
For different tattoo British twin brothers 以纹身区分的英国双胞胎兄弟
In Britain, there is a pile of twin brothers, they do our best to maintain the same size, eat the same amount of rice, do the same amount of exercise, to go out at night to drink all drink the sa Even if two people apart, also want to plan ahead of time to eat meal. Result, two people's chest to 44 inches (112 cm), upper arm circumference is reached 18 inches (46 cm). Now, two people have the same good figure. As shown in the picture below, it looks like, figure, if wear the same clothes, it's really hard to distinguish. 在英国,有一堆双胞胎兄弟,他们拼尽全力维持一模一样的体型,吃等量的饭,做等量的运动,晚上出去喝酒都喝等量的酒;即使两人分开,也要提早计划好要吃的饭。结果,两人的胸围都达到了44英寸(约112厘米),上臂围都达到了18英寸(约46厘米)。如今,两人拥有了一模一样的好身材。正如下图中所展现出来的一样,这二人长相一样,身材一样,若是穿上相同的衣服,就真的很难区分了。Well, their body tattoo is different, so, their family can easily distinguish between two people, focused on tattoo on his arm in the summer is outward signs in most cases, however, small make up wanted to think, the two people are in the UK, small make up geography is not good, don't know what's the climate like in there, if has been cool, don't have to wear a half sleeve clothes, then the two brothers arm covered up, how do you distinguish them? The two brothers are also interesting, would look like, also have to keep the same shape, this let outsiders how points, but they have different tattoos, otherwise later they wife couldn't even points clearly. 还好,他们二人身上的纹身是不一样的,这样,他们的家人就能很容易的区分出二人了,集中在胳膊上的纹身图案在夏天大多数情况是显露在外的,但是,小编想了想,这两个人是英国的,小编地理学的不好,不知道那里的气候怎么样,若是一直都比较凉爽,不用穿半袖的衣服,那么这两兄弟的胳膊就被遮盖起来了,大家要怎么区分他俩呢。这两兄弟也有意思,本来就长得像了,还非得保持一样的身材,这让外人怎么分嘛,亏得他俩还有不同的纹身,不然以后他俩的老婆怕是都不能分清楚了。With tattoos to distinguish between twins, it's a good idea, small make up also know a pair of twin sisters, never separate, well out of the back to see their advise them, getting a tattoo, is used to distinguish. 双胞胎之间用纹身来进行区分,这倒是一个不错的想法,小编也认识一对双胞胎姐妹,从来就没分清楚过,这次回去再见着她们一定得好好的劝劝她俩,做个纹身,用于区分了。
Tattoo fans fact, according to a Beijing on September 18, the real Madrid and the Basel in the champions league game is over, a cassini's fans in the process of reporters, zipper pull open chest clothes, show the chest tattoo, tattoo is the name of Kathy, the content of the this backed fan favorite。据一位北京纹身爱好者爆料,9月18日的的西班牙皇家马德里队和巴塞尔欧冠的比赛一结束,一位卡西的女球迷在记者采访的过程当中,拉开胸部衣服拉链,秀出胸部的纹身,纹身的内容是卡西的名字,以此力挺最喜爱的球迷。After the end of the game, reporters fan, the female fans to express affection for the casino, in his chest tattoo, and in an interview show tattoos.当比赛结束之后,记者采访球迷,该女球迷为了表达对卡西的钟爱,在自己的胸部纹身,并在接受采访时秀出纹身。
We believe that the friends loving basketball basin all know that the NBA has such a pair of brothers: marcus morris and Ma Jifu - morris, together they play in the NBA, the phoenix is mainly responsible for forward, and on the "post" are doing well. Many of the NBA star is love tattoo, of course, the brothers morris is not exceptional also, they are also full of tattoo fans.相信喜爱篮球的盆友们都知道NBA有这样一对兄弟:马库斯-莫里斯和马基夫-莫里斯,他们共同效力于NBA菲尼克斯太阳队,主要负责前锋,而且在此&岗位&上都有不俗的表现。NBA的很多球星都是热爱纹身,当然,莫里斯这对兄弟也不例外,他们也是十足的纹身迷。Recently, the brothers to love their fans together in public solicitation new tattoo, two people will all collection to tattoo comparison, finally select a the most meaningful. According to a Beijing tattoo fans, on September 17, two have completed the new tattoos. New tattoo designs for a silk scarf the same pattern with # with the words of the GMA. According to morris brothers said to choose the silk scarf as tattoos, was built in memory of her late grandmother, and their wrist has grandmother name tattoo, visible to the grandmother's affection is not a general.前不久,这对兄弟一起公开向喜爱他们的球迷们征集新的纹身图案,二人将所有的征集来的纹身图案进行比较,最终选择一个最有意义的。据一位北京纹身爱好者透露,在9月17日,二位已经完成了新纹身的制作。新纹身的图案为一条丝巾一样的图案并带有#GMA的字样。据莫里斯兄弟透露称选择这个丝巾一样的纹身,是为了纪念自己过世的祖母,而且他们的手腕上都有祖母名字的纹身,可见对祖母的情并非一般。More than 2 meters in height, morris brothers look very tall, dark, but they have a very soft heart, every time at the end of the game played the national anthem of time they will kiss wrist tattoos, grandmother really reflected the tender side this term.身高都在2米以上的莫里斯兄弟看起来非常高大威猛,可他们却有着非常柔软的心,每次在比赛结束奏起国歌的时候他们都会亲吻手腕上祖母的纹身,真真的体现出来铁汉柔情这个词。
MarcJacobs fashion week, Kitty zhang tattoo paste
In the entertainment industry, Kitty zhang the couple is occupied a lot of news. MarcJacobs Kitty zhang was invited to New York fashion week using tattoo stickers, big international fashion show, is also the husband an-quan wang the negative news, headlines and. Today with the Beijing tattoo fans to see tattoo fashion show about Kitty zhang beauty. 在演艺圈来说,张雨绮这对夫妇可谓是占据了很多新闻。张雨绮应邀参加纽约MarcJacobs时装周利用纹身贴,大秀国际风尚,而老公王安全也是负面新闻不断,占据头条。今天就跟随着北京纹身爱好者来看看关于张雨绮美女的纹身时尚秀。The Kitty zhang wearing green sequins suits, spike and charring ponytail, instep with New York tide brand tattoo stickers, frankness and sexy, won the international photographers snapped. Says the star, also need the clothes make the man, clothing is naturally chosen was very successful, the biggest bright spot is love tattoo paste on the instep, set off a pair of slender legs and exquisite jade is sufficient, white long legs, ShenSeWen stick it grab an eye, become a new generation of rob mirror tool. 当日张雨绮身着绿色亮片西服套装、细高跟、冲天马尾辫、脚背搭配纽约潮牌纹身贴,率真性感,赢得了国际摄影师的一阵猛拍。说这明星吧,也是需要人靠衣装的,衣服自然是选的非常成功,最大的亮点是其脚背上的love纹身贴,更是衬托出了一双修长美腿和玲珑玉足,白皙的长腿上,深色纹身贴煞是抢眼,成为新一代抢镜手段。This suit with a set of permeance instep fashionable tattoo stickers, will fashion interpretation incisively and vividly, New York fashion week 2015 season Kitty zhang won! 这一套率性西装搭配脚背时尚纹身贴,将时尚诠释的淋漓尽致,2015季纽约时装周张雨绮大获全胜!&
When the tattoo becomes &wearable resume&当纹身变成“可穿戴简历”
When you fired the company, the most important is to quickly put the whole thing behind. But for Gil Abramson (Jill Abramson), it will be very difficult. The "New York Times" (New York Times) editor in chief has recently been fired, but only after she has will mark New York Times tattooed on his back.当你被公司炒鱿鱼的时候,最重要的就是迅速地把整个事情抛在脑后。不过对于吉尔&艾布拉姆森(Jill Abramson)来说,这将非常困难。这位《纽约时报》(New York Times)总编辑最近被炒了鱿鱼,不过此前她已将纽约时报的标志纹在了自己背上。The employer's name is permanently tattooed on the skin is completely without any reason. Your boss will not feel so happy, but more likely to think this type of behavior is weird and a hair stood on end. The work is no longer a matter of a lifetime. All jobs will all come to an end, but usually not happy ending.将雇主的名字永久地纹在皮肤上则完全没有任何道理。你的老板不但不会因此感到高兴,反而更有可能认为这种行为既古怪又令人汗毛倒竖。工作已经不再是一辈子的事了。所有的工作岗位都会走到尽头,而且结局通常并不愉快。All of a sudden, people found a new use of tattoo. As the first female editor in chief New York Times, Abramson has always been a similar to the trend of the character creator. But the tattoo as a new influence fashion may be much larger than. With H and T two letters, she made herself to be the world leader in the field of wearable resume.突然之间,人们发现了纹身的一种全新用途。作为纽约时报的首位女总编辑,艾布拉姆森一直是个类似于潮流创造者的人物。但纹身作为一种新风尚的影响可能会大得多。凭借H和T两个字母,她使自己成为了可穿戴简历领域的全球领军人物。
Rapper The Games'new tattoo tributes to the slain teenager
说唱歌手The Games纹身
Rapper The Game has unveiled his latest tattoo, a likeness of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin&s face on his lower leg.The hip hop star, famed for his well inked torso, had the tattoo carried out by Roman Abrego at Artistic Element in Los Angeles on Friday, it took seven hours.Born Jayceon Terrell Taylor, The Game was a very vocal supporter of the Martin family during the trial and in the months leading up to it.美国说唱歌手The Game公开了其新添的纹身图案,纹身图案是被杀害的弗罗里达州青少年Trayvon Martin的头像,这个纹身图案被纹在了其小腿上,这位嘻哈歌手之前就以身上的纹身而著称,这些纹身图案是由洛杉矶的一位名叫Roman Abrego的纹身师创作的。说唱歌手The Game,原名为Jayceon Terrell Taylor,在青少年被杀一案中,他一直在用歌声来支持这个不幸的家庭!
The Game&s has multiple tattoos on his body including Barack Obama written across his chest, homages to rapper Eazy-E and N.W.A, a portrait of 2Pac as an angel and G-Unot due to his feud with 50 Cent and G-Unit, as well as the Dodgers& 'LA' logo tattoo below his right eye, covering a previous tattoo of a butterfly.His stomach tattoo, coincidentally etched with the word 'Stretch,'除了这个纹身图案外,说唱歌手The Game还在胸前纹有巴拉克-奥巴马的名字纹身,2Pac的头像纹身,和一个&LA&的标志纹身!另外,其腹部还纹有一个&Stretch&的单词纹身。
Martin, just 17 years old, was fatally shoot on Feb 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida.George Zimmerman, the neighborhood-watch volunteer who fatally shot him, was acquitted by a jury of second degree murder and manslaughter charges in July. The reaction to the verdict led to protests and marches of people contesting the 'stand-your-ground' law, which is a type of self-defense law that gives someone the right to use deadly force to defend themselves.这位被杀害的青少年Martin,只有17岁,其于日在弗罗里达州的桑福德被杀害,开枪者名叫George Zimmerman,是一位安保人员,被判处二等谋杀罪,后无罪释放,这样的判处直接引起了当地人们的抗议和游行,呼吁&自我保护&法令的修改!&
Nicole Richie admits she regrets the 'virgin' tattoo
Nicole Richie says her biggest regret is her 'virgin' tattoo.The 32-year-old reality TV star was chatting to E! News on Wednesday and pointed to her right wrist saying: 'See this tattoo? It's embarrassing and desperate' 'Now, I am a Virgo so when I was 16 I thought, 'Ooh I'm going to be different and I'm going to put virgin, because the Virgin is the sign for Virgo.''妮可里奇说她最遗憾的就是纹了这个&处女座&的单词纹身,这位32岁的电视名人透露道,其曾在一次采访中指着右手腕上的纹身图案说:看到这个纹身图案没有?如今让人很尴尬、失望。在我16岁的时候我认为这个单词是&处女座&的意思,但是后来我发现这个单词还指的是处女!
'I'd add an 'i' and an 'a' and say I'm from Virginia, but I just don't think people are going to believe me. So I'm just stuck.'&我想在这个纹身图案中加上一个&i&和一个&a&,使其变成&Virginia&弗吉尼亚,的那是我觉得这样改还是没有人相信的!所以我对这个纹身图案十分纠结!&
Cheryl Cole inked 'bespoke design' on her tattoo artist
It's a brave man who lets a pop star with a huge rose artwork inked on her bottom loose with his own tattoo gun. Even braver when it's the man was responsible for creating the body art in the first place, then leaking the results to the world via his instagram account. But Cheryl Cole didn't seem to be holding any grudges when she turned the tables on renowned American tattoo artist Nikko Hurtado - or did she?在流行巨星谢丽尔科尔的屁股上纹上那么大的一个玫瑰纹身,这样的纹身师是很大胆的!而比这个更大胆的是,这名纹身师竟然还在第一时间将这个纹身图案通过Ins公布给了大家!然而即使这样,谢丽尔科尔还是对其纹身师没有丝毫怨恨,而其纹身师正是美国有名的纹身师Nikko Hurtado!
On Sunday the brunette beauty posted a series of pictures of her inking tattoo artist Nikko and the results attracted a flurry of mixed reactions. Alongside a picture of her clutching the tattoo pen, the ex-Girls Aloud singer wrote: 'You learn something new everyday!!!.. nikkohurtado.'Commenting on the shot of the final result - a pair of aviator sunglasses fromed by two stars and a red heart with a squiggle for good measure - Cheryl wrote the message: 'I got to tag the best tattoo artist with my first and last tattoo @nikkohurtado designed bespoke by yours truly.'最近,谢丽尔科尔在自己的INs上晒出了好几张纹身图片,图片显示,谢丽尔科尔为其纹身师Nikko Hurtado纹身了,纹身照片旁边,谢丽尔写道:每天你都会学到一些新的东西!照片上显示,谢丽尔为其纹身师纹了这样一个纹身图案:一幅飞行员眼镜,眼镜旁边分别点缀着两颗星星,另外还有一个花体的心形图案!&这是我第一次也是最后一次创作纹身,纹身的对象是最好的纹身师Nikko Hurtado,这是我亲自设计的纹身图案!&
Chezza's fans quickly showed their support for the design, commenting: 'Know where to come for my first tattoo then!" and "Cherylllll, get you with your hidden talents!! So proud of you x'While another, a little less positive, wrote: 'Hahaha I showed my mum this and she went 'oh that's really bad, oh well they asked for it.'谢丽尔的粉丝们很快对其纹身处女作表示了支持,并评论道:我也要纹这样一个纹身图案!谢丽尔是深藏不露啊,这个纹身的确很棒!当然也有不少粉丝进行了调侃:我给我妈妈看这个纹身图案,她表示这个纹身图案很差,不过萝卜青菜,人各有爱!&
Model Cara Delevingne adds white-ink tattoo 'Breathe Deeply'
卡拉迪瓦伊添白色新纹身:Breathe Deeply
She already has an impressive body - of tattoo work.But now Burberry model Cara Delevingne has added yet another design to her extensive - and ever-expanding - collection.&她身上已经纹了许多纹身图案,但是现在名模卡拉-迪瓦伊又新添了一个纹身图案!
The blonde beauty shared a picture of herself on Instagram sporting a white-ink tattoo on her bicep, which read: Breathe Deep.The message, written in curly lower-case font, is deliberately designed to be discreet - only visible when she has a tan.It was performed by BangBang, real name Keith McCurdy, who is based in Manhattan, New York, and is famed for working on Justin Bieber.这位金发碧眼的美人在自己的Ins上晒出了一张新的纹身照片,照片中显示其胳膊上臂内侧纹有一个白色的纹身图案,纹身图案的内容为:Breathe Deep,纹身字体为卷曲的英文小写,并且这个纹身图案还有一个奇特之处,那就是只有在暴晒后才会变成黑色,这个纹身图案是由纹身师BangBang设计的,BangBang的本名为Keith McCurdy,来自美国纽约曼哈顿,曾因为贾斯汀比伯纹身而成名!
Unsurprisingly, the image has already garnered fan approval - with 185,000 'likes' in a matter of days.Only recently Cara stepped and Jourdan Dunn visited the parlour to get matching inkings.The stunning pair later posted snaps of their entwined 'DD', presumably representing their surnames, while making a heart sign with their hands.果然不出所料,卡拉迪瓦伊的这个新纹身在几天之内便得到了185,000个人点赞。不过最近,卡拉迪瓦伊又和好友卓丹-邓前往BangBang的纹身店,并随后又晒出了一张纹身照片,两人分别在腰围侧面纹了一个&DD&的纹身图案,这个纹身图案大概是代表着两人的名字,两人分别用手做心形状晒出了这个新纹身!&&
Starbucks employee of five years faces losing her job over penny-sized tattoo on her hand
A 27-year-old Michigan woman who has worked for Starbucks for almost five years claims she was told to remove a tattoo on her hand or lose her job.The Rochester Hills woman, Kayla, who asked for surname not to be publicized, says that she had the penny-sized heart tattoo when she was first hired by the coffee giant.However after a regional manager paid a recent visit to the store where she works, Kayla was told she had to cover it up, according to My Fox Detroit.After applying make-up on the spot, she was then informed that was not good enough.'It's just a little heart you can cover it up with your thumb. It's a little heart. It's not offensive to anybody,' she says.一位来自美国密歇根州的27岁女子,曾被工作了5年的星巴克公司通知,如果不去除其手背上的纹身,将面临着被开除的命运!这名女子名叫Kayla,来自密歇根州的明苏里达市,她请求媒体不要将其真实姓名公开,并透露自己在入职星巴克的时候就已经纹上这个小的心形纹身。然而,最近,一位区域经理来访后,Kayla便被告知必须将其纹身图案遮掩起来!于是她便用化妆品将这处纹身遮上,但是还是被告知效果不好!&这就是一个小的心形纹身图案,用大拇指就能遮上,真的特别小,不会对任何人带来负面影响!&Kayla说道!
'Now, I am being told after five years of having this tattoo being hired in that I have to get rid of it or resign from my job.'What I was told by my manager and my district manager was that you have 30 days to begin a removal process for the tattoo or you must resign from your job.'Starbucks says that visible tattoos has always been part of their employee dress code possible.'Out of respect for our partners', who we refer to as our employees, privacy we do not discuss individual employee details,' Starbucks said in a statement.&我在这里工作了五年,并且一直带着这个纹身,而如今却被告知我必须将这个纹身图案去掉,不然就被辞退!我的经理和区域经理告诉我,在30天之内必须将这个纹身图案去掉,不然就立马走人!&而星巴克公司透露到,在其职工仪表规定中,明显的纹身图案是不被允许的!&这样的纹身图案是对合作者的不尊重,而主要是对顾客不尊重,如果是员工个人的隐私,我们也会尊重的&在一份声明中,星巴克如此说道!
'I can tell you that our tattoo policy states that partners cannot have visible tattoos. ''This is part of our dress code policy and is discussed with our candidates during the interview process.'But Kayla maintains it was never discussed with her until now.She got the tattoo when she was young and does not think she should need to remove it for her job.&我们公司禁止员工在明显的身体部位纹身,这在面试的过程中就已经告诉员工了,&然而,Kayla却表示她工作到现在,也没有人告诉她这样的纹身禁令,这个纹身图案是在她年轻的时候纹的,但是到现在她却不得不为了工作将其去除!&
She previously vowed she wouldn't get rid of her 'Mrs C' tattoo after her divorce from first husband Ashley Cole.But perhaps it may be time for Cheryl Fernandez-Versini to rethink her body art depicting her former married name now she has wed for the second time.As she attended a party on Monday night to celebrate her marriage two weeks ago to French businessman Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini, her chic updo meant her 'Mrs C' tattoo was on full display.Cheryl, 31, first got the loving tribute to the former Chelsea left-back, 33, in November 2007 - a year after their marriage.曾经她宣布和第一任丈夫科尔离婚后,不会去掉这个&Mrs C&(科尔太太)的纹身图案,但是现在貌似是时候去除这个前任纹身了,因为谢丽尔-科尔已经有了第二任丈夫。在周一庆祝自己订婚的晚会上,谢丽尔科尔挽起了头发,而这个&Mrs C&纹身则一览无遗,其第二任丈夫是一位法国商人,名叫Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini,谢丽尔-科尔在第一次结婚后的第二年纹上了这个&Mrs C&的纹身图案。
The couple stayed together despite his indiscretion, but eventually split in February 2010 after less than four years of marriage. The singer, n&e Tweedy, originally kept hold of her footballer ex's surname, as well as the body art tribute following their September 2010 divorce.At the time she explained her decision to keep the tattoo to the Guardian: 'No& I'm not ashamed of anything. I've got nothing to rub away.'I don't feel sentimental about the name. If I went back to being Cheryl Tweedy, I'd be& I'm not ashamed of my marriage, it's a period in my life. And I am Cheryl Cole. That's how I feel.'尽管科尔多次出轨,但是谢丽尔科尔坚持和其在一起,但最终还是忍受不了其风流,于2010年9月宣布结束这段4年的婚姻。离婚后,谢丽尔坚持随从前夫的科尔姓氏,并且还保留了这&Mrs C&的纹身图案,关于自己依然保留这个纹身的行为,谢丽尔这样向媒体解释道;我并不为这个纹身感到耻辱,我没有什么要去除的!我并不对科尔这个姓氏感到难为情,如果我改回原来的谢丽尔-崔莉,我也会改的,我并不对自己的这段婚姻感到尴尬,这只是我人生当中的一个阶段,我就是谢丽尔-科尔,这就是我想说的!
She said: 'I'm still Mrs C.'However, now she has remarried and ditched the Cole from her name, now becoming a Fernandez-Versini, fans will be wondering if she will be getting the tattoo removed.It wouldn't be the first time Cheryl has changed her mind about an etching, having her infamous huge entwined roses over her back and bottom covering up a smaller design depicting a butterfly.Cheryl recently admitted the massive roses cost 'was probably the cost of a small car', adding: 'He&s an exceptional artist and he was worth it.'她说:她依然是谢丽尔科尔,但是,如今她再婚了,并且将自己名字中的科尔去除了,改成了Fernandez-Versini,因此其脖颈上的这个&Mrs C&的纹身图案也将会去除!而谢丽尔已经不是第一次修改纹身了,例如其之前就将自己后腰上的一个蝴蝶纹身修改成了一大片玫瑰纹身,玫瑰纹身美臀还曾遭到了网友们的调侃!谢丽尔在最近承认其臀部上的大片玫瑰纹身造价不菲,大约可以买辆小型轿车。并补充说:为其创作纹身的纹身师十分优秀,值得这个价钱!
Miley Cyrus and assistant Cheyne Thomas tattoo each other
麦莉首当纹身师 为助手纹笑脸纹身
She's a singer, performer, actress and now a tattoo artist.The 21-year-old posted several shots on Instagram of her and her assistant and BFF Cheyne Thomas giving each other tattoos.In one snap, Miley, wearing black latex gloves and holding a tattoo gun, is looking down at Cheyne's ankle as she prepares to give him some new ink.她是歌手、表演者、女演员,而如今她还是一位纹身艺术家,麦莉塞勒斯这位21岁的女艺人最近在其Ins上晒出了几张纹身照片,照片中麦莉和助手Cheyne Thomas互相为对方纹了一个纹身。在其中一张照片中,麦莉戴着纹身手套,手握一把纹身机,低头看着Cheyne Thomas的脚踝,准备为他新添一个纹身!
In another snap, Cheyne shows off the singer's work which ended up being a rather simplistic happy face perfectly emblazoned on his ankle. Then it was Miley's turn as she took her position lying on the table as Cheyne carefully performed his work on her ankle.在另一张纹身照片中,Cheyne Thomas晒出了麦莉为他做的纹身,一个十分简单的笑脸纹身图案,被纹在了他的脚踝上,之后轮到了麦莉,Cheyne Thomas做起了纹身师,并为其脚踝做起了纹身!
Miley has around 24 tattoos - her most recent inking being a tribute to her dog Floyd on her side with a caption which read: With a Little Help From My Friends.She also has the word 'love' in her ear, a dreamcatcher picture on her side, an anchor on her wrist, and a Theodore Roosevelt quote on her left forearm among others.&麦莉大约有24个纹身图案,她最新的纹身图案位于其侧身,是为了纪念其去世的爱狗弗洛伊德而纹的,纹身图案上写着:With a Little Help From My Friends。另外,她还在自己的耳朵上纹有一个&love&字样的纹身图案,侧身纹有一个捕梦网纹身图案,手腕上有一个船锚的纹身图案,左手前臂还纹有一句罗斯福的名言。&&&
Tattoo art :counter-culture movement in UK
Tattooing gained royal approval in 1862 when the Prince of Wales visited the Holy Land and had a Jerusalem Cross tattooed on his arm.In later life, as King Edward VII, he also had a number of traditional tattoos as did his sons, the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of York, who later became King George V.在1862年的英国,纹身艺术得到了英国皇室的许可,当时威尔士亲王参观了英国圣地地区,并且在那里给自己的胳膊纹了一个耶路撒冷十字架纹身图案,随后,爱德华七世也模仿其儿子克拉伦斯公爵和约克公爵(这位就是后来的乔治五世)在身上纹了许多传统的纹身图案。
Many wealthy Britons and naval officers, following the example of the Dukes, acquired tattoos from Japanese masters.By 1890 the fad had spread to America, and tattoos were seen on members of the highest social circles.However, the later association of tattoos with sailors, circus 'freaks', prisoners, and motorcycle gangs gave tattoos a negative image.许多英国富人和海军军官也紧追着英国公爵们纹身的脚步,纷纷让日本的纹身大师为其纹了不少纹身。到1890年的时候,英国的这股纹身潮流流行到了美国,美国上层社会成员也纷纷开始了纹身,然而当纹身被越来越多的水手、马戏团演员、罪犯和飞车党人员使用后,纹身艺术便背负上了一种负面色彩!
By the 1960s the counter-culture movement started to change perceptions of tattoos again by celebrating their rebelliousness.Tattoos appeared to gain acceptability through the 1970s and 1980s and became increasingly popular in the 1990s onwards as more celebrities went under the needle.Recently a new analysis concluded that the world's oldest tattoos were etched in soot on the body of ?tzi, the 5,300 year-old Tyrolean iceman found by Alpine climbers near the Italian-Austrian border in 1991.在20世纪60年代,反文化运动通过举行反叛活动再次将纹身艺术提升到了一个社会高度,于是纹身艺术在20世纪70年代和80年代期间又开始被大众接受,并在名人开始纹身的90年代变得愈加流行!最近,一项新的研究表明,世界上最古老的纹身可以追溯到5300年前,因为1991年一位纹有纹身的冰人在意大利和奥地利的交界处附近被登山者发现!
Safaree Samuels Tattoos Rumored Girlfriend On Arm
Nicki Minaj&s rumored boyfriend Safaree Samuels showed his love for the rapper in a very public way this week. Samuels videotaped himself getting a tattoo of the 30-year-old&s face on his arm. While the pair has never confirmed their relationship, he has been by Minaj&s side as her &hypeman& ever since she became famous.最近,美国饶舌歌手妮琪-米娜的绯闻男友Safaree Samuels公开向其示爱,Safaree Samuels将这位30岁女歌手的头像纹在了自己的胳膊上,并且还对这一纹身过程进行了录像,虽然这一对情侣从来没有公开承认过他们的恋情,但是自从妮琪-米娜成名以来,Safaree Samuels便一直是她传说中的另一半!
The new tattoo features a pink-haired Minaj with her tongue sticking out and her cleavage showing.Samuels said about the tattoo: &A lot of people out there tattoo somebody that they don&t know. Why not tattoo somebody that I know, you know?& He then spoke about his Bob Marley tattoo on his left arm. &The Bob Marley?& he asked, before saying,&I don&t know what I was thinking.&在这个纹身图片中,可以看到妮琪-米娜一头粉红色的头发,舌头伸出来舔在一只胳膊上,并大胆地半露着自己的胸部。关于这个头像纹身,绯闻男友Safaree Samuels是这样说的:许多前去纹身店的人都将自己并不熟悉的人纹在了自己的身上,为什么不把大家都知道的人纹上去呢?随后,他还向大家展示了其另一只胳膊上的头像纹身&&明星鲍勃马利,并说道,的确是他,我不知道当时为什么纹了他的头像纹身。
Tattoo Shop Owner Tiles Floor With 250,000 Pennies
A Pittsburgh-area tattoo parlor owner says she saved some money by using real money to tile her space & with 250,000 pennies.Mel Angst was looking for an inspired way to tile the floor of the Garfield, Pa. tattoo gallery, Artisan, which she runs with her husband, tattoo artist Jason Angst.一位来自美国匹兹堡的纹身店老板,通过用硬币铺地板的方式存下了25万个硬币,这位纹身师名叫Mel Angst,她一直在思考一种创意的方式来装饰自己纹身店的地板,这家纹身店是她和纹身师丈夫一同开办的,名叫&加菲猫&纹身店!
&My floor is made out of about 250,000 pennies,& Angst told ABC Pittsburgh affiliate WTAE. &Amazingly enough, it&s a lot cheaper to glue money to your floor than to actually buy tile. It&s about $3 a square foot.&Angst said that after she found the appropriate adhesive to affix the pennies to the floor of her shop, she then found people via Facebook to log the man hours. She bartered tiling labor for $10 off per hour on tattoo work, she .&Some days it was just me,& she said. &I think the most we ever had was 7, but on average, (we have) 3 or 4 people a day for about 10 to 16 hours a day for about three weeks straight, gluing these down & People are just shocked that we did it because it took about 300 man hours, which was crazy.&In total there will be approximately 800 square feet of Lincoln profiles.&&我的地板上铺有25万个硬币&纹身师Mel Angst透露道,&确实很令人震惊,它比花钱买地板便宜多了,一英尺地板大约要3美元。&纹身师Mel Angst说道,她先要找到好用的粘合剂,再通过脸书找到工人将这些个硬币粘合起来,并会记录花费的人工时间,而每一个工人每小时她会支付10美元!&有时候就我一个人在粘硬币,人最多的时候是7个人,但是平均每天有3到4个人,一天大约工作10到16个小时,连续工作了三周,才完成这些硬币的粘合工作,人们看到这个硬币地板后,会十分震惊,因为它仅仅花费了300个小时就完成了,确实很疯狂!&一共大约有800平方英尺!&Artisan had a gallery show last week where people could view the new floor, and Angst looks forward to next week, when it will be grouted, shined and completed. Once it is done, everyone that logged 30 hours of penny-tiling is promised a free penny tattoo from the shop.纹身师Artisan在完成硬币粘合工作后,在纹身店举办了一次展览活动,人们可以走进纹身店来参观其硬币地板。一周后,纹身师还要将这个硬币地板灌浆、擦亮、使其结实。地板最终完成后,参与地板制作工作的人员将享受在这家纹身店免费做纹身的服务。&
Tattoo Shop Owner Tiles Floor With 250,000 Pennies
A Pittsburgh-area tattoo parlor owner says she saved some money by using real money to tile her space & with 250,000 pennies.Mel Angst was looking for an inspired way to tile the floor of the Garfield, Pa. tattoo gallery, Artisan, which she runs with her husband, tattoo artist Jason Angst.一位来自美国匹兹堡的纹身店老板,通过用硬币铺地板的方式存下了25万个硬币,这位纹身师名叫Mel Angst,她一直在思考一种创意的方式来装饰自己纹身店的地板,这家纹身店是她和纹身师丈夫一同开办的,名叫&加菲猫&纹身店!
&My floor is made out of about 250,000 pennies,& Angst told ABC Pittsburgh affiliate WTAE. &Amazingly enough, it&s a lot cheaper to glue money to your floor than to actually buy tile. It&s about $3 a square foot.&Angst said that after she found the appropriate adhesive to affix the pennies to the floor of her shop, she then found people via Facebook to log the man hours. She bartered tiling labor for $10 off per hour on tattoo work, she .&Some days it was just me,& she said. &I think the most we ever had was 7, but on average, (we have) 3 or 4 people a day for about 10 to 16 hours a day for about three weeks straight, gluing these down & People are just shocked that we did it because it took about 300 man hours, which was crazy.&In total there will be approximately 800 square feet of Lincoln profiles.&我的地板上铺有25万个硬币&纹身师Mel Angst透露道,&确实很令人震惊,它比花钱买地板便宜多了,一英尺地板大约要3美元。&纹身师Mel Angst说道,她先要找到好用的粘合剂,再通过脸书找到工人将这些个硬币粘合起来,并会记录花费的人工时间,而每一个工人每小时她会支付10美元!&有时候就我一个人在粘硬币,人最多的时候是7个人,但是平均每天有3到4个人,一天大约工作10到16个小时,连续工作了三周,才完成这些硬币的粘合工作,人们看到这个硬币地板后,会十分震惊,因为它仅仅花费了300个小时就完成了,确实很疯狂!&一共大约有800平方英尺!Artisan had a gallery show last week where people could view the new floor, and Angst looks forward to next week, when it will be grouted, shined and completed. Once it is done, everyone that logged 30 hours of penny-tiling is promised a free penny tattoo from the shop.纹身师Artisan在完成硬币粘合工作后,在纹身店举办了一次展览活动,人们可以走进纹身店来参观其硬币地板。一周后,纹身师还要将这个硬币地板灌浆、擦亮、使其结实。地板最终完成后,参与地板制作工作的人员将享受在这家纹身店免费做纹身的服务。&
Georgia Mom Arrested for Allowing 10-Year-Old to Get Tattoo
Georgia mother who was arrested for allowing her 10-year-old to get a tattoo said she had no idea it was illegal for him to get one, even with her consent.When Chuntera Napier&s son Gaquan Napier asked her if he could get a memorial tattoo for his 12-year-old brother Malik who died after being hit by a car, Napier was touched by the request.&It made me feel good to know that he wanted his brother on him.&一名乔治亚州母亲因为允许其10岁儿子纹身而被捕,该母亲声称,自己并不知道允许自己的儿子纹身还是违法的!这名母亲名叫Chuntera Napier,其10岁的儿子Gaquan Napier曾在纹身前征求她的意见,问她可不可以纹一个纹身来纪念因车祸去世的12岁的哥哥Malik,Chuntera Napier被儿子的这个纹身请求感动了,&儿子这样的纹身请求让我很欣慰!&
When Gaquan Napier was asked why he wanted the tattoo, he said, &Because it represents my brother.&&What do I say to a child who wants to remember his brother? It&s not like he was asking me, &Can I get Sponge Bob?& Napier said. &He asked me [for] something that&s in remembrance of his brother. How can I say no?&Gaquan got a tattoo on his right arm of his brother&s name and his former basketball jersey number. Napier also has memorial tattoos for her son on her right arm.儿子解释道,自己纹身的原因就是为了纪念哥哥,&当儿子向我提出这样的请求的时候,我该咋么办,他又不是在请求纹一个海绵宝宝的纹身,他想用纹身来纪念自己的哥哥,我怎么能不同意呢?&于是这名10岁小男孩将其哥哥的名字和他的篮球运动衫的号码纹在了右胳膊上,而这位母亲也在自己的右胳膊上纹有一个纪念大儿子的纹身!
When someone at his school noticed the tattoo and contacted authorities, Napier was arrested on Tuesday and charged with misdemeanor cruelty and being a party to a crime, according to WSBTV. Napier bonded out of jail on Wednesday but is shocked that her consent was not enough for her son to get a tattoo.A Georgia law from 2010 states, &It shall be unlawful for any person to tattoo the body of any person under the age of 18, except a physician or osteopath.&当有人在学校看到儿子的这个纹身图案后,便报了警,于是Napier在周二的时候便被逮捕了,因轻度伤害罪而被起诉。周三Napier被放了出来,Napier出来后对此表示十分震惊,因为自己连给自己儿子允许的权利都被剥夺了。但是根据乔治亚州的法律规定,&任何人给任何低于18岁的人纹身都是违法的,但是医疗行为或者整骨疗法除外!&
Kelly Osbourne made sure to say "Sorry mum and dad but I love it!" when she posted a picture of her head tattoo "Stories..." on Twitter last week.Then earlier this week on "Good Morning America," the singer and actress added that her mother Sharon wasn't a fan of the new ink.ABC News caught up with Osbourne, 29, to ask why."None of my family are happy with it, but that&s okay, they are entitled to their opinion," she said of the tattoo that she said has a lot of meaning for a secret project.当奥利-奥斯本将其脑袋上的纹身&Stories...&照片上传到推特上的时候,她必须要说一声:&爸妈,很抱歉,但是我喜欢我的这处纹身&,这位歌手兼演员,奥利奥斯本在接受《美国早啊》的采访时透露,其母亲沙伦不太喜欢她的这处纹身,&我的家人都对我的这处纹身表示不满意,但是没关系,他们有权保持自己的观点。&奥利还透露,这个纹身图案跟一件秘密的事情有很多关系!
She continued, "My mom will always see me as the pretty little blonde girl, having a tattoo on the side of your head and a mohawk isn&t exactly every mother&s dream and I can understand that." she's been embracing her differences like a new tattoo and a purple mohawk, and a lot of this confidence comes from an unlikely source -- Pharrell Williams.The two had a heart-to-heart talk recently when she appeared in his new video "Marilyn Monroe."奥利接着说,&我的妈妈一直将我视为一个白肤金发的女郎,在脑袋一侧纹身,并且留着粉红色的头发,并不是每一个母亲都能接受的,这一点我理解!&而奥利之所以有纹身和染发的爱好,跟一个人有关,那就是法瑞尔-威廉姆斯,两人在其新节目《玛丽莲梦露》中曾深刻的谈到这个问题。
"He basically picked out every little thing I thought was wrong with myself and told me that&s what made me special and that&s what made me beautiful and that&s what made me different and to be different is the best thing that you can be," she said. "I was always embarrassed by my difference and with that one conversation, I was no longer embarrassed."&他几乎提到了我所认为的一切不好的东西,并告诉我正是这些东西让我变得很个性,让我美丽,让我与众不同。并说与众不同是我最好的方式,&奥利说:我之前一直对自己的纹身染发装扮感到尴尬,但是经过那次谈话后,我不再感到尴尬了!
Teen With McDonald's Receipt Tattoo Strikes Again
He must be lovin& it.A week after he got a McDonald&s receipt tattooed on his right arm, a Norwegian teenager got the receipt for that tattoo inked on his left arm.&Yolo,& Stian Ytterdah, 18, wrote on his Facebook page Tuesday, sharing a snap of the new tattoo.他一定是特别喜欢纹身艺术!一个星期之前,他刚刚在自己的右手臂上纹上了麦当劳的账单纹身,现在这位挪威小男孩又将纹身店的账单也纹在了自己的左手臂上!这位纹身小男孩名叫Stian Ytterdah,今年18岁,他更新了自己脸书,晒出了自己的新纹身照片!
Norway&s VG newspaper filmed Ytterdah getting the art done at Sabel Ink studio on Tuesday.The first tattoo started as a joke between friends, Ytterdah told Norway&s Romerikes Blad newspaper.&Now I&m a living billboard, but I think it&s all just fun,& he told the newspaper. &Maybe it won&t be as fun when I&m 50 or 60 years old, but that&s my choice.&挪威的VG报纸将这位小男孩Ytterdah的纹身过程进行了录像。Ytterdah的第一个纹身图案源于跟朋友的一个玩笑,Ytterdah透露道:现在我是一张活生生的广告牌,但是这个纹身真的就是为了有趣!可能到了我50岁或者60岁的时候,这个纹身图案就不那么好玩了,但是这是我自己的选择!
Ytterdah appears to be enjoying the wave of publicity.He launched a Facebook page last week under the name &The man with the McDonald&s tattoo.&Margaret Brusletto, communications director for McDonald's Norway, said Ytterdah "must be a loyal customer."Ytterdah很乐意公开自己的这个纹身图案,并且还将自己在脸书上的名字也改为&&那个纹有麦当劳纹身的男孩,当地的一家报纸评论其为&麦当劳忠实的顾客&。
Grandmum's tattoo mania——Isobel Varley 2
奶奶级级纹身狂人——Isobel Varley 2
Think carefullyBut Isobel warned: "If you're going to have one done, you've got to think about it carefully because it's going to last a very long time so you've got to be sure it's what you want."Having a tattoo removed is expensive and I think you should only get one done if you're old enough to know what you want for the rest of your life."The pensioner started having the piercings in 1989 - having her first as an experience so she could write about it.She has 29 in her ears, two in her nose,one in each nipple, one in her belly button and 16 in various places in her nether regions."The most painful is nipple piercing - I've had to have them redone three times for various reasons. The tops of your ears take a long time to heal, but the ones down below heal very fast."&慎重思考纹身老人Isobel提醒道:如果你想要在身上做一个纹身,那么你一定要慎重思考,因为纹身会伴随你很长一段时间,所以你一定要想好自己到底想要纹什么样的纹身图案!&去除纹身价格不菲,如果你要纹身,我觉得还是等你长大懂事后再做决定,因为那个时候你会懂得到底什么样的纹身图案适合你,&Isobel是在1989年退休以后开始做穿孔的,并且还记录了一下其第一个穿孔经历,如今她已经有29个穿孔了,两个在鼻子上,一个在乳头上,一个在肚脐上,16个在其隐秘的部位,&最疼的穿孔是乳头穿孔,由于各种各样的原因,这个穿孔我做了三次。耳朵尖上的穿孔愈合的时间特别长,但是耳朵尖下面的愈合的十分快!&
Queen of piercingsIsobel said that the lower piercings could be uncomfortable when wearing pants - and that she had some attachments she could put on to make her jingle as she walked!!And what does her husband Mac (who sports a Prince Albert piercing) think about the tattoos and piercings? "Oh, he likes them," added Isobel.穿孔女王纹身老妇Isobel透露道,穿裤子的时候,身体下半部位的穿孔十分不舒服,她还在这些穿孔上挂上了一些装饰品,以此来使自己走路的时候发出声音!而其丈夫Mac,这位在身上做了双排扣穿孔的男子表示,自己很喜欢妻子的纹身和穿孔。&&&


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