
星期三 出版
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  俗话说,山中自有千年树,世上难逢百岁人。如今,越来越多的老人步入长寿队伍。我市目前共有219名百岁老人,他们究竟有什么长寿秘诀?是什么让他们在岁月磨砺中保持着健康?重阳节前夕,本报记者走访了我市两名百岁老人,一探百岁老人长寿的秘诀。  撰文/杨  芳&&邓贤志  摄影/宋福亮&&杨  芳  老人长寿秘诀  在采访中,记者接触过不少长寿老人,发现他们的长寿秘诀有诸多共同之处。  一、作息十分规律,不轻易打破生物钟,坚持早睡早起。饮食清淡,多吃蔬菜、水果。  二、劳作有度。有些老人虽一辈子辛苦劳作,但干活从不蛮干,将劳作的“度”把握得极好。  三、性格豁达,心情保持舒畅,凡事不计较,乐善好施,人际关系融洽。  四、对新鲜事物充满兴趣,有自己的兴趣爱好,锻炼了大脑。  五、坚持锻炼身体。散步、做针线活等都是老年人不同形式的锻炼方法。  六、儿女孝顺,家庭和睦。和谐的家庭氛围和子孙满堂的天伦之乐,都是老人感到幸福的重要因素。  101岁梁秀娟  脾气好也爱唠嗑  市区新华北路附近有不少老屋,十分静谧,一提起百岁老人梁秀娟,街坊邻里都会羡慕地说:“老人家都101岁了,身体好着呢!”  皱纹纵横如沟壑,枣红色针织帽下盖着一头银发,但爬满皱纹的脸上时常绽放着孩童般的灿烂笑容,眼睛充满神采。这是101岁的梁秀娟给记者的印象。从家里的院子进入屋内,要经过五级比较陡的石阶,梁秀娟虽步履蹒跚,但能独自拄着拐杖上台阶走到屋内。  “婆婆年轻时很讲究生活,一有不适,她会及时看医生。很独立,坚持自理。虽有专人照顾,但她坚持自理,每次都把自己拾掇得整整齐齐。”&已近80岁的儿媳林良媛说,家人曾带梁秀娟全面检查,老人身体很健康,这让一家人十分惊喜。  问及养生之道时,梁秀娟说,其实也没什么,只是饮食比较清淡。林良媛补充说:“老人爱吃鱼肉,而且食材必须是活鱼。”林良媛说,梁秀娟按时进餐,一天三顿都不会落下,且食量较大。老人作息十分规律,早上6点多起床,中午午睡一会,晚上9点多就按时睡觉。梁秀娟的脾气算好,凡事都还看得比较开,不会太计较,平时喜欢和邻里街坊唠唠嗑。  说起最大的爱好,大字不识几个的梁秀娟笑道,说自己喜欢去中山公园打牌。一说起打牌,梁秀娟立即让儿媳从屋内取出一盒扑克牌,并准确认出黑桃K。老人打了几十年的牌,如今每天基本上要玩上一会,牌桌上的梁秀娟思维敏捷,令家族晚辈都甘拜下风。  在梁秀娟来看,自己之所以长寿还有一个原因是家庭和睦,儿孙孝顺。家族中最大的是儿媳林良媛近80岁,最小的是林良媛的曾孙才1岁多。“婆婆的子孙也十分孝顺,时常来看她。我们就想让她开开心心度过晚年。我们都尽量满足婆婆的需求。”林良媛说。  102岁冯世涛  粗茶淡饭爱劳动  在江城区南排冯屋村,问起村里的长寿老人,村民们不约而同地提起一位勤劳的百岁老人——冯世涛。记者来到银湾小区冯世涛老人的大儿子冯实的家里,见到了早上被接来的102岁高龄的老人冯世涛。  冯世涛穿着一件黑色外套,静静地安坐在家门口,精神状态看起来很好,虽然听力不太好,但口齿清晰。他笑呵呵地赶忙让冯实招呼记者进家里坐。  因身子骨硬朗,生活能自理,也为不给儿子们添麻烦,多年来,冯世涛与老伴两人一直居住在南排冯屋村的平房内。“去年80多岁的婆婆去世后,为了方便照顾老人家,便叫公公过来和我们一起住,但公公执意独自住在旧居,坚持自己洗衣做饭。”大儿媳程丽芬说,五个家庭平时就轮流给公公买菜、煲汤。  “我公公最大的优点就是勤劳。”五儿媳谭德飞告诉记者,公公的长寿与勤劳有着直接的关系。公公出生在农村,一辈子都在与土地打交道,是一个劳动好手,直至90多岁时还养猪和种蔬菜到市场上卖。每天,老人除了给蔬菜浇水、施肥和除草,还挑着一担桶到村里收集剩菜剩饭喂猪。直到最近几年,家人考虑到老人确实年事已高不能再干那么多的体力活,在多次相劝之下,老人才极不情愿地不再种菜、养猪。  冯实认为,父亲长寿的另一原因是平时粗茶淡饭、不暴饮暴食,有好的人品,遇事总是乐观面对的生活态度。多年来,老人作息规律,每天都按时进餐,胃口也特别好,午餐吃稀饭,晚餐吃米饭、青菜、鱼和肉。  “父亲平时特别乐观,总是笑呵呵的,也从不和别人结怨。”冯实说,父亲身子骨一直很硬朗,基本没生过病,深秋十月还光着膀子干活,冬天最多3件衣服就能过冬,晚辈给他买的棉衣他不喜欢穿,说太臃肿,行动不便。  91岁老中医支招  “养生之道  ”  养生保健要从年轻时开始做  两位百岁老人都讲述了自己的长寿经,那从科学角度来说,读者又能从中获取到哪些有益的养生之道呢?  说起老中医曹南华,市民都不会感觉到陌生。曹南华1924年出生于平冈镇石庙村,早年师从伯父曹梓材,后得到名师罗元凯、邓铁涛教授真传。1963年学有所成的他进入阳江县人民医院中医科工作,两年后调入刚筹建的阳江县中医院,直到1983年春正式退休。数十年来,曹南华坚持利用空余时间钻研医学  典籍,先后在全国的医学杂志发表中医论文30多篇,并获得众多奖项。  虽已91岁高龄了,但曹南华依然精神矍铄、身体硬朗,每天还坚持看报纸,为病人把脉问诊。在家中晚辈看来,曹南华十分注重养生,爱喝牛奶,生活作息十分规律。“这几年因为腰椎动过手术,所以行动没有以前那么利索了!”曹南华笑道,以前他还喜欢四处走走,锻炼身体,“我喜欢看报纸获知时事,喜欢替人看病多思考,这使我脑力得到了锻炼。”  在一般人眼里,花甲之年就是养生之道的开始,但曹南华认为养生保健、防老抗衰应从年轻时就开始。现在年轻人有着很多不良生活方式,例如晚上不睡早上不起、整夜上网、长时间玩手机等,这些方式都不可取。年轻时就要拥有良好的睡眠习惯和饮食习惯,注重生活中的细节,为自己健康的未来奠定良好的基础。  善于养生的曹南华认为,保健养生应从精神、起居、饮食、运动等方面综合调养:应养成良好习惯,不吸烟,喝酒有节制,养成规律生活,早睡早起;平时饮食要规律,不暴饮暴食,饭菜以清淡为主,按时就餐,注意平衡营养;保持适宜的体育锻炼,应把握好“度”,持之以恒;保持乐观开朗精神状态,性格要豁达、心胸开阔。  上图:91岁的老中医曹南华注重养生爱看报纸。
阳江日报民生·社区B02保持一个好心态能使人长寿> 【答案带解析】好的心情可以使我们感到愉快、幸福。但是怎样才能保持一个好的心情呢?请你根据以下提...
好的心情可以使我们感到愉快、幸福。但是怎样才能保持一个好的心情呢?请你根据以下提示,以 How to keep a good mood 为题用英语写一篇短文:1. 保持健康;
2. 好好休息;3. 回忆过去令自己高兴的事情;4.多考虑事情的积极方面。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:好的方面 the positive aspect 
How to keep a good mood
A good mood makes us comfortable and happy. However, it’s not easy to keep a good mood especially when we’re faced with troubles. Then, how can we keep a good mood?
请修改下面的短文。短文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起)不记分。I will never forget my teacher Miss Lee, who is my English teacher when I was in high school. Miss Lee was younger, pretty and kind-hearted. That is hard for me to describe how she was like. However, she really had her own personalities. She let us to elect our monitor and decided where to go for an outing. Beside, she liked to have us solving problems by our own. And we made great progress quickly in our studies. It wasn’t long since most of us behaved properly because we found her a good friend who we could depend on. 
 1.She was intelligent but had a lack of ________(抱负)2.Tomorrow will be quite _______(适合的)3.Sunshine is _______(有益的) to plants.4.She has a strong _______(渴望) for knowledge.5.“What’s up ?” he asked in _______(惊恐地).6.After a four-year war, peace was________(宣告) at last.7.He had a ______(天赋) for music.8.I was a _______(目击者) to their quarrel.9.They ______(催促) us to go at once.10.Jack has _______(遗弃) his old car. 
David:You look so sad today, Lucy.What’s wrong with you?Lucy:I quarreled with my husband this morning.David:How come? You
(get) on quite well these years,right ?Lucy:He has recently got into the bad habit of smoking,believing that smoking is 2.
enjoyment.And I’m afraid his health will become worse
he doesn’t give it up.David:I think you can find some ways
(help) him kick the bad habit.Lucy:He always wants to quit,5.
it seems that he has been too addicted to smoking.David,can you help me?David:Try to get his attention
6. (take)away when he wants to smoke.For example, you can let him eat some biscuits instead when he wants to smoke.You can also try electronic cigarettes
7. are said to contain no harmful chemicals.Remember,
don’t expect him to give up smoking all at once.In other
.decrease the number slowly.Let him smoke
9. (little) day by day, and then he might be able to quit smoking for ever.Lucy:Sounds great! I will try it at once.David: By the way, I know a man who has 10.
(success) quit smoking. You can turn to him for advice if necessary. 
I’ve been keeping an English blog for many years. These practical tips have helped me over the course of my blogging.● Read quality books, blogs, journals, etc. which are written in English. Blogging is not always about writing.
Reading also improves your English comprehension, grammar, spelling, vocabulary and writing.● Practice helps, so continue writing.
Trying to make a perfect post (帖子) free from grammar and spelling mistakes is good but you’re not making use of your time efficiently (有效地).●
Think about the main points you want to raise. I prepare an outline of my post and a list of the points I want to talk about. Doing this has helped me stay on track and focus on my main points. The outline and the list of points I want to write about serve as my guidelines when I’m writing.● When writing, use simple words and sentences. Using simple sentences makes your job as a blogger easier.
Always remember this: The aim of your writing is to get your message across and the only way to become an effective writer is successfully conveying your message to your readers.● Write your posts ahead of time.
To free yourself from the pressure of making a post on daily basis, which might affect your writing, consider making your posts ahead of time.A. Also, it makes your posts more understandable to your readers.B. Welcome comments from your blog readers.C. There are benefits of daily blogging but if it becomes tiring, forget about it.D. Don’t be scared of making mistakes.E. Mistakes can be reduced with the help of your readers.F. You need to read to be able to write fluently.G. Prepare an outline of your post. 
In the past hundred years, the world’s attitude toward whales has changed a lot. The animals are no longer seen as frightening creatures and worldwide protection efforts have reduced whale hunting. Through careful observation, scientists have shown that whales are generally peaceful, playful creatures, and that they have a high level of intelligence.But even now, some behaviour of whales is still a mystery. A lot of information gathered by whale researchers has raised new puzzles about the animals. Whales’ communication is particularly difficult to understand. Male humpbacks (also known as bulls) give off a sequence (一连串) of low moans(呻吟), high screams and clicking noises. These noises are sometimes combined in songs that last as long as 30 minutes. And in a particular region, every male will sing the same song, making small changes every once in a while so that it evolves (逐渐形成) into a completely different song over time.This behavior seems to be related to reproduction. During the mating (交配) season, a male humpback starts the long song sequence, stopping only to join a passing female whale (also known as a cow). Eventually, the bull and the cow may dive deep into the ocean, probably to mate. Male humpbacks’ songs are similar to what birds display to attract mates (配偶), except that the sound carries over many miles, attracting some other male humpbacks in the area. It’s very odd that a male would call his own competition to him, unless he actually wanted to test his strength against others. Some whale researchers believe that the songs are actually acoustic (听觉的) contests of strength.1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?A. We used to have wrong ideas about whales.B. Whales are in danger of dying out today.C. Whales have always been considered as fierce creatures.D. Whales are only protected in some parts of the world.2.We can learn from the second paragraph that
.A. male whales and female whales both sing songsB. people can’t fully understand whales’ communicationC. people only understand the songs of male whalesD. the songs of male whales never change3.The last paragraph suggests that male humpbacks sing songs most probably to
.A. find their own family membersB. work together with others to huntC. compete against other male humpbacksD. frighten away other male humpbacks 
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