
BBC专栏文章—戴眼镜会减弱你的视力吗?(译文在英文原文下方) | 健康朝九晚五小组 | 果壳网 科技有意思
| 13 May 2014Does wearing glasses weaken your eyesight?Claudia HammondDo glasses weaken your eyesight? (Thinkstock)Many people believe that the longer you wear spectacles the worse your eyesight becomes. But are they right? Claudia Hammond takes a clear look at the evidence.There are lots of reasons why people don’t always wear their glasses. They might dislike the way they look, get teased or simply feel more comfortable without them. Beyond comfort and aesthetics, though, some fear that wearing glasses too often will weaken their eyesight, and that they will increasingly rely on them more often than when first worn.A study from Nigeria
found 64% of students believed that wearing glasses can damage eyes. Research in the Indian state of Karnataka put , and in Pakistan 69% of people feel the same way. In Brazil,
that your eyes would gradually get weaker as a consequence of wearing glasses. Is there any evidence to suggest they are right?There are, of course, two very different reasons why people wear glasses – short-sightedness, or myopia, where things in the and long-sightedness, or hyperopia, where you can’t focus on things close up. Long-sightedness is often age-related: many people begin noticing in their 40-50s that it’s difficult to read in low lighting. As we age the lenses in our eyes gradually stiffen, making it harder to adjust to different distances. When people get to the stage where their arms aren’t long enough to hold a book or menu far enough away to focus on the text, they opt for reading glasses.What’s surprising is how few trials have been conducted on the prolonged effect of wearing glasses. And from what we know there’s no persuasive evidence that wearing reading glasses affects your eyesight. Why then do so many people become convinced, anecdotally, that glasses have made their eyesight worse? People may gradually find themselves more and more dependent on their specs, but it’s because their lenses have continued to deteriorate with age. So people find themselves needing their glasses more often, leading them to conclude that the glasses must have made their sight worse, where in fact, there’s no causal relationship. Whether or not you choose to wear your reading glasses will make no difference to your eyesight in the long run (although if you have to strain your eyes to read, you might get headaches or find that your eyes feel sore).Corrected visionHowever, the situation is not the same with children. Not wearing the right glasses, or any glasses at all if they are needed, can have a long-term impact. For decades it was thought that deliberately under-correcting for short-sightedness – by giving children weaker glasses than they really needed – might slow down the elongation of the eyeball over time and thus slow down the progression of myopia. The idea was that if you wear glasses to allow you to see clearly in the distance, your eyeball tries to elongate itself when you focus on a close object in order to see it properly.But a
proved this hypothesis was so wrong it had to be halted a year early. A group of 94 children with myopia were randomised at the toss of coin either to wear the correct glasses for their prescription, or to wear glasses that left them slightly short-sighted. When the study began the children were between the ages of nine and 14, and for the next two years the length of their eyeballs were measured at regular intervals. Contrary to an earlier, smaller study from the 1960s, the children who wore the weaker glasses showed a greater elongation of the eyeball over time. In other words their eyesight was gradually getting worse.For years, people gave children weaker glasses than they really needed, but evidence suggests this is the wrong thing to do (Thinkstock)Some argue that there’s still not enough evidence to come to any firm conclusions. But
from 2011 of studies of interventions in children with myopia concluded that the limited evidence available suggests it is better to give children the correct glasses, rather than deliberately trying to under-prescribe. There’s no suggestion that wearing the correct glasses will make their eyesight worse than not wearing them at all. In fact the
of the progression of myopia, which has just published its 23-year findings suggests the contrary. Back in 1983 a group of children in Finland with myopia were randomised to various conditions, including reading without spectacles. Their myopia progressed a little faster than those who wore their glasses continuously. After the initial three years of the study, they were all advised to wear glasses all the time. Twenty years on, there was no difference between the groups.The benefits of wearing glasses if you’re a child who needs them, are clear. Children’s eyes need to learn to see, so if they don’t have the right glasses they can develop so-called “lazy-eye” or amblyopia because they’ve never had a sharp image on their retina. The correct prescription has also been shown to
and reduce the risk of .But, returning to adults, what I find curious is the lack of studies that have been carried out in this area. We might expect science to have all the answers, but sometimes the studies that seem the most obvious to conduct haven’t been done. Studies requiring children with myopia not to wear glasses would be unethical because of the effects it’s known to have on educational attainment and on the developing eye. But, in principle, this kind of study could be carried out on long-sighted or short-sighted adults. So we’re left with the question of why no one wants to do it. Professor Ananth Viswanathan, Consultant Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, believes the lack of research is probably down to the absence of any physiological reason why glasses might damage eyesight. Research needs not only to look for associations, but for plausible mechanisms.So it sounds as though this type of study won’t be done any time soon. In the meantime we’ll have to go on the anatomical evidence. And while there are plenty of reasons to choose not to wear glasses, the fear that you might be damaging your eyesight isn’t one of them.DisclaimerAll content within this column is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. The BBC is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of this site. The BBC is not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites. Always consult your own GP if you're in any way concerned about your health. 医学奥秘|日戴眼镜会减弱你的视力吗?克劳迪娅·哈蒙德眼镜会减弱你的视力吗?(图片来源:Thinkstock)很多人认为你戴眼镜的时间越久,视力就变得更糟糕。不过,他们是对的吗?克劳迪娅·哈蒙德对相关证据进行了透彻的观察。人们不总是戴眼镜的原因有许多。他们可能是不喜欢戴着眼镜的样子、被别人嘲笑或仅仅是感到不舒服。然而,除了舒适性与美观,有些人是害怕经常戴眼镜会减弱他们的视力,与第一次戴眼镜相比,他们会越来越依赖眼镜。去年发表的一项尼日利亚研究表明,该国学生中有64%认为戴眼镜会损害视力。印度卡纳塔克邦的研究数据为30%,巴基斯坦有69%的人有同感。巴西甚至有医疗人员认为,人们的视力逐渐变差,就是佩戴眼镜的一种后果。有没有证据证明他们是对的?人们之所以戴眼镜是出于两种不同原因:近视,看不清远处物体;远视,人眼没法对近处物体对焦。远视常与年龄相关:很多人到四五十岁时开始感觉在暗光下阅读困难。随着我们年龄增长,我们的眼睛渐渐变得僵硬,难于针对不同距离进行调节。当人们胳膊的长度无法尽可能把书或菜单拿远、使眼睛对上面的文字进行对焦的时候,他们会选择老花镜。令人吃惊的是,针对佩戴眼镜的长期效果而做的试验很少。从我们已知的情况看,没有有说服力的证据表明,佩戴老花镜会影响人的视力。为什么会有那么多人相信那些道听途说的眼镜会使他们视力变弱的说法?人们可能慢慢发现自己越来越依赖眼镜,但那是因为他们的晶状体随着年龄增长越来越差了。于是,人们发现自己更加需要眼镜,导致他们认为眼镜必然会使自己的视力变弱,而实际上这两者没有因果关系。你戴不戴老花镜不会使你的视力产生长期差别(不过,要是你一定要硬是用裸眼阅读,那你可能会头疼或感觉眼睛酸。)矫正视力可是,孩子们的情况就不同了。孩子不佩戴合适的眼镜或其他自身所需的眼镜,便会受到长期影响。几十年来,人们认为对近视的有意矫正不足—给孩子佩戴度数比真正所需度数低的眼镜—可能减缓眼球变长,并因此减缓近视发展。其原理是,如果你带的眼镜能使你看清远处,那么你的眼球为了看清楚近处的物体,在对焦的时候会努力使自己变长。不过,马来西亚在2002年开展的一项试验表明,这种假说是十分错误的,并在一年前叫停该试验。94名患近视的孩子通过掷硬币的方式随机被分为2组,一组佩戴处方正确度数眼镜,一组佩戴仍会使他们略微近视的眼镜。这项研究开始时,这些孩子的年龄在9至14岁之间,在接下来的2年里,研究人员按时测量孩子们的眼球长度。与20世纪60年代的一项较小的早期研究结果相反,佩戴度数不足眼镜的孩子随着时间推移,其眼球显著变长。换句话说,就是他们的视力逐渐变差了。多年来,人们给孩子佩戴度数比真正所需度数低的眼镜,但是证据表明那是错误的。(图片来源:Thinkstock)有的人认为,没有足够的证据支持任何确定的结论。然而,科克伦数据库中一篇发表于2011年的儿童近视干预研究评论文章总结道,现有的有限证据表明,给孩子佩戴正确度数的眼镜是更好的选择,而非有意给他们度数不足的眼镜。没有证据表明,与不戴眼镜相比,佩戴正确度数的眼镜会使孩子们的视力变差。实际上,在近视发展方面周期最长的研究结果与那些人的认识相反,该研究历时23年。1983年,芬兰的一群患有近视的孩子被随机分成几组,代表各种状况,其中包括不戴眼镜阅读。他们的近视发展比持续佩戴眼镜的孩子稍快一点。该研究开展3年后,他们均被建议持续佩戴眼镜;20年后,各组之间没有差别。如果你是一个需要眼镜的孩子,那么你戴眼镜的好处就很清楚了。孩子的眼睛需要学习如何看东西,因此,如果他们没有合适的眼镜,那么他们可能发展为所谓的“懒眼症”,也就是弱视,因为他们的视网膜上从来没有过清晰锐利的图像。正确的处方也被证明能改善孩子的阅读速度,降低发展为斜视的风险。不过,说回到成年人,笔者感到好奇的是在这方面还缺乏相应研究。我们盼望科学能给出所有答案,但是有时那些可以明摆着去做的研究一直没人去做。那些要求近视儿童不戴眼镜的研究是不道德的,因为研究者知道那会对孩子的学习以及视力发展产生影响。不过,从原则上看,这类研究可以在远视或近视的成年人中间开展。因此,我们现在的问题就是,为什么没人愿意做这样的研究。伦敦莫尔菲尔德眼科医院外科顾问医生阿南斯·维斯瓦纳坦教授认为,缺少这类研究的原因大致是不存在眼镜可能损伤视力方面的生理学原因。研究不仅需要寻找关联,还需要找到可信的机制。因此,这类研究看上去还不会在近期内开展起来。与此同时,我们还必须去寻找解剖学证据。纵有千百个选择不戴眼镜的理由,你对眼镜会损伤视力的担忧肯定不能算在其中。声明本栏目中所有内容仅供一般性信息了解,不应当被视为医生或其他医疗专业人员的建议。BBC对用户基于本站内容作出的任何诊断不予负责。BBC不对文章内容中涉及的所有站外链接负责,也不对站外链接中提到或建议的商业产品或服务承担责任。若读者有任何有关自身健康方面的疑虑,请咨询医生。译者声明:本文译文也仅供一般性信息了解,不应被视为医疗专业建议,译者对读者基于译文作出的任何诊断不予负责。若有任何疑问,请咨询眼科医生。BBC原文地址:文中提及的各种研究资料:尼日利亚: ;印度: ;巴西: ;马来西亚: ;科克伦数据库文章: ;历时23年的研究: ;改善阅读速度: ;发展为斜视: 。
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