NNVIDIA geforce 6150se驱动 nForce430 能不能 安装WIN7?S

显卡 nvidia geforce 6150se nForce 430 想玩英雄联盟 求教_显卡吧_百度贴吧
显卡 nvidia geforce 6150se nForce 430 想玩英雄联盟 求教收藏
求吧里 大神出点子
可以安装 独立显卡吗?? 我对这些一窍不通
我的也是这样 一顿一顿的
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&&&Nvidia GeForce 6150SE nForce 430&
there's not much performance to get from it, its an integrated chip on a motherboard.
it's designed for MS office, web browsing, and basic video playback.
What is the performance issue?
Reply to ct1615
If you want to play games then you must add a real graphic card for your system, the onboard graphic won't give you what you need, it's just too weak...
Reply to wa1
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Why do you think you're not getting full performance from it?
Reply to karma211
i have the same Integrated Graphics card, and it works ok, at best. i have gotten it to overclock, to about 2.5 GHZ otherwise, BSOD. im going to get an NVIDIA card from my friend, to use on my desktop. i want to play hardcore games like MW3, BO2, etc. I play indie horror games as well, but its just too slow for them.
Reply to gerrman
i had that integreted card that OP is not getting performance from. its a very weak integreted gpu with just 128mb of video memory and it came out in 2005. trying to play any games on it is futile except maybe facebook games and really old games like far cry 1, doom 3, gta 3, gta vice city etc. but if you want to play modern games you need a minimum of radeon . so upgrade to one of these cards if you want to play the latest games on good settings
Reply to mohit9206
I had that gpu and played all the cod games upto mw3 and some others on lowest settings. You cant watch any 1080p videos and hardly any 720p's. Since that gpu is outdated and really slow, its probably best for you to buy a good radeon before the onboard graphics burn out.
Reply to DirtDiver360
wa1 said:If you want to play games then you must add a real graphic card for your system, the onboard graphic won't give you what you need, it's just too weak...
Too weak you can play CSS,GTA SA,Swat 4,NFS 2,and other games!
Reply to Shaqwave
wa1 said:If you want to play games then you must add a real graphic card for your system, the onboard graphic won't give you what you need, it's just too weak...
Too weak you can play CSS,GTA SA,Swat 4,NFS 2,and other games!
Reply to Shaqwave
wa1 said:If you want to play games then you must add a real graphic card for your system, the onboard graphic won't give you what you need, it's just too weak...
Too weak you can play CSS,GTA SA,Swat 4,NFS 2,and other games!
Reply to Shaqwave
wa1 said:If you want to play games then you must add a real graphic card for your system, the onboard graphic won't give you what you need, it's just too weak...
Too weak you can play CSS,GTA SA,Swat 4,NFS 2,and other games!
Reply to Shaqwave
wa1 said:If you want to play games then you must add a real graphic card for your system, the onboard graphic won't give you what you need, it's just too weak...
Too weak you can play CSS,GTA SA,Swat 4,NFS 2,and other games!
Reply to Shaqwave
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Ad choices用影驰魔盘怎么给NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430超频_百度知道
用影驰魔盘怎么给NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430超频
2、NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430这个是集成的显卡!要说集成的显卡超频!这也只能将肠功斑嘉职黄办萎暴联主板上的CPU外频超上去,那么又会出现一系列的问题,花屏又或者操作系统不稳定!
独立显卡要看你买什么型号了,普通的一块在440块这样,如影驰GT430虎将 D5 这样的独立显卡,当然贵的也有,性能相应会好些!不过影驰GT430虎将 D5基本上够玩游戏了,谢谢!
安装到主板上,安装驱动!若是可们对电脑不是很了解,也可将主机拿到电脑城去装,让他们帮你装!影驰GT430虎将 D5 价格440元,多给20元,让他们帮装下,我们又安全保险,他们也乐意的,记的买时看准显卡的型号!谢谢!
出门在外也不愁NVIDIA Geforce 6150SE nForce430显卡的性能怎么样?_百度知道
NVIDIA Geforce 6150SE nForce430显卡的性能怎么样?
我家电脑显卡NVIDIA Geforce 6150SE nForce430知道性能何总玩游点卡想升级应该买显卡具体价格及性能说听说GTX560我清楚具体情况想让高推荐
出门在外也不愁帖子16&积分9&威望5 &鲁币8 &在线时间2 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
我的 显卡是 Nvidia GeForce 6150SE nForce430(256MB/技嘉)
主版是M61pME-32(Nvidia nForce 430(Mcp61)& &&&请教.我想换个显卡& & 我的是集成的& &想换个好点的大约多少钱/谢谢?&&我的是兼容机!玩 泡泡堂 都觉的慢 不如网吧 的快!请说细 点谢谢!
帖子24&积分3&威望3 &鲁币0 &在线时间11 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
我板子是GA-M61SME-S2……跟你差不多……前两天刚买了个索泰9600GSO-512 米格版&&性能一般不过稳定功耗低 待机温度也就45°左右&&玩两个小时极品飞车12温度在55°以下。_硬件信息_漏洞扫描_电脑温度_电脑死机_1 u2 j! o/ Y* X( I
再推荐一款昂达9600GSO 要买G92核心的那个 384显存的……据说性能很猛……记得貌似有个测评说游戏性能媲美9800GT……(是不是吹牛X咱就不知道了,不过网上确实好评如潮)……当时额自己就想买这个来着……不过天津没得卖……鲁大师(原:Z武器)官方论坛$ X6 D9 t# k&&[4 c. X! H; H* N
其实买显卡主要还看你预算有多少……电源能不能带起来……有钱的话上个9800……到底是一分价钱一分货啊……论坛 买电脑、装系统,鲁大师!鲁大师(原:Z武器)拥有专业而易用的硬件检测、系统漏洞扫描和修复……装机的繁琐和疑难,鲁大师(原:Z武器)帮助您轻松搞定!% t$ N# \3 p, @, ]# N
_硬件信息_漏洞扫描_电脑温度_电脑死机_2 f% ~, ?, @! h( S6 e" ?5 B+ @0 T
[ 本帖最后由 omega1809 于
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