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The Lick party was forced to use substandard equipment.这个力克党被迫使用不合格的设备。Campbell has no choice but to take the risk.坎贝尔别无选择,只能冒这个险。He has a total solar eclipse all to himself and may never have another opportunity like this again.这是只有属于他自己的一次日全食,他们可能从来不会再有像这样的另一次机会。Campbells part travels to Goldendale, Washington and gets y for the coming eclipse.坎贝尔前往华盛顿,准备迎接即将到来的日食。It was close to home so the whole family went.由于离家非常近,所以全家人都动身前往。Campbells goal is to photograph the stars that emerge in the brief period when the sun is hidden by the moon.坎贝尔的目标是拍摄当太阳被月球档上而星星出现的短暂时段。But on Saturday, June 8th 1918, it seems that the universe is once again not y to yield its secrets.但在日的周六,似乎宇宙再次不准备揭示它的秘密。Clouds moved in and it looked like he wouldnt even get observations and Russia would be repeated which he hated.云爬了上来,它看起来就像甚至不想被观察而俄罗斯再次重复他讨厌的。And suddenly just at the crucial time when they needed the clear sky the clouds parted.忽然在这关键时间云层散开,他们需要晴朗的天空再次出现。Campbell begins taking photographs of the spectacle.坎贝尔开始拍摄。注:听力文本来源于普特163Still in Books and A Joan DK文艺;琼?迪丹回忆录;忧郁的本质;Blue Nights. By Joan Didion.《忧郁的夜》,琼?迪丹著。Few memoirs are worth ing. When they are not tawdry opportunities to air grievances, settle scores or rationalise errors, they tend to be tales of adversity with a triumphant twist. This is what makes Joan Didion unique. Her non-fiction has always considered grand matters from a personal perspective, without making herself the centre of the story. Even when she writes about the hard drama of her own life, such as the sudden death of her husband followed by the death of her only daughter, her stories manage to be larger than her own grief.鲜有回忆录有看头。作者们如果没法发牢骚、翻旧账、找借口,就是自吹自擂的往脸上贴金。琼?迪丹与众不同之处正在于此。她的纪实类文学作品常常是从个人视角出发,思考重大事件,而不是把自己作为故事的中心。即使是写到诸如独生女儿死去之后丈夫也突然去世这样自己生命中艰难时刻,她对故事的经营也远远超过了自己的悲伤。This is how a memoir like “The Year of Magical Thinking” (2005) became a bestseller. In writing about the year that followed the fatal heart attack of John Gregory Dunne, her husband of nearly 40 years, Ms Didion used her experience to reflect on the fundamental absurdity of death. She movingly considered the way time makes the ordinary gifts of life extraordinary. The unmentioned horror of the book―an event that took place after she had finished writing but before it was published―was that her daughter Quintana Roo was dead, too, undone by a series of health problems that ended with acute pancreatitis at the age of 39.这就是为什么像《奇幻思维之年》(2005)这样的回忆录热销的原因吧。写到她不满40岁的丈夫,约翰?格雷戈里?邓恩严重心脏病发作之后的日子,琼?迪丹用自己亲身经历去反思了死亡最本质的荒谬,并令人感动地思考着如何用时间让平凡的生命不再平凡。这本书还有件未曾提及的惨事――这件事就发生在书已成稿而并未出版之时――是琼?迪丹的女儿昆塔斯终于不用再遭受严重胰脏炎的折磨了,去世时仅39岁。With “Blue Nights”, her first book since the earlier memoir, Ms Didion conveys the loneliness of living on without her child or husband, and the indignities of ageing. For decades her life had been charmed, even more so than she had realised. But in a matter of months in 2003 everything turned unspeakably grim. “It is horrible to see oneself die without children,” she es Napoleon as saying. This is a difficult book, but not a sentimental one. Ms Didion has a remarkable ability to consider her own feelings without letting her prose turn soggy with emotion.而用《忧郁的夜》,这本她早期回忆录之后的头一本书,琼?迪丹表达了失去丈夫和女儿后生活的孤独和衰老带给她的侮辱。几十年来她的生活如同被施了魔法一般,更奇妙的是她自己没有意识到这一点。2003年的几个月中,一切变得无法形容的可怖。引用拿破仑的名言,她说道:“眼睁睁地看着自己无儿无女地死去是如此可怕。”这是一本关于困难的书,但却不是关于脆弱的。琼?迪丹有一种非凡的能力,将沉闷的情绪排除在自己的散文之外,不带感情地思考。“Today would be her wedding anniversary,” she writes at the beginning, and then evokes the scene of her daughters summer wedding in Manhattan in 2003.There were cucumber and watercress sandwiches, and a peach-coloured cake from Payard. Quintana wore stephanotis in her hair. Ms Didion returns to these details in later chapters―the stephanotis, the cake―using this repetition to illustrate the way she is haunted by memories. After a lifetime of travel and dynamism, she now appears anchored in New York by the detritus of life. Her drawers and cupboards are filled with mementoes (her husbands raincoats, her daughters baby teeth) which serve “only to make clear how inadequately I appreciated the moment when it was here.”“今天是她的结婚周年纪念日,”琼?迪丹在开头写到,唤起了2003年夏季女儿在曼哈顿岛婚礼上的场景。宴会上有黄瓜和水田芥三明治,从Payard送来的粉色蛋糕,昆塔斯在头发上别着千金子藤。琼?迪丹在之后的章节――千金子藤,蛋糕――里回味着这些细节,用这些反复的回味阐述了她是如何被回忆萦绕的。终其一生的漂泊与动荡之后,生命的碎片似乎把她锚定在了纽约。塞满抽屉和橱柜的纪念品(丈夫的雨衣,女儿的婴儿牙)“只是为了让我弄明白,这些东西在时我对它们的欣赏是多么地不合适。”The appeal of Ms Didion has long been her insight mixed with she is both of this world and a world apart. Memories here are cluttered with brand names (Chanel, Corvette, the Ritz) and glittering friends (Natasha Richardson, Patti Smith). The effect can be distracting, but Ms Didion sometimes uses these details to worry over the oddity of Quintanas life (her adopted daughter often struggled with depression), and also to marvel at her own naivety. “I do not know many people who think they have succeeded as parents,” she writes. In regarding herself as a mother, her remorse festers unchecked.琼?迪丹的感染力在于长久以来她能将自己的洞察力与这些极富魅力的东西很好地调和在一起。她既能溶于世界,又能与世界分离开来。这些记忆与名牌(香奈儿、克尔维特、万豪)和那些显赫朋友的名字(娜塔莎?简?理查德森,派提?史密斯)交织在一起。这样做能起到转移痛苦的效果,而琼?迪丹有时也因为这些细节苦恼女儿昆塔斯生活的不幸(她的养女常常与忧郁抗争),也会惊讶自己天真的本性。“我认为很多人并不认为自己做父母很成功,”她写到。做为母亲而言,她的懊悔带来的痛苦从未制止。Now 75, Ms Didions gaze is turned backwards. Her recollections meander and loop back, interrupted only by distressing questions that no one is left to answer (“Did I get this all wrong?”). Often these questions consider the choices she made as a mother (“Was I always the problem?”) and her own increasing frailty (“What if I can never again locate the words that work?”). With “Blue Nights”, named for the intense and portentous beauty of the dying light on a summer day, Ms Didion has translated the sad hum of her thoughts into a profound meditation on mortality. The result aches with a wisdom that feels dfully earned.已经75岁了,琼?迪丹的注意力也涣散了。她的回忆缓慢而又反反复复,只有在那些无法让人回答的悲情问题(“我所做的这一切都是错的吗/我得到的这些全都是错误吗?”)时才被打断。这些问题经常是思考做为一个母亲她的选择(“总是我有问题?”),和她自己越来越多的弱点(“如果我再也找不到那些能用的词语会怎样?”)。借着《忧郁的夜》,这部以某个夏日里生命之光暗淡时的那种紧张而又不吉之美命名的书,琼?迪丹将自己思维里悲伤的呻吟译成了对死亡深厚的沉思。所产生的结果是与这位悲伤的智者一起伤痛。 /522安康哪家医院看性功能障碍
Yet for the motorman who drives the trains, its no joy ride.
但对于驾驶列车的车长来说,永远没有欢乐之旅。One of the biggest misconception of this job is that, er, is very easy, and you have to pay very very close attention to every little detail.;对于这份工作一个最大的误解是,呃,是很简单的,你必须密切关注每一个细节。;
Every motorman shares the same motto, safety first. They forever on the lookout from danger, from hazards,large or small, mechanical or manmade. Every workday starts with a safety inspection, because all the system is big and is because on a system these big and these busy, the devil is in the details.
每一个车长都共享同一个格言,那就是安全第一。注意自己时刻脱离危险,无论是或大或小的危害,无论是机械故障还是人为灾害。每个工作日都由安全检查开始,因为所有的系统,都是很重要的,而且系统非常繁忙,细节往往决定成败。I check it from top to bottom, all the cares, with all, everything makes sure the doors work, makes sure the bracelets brake system works.;我从上到下一一核对,关心着一切,确保它们工作,确保手刹制动系统工作。;
If Abe find anything wrong, he has the power to prevent the train from going into the service.
如果安伯发现任何有问题的地方,他有权让火车停止运营。My main job is to save movement of that train, as I have a lot of people in my hands, its couldnt be little never accidents times it could be learn ever accidents times.;我的主要工作是保障列车的运作,因为我还有许多人命在我手中,我不希望从事故中学到教训。;
On the subway of New York, train operators collide with dilemma, an inflexible schedule and an unpredicted metropolis.
安康长江医院泌尿科需要预约吗One Step Closer to Living Longer人类接近长寿的又一步D: You know, when I watch futuristic sci-fi movies, I notice everyone has a normal aging pattern. You dont encounter people who just having been107 years old. Thats probably a mistake.我看未来派科幻电影的时候,发觉里面的人物年龄都是很正常的,就像我们普通人一样,活不了特别长。在这种电影里,你根本就不可能会看到一个活到一百多岁的人。我个人觉得这有问题。Y: A mistake? Why?有问题?你又有何凭?D: Because science is giving us longer lifespans all the time. Researchers these days are even starting to understand how the body sends signals to itself, determining how it ages.因为科学一直以来都致力于延长人们寿命的研究。近日,又有了突破性的进展。Y: Now, that sounds like science fiction!这样听来倒真的像是科幻小说了!D: Its true. A study conducted by James Carey and his colleagues at the University of California, for example, found a link between how long a mouse lives and its ovaries.这可是真的。比如说吧,加利佛利亚大学的James Carey和他的同事们进行了一项研究,他们发现老鼠的寿命和它的卵巢有很大关联。Y: Its ovaries? What do they have to do with the aging?卵巢?卵巢和寿命会有什么关系啊?D: The researchers removed the ovaries of one set of mice when they were a few weeks old. Those mice didn’t live as long as mice who still had their ovaries. Another group of mice had their ovaries removed but got young ones later.The mice with the young ovaries implanted into them lived forty percent longer than the ones who kept their original ovaries, and sixty percent longer than the ones with no ovaries at all!研究人员准备了三组老鼠。在老鼠几星期大的时候,他们将一组老鼠的卵巢切除。结果表明,被切除卵巢的一组老鼠没有未被切除卵巢的一组老鼠长寿。另外还有一组老鼠被切除了卵巢,但后来又被植入了年轻的卵巢。被植入年轻卵巢的一组老鼠比未被切除卵巢的一组老鼠寿命长40%,比被切除卵巢的一组老鼠寿命整整长了60%!Y: Yalza! Sixty percent longer!?啊!60%!?D: Some chemical message is being sent from the ovaries to the rest of the body, telling it what stage of life it is in. By renewing their ovaries, the scientists were essentially able to set the clock back.卵巢可以将某些化学信息传送至身体的其他部分,生命究竟处于哪个阶段。科学家们再将卵巢植入老鼠体内,可以说是让时光倒流了。Y: So who wants mice to live longer?谁那么无聊,想要让老鼠长寿啊?D: Mice are just test. If we could understand how the body tells itself to age, maybe we could make other species live longer…like people.老鼠只是试验品。如果说我们能搞清楚老鼠的身体是怎样来发送有关年龄的信息的,有可能,我们就能使其他物种长寿些……比如,人类! /198
Science and Technology科技Combating addiction打舳抉Can a vaccine stop drug abuse?疫苗能阻止药物滥用吗?It may be possible to vaccinate people against addictive drugs人们也许能通过疫苗来阻止成瘾药物的使用THE idea of vaccinating drug addicts against their affliction is an intriguing one.对药物滥用者进行免疫来对抗他们受到的折磨是一个吸引人的课题。In principle, it should not be too hard.原理上,这应该不会太难。The immune system works, in part, by making antibodies that are specific to particular sorts of hostile molecule.免疫系统可以部分参与产生那些针对某些有害分子的抗体。Such antibodies recognise and attach themselves to these molecules, rendering them harmless.这些抗体可以识别并与那些有害分子结合,使他们变成对身体无害的物质。Vaccines work by presenting the immune system with novel targets, so that it can learn to react to them if it comes across them again.疫苗则是通过向免疫系统提供新的靶物质的方法起作用的,因此当免疫系统再次遇到这些物质时,它就会知道该如何作出反应。The problem is that the molecules antibodies recognise and react to are the big ones, such as proteins, that are characteristic of bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents.问题是抗体能识别和做出反应的分子是大分子,比如蛋白质,这是细菌,病毒和其他致病原的特征。Small molecules, such as drugs, go unnoticed.小分子,如毒品,就不被识别了。But not for much longer, if Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego has his way.如果位于圣迭戈斯克里普斯研究所的金-简达有解决办法的话,这种情况就能结束了。In a paper just published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Dr Janda and his colleagues suggest how a vaccine against methamphetamine, a popular street drug, might be made.在刚出版的一期《美国化学会会志》中,简达士在一篇论文中指出了一种对抗街上常见药--甲基苯丙胺的疫苗可以被合成的方法。If their method works, it would open the possibility of vaccinating people against other drugs, too.如果他们的方法凑效的话,那将使给人们注射疫苗来对抗其他药物成瘾成为可能。The idea of a methamphetamine vaccine is not new.甲基苯丙胺疫苗的想法并非什么新鲜事。The problem is getting the immune system to pay attention to a molecule that is such a small target.问题在于要使免疫系统对如此小的目标做出反应。The way that has been tried in the past is to build the vaccine from several components.之前曾尝试过的方法是利用几种物质共同构建疫苗。First, there is a large carrier protein that forms a platform for the target.首先,要有一个大的载体蛋白来构成给靶物质的平台。Then there is the target itself, a set of smaller molecules called haptens that are attached to the carrier.然后是与载体结合的靶物质本身,他们是一组叫做半抗原的较小的分子。These may either be the drug in question or some analogue of it that, for one reason or another, is reckoned to have a better chance of training the immune system.这些小分子可以是目标药物或其它一些类似物,他们有这样或那样的理由被认为能够更好地锻炼免疫系统。Finally, there is a chemical cocktail called an adjuvant that helps get the immune system to pay attention to the carrier protein and the haptens.最后,有一种叫做佐药的鸡尾酒帮助免疫系统对载体蛋白和半抗原做出反应。Dr Janda noticed that past experiments on methamphetamine vaccines had all revolved around tweaking either the carrier protein or the adjuvant, rather than tinkering with the haptens.简达士意识到过去对甲基苯丙胺的实验中,疫苗一直在周旋,使载体蛋白或佐药发生扭曲,而非与半抗原互补。He thought he might be able to change that, on the basis of work he had carried out previously, trying to design a vaccine against nicotine.他觉得基于之前所展开的工作,他有能力改善那种情况,并尝试设计出一种对抗尼古丁的疫苗。In particular, nicotine is a highly flexible molecule.尼古丁是一种尤其高活性的分子。That makes it hard for the immune system to recognise.这使得免疫系统难以识别它。To overcome this, his team on the nicotine project had to work out how to fix their haptens to the carrier protein in a way that rendered them less capable of twisting and turning, and thus made them easier for the immune system to identify.为了克这个问题,他的尼古丁项目的团队必须使他们的半抗原以一种特定方式与载体蛋白结合,从而使得这些蛋白不易扭曲反转,从而让免疫系统更容易识别。In the new study, Dr Janda and his colleagues report that they have performed a similar trick with methamphetamine haptens.在一篇新的研究中,简达士和他的同事指出他们用类似的方法处理甲基苯丙胺半抗原。They used computer models to visualise the haptens in three dimensions and thus work out how the molecules could be rearranged such that they could not spring, twist or turn when being examined by the immune system.他们利用电脑模型来展现三维半抗原并解决了分子重新排布的问题,使他们在免疫系统检查时无法弹出,扭曲,旋转。In light of this information they designed six new methamphetamine-like在该办法的启发下,他们设计出6种新的甲基苯丙胺样的半抗原。Once built, they attached the new hapten molecules to carrier proteins, mixed them with adjuvant, injected the results into mice and waited.一旦构建完成,他们把这些新的半抗原分子结合到载体蛋白上,并与佐药混合,注射进小鼠体内,等待结果。After several weeks they tested the mice to see if the animals blood contained antibodies to methamphetamine.数周后他们检测小鼠血液内是否含有甲基苯丙胺的抗体。Of the six new haptens, three successfully provoked the mice to make such antibodies.在6种新的半抗原中,其中3种成功刺激小鼠产生这些抗体。As a bonus, one of those three also stimulated the production of antibodies against another widely used drug, amphetamine.另外有一个意外收获,在那3种当中有一种可刺激产生另一种广泛使用的药物--苯丙安的抗体。That is still a long way from providing a working vaccine, but it is an important step forward.虽然距离能够供应疫苗的日子还有很长一段路要走,但这是前进中重要的一步。And if human immune systems react in the same way to the new vaccines as murine ones do, the day when a drug addict might be offered vaccination rather than opprobrium will have come a little closer.如果人类免疫系统对新疫苗的反应机制就像鼠科动物那样的话,药物成瘾的人获得的是疫苗而非外界辱骂的这一天的来临就更近了。 /081安康长江医院男性专科安康市妇幼保健院治疗早泄多少钱
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