted in the area for the first time.The giant panda is one of the world's most endangered species. Fewer than 2,000 live in the wild, mostly in Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces.That is the end of this edition of NEWS Plus Special English. To freshen up your memory, I'm going to read one of the news items again at normal speed. Please listen carefully.That is the end of today's program. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Hope you can join us every day at CRI NEWS Plus Radio, to learn English and learn about the world.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//NEWS-Plus-Special-English-.htmlContaining the Ebola virus. There's an international scramble to do it. An update from the U.S.leads off this Tuesday show. As of last night, Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed in the U.S. with Ebola was at a Texas hospital in critical condition.The state's governor Rick Perry wants the federal government to enhance its screening of travelers anywhere they might enter the U.S. Governor Perry wants quarantine stations installed, temperatures taken if Ebola exposure is suspected.It's unlikely that would have stopped Thomas Eric Duncan from entering America, though, because his symptoms reportedly didn't start until after he'd arrived.In a survey of American Nurses released last week, most said their hospitals were not prepared for Ebola patients.Kyung Lah found a facility that says it is.The first line of defense if there's an Ebola outbreak in the United States will be the nation's hospitals. So, do they have a plan?At this one, they do.The patient will most likely come into the emergency room. And what this hospital, the Los Angeles County USC Hospital here in Los Angeles, what they've put into place, is essentially an action plan.The patient walks into the emergency room. You always check in. One of the first things they ask if it looks like the patient has a fever or sweating, is nauseous, maybe even vomiting, did you travel to West Africa? And there are signs all over this hospital saying that if you've traveled to West Africa in the last three weeks, you need to check if you have Ebola.So, that kicks their action plan into place. They then transport that person to an isolation room, and it's exactly like what it sounds. You don't have contact with anyone except people who are prepared to deal with the patient who has Ebola.So, what does a worker do before walking into isolation room to deal with a potential Ebola case? They have to cover themselves from head to toe.They wear a masque, they cover their eyes, they wear a gown that is water impermeable, so that no fluids can affect that hospital workers. They cover their feet and they cover their hands. And before they do any of that, they wash their hands for 15 seconds.Once they are in the isolation room they have to mark when they enter, they also mark when they leave.That is the case for anyone who walks into that isolation room. They follow CDC guidelines if the patient is very sick, they double glove, they double gown, they basically isolate everyone who comes in who is a suspected Ebola case. Has it happened yet here in California? No. Do they expect that it might? Possibly. And they say with this case in Dallas, this hospital has to be prepared.See if you can I.D. me. I'm in a ward that was established in 1895 and first given in 1901, a name for the inventor of dynamite, and I am awarded in several different fields, including medicine, physics and peace.I'm the Nobel Prize, established by the will of Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//CNN-NEWS-.html
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