Harnal OCAS 甲醛含量0.4mgg 是哪个厂家发的?一盒多少钱?

Harnal OCAS 0.4g for women?
I am female aged 36. I have weak urine flow and are not able to completely emptying my bladder. My doctor prescribed me with Harnal OCAS 0.4g for one week and one tab each day. I search online and found it is meant for men and not&&intended for women. So now I am in dilemma. I don't know whether should take this medicine or not. I would like to know your opinion.
Thank you for your time in advance.
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Harnal OCAS is not specifically a male drug though it is given for male issues more commonly. It acts by relaxation of the urethra and promoting easy flow of urine.
Hope this information helps.
Take care!
Harnal OCAS is not specifically a male drug though it is given for male issues more commonly. It acts by relaxation of the urethra and promoting easy flow of urine.
Hope this information helps.
Take care!
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Harnal OCAS 0.4g for women?
I am female aged 36. I have weak urine flow and are not able to completely emptying my bladder. My doctor prescribed me with Harnal OCAS 0.4g for one week and one tab each day. I search online and found it is meant for men and not&&intended for women. So now I am in dilemma. I don't know whether should take this medicine or not. I would like to know your opinion.
Thank you for your time in advance.
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MedHelp is a division of .Harnal OCAS 0.4mg 是哪个厂家 Harnal OCAS 0.4mg 是哪个厂家发的?一盒多少钱?
Harnal OCAS 0.4mg 是哪个厂家发的?一盒多少钱?
匿名 Harnal OCAS 0.4mg 是哪个厂家发的?一盒多少钱?Harnal OCAS 0.4g for women?
I am female aged 36. I have weak urine flow and are not able to completely emptying my bladder. My doctor prescribed me with Harnal OCAS 0.4g for one week and one tab each day. I search online and found it is meant for men and not&&intended for women. So now I am in dilemma. I don't know whether should take this medicine or not. I would like to know your opinion.
Thank you for your time in advance.
Page 1 of 1
Harnal OCAS is not specifically a male drug though it is given for male issues more commonly. It acts by relaxation of the urethra and promoting easy flow of urine.
Hope this information helps.
Take care!
Harnal OCAS is not specifically a male drug though it is given for male issues more commonly. It acts by relaxation of the urethra and promoting easy flow of urine.
Hope this information helps.
Take care!
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Harnal OCAS 0.4g for women?
I am female aged 36. I have weak urine flow and are not able to completely emptying my bladder. My doctor prescribed me with Harnal OCAS 0.4g for one week and one tab each day. I search online and found it is meant for men and not&&intended for women. So now I am in dilemma. I don't know whether should take this medicine or not. I would like to know your opinion.
Thank you for your time in advance.
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Check off these medical to-dos before the big day.
15 signs that it’s more than just the blues
From your diet to your medication to your mindset, here are 13 culprits of low libido.
Eating healthier doesn’t mean tossing your favorite recipes in the trash. Here are 10 easy ingredient substitutions for healthier cooking and baking.
Banish belly rolls for good with these easy moves to sculpt strong, sexy abs
How to avoid the most common weight loss traps
Interstitial Cystitis Community Resources
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MedHelp is a division of .是甚么药 ? 长期服食有否副作用呢? - 怎么办? - 怎么治?
Pieter 提问:
是甚么药 ? 长期服食有否副作用呢?
harnal ocas 0.4 mg and lorivan 0 更多: .5&& please .
AJ01 回答:
你问以下药物的问题,现作如下简介:(1), harnal ocas 0.4mg 此药与tamsulosin hcl 同一药物而名称不同。它是治疗男性良性前列腺增生或有膀胱出口阻塞(膀胱口括约肌紧张所致的出口阻塞)的药物。此药在服用时应注意有肾脏功能损害者要慎用。此外,它有对轻或中度高血压有治疗之效。它可以导致直立性&低血压。年长者肾脏功能较差要慎用。再次对于机器操作者或汽车司机服用此药有不良影响,能否服用必请教医生,不可乱服。它有如下副作用,头昏﹑胃肠功能障碍或不适﹑头痛﹑心动过速﹑直立性低血压﹑血清转氨酶如谷丙转氨酶,谷草转氨酶等可能升高。 (2), lorivan 0.5 亦即是 lorazepam 中文名称为“氯羟安定”它是对抗焦虑症及其伴有的头痛﹑眩晕﹑胸闷﹑心悸﹑恶心﹑呕吐等症状有治疗作用。也有用来催眠者。在治疗剂量下不良反应少而轻。用量较大时,可见嗜睡﹑眩晕﹑无力。如用量过大可出现记忆力减退﹑兴奋﹑定向障碍等。以上药物服用前要请教医生,不可乱服。以上仅供参考。
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