
My favorite movie is schindler's list. It is the second world war, the Nazi Germany businessmen's new in the quake-hit conscience are driven by the thousands of jews rescue. It describes the war, race, sex, religion, faith, money, sympathy, etc. Although it is a movie, but also an epic. It has huge shock and dark and terrible pain the artistic charm of the emotional force, condenses the beauty of human nature. I think the film is not moving, plot, lies in the heart of the viewer can arouse all conscience. Above all is why I like the movie.
—— xiaoxiongba
My favorite movie is Schindler's List. It stresses that during World War II, Nazi Germany, the new Chandler businessman driven by conscience money in the efforts to rescue thousands of Jews. It describes the war, race, sex, religion, faith, money, compassion and so on. Although it is a movie, but it is also an epic. It has enormous power and deep and painful emotions Shocking artistic charm power, embodied the beauty of humanity. I think the film moving, not the plot, it can arouse the conscience of the hearts of all viewers. These are my reasons why I like this movie.
—— 名侦探kenan
My favorite movie, the Schindler's List features a Germany businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand Polish Jewish refugees by employing them in his factories and depicts matters like warfare, ethnicity, sex, belief, faith, money and sympathy.
Not only a film, but also an epic it is.
The film provides with great power to shock you, deep and painful emotions of art to catch your heart with the beauty of human nature.
So, I think the success of the film depends on not the plot, but the conscience which echoes with our heart. That's way I am loving this film.
—— vincentyuen
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