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摘 要:目的:为临产产妇在第一产程进行清洁灌肠,可避免分娩时粪便污染,同时还能刺激宫缩,缩短产程,加速产程进展。方法:对A组101例无灌肠禁忌症的初产妇宫3cm前、经产妇宫口开2cm前,用500—1000ml的温生理盐水清洁灌肠;B组101例无灌肠禁忌症的初产妇宫口3cm前、经产妇宫口开2cm前,用500--1000ml的温0.5%肥皂水清洁灌肠;c组产妇不做如何清洁灌肠。三组产妇分娩过程粪便污染以及产程时间比较。结论:温生理盐水清洁灌肠避免了新生儿污染及母亲会阴伤口污染和环境污染,提倡推广应用0.9%生理盐水灌肠。
原作者:Dan & Jennifer
Anal sex always looks so clean in porn films – but you know from what comes out of there, it can’t be that clean, right? Well, it can be if you do a little preparation beforehand. Make anal sex cleaner with an enema or a colonic, but be careful – you can do more harm than good if you don’t research what you’re doing thoroughly before you do it. Here’s what you need to know about enemas and colonics, before you get started!
If You Play In The Mud, You Might Get Dirty肛交在色情电影里看起来是那么干净--但你应该知道从那儿出来的是啥东东,所以它不可能那么干净,是吧?呃,它也可以很干净,如果你做一些前戏准备。可以用灌肠或洗肠的方法来让肛交的时候干净些,但注意---如果你在做这个之前没做好彻底调查,最后可能是害处比好处要大。在你开始“运动”前,下面是你该知道的关于灌肠和洗肠的某些事项。&The hard truth about anal sex is that you can get dirty doing it – quite literally. The anus is designed to excrete fecal matter, and during anal sex (either with a penis or with a sex toy), fecal matter can get on you and your partner during thrusting. Unfortunately, there are very few ways around this and if you have watched a lot of porn that features anal play, you may have gotten the illusion that anal sex is clean when it really isn’t.
Why Don’t Porn Flicks Ever Show Feces?1、人在河边走,哪能不湿鞋。关于肛交一个难以回避的事实是你可能会弄脏---就是字面上说的弄脏。菊花是用来排泄的,而肛交过程中(不管用小弟弟或性玩具),在抽插的时候排泄物可能会弄到你和你床伴。不幸的是,没什么办法能避免这种情况,而且如果你看了很多关于肛交的色情描写,那你就会有种肛交是很干净的错觉,因为实际不是这样。Unless it’s a really, let’s say interesting fetish film, a porn isn’t going to show fecal matter on camera during any kind of anal play, whether it be penetration, fingering or analingus. Why is this? How do porn directors and actors show perfectly clean anal sex when we all know very well that it can get very, very dirty? Most porn stars do a little preparation before a shoot to make sure their intestinal tract is completely cleaned out. They often use an enema or a colonic to clean themselves out, so everything stays clean during filming.
What Is An Enema?2、为什么色情电影不把排泄物镜头放出来?除非它是真的,我们就说有趣的恋物电影吧,一段情色描写在任何形式的肛交过程中,不管是抽插,指入或舔肛,都不会出现排泄物的镜头,为什么呢?情色电影的导演和演员是怎么完美地做出干净的肛交镜头,还要是我们都知道它的过程是很很很脏的情况下?许多情色电影的明星在拍摄前都不会做很多准备来保证他们的肠道完全清空了。他们常常是使用灌肠剂或洗肠来进行清理,所以在拍摄的时候所有东西才能保持干净。An enema is a procedure that involves squirting liquid up the rectum and into the bowels to stimulate them to excrete waste rapidly. Most of the time, only plain water is used during this procedure but other concoctions can be used as well, such as saline. This procedure is often used to clear the lower part of the intestinal tract for medical procedures or in cases of constipation, but it is also a popular way to get ready for anal sex since an enema can usually be performed at home.
What Is A Colonic?3、什么是灌肠剂?灌肠是一种把喷射的水流灌进直肠和大肠等以刺激它们快速把废物排泄出来的过程。许多时候,在进行这个过程时只用淡水,但也能使用其他混合物,比如生理盐水。这个步骤通常是用于医学或便秘时用来清理较低部位的肠道,但在肛交的前戏准备中这也是一个挺受欢迎的方法,因为灌肠剂能在家里准备好。A colonic is similar to an enema because it does involve pumping liquid into the rectum, but during this procedure, the liquid and the fecal matter are physically removed from the bowels using a tube. This is a much deeper, more thorough cleaning of the colon and intestinal tract, but it must be performed in a physician’s office by a licensed practitioner – this is not something you can do at home! It is also not recommended that you have this done right before having sex. An enema cleans only the lower part of the colon, but a colonic actually goes in quite a bit further to get rid of more waste.
Should You Use Either Procedure Before Anal Sex?4、什么是洗肠?洗肠和灌肠很类似,因为它也包括了把液体喷进直肠中,但在这个步骤中,液体和废物是用管子排出体外的。这是一个对盲肠和肠道更深更彻底的清洁。但它必须在有执业许可的医师那里进行---这个不是你在家里能做的事。在昨晚这个之后立刻性爱也是不推荐的。灌肠清洁只是清理较低部位的肠道,而洗肠实际只是清洁得更深入更干净一点。Deciding whether or not to use an enema or a colonic to get ready for anal sex is entirely up to you. It’s all about the personal preferences of you and your sexual partner(s). If they don’t mind a little fecal matter here and there and you don’t either, don’t worry about it.5、在性交前能用其中一个方法清洁吗?决定用灌肠还是洗肠的方法去做前戏准备完全取决于你自己。这完全是你和你伴侣的个人喜好问题。如果他们和你都不介意到处都是排泄物的话,那还担心啥。You don’t have to put yourself through uncomfortable and possibly very expensive procedures to get ready for anal play if you and your partner really don’t care one way or the other! Remember that if you do choose to have an enema or a colonic done, you need to follow all directions to make sure you don’t do more harm than good.
Alternatives To These Procedures&如果你和你的伴侣无论如何都不介意,你不必在前戏准备中让自己经历那么不舒服又可能很昂贵的步骤。记住如果你真的要用灌肠或洗肠,你要遵循所有指示以保证你不会弄巧成拙。If you want anal sex to be clean but the idea of having an enema or a colonic really freaks you out, you’re not at the end of the road. There are other ways you can clean yourself out too!6、替代方法如果你想要肛交的时候干净但灌肠或洗肠的方法真的吓到你话,你或许还不是彻底的同性恋者。这里有其他的方法可以让你把自己弄干净。Go to the bathroom before sex. If you haven’t eaten a heavy meal, this may be all you need to get sparkling clean for your partner.&爱爱前去趟洗手间。如果你没吃大餐,那你把自己弄得干干净净交给你伴侣前做好这个就行了。Wear a condom. This way, your partner doesn’t get fecal matter on his penis but you can both enjoy having anal sex. The condom slips right off and can be thrown in the trash without another glance.&&带个套套。用这个方法,你爱人不会弄脏小弟弟,你也可以享受性爱的乐趣。况且套套用完后可以立马丢弃,眼皮都不带捎一下的。Use an at home laxative. There are lots of over the counter laxatives that are available and can be used easily at home if you follow all the directions.&在家用泻药。在柜台有很多泻药可买,如果你遵循指示,在家使用也方便。Use lube. With anal sex, lube is a must. The delicate tissues of the anus can tear and bleed if lube isn’t used. Don’t risk it! Lube is cheap and easy to get. There’s no reason not to!&用润滑油。要肛交,润滑油是必需的。如果不用润滑,肛门处纤弱的组织会撕裂流血。别冒这个险!润滑油很便宜而且容易买到。没理由不用它!
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