
Feel Inadequate? How to Turn Lack into Love 感到信心不足吗?——怎样把缺失转变成爱
You suppose you are the trouble But you are the cure You suppose that you are the lock on the door But you are the key that opens it It’s too bad that you want to be someone else You don’t see your own face, your own beauty Yet, no face is more beautiful than yours. ~Rumi
你以为你是麻烦, 其实你就是解决麻烦的办法。 你以为你是门上的锁, 其实你就是打开它的钥匙。 想成为某个别人太不好了, 你看不见你自己的脸、你自己的美丽。 因为,没有任何一张脸比你的更美。。。 ~Rumi It is so easy to slip into feeling that we are not good enough. This is the world of “if only.” If only people liked me more, if only I had a partner, if only I weighed 10 pounds less. This sense of lack that many of us experience breaks my heart. I see exquisite beings all around me who somehow have tricked themselves into believing they are deficient or broken. How can this be? 我们很容易陷入这样的感觉中,觉得自己不够好。这是一个充满“如果”的世界。如果人们更喜欢我一些,如果我有一个伴侣,如果我再瘦10磅。。。这种很多人都体验的缺失感总让我心疼。我看到身边很多优秀的人,他们不知怎么搞的总认为自己有缺点或者不够好。 Lack is a state of mind, not the nature of our true essence. No one is born insufficient. As infants, we all arrived into this world brimming over with potential for fulfillment and open-heartedness. Take a look at this photo. Is anything missing or incomplete? This purity was you, is you, and remains as you. 缺失感是一种精神状态,而不是我们性格的真正本质。没有人一生下来就是不够好的。当我们还是婴儿的时候,我们都充满了可以发挥的潜力还有敞开的心扉。看看那些照片,有没有什么缺少的或不够好的?这个纯洁的孩子就是你,是你,现在仍然还是你。 The Origin of Lack 缺失感的来源 Through trying circumstances and inner struggles, we somehow conclude that we are inadequate. This is the birth of “if only” thinking. If only I were more or better or different, then I would receive the love I so desperately crave. 在经历了尝试的过程和内心的挣扎,我们最后断定我们不能胜任。这时“如果”这种想法诞生了。如果我有更多或者更好或者和别人不同,那么我就就能得到我渴望的爱。 And, oh, the havoc this pain wreaks on our lives. By trying to ignore it, we end up addicted, depressed, purposeless, confused, and stressed beyond belief. 然后,这种毁灭性的伤痛影响了我们的生活。为了努力忘掉这些伤痛,我们沉迷,沮丧,没有目标,迷茫,并且难以置信地紧张。 Wanting to get rid of this feeling of lack, of not being enough, simply doesn’t work. In fact, wishing it would disappear has the paradoxical result of making it stay. And trying to fill up the hole we feel – with relationships, food, busyness – is rarely successful for too long. 仅仅是想摆脱这种缺失、这种不够好的感觉是没用的。事实上相反的,希望它能消失结果却会让这种感觉继续留下来。而想要用恋爱、食物、忙碌来填补我们感觉到的空洞也很少能长时间有用。 The Healing Practice 恢复练习 How about a different approach? Lack is actually love disguised. We realize this truth by turning our attention directly into the feeling of lack. What does lack need? Love and attention. * Are you capable of love? * Can you choose where you focus your attention?
不如用用别的办法?缺失感其实是爱的伪装。我们可以通过把注意力转移到缺失的感觉上来发现这个真相。缺失需要的是什么?爱和关注。 你有能力去爱吗? 你能决定你的注意力放在哪里吗? Then you hold the key to your healing. Try this contemplation and see what happens.
1. Rather than getting caught in the feelings or telling yourself the same defeatist story, just for a moment, peak directly into the lack itself. Like a curious explorer, see what you notice. Maybe painful emotions or the sense of a sad and scared child. Maybe heaviness or constriction in different parts of your body.
2. Now, open up your heart to bathe each of these experiences in love. Each feeling, each distressing thought, each tension – flood them all to overflowing.
3. Repeat 1 and 2 whenever you feel like you aren’t good enough.
现在你找到恢复的钥匙了。试着做以下的思考,然后看看会发生什么。 1、与其被这种缺失感抓住或者告诉自己同样的失败主义者的故事,不如花一点时间,直接去找到缺失本身。就像一个好奇的探险家,去看看你注意到了什么。也许是痛苦的感情,或者感觉到一个悲伤的害怕的小孩。也许是你身体不同部分的沉重和压抑。 2、现在,打开你的心,用爱去洗涤每一件经历。每一种感觉,每一个痛苦悲伤的想法,每一次紧张——冲刷它们让它们浮起来并漂走。 3、在你感到自己不够好的时候,重复1和2的步骤。 Inadequate No More 不再没有信心 If you feel inadequate or incomplete, don’t wait for what you think you need from other people or the outside world. Don’t let yourself be a victim for one more second. The moments of your precious life are ticking away. Every time lack appears, give it what it needs – love and attention. 如果你感到信心不足或者不够好,不要去空等那些你觉得需要从其他人或外面世界得到的东西。不要再让你自己成为一个受害者。你宝贵的生命正一分一秒地溜走。每一次缺失感出现的时候,就给它想要的——爱和关注。 You may have noticed that this is a no-lose, no-fail strategy. You get to feel loving and loved at the same time. You give yourself exactly what you long for in unlimited supply. You no longer need to avoid your painful feelings, so you can make conscious choices that support your well being. You return to a state of wholeness and ease. Lack simply cannot hold up in the spotlight of love. 你可能已经注意到这是一个没有损失和失败的策略。你给出了爱的感觉也同时得到了爱。你源源不断地给了自己最渴望得到的东西。你不再需要逃避痛苦的感觉,所以你为自己的安康做了明智的选择。你回到了一个完整的舒适的状态。缺失感根本不能阻挡爱成为你关注的焦点。 Eckhart Tolle says, “Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world.” Allow all the painful places to come out of the shadows and embrace them in love. Your light will shine brightly for all the world to see. Eckhart Tolle说:你认为这个世界没有给你的,其实就是你没有给这个世界的。让所有痛苦的部分都从阴影里走出来吧,用爱去拥抱它们。你闪耀的光芒会让全世界都看到。 &
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&&|&&&&|&&&&|&& &&|&& &&|&&&&|&&小孩子的自信心不足,喜欢哭,怎么办?_百度宝宝知道拼高三信心足够,恒心不足怎么办?RT._作业帮
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&&& 答:问得好。为什么?太着急了。然后对自己信心还是不够。所以罚你把“勿自暴,勿自弃,圣与贤,可驯致”念五十遍,要把这句话念在心上。


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