
王学兵首度打破沉默 称做不到为对方改变为分手主因(1)
  经济公司证实王学兵孙宁已离婚  刚刚上映的电影《听风者》集合了梁朝伟、周迅、王学兵三大明星阵容。片中三人的表演可圈可点,尤其是王学兵演的“老鬼”在得知周迅演的张学宁牺牲后,整理遗物时内心崩溃的戏份,那种撕心裂肺的伤痛打动了不少观众。王学兵说,这段戏拍得特别压抑,想彻底宣泄,但因为职业的原因,又不能像普通人那样很畅快地表达。“作为特工,他无时无刻不在控制,因为他知道目标和任务是最重要的。”王学兵透露,为这段戏设计了很久,“想过张学宁的尸体带回来后,对着尸体说话的方案,也想过对着她遗像说话的方案,各种各样的都很多,台词也设计了很多,最后还是觉得烧照片这样更能体现那种伤痛,把词也简化成了几句。”  王学兵说之前跟周迅合作过,“因为她个儿小,老觉得她是一个小孩,这次真的觉得她长大了。有一次,我通过监视器看她演戏,忽然发现她很沉稳,有一种说不出的女人味儿。其实,能在镜头面前坐得很沉稳,是件很难的事。”对梁朝伟,王学兵最大的印象是专注,“在现场看他表演是很享受的一件事,他非常专注。你要知道‘听’是非常难演的,完全没有东西去辅助,只能用投入去打动观众。”  王学兵说,三个人的合作非常舒服,也没有刻意要飙戏,要比什么。“每个人憋着那股劲,都是努力把自己的那个角色更自然、更丰富地表达,正因为他们是好演员,努力把他们的下属角色演好,让我也更像一个上司了,他们的角色会拿得特别好,对我是有帮助的。所以合作起来非常轻松,完全没有压力。”11-2211-2211-2211-2211-2211-22
面对众多优秀的课外辅导机构,您是否挑花了眼?——没关系,选校 3 步曲,轻松帮到您!
建议您与辅导学校及时预约给孩子做免费的学习评测,更准确的掌握孩子学习情况,最终选择适合课程辅导。> Ways to Break the Ice【英语口语】打破沉默的说话技巧
Ways to Break the Ice【英语口语】打破沉默的说话技巧
Break the ice means to initiate or start social interactions with someone. So, basically talk to someone that you have never talked to before.打破沉默就是发起或开始与他人的社交互动。那就跟那些你从未说过话的人交谈吧。Ways to Break the Ice打破沉默的方式Hi, I'm [me].嗨,是我[某某]。So, you're friends with [my friend].所以,你是[我朋友某某]的朋友。I love your shirt. Where did you get it?我喜欢你的衬衫。你在哪买的?So, you like soccer?所以,你喜欢足球?What do you think about the music they play here?你觉得他们在这演奏的音乐怎么样?Have you read anything else by that author?你读过那位作家的其他作品吗?Did you see what happened in the news last night?你看到昨晚新闻上报道发生了什么吗?I love this song! Are you a big Bruno Mars fan?我喜欢这首歌!你是火星人布鲁诺的超级粉丝吗?You look familiar. Did you grow-up around here?你看起来眼熟。你是在附近长大的吗?I think I know you from somewhere. Do you go to New York University?我想我知道你来自哪里。你是在纽约大学上学吗?Aren't you Maria from my English class?难道你不是我们英语课上的玛丽亚吗?I've never been here before. What do you recommend from the menu?我之前从没在这吃过。菜单上你有什么推荐的吗?Do you know how to log into the Wi-Fi?你知道怎么连接上Wi-Fi吗?Hey, is the internet down right now?嘿,现在断网了吗?I like your shoes.我喜欢你的鞋。Your hair is so beautiful.你的头发真漂亮。Who cuts your hair? I love it.谁给你剪的头发?我喜欢。So…. You like to watch baseball.所以……你喜欢看足球赛。You work in marketing, right?你从事市场营销,对吧?Doesn't it hurt to walk in shoes like that?穿那样的鞋走路会痛吧?How's it going?事情进行得怎么样?Good morning!早上好!Do you know where I can get some good sushi around here?你知道附近有没有很好的寿司店吗?How long have you been working here?你在这工作多久了?Do you like working for Wal-Mart?你喜欢在沃尔玛工作吗?Dang! How much coffee do you drink?该死!你喝了多少咖啡?Can I get in on the next game?我能进入下一场比赛吗?Sorry to bother you, but do you know any good mechanics?对不起打扰你了,但你认识好的技工吗?Hey, I have to find 50 people to take a survey for my business class. Can you help me out?嘿,我得找50人帮我做商务课程的调查。你能帮我找找吗?Man! It's been a rough week. I really need a strong drink. Do you want one?兄弟!这周挺难的。我真的需要一杯烈性酒。你要来一杯吗?What are you drinking?我在喝什么?Is this your first time you've been to a Justin Bieber concert?这是你第一来参加贾斯汀o比伯的音乐会吗?Do you know where the bathroom is?你知道厕所在哪吗?Have you lived in Miami for long?你在迈阿密住了很长时间了吗?This place is really nice. Do you come here a lot?这个地方真的不错。你经常来这里吗?I bet I can beat you at pool (billiards).我打赌台球(桌球)能赢你。Do you want to play volleyball with us? We need one more person on our team.你想跟我们打排球吗?我们队还需要一个人。Do you know how this thing works?你知道这玩意怎么操作吗?What cell phone company do you have? I’m thinking about changing mine.你手机用的哪个公司的?我考虑换换我的呢。Do you like your iPhone? I really want the new one.你喜欢你的iPhone手机吗?我真的要那台新的。Have you heard of any good movies coming out? I am going to the theater with friends tomorrow and we need to decide on something to see.你知道最近有什么新出的电影吗?我明天要和朋友去戏院,我们需要决定看什么。Are you new here? I've never seen you working out here before.你是新到这里吗?我以前从没见过你在这工作。Hi! Aren't you Jeffrey's daughter?嗨!你难道不是杰弗里的女儿吗?I haven't seen you in a long time! How have you been?我好长时间没见你了!你最近怎么样?Did this song just come out? I've never heard it before.这首歌是新出的吗?我以前从没听过。I hate this song. It's on the radio every other minute.我讨厌这首歌。电台上一分钟播一次。Do you know where I can buy ticket to big soccer match on Sunday?你知道我在哪能买到周日大型足球比赛的票吗?So, you're a Yankees fan. How are they doing this season?所以,你是洋基球迷。他们这个赛季打得怎么样?Well, this is awkward. I hate sitting in silence.好吧,这是尴尬的。我讨厌沉默地坐着。That was weird. I've never seen such a crazy thing happen here before.那真是奇怪。我以前从没见过发生过这么疯狂的事情。So, your t-shirt says Puerto Rico. Did you go there on vacation recently?所以,你的衬衫是波多黎各的。你最近去那度假了吗?Once you've broke the ice, KEEP TALKING and only stop to ask questions. By asking a lot of questions, you are making the other person do all of the work. They are talking and telling you about themselves, their likes, dislikes and you just need to listen. Your job is to sit back, listen and think of the next question. Listening to someone talk will also improve your comprehension and listening skills and increase your vocabulary.一旦打破了沉默,保持谈话,只停下来问问题。通过问许多问题,你是在让对方保持谈话继续。他们在说,告诉你他们自己、他们的喜好;你只需要听。你的工作是坐着听,想着下一个问题。听别人说话还将提高你的理解力和听力技巧,提高你的词汇量。Being a good listener and having great English conversation skills are two great skills that you will develop over time. The key is to practice talking or conversing with as many people as possible.做一个优秀的听者和拥有好的交谈技巧是你随着时间会发展起来的两项重要技巧。关键是练习说话或尽可能多得与许多人交谈。更多实用英语知识,请关注微信公众号: &jiuyaowaijiao &回复”目录“就可看到所有的英语资料获取方式。
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